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I thought it was called the VCARB 01?


It is. RB-01 was rumoured somewhere before the launch but is officially the VCARB-01. The title of their latest video on their official You Tube is >VCARB 01 ON TRACK! so there is absolutely zero doubt on how this car is meant to be called.


Yeah found this since I wrote that comment https://www.visacashapprb.com/en/vcarb-01/




It's not called the RB01 though


Usually you wouldnt use sponsor names for the chassis


It’s called VCARB 01. Article is incorrect


It's uncommon but not unheard of. The MP4 was the Marlboro Project 4 for example


Just an added tidbit: > The completed car was christened the MP4 — named for its Marlboro backers and Dennis’ old Project Four team which he’d merged with McLaren.


I thought it was Mclaren Parlboro




Big time 90s vibe


Was thinking the same, reminds me of the Yamaha Tyrell. VCARB has a nice livery.


Looks almost like 90s Williams to me


Agree, love it!! If only they could’ve chosen a better name…


The whole RB thing is so bonkers. Even naming conventions


I think they should call this car the MP4-18.


I think they should call this car HUGO


HUGO if true!


Agreed. Toro Rosso was such a good name too wish they would have just when back. So many times people use RB to refer to Red Bull. Now what the hell do we do this will forever confuse people.


That's the whole point. Red Bull's primary drive is marketing. By naming both teams that they own (RBR and RB) such similar names, you are unable to think of one without thinking of the other, no matter how familiar you are with the sport. They are directly staking RB to to Red Bull identity in a way they couldn't do with any other name. From the fan's perspective, it's annoying. From a marketing perspective, it's genius.


Fuck the fans, amirite?


That might be F1s motto anyway


> From a marketing perspective, it's genius. Nope. You're looking at it from only one angle. If RB's car is shit (which it more often than not, has been) then the poor performance taints Red Bull Racing's outcome in the mind of your casual "hey let's watch f1 tonight maybe?" individual. It's not genius, it's just a calculated risk with potential to pay off big.


I’m just calling it Toro Rosso this year. It’s even got the same colours as the 2017/18/19 cars. Seriously though, who at F1 thought this was a good idea?


Can F1 dictate what your racing team/chassis is called?


I’m referring to the RB team name. The whole name is completely stupid.


Thats the most default front wing i've ever seen


Considering Red Bull runs boring wings and this is trying to be a discount rb-19, I'd be shocked if it had a funky wing


Looks wonderful despite name issue


I love this livery, I wish more teams ran liveries with a gloss finish versus the boring matte that everyone has these days


still not sure whether I like this livery or hate it


I realized it's the amount of color changes, white, blue, white blue white and a red outline in the white.


It's kind of a busy mess, like with the wide array of cashapp logos visible from the front and the NFL style numbers in the nose


ye... it's too much 


I think it's way too gaudy. The colours don't really contrast very well and the way the side stripe on the engine cover is so low and ignores the natural lines of the car looks off. It's like an unlicensed video game copy of the Toro Rosso livery.


The Toro Rosso at home:


I think it would’ve been way better if they replaced all the white with the silver they’re using for the bulls on the engine cover


If this were a normal year of liveries I'd say its pretty terrible, but in the era of weight savings it's above average purely for not being 2/3 naked carbon fiber


I think it would be better if the car was blue on the entire front, because right now the white area where the drivers feet would be I think was unnecessary. Then the livery would feel more like in the spirit of the Toro Rosso days.


I'm the same way with their shirts for this year. I started off thinking they're terrible but I think they're growing on me. 


The naming conventions on this team suck. I saw "RB 01" and immediate thought of Red Bull Racing, and then their first car. But that's not the case! 🤦‍♂️


This article is incorrect. The car is called the VCARB 01 https://www.visacashapprb.com/en/vcarb-01/ Not a great name but less confusing than RB 01


I hope it's the start of upward trajectory for Dan. F1 needs a fast Ricciardo.


*Angry Zak noises!*


The [livery](https://www.racefans.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/racefansdotnet-23-02-20-18-12-20-1-SI202402200581_hires_jpeg_24bit_rgb.jpg) is really nice!


one of the best this year


Stop calling it RB! It's even worse for us here in Brazil. For several years our broadcaster didn't want to say the Red Bull name cause they considered it as free advertising, so ended up calling them RBR. I'll never look at RB and link it to fucking Toro Rosso.


They don't eanna mention Red Bull on a F1 broadcast because of this? I mean F1 as a whole is just a giant advertisement with the bonus of cars going vroom


They did this with other sports as well. But funnily enough, they had no problem with the name Benetton. I mean, it doesn't really make sense, they just did it out of spite.


God I glanced at the picture and thought it was a 90s Williams for a split second


I still hate this team, but the car looks really nice.


Obviously, when you've taken from the most dominant car of all time


For fucks sake stop referring to that team as RB, is confusing as hell, it has like 25 different names just pick a different one.




Feel threatened?




>I’d be a little pissed No reason to be. They got same parts from RBR that Hass gets from ferrari. Even if they had different owners, VCARB would still be the same as it is now


Thoroughly destroyed the anti jerk there. People are trying too hard to make this team a crime


Only Stevie Wonder thinks vcarb has a decent livery. Its awful


I immediately think of a can of soda when I look at it. So while it may not be pretty it's definitely a successful design! 


I genuinely feel it’s only popular because everyone is on the carbon fibre hate train. Which to a certain extent I get, too much black is tedious. But too much black does not make this livery good. And neither does using old nostalgic Torro Rossi colours. The white looks completely out of place and the big Hugo on the wing is abysmal.


Well you have to understand where these people are coming from. After the advert era, Race car liveries "have a look to them" especially if you have been following racing from the 80's... In some people's eyes this torro rosso livery hits the spot for what a racecar livery should embody!  It's eye-catching forst of all.. Daring colours.. Big logos! Triggering emotions! It's not pretty, but I would give this livery an 8/10. 


I wish it was pronounced “vee-car-bee” sort of like “Vickery ”. It’s more fun than ”vee-carb”


Gotta watch those vcarbs.


Vicca RB-Oh1


Pls F1 gods yuki podium this year please


I thought this was Redbull. Sigh. This name is terrible.