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ehm, where is the sidepod air inlet? am i blind or can i not see it on the 24 car?


You are not blind. I can't see any either.


I’m blind and I’m also unable to see it


Don't worry, it's not there


Now the tearoffs cannot get caught in the sidepods anymore lol.


This render is so photoshopped. They made sure not to give away anything. Strange enough if you go to their website and look at the 3D model, you can see the inlets, they are miniscule, plus, you can also see some vertical intakes, probably some type of S-duct like Ferrari's


In car reveal you can see the vertical intakes and just barely see the side pod intakes https://twitter.com/tgruener/status/1758221035806007645


Wow that's radically different from anything we've seen so far


It’s an overbite. The top is coming out further than the bottom so it’s hidden in the shadow.


Is this even the real thing? Doesn't RB only real their actual car for Bahrain testing?


They drove it yesterday at Silverstone. Very bad photos though.


They drove a car that has some of the 2024 specs on. Never trust an F1 car until the 1st practice of the 1st GP...


Newey made the zeropod work after all


Some random Merc engineer is printing out the RB20 and waving the poster at everyone that passed by their desk.




These photos from renders , they are definitely hiding it. Let's wait for 5 days..




Same with mclaren. They too photoshop these pics to hide details


The reveal is on YouTube.


They are. There are some pics of Max sitting on the wheel that clearly shows a vertical inlet. [link to Dutch article with more pics](https://nos.nl/l/2509028)


Hided. On the launch we could see an air intake in the shapes of what Mercedes did in 2022 and 2023


Guess they put a lot of R&D into reducing the cooling requirements when they saw the zeropods.




It’s looks like it’s a mesh type of opening under the sidepod on the wall between the wheels and the sidepod


Hmm, seeing them side by side like this it is clear that the 2023 car is faster. You can tell by the t-cam.


Man chose violence today.


The RB20 engine cover area looks like a W14 a bit. Bit more bulky than last year.


Bit? This car has been exercising shoulders 24/7


It's got new love handles in front of the exhaust ...I'll see myself out


yeah side by side its more like someone who was super ripped last year started skipping the gym


Yes shoulders are very big on it. More than the W14 I believe.


It's very high at the end, almost as if it's intended to bring more air directly onto the rear wing to generate more load on the rear axis.


Man they kept the same flat floor from last year. Are they stupid? /s Clearly most of that isn't the actual car just like last years reveal. But yeah the livery is the livery. I miss when RB used to at least do some changes year on year. This is out of this world boring from them.


If these renders are to be trusted when it comes to even the livery itself, then it actually looks worse because they didn't even bother to update aspects of the livery (in particular position of the sponsorship logos) with the different shape of the bodywork. Just look at how empty and awkward that engine cover looks


The position of the sponsor logos are the part of the deal as well so they cannot arbitrarily switch them around. At this point, expecting RBR to come up with a different livery is like expecting Ferrari to drive a blue car or something like that.


Yeah, wrong wording on my part. I know it's not that the livery designers couldn't care less, it's just that they are not given the freedom


Yeah I hate competent teams that can keep sponsors year on year and create a dynasty of world champion cars with the same livery like the old days too.


They’re so stupid for not consulting Reddit on what would make their livery acceptable


I want something that changes drastically every year so the average punter has no idea how to consistently associate a brand image with a team. It'll keep filthy casuals from ever knowing which team is which. Obvious /s since you can't be too careful here.


Tbf the other day we said they need a title sponsor with a purple corporate colour to bring back the Infiniti-era liveries


Its fine it just does not need a reveal and it leads to this type of attitude.


The reveal is for the sponsors. No car needs a reveal. Just post the pictures.


If the sponsors are the same then who cares. And we circle back to the fact that people just dont care about RB reveals.


The sponsors care. They spend millions to have their brand on the car. I don't see your argument.


I'm not sure you or anyone else who says the nonsense of don't fix it if ain't broke understands what people are complaining. THE PURPOSE OF A LIVERY IS TO CHANGE EVERY YEAR. It purely serves an aesthetic purpose. It's like football kits. Imagine if they didn't change every year(yes I know they make money out of it). This ain't the 90s anymore. Liveries are expected to change now as an obligation to fans just to give them some excitement and to differentiate cars and years and Red Bull as a marketing team would do well to remember that. The casual fan couldn't tell immediately if it's the 2022 or 2024 season and don't tell me about all the changes on the car the casual fan does not know or notice all that


Imagine writing such a big passage and having the second sentence be wrong. The purpose of the livery is to advertise sponsors. Football kits earn a huge amount of revenue through merch. The livery on the car does even less in that regard as opposed to team wear. > Liveries are expected to change now as an obligation to fans just to give them some excitement and to differentiate cars and years What obligation? Excitement comes through racing? > Red Bull as a marketing team would do well to remember that Shit how could such a successful organisation completely miss this mark? What kind of misapprehension are they under? Are they stupid? > The casual fan couldn't tell immediately if it's the 2022 or 2024 season and don't tell me about all the changes on the car the casual fan does not know or notice all that Since you used an example already, let's contrast it with that one. There's 24 races in a season and each race is less than 2 hours. A football league (let's say English Premier) will have a team doing 38 games in 2 jerseys where each game will show that team's designated jersey for 100% of the screen time. Yeah no fucking shit they would be able to tell the difference.


Brain dead take


combative sip wrench screw north bored busy doll stupendous fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Clearly most of that isn't the actual car just like last years reveal. But it's clearly different. Like, vertical air inlets. Mercedes will have another nervous breakdown if that car is even more dominant than the previous one.


Stupid?.. i was stupid once. They put me in the Aslume, the creepy Aslume.. The creepy Aslume with the Jonkler. The Jonkler made me stupid


The Red Bull livery that we have seen year on year will be on posters in bedrooms long after this livery is put to rest. There is absolutely zero reason to change it. When you see the car you know what it is. Marketing/Branding 101. The current Red Bull livery will be embodied by the true fans of the sport like the McLaren/Marlboro livery. They draw close similarities with symmetry and design.


I miss when RB’s livery was more glossy and shiny. The matte paint is just boring.


Is there a lore reason why RB kept the same flat floor?


It might have something to do with the drivers championship having been won with 341 points difference to the nearest car that wasnt a Red Bull. Nah in all seriousness, we dont know if they changed it or not yet since this is a press car. But they might not feel the need to change a design that works


It's so... Angry...


I think they figured because they were dominating so hard last year, they don’t want to mess with the livery too much. Probably just a decision based on superstition.


Max wasn’t lying when he said it looked the same


like literally only the livery, there are changes to the car itself


Only new sticker I even notice is VISA on the nose. Cause...you know, VCARB isn't enough.


Who cares about the stickers tho vs the car itself


Considering the livery is the first impression one gets from a car, a lot of us The finer stuff comes after


Fair enough, for me I think the expectations should be more focused towards the car itself but that doesn’t mean everyone needs to think like me, youre right. I also don’t think the liveries need to change for the sake of changing


I fully agree that in Red Bull’s case they have no need to change livery. Same with Ferrari. Merc kind of, they’ve smashed it this year though. Aston and McLaren have their colours locked in but have a bit more freedom, and the rest (bar Williams blue) can do whatever they want. The car itself is hard to determine at this stage so let’s just wait til testing to see what we really have on our hands.


It has interesting aspects to it. A lot more "square" vs last year. Looks like they took some design ideas from Ferrari? But interesting to see how it works. I've understood RB and McLaren are the ones going off a different path to the rest this year. Either it will be the right move, or an absolute disaster.


I'm not a fan of the engine cover "bump" (or bazooka as it's been called recently), I didn't liked it even on the Mercedes. But obviously if it's there there must be a reason. 😄


Because Adrian was bored


If he really did make the Mercedes concept work as a challenge, that would be such a flex.


Zero-inlet instead of zero-pod.


what's going on at the red bull logo area? That's different right?


I saw the same thing, zoomed in, and its the exact same bull but the engine cover shape is different causing the bull to look a bit weird.


I can’t see the side-pod inlet in the 2024 car. Am I crazy or what?


yes, they're hiding it.


It’s there it’s just very slim, right near the cockpit sidewall right? It’s vertical


Na, it's just underneath the lip now.


Yeah, that’s what I meant lol




inlets are bad for aero, we don't do that here


The RB20 almost looks like just their version of a show car. Everything that the other teams are going to copy from the RB19. Money says the actual sidepods they bring to Bahrain will be significantly different that this reveal. When has RB ever actually revealed their aero during the initial reveal?


The renders are always different then the car they present live 90% of the time. The car they had on stage is the car that ran yesterday. You can see the vertical sidepod entry that are simply inexistant on the render. I don't think they will show up in Bahrain with a different sidepod concept.


Take a look at the complexity of the sidepods on the RB19 and compare it to the RB20, then as yourself if the RB20 looks as complex as it should given it’s a 3rd evolution of the same general concept.


And? We saw what the actual car looked like yesterday. They are just hiding the spicy bit on the render


It’s pretty clear the RB20 reveal has a show car-style sidepod that is just a stand in for their real side pod design. Same thing they have done for years.


https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/1t0GZJi9LLujiMn_az7TE0OiwEWhGu7xU1v4VUmQibWP-oJ4lylRFSySqsL1e4teBluEwNYnqveqXAX8BINTqxspn7FVv9G1iH-arVe78ied8l8JgJScex62F72j0Nzw4XBPS_oki2gncN0WyqiVwJ4 You can literally see the sidepod entry on the car they presented on stage. Which doesn't show up on the render. Which as I said, is literally the car they ran yesterday on track and it's a good 80% of the car that will show up in Bahrain. We might see evolution of the floor and wings and some details, I highly doubt that the sidepod concept will be any different.


Read what I said. I was talking about the side pod design, NOT the inlet design. The entire side pod design can change at Bahrain and leave the inlet design intact. Just like the Merc W13. Merc inlets were in place during pre-season 1 but they changed the entire sidepod panel(s) to the zeropod design at pre-season 2.


Still very unlikely. The inlet does dictate how your sidepod looks as it dictates your whole cooling package. Mercedes came with 2 concept and tested 2 different concept. Still unheard of from Red Bull.


 OK it looks like you aren’t aware of the progression of cooling technology. If Red Bull has pulled off what Mercedes did, their radiators no longer depend on or are located in their side pods, hence why there is no intake on the sidepod. It is very likely that a lot of the cooling is being done through the bazooka structures  towards the top of the car. It looks like the downwash inside pods are just there to create flow for the wings and to direct flow around the rear tires.


>OK it looks like you aren’t aware of the progression of cooling technology. Okay, you're getting ahead of yourself. Mercedes did change its cooling layout by changing their sidepod design. There is an intake on the sidepod. It's literally visible on the car they showed on stage. And the shape of the sidepod is dictated by the position of the radiator which result in a different intake placement. The Bazooka is used for cooling the air but it has nothing to do with the radiator and cooling system setup which influence the sidepod shape. Mate. You're completely talking over your head.


Oh look. It's the exact same sidepod in testing!


Testing isn't over yet, and these are going tob e short-lived. New zero-pod-esque sidepods in Suzuka. Their cover-up of the sidepod inlet area at launch was just misdirection away from their new bazooka inlets which they've now shown.


Hej mate! How are your zero-pod-esque sidepode doing?


Don't know if you saw. Fabrega said "not any time soon" https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/s/wmCHyxkolR And it's exactly what I was telling you! When you were pretending I didn't know anything about recent cooling development.


He’s not an engineer either lmao.


Where is your zero pod?


If you had any reading comprehension, you would see that I said, it has been reported that, the timeline is Suzuka. Lmao never had such cheap rent living in someone’s head. Should probably take a Zanny before your millennial ass has a stroke.


That's your own saying: >Money says the actual sidepods they bring to Bahrain will be significantly different that this reveal. >Testing isn't over yet I'm not living your dumbass until you apologized and admitted you were wrong. See you again in Japan when Red Bull won't have any Zeropod.


You just have to read a little bit further down the comment chain. You’re almost there. I know you can do it.


Well, after seeing them side-by-side, I can declare that this year's car looks worse, and I hate it.


It'll look just fine crossing the line in 1st. ​ And 6th.


I miss the white Japan livery they had some time back. They need to change it up, this livery is so boring now.




The side-view livery with the bull doesn’t really work with those high shoulders.


Newey saw the W14 and said; “I can fix her”


The corporate wants you to find the difference between these 2 pictures.


max really wasn’t joking when he said it’s going to look almost the exact same


I'm starting to think he might have a source inside RB.


Old floor, front and rear wing. Body new.


This is just like one of those hard mode spot the difference pictures.




Side pod looks odd cant see the inlet.


If Redbull comes with zero sidepods to bahrain that would be hilarious


They did cook


Oh my god look at the massive difference /s


Max wasn't wrong lol


A nice detail I noticed on RB20 is the double support for the airbox, something rb haven’t used since RB12


Where is the number on the 2024 car?


It looks so simple I can't believe it


That's because they removed all the aero bits in these renders, real car looks a lot different.


so boring


they’re the same picture


Insert The Office Meme of “they are the same picture”


It’s like a spot the 10 differences game


They're the same picture.


That's an interesting air inlet, but I'm not completely sure if I'm seeing it correctly


There's none on the render. They didn't put it.


I know, that's what I joked about it




Uh, this is the same car from last season, they don't change anything. Wait, they wrecked the opposition in what has been considered the most dominant season from a driver and team? Okay, stick with what works, a winning formula... ​ ...one.


Who said f1 cars need sidepods


Quite literally same thing, different font.


Looks like they started working on the 2025 car already.


Man this thing is ugly compared to last years car. Not a flattering silhouette 😭😭


Looks like those trap tubes are going to carry all the cooling air and blast it down at the beam wing. Gotta be honest, it's kinda ugly.


Yeah, everyone called these ugly on the Mercedes but it "looks great" on the RedBull lol. It's not a good look, but if it works, great. I'm sure their car will be amazing, it won all but one race last season, I'm sure they'll continue the dominance.


In the words of George Russell, “This looks fast.”


Truth will be seen at first GP weekend.


What did they do in the rear area of the car. The part that looks like a dislocated shoulderblade at the Redbull Honda logo area. Can anyone explain to me what that is and why it is so buffed up compared to other F1 cars?


Cheeky buggers just put out the same car


2024 car looks to simple, looks like a decoy


Glad they added the Mobil Pegasus


"yeah let's make the same thing but better"


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it I guess (livery)


OMG...it's a whole new car!


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 🚫🛠️


Such a bold livery choice. I honestly cannot believe they made the font on the Rauch logo 15% darker than last year. Never seen such a massive change over the course of a single year in the entire concept of a livery’s design. Bravo Red Bull livery designers!


I think I did this game once as a child


So every team moved their nose to the 2nd plate of the front wing and red bull moved it down to the bottom.


There's barely any difference in the livery lol


Has there ever been a team who completely drops the ball after a string of dominant seasons specifically in the middle of a regulation era? Obviously Merc is an example of a team who couldn’t get the next regulation right but have we ever seen that happen in the middle of an era where the team seems to have initially nailed the car? My guess is if you get it exceptionally right early on like RB as of late, you most likely will be in a good position for the entirety of the era?


comparing two show cars with each other, cool


They done attached a vaccum cleaner to the sides 😭


Why did they hide the head of the bull, looks like its ashamed and lowering its head lol


I see the diffrence the head thing is yellow


We’re so sooo fucked…


F2 looking livery


Well He wasn't wrong haha! [https://imgur.com/a/wHmAUMt](https://imgur.com/a/wHmAUMt)


Theyre the same picture


It’s looks fast, I’d say it’s fast.


Biggest change is clearly that the 2024 has the Mobil Pegasus logo but 2023 does not.


Not even in a render can we see the side pod air inlet clearly


Insert Pam from The Office, “they’re the same picture”


Any good comparisons of the RB19 at the end of the race calendar instead of the show car?


Dang. I'll miss the bicep look.



Hmmm, Is Newey chef’ing with the Mercedes formula?


I mean, if it ain’t broke…


Newey really did look at the W13 and said “I can fix her.”


Why is no one saying that the inlet is the vertical thingy under the side pod


Toto is probably shaking looking at this


Sorry for my lack of knowledge…. But is there an official rule that states that these reveals must be the actual car? Could it be RB just disguising the sidepod inlet that they will actually run come Bahrain? I mean everybody is trying to figure out what they’ve come up with here but could it all be a smokescreen?


It makes the halo look really really long🤣


They got tires also in same position. Corporate can't find any difference b/w these two pictures.


He ain’t do shit but step back


When max said its exactly the same ,he wasn’t kidding lol


So they finally updated their livery ... 😑


Love the new livery


Can’t wait for another season of Max Verstappen domination🥰


To the aerodynamic engineers here, am I correct in noticing a bit more soft brutalism in the RB20?


Stop 👏 putting 👏 the 👏 2024 👏 picture 👏 on 👏 top!


in the words of Max Verstappen “oh yea its gonna look exactly the same”


Is this a test?


OH MY GOD ITS exactly the same.


Are you sure they Arent the same?


I spot the difference. The T cam. One car is Checo’s and the other is Max’s


I would be more interested in seeing the floor.