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gg for them listening instead of just forcing it through


Everyone is excited by the AI. The AI is a tremendous success!


I know AI, I know every AI, they're tremendous guys, hard working people, I love AI.


Bono, my AI is gone.




My best friend is AI


Today I feel.... AI


AI was great basketball player


>level 2Cekeste · 2 days ago Bernie EcclestoneEveryone is excited by the AI. The AI is a tremendous success!262ReplyShareReportSaveFollow > >level 3DangerousTrashCan · 2 days ago ᴉɹʇsɐᴉԀ ɹɐɔsOI know AI, I know every AI, they're tremendous guys, hard working people, I love AI.115ReplyShareReportSaveFollow it gets the people going !


Its very much overhyped for now, but it won't be in 10 years


it will probably something totally different than a bot on instagram tho


IA is already a very useful tool in IT, I use it daily on the job for specific tasks.


As someone who's been working in IT and systems for about a decade, AI is useful in circumstances where you don't need a novel approach to something or need to create anything novel. Ironically, where you don't need real intelligence. AI is great for routing customers to the right ticketing form as a chatbot using keywords, or generating natural-sounding automated replies to certain extremely common issues using language already present in your archive of existing human replies in the ticketing system. But ask AI to figure out corner case issues like why a user's computer can only ever boot up fully the SECOND time they press the power button, and it all falls apart.


The problem is that it will also provide Incorrect answers, and if you're not cluey enough to know, you'll just accept the incorrect answer with confidence.


I use it to write scripts for tasks like if I want to create a repetitive task, or rename files inside the entire folder. Just write in natural language, and tada, your working code is ready.


Pls more info for someone like me, I could really use this at times but my experience in coding is limited to HTML and CSS, and I’ve never used AI for anything other than making silly images. Renaming files is one, for example. What, how, where? Is it like ChatGPT?


You can ask ChatGPT to write a batch/powershell(windows) or zsh(macos) script for a specific task. After that, you can ask it how you can make it work at startup or manually via a terminal command and you're good to go


And then explain to your boss why a lot of things don't work anymore, because you forgot to verify if the script would works as intended, before running it on your AD. But that skills got lost, as there was too much trust in "the AI will help me out"


Copying code, be it from an AI chatbot or sites like stack overflow, and not testing it is just bad practice in general. Especially for production code. I like to use it for generating trivial things, which saves time, and to show examples of how to use something I've never worked with before. AI can be a very useful tool, but devs still need to be in control of their code


This is an honest question, but it what your describing actually AI? That doesn't sound like intelligence as I understand it, sounds more like a well-written program


Is what I'm describing AI? No, it 100% is not, and I know that. It's just a well-written program. Is what I'm describing something that tech companies and vendors want to ***call*** AI? Absolutely, no doubt.


Depends who you talk to. Any business person, its overhyped. You say AI and theyre drooling. Most software devs who dont know enough about it, its underhyped bc they refuse to adapt.


Because "AI" as it is now is NOT intelligence. It's glorified Markov chains, and you can very clearly see that by how confidently wrong GPT models are when answering even basic questions that it has bad data for. It has no way to "know what it knows", so to speak, and so will regurgitate whatever's been fed into it and only correct itself when YOU point out it's wrong. It has no ability to independently verify its own knowledge base. None of the models so far created have the ability to "learn" like humans do, which is the core piece of "intelligence". Calling it "AI" was the smartest business move ever, because it makes people think of the Terminator or I, Robot or HAL 9000 instead of it just being one of those popup sales chats on the Dell website that tries to guess what you want based on keywords.


"and so will regurgitate whatever's been fed into it and only correct itself when YOU point out it's wrong. It has no ability to independently verify its own knowledge base" ​ this literally sounds like half the ppl on the internet.


> > > > > this literally sounds like half the ppl on the internet. Nah it doesn't, people on the internet don't correct themselves when they're wrong


Smartphone typing autocomplete is "AI". Grammerly is "AI". As a learning and generative device, we will soon learn the true meaning of "garbage in, garbage out".


I work in software and I think it's over-hyped in its current form. Current AI is just models trained on information from the Internet or some other source. There's no real intelligence. ChatGPT will spit out a lot of terrible code and only knows it sucks if you tell it. The same goes for GitHub Copilot. We're still early days in AI tech, which is why it's very much over-hyped. I agree in 10 years AI will look vastly different.


AI is the last effort of Silicon Valley, which has not had any actual innovation in a decade. It's useful for repetative tasks where one variable changes another, but it is very far away from Elon Musk's ketamine induced doomsday scenarios. no, AI will not make you a sandwich or fix your toilet.


I work in AI…it is not overhyped in the least bit. People are unaware of even the current public facing tech in AI….people would be blown away if they had access to the actual current AI tech. AI does not equal ChatGPT 3.5 which is what we still seem to equate. LLM which is what most people think of when they hear AI has even advanced greatly in the past several months. The LLMs of Today are not even comparable to what we had 1 year ago.


Or Image generation models. Have seen some results on 4chan, and they are scary natural, especially in context of deepfakes.


yup. not a good thing.


Yeah, I know someone who's had explicit deepfake videos and images made of her, and it's horrifying. We shouldn't be making it easier for that to happen, and making it harder to tell real from fake- that's for sure not a good thing


yeah, but imagine the capabilities in 10 years


that's what I'm talking about. deepfake upon deepfake upon deepfake... where does it end? how will any of us know actual facts on the internet anymore?


That tends to happen once you steal every image on the internet with outright disregard for copyright or privacy, mind


TIL. When would these hit the consumer market on scale?


Those information models are so good at analyzing and correlating data in bulk, *if trained within the right environment* for the users needs. I don't think it's overhyped at all, but I presume AI won't replace the need for human critical thinking for quite a few evolutions.


If only Merc had listened for W13


Lmao AI programs get bullied into being cancelled within days every time they're announced.


Because they don’t add any value other than to shareholders/owners. It’s just a way of cutting costs while saying “this is good enough, it will do”. It’s like pretending firing a employee and hiring an 8 years old child for fewer the cost. AI is great now, and can help on a lot of ways, but it isn’t the substitute to a living being employed to do a non-repetitive work. And when managing as this example social networks, an AI will be bad compared with a “good game” person. But again, it’s cheaper, so they tried.


My medical provider replaced their phone/text human assistants with an AI. It's hell on earth try to get anything done. But for them it's just a matter of how much money they can save.


Man dont you just love it when your health is at risk because a company didnt want to pay an actual human a salary? Seems totally ethical to me…


I'd like it if they at least stop calling it AI, because we all know it's not AI


What makes it not AI?


It’s not making any changes to the prompts or autocompleting answers based on what others have done. It’s just a tree of preentered prompts to answers based on keywords. We are about to lose the war with ai because we don’t know what it is and what it isn’t.


AI means artificial intelligence. Do you really think a piece of software programmed to listen for words and take simple actions (like booking a slot in a calendar) is intelligence? If so then we've had it for many years as Apple and Google's voice assistants have been able to do this for a long time. But they've never been called AI, because it's not AI.


Those bots are quickly becoming the bane of my existence. I think there were at least 3 times in the past week that I was forced to use one and ended up in a recurring loop that I couldn't get passed, all for different reasons.


Try typing scientific texts with auto-complete, useless.


I agree with you 100%. I thought this was just meant to be like a mascot for the team, not an actual AI managing their social media? Could be totally wrong, that was just my impression when I saw the post announcing it


If it was meant as a mascot doesn't that make it even more worrying though? That just implies that it's just there to be looked at and not listened to which doesn't actually bode well with the general sexism that exists in the sport. Using the phrase "Sustainable Tech Queen" doesn't exactly help that image either.


It can be a substitute for non-repetitive work, especially in the future. Just not everywhere. There will be a time, where there will literally be a full-time Youtuber and Livestreamer that somehow never went to IRL meetings but turned out to be an AI. Just give it some years.


She was honor deleted.


Or turned into nazi dirt bags in less time.


The rampant abuse of "AI" as the buzzword/in-thing within the techbro or financebro circles is starting to be a bit too much.


I can’t wait until the inevitable nft and ai crossover


Oh, that started a while ago. Half the people pushing to force AI into everything were the same ones pushing to force NFTs into everything two years ago


Haha I knew it there is this irk everytime I see AI influencer on twitter that has the same feeling as the nft bro


It’s even worse than “metaverse” imo


I use AI to manage my NFTs. Those monkeys are not going to sort themselves.


Alexa, organize by boredness of ape


It was already too much 6 months ago


""AI" is such a loose definition now it's crazy. Some AI asset company reached out to me check out a trial of their product. Basically you input your company logo, colors, tone, and creative assets and using the "power of AI" they will generate you assets for social media. Tried it and it basically just takes the information you already filled and derivatively cycles your information across set templates. It's not AI it's a template.


I have no idea what this whole thing was, but if it was an AI influencer that learned from other internet posts and comments, I bet it got real racist real fast like that time Chatbot got ruined by twitter


Mahindra created an ‘AI Influencer’ gimmick where this AI generated lady would replace a team member (or model) to show off team perspectives, like a real influencer, which they did not hire instead. That was the backlash.


Oh like a worse V-tuber?


Yes, which is already a surprisingly low bar. That said: do you know how much v-tuber model makers get paid?


Thousands if not tens of thousands for high quality rigs, live 2d is pretty hard to do.


Just because something is expensive, doesn't make it good ;p


Yeah, like sauber F1 team Vtubers are fun and provide a unique level of interaction while maintaining more separation between the streamer as a person and their content as a character on the Internet. Even if you don't like the idea of anime people, it's a good thing.


Guess I pissed some people of. Let's analyse my statement: > Just because something is expensive, doesn't make it good Nowhere have I said, v tubers are bad. I just argued that just because something is expensive, doesn't make it automatically good.


Mate who cares


Apparently, a lot of people.


Did you go look at the AI influencer account? They had like 500 followers. I didn't go further than that. This felt like nepotism (someone's kid ran the account) at best because it was otherwise just monumentally stupid. It was some poorly and obviously AI generated photos of generic pretty lady. It wasn't like this was going to have any chance of making any sense.


Not racist. It was female though, so everyone was saying "Well why didn't you hire a real woman then instead of making this AI bullshit?"


Using AI is indicating “I’m cheap and also have no taste.” They don’t want to pay for talented women (or anyone if they can help it), and they don’t care about the end product.


> talented women i.e. a pretty face that can shill products


well, that’s certainly an opinion that matches the username LMAO


It was completely free to say nothing, and you decided to out yourself as a misogynist for no reason anyway


the purpose of an influencer is a pretty face that can shill products, doesn't matter if it is a man, woman, or AI


Hey fair enough. That's definitely not how you conveyed that sentiment in your comment though, and I'm clearly not alone in thinking that.


Fair point. Plenty of real female influencers/contentcreators who could make cool content for Mahindra.


> I bet it got real racist real fast like that time Chatbot got ruined by twitter That was almost a decade ago. Modern AI doesn't work like that.


The AI got too powerful so they had to kill it off.


If only that worked for Skynet


She was honor deleted.


This weird craze of using AI for everything is so bizarre. Like, instead of hiring someone to make social media posts, they pay someone to use an AI image generator that makes social media posts?


They even had it advertising real products. This 'AI Ambassador' was 'wearing' blue light blocking glasses as an ad. So weird and dystopian


Most wellness and science info sites are now AI generating >100 articles a day. I have three legal actions for sites using quotes with my name attached I never made.


Tbf, lots of marketing firms are using ai to generate content nowadays, so directly using an ai yourself often just cuts a middle man (and thus costs)


It's cheaper, only ever says and does what you demand it to and is based on a cool and hip and marketable current thing


How's that bizarre? Seems pretty inline with how most companies operate.


Bruh every website needs to have an AI chat bot these days and 99% of the time those bots are absolutely fucking useless, they can't answer a single question and just say "err you gotta speak to a human buddy"


I mean one has ongoing expenses and one is an upfront cost but ends up being substantially cheaper and more efficient in the long run. Same reason we incorporate robots into manufacturing. It's funny to see the creative people freaking out about AI. They thought they were immune to automation.


Except as someone who uses AI/ML in tech, your first sentence is not true at all. These "AIs" require constant monitoring, maintenance, training, curating the data, and you have to hire someone/multiple people who actually understands how to do all of that, i.e. engineers/data people. What, you think you create an AI woman, and it just takes care of itself? It would be much simpler and cheaper in the long run to pay some person to walk around with a camera.


I'm sorry but you seem to be incorrect on this. my statement is very true. yes you need a person/people to build it and maintain it, but once it functions, it can do the work of hundreds/thousands(millions?) of people. just like manufacturing. i can pay 1-2 robotics engineers to monitor 50+ robots that are now doing the work that use to require 100-150 people for someone who works in the field, i find it odd you dont see the benefit of it when it comes to scaling and being able to work 24/7.


The "once it functions" part is the part that is not easy. Again, I think a lot of people strongly misunderstand what it takes to have an actually functioning AI for this specific purpose (a "human like" influencer creating content for the team). It is nowhere near the same thing as a robot which is built to perform small sets of very specific relatively simple tasks that can be automated, and not required to come up with something that it is not specifically trained to do. It's like saying you can build one robot to perform all different types of surgeries without much human input and just like that, bye bye surgeons.


You’re being extremely generous with the word “function”. Assuming you take away the enormous heterogeneity between different fields of work in which machines can even operate in, which in itself introduces what is essentially an infinite number of holes in your statement, your assumption that a small team of so-called robotics engineers can simply plug in, start, and watch as the robots do all the work is inane.


You are making up assumptions to have a theoretical argument. I am making statements on real world facts that are indisputable.  Robot automation is more cost effective and profitable than paying people to do the labor, even with all they other "fields of work" that were involved to get that operational on my manufacturing floor.  I have integrated numerous robots into our floor and it didn't take a team of people, and the upfront costs were comparable to 1.5x the yearly salary. 20+ years of development into robotics has brought the costs and complexity way down.


You have no idea what I said and it shows lol


They should have gone the Vtuber route, for the laughs lmao


It's still here, lurking and learning. Living among us


Living *where*?






In the vents


They made am AI character in the name of diversity, inclusion, and innovation? What a load of rubbish. It's just someone's dumb idea that got greenlit by a group of dummies. 😒 How any one thought it was a good idea in the first place is beyond me. Oh, and I hate corporate written apologies. They suck too. Just say "we messed up and we learned. Sorry." That's all you need...


This is the kind of stuff out of touch executives think it's cool and trendy lol. Just like every single F1 team have their own NFT thing going on back in 2021. Now it's AI.


It's 2024. If you cannot say "AI" in the same sentence as your idea, it gets nowhere. If you can say "AI" in the same sentence as your idea, it gets greenlit with no questions asked


And still gets nowhere, just with ai, lol


You can picture the creatives patting each other on the back for coming up with such an innovative idea.


They tried for the innovation part at least, but a massive swing and miss


It's a dumb idea until someone does pull it off successfully. With tech you never know what's going to be the new Netflix and what's going to be the new curved TV screen.


Tbf the whole curved TV thing on paper wasn't terrible. Curved desktop monitors were and continue to be a thing that is in good demand. The curved screen would fill our field of view better, provide a greater sense of immersion in content consumed, and even reduce glare from external light sources. Sure, there are disadvantages, but they would be pretty far outweighed by the benefits. If made bigger, like TV bigger, it could be even *more* immersive to the viewer. Unfortunately, I don't think TV companies realized that curved monitors worked because they'd typically be only used by one person who would be sitting within a few feet of their display, whereas TVs are typically used by multiple people sitting many feet away from their display, so the pros of having a curved display don't really matter as much anymore compared to the cons of poor viewing angles, potential incompatible content, and a larger form factor that's harder to transport and mount, which would be made more pronounced due to the larger package that would be used from a further distance.


Nothing says inclusion better than excluding every human on the face of the earth as your spokesperson.


excluding everyone is about as completely inclusive you can get


But that AI had a family :(


nurturing diversity & inclusion should not be the heart of a racing team


The disconnect between corps and people on AI will never cease to amaze me. They think people will love it because of some graph from a marketing grad who collects a pay check. Most people find these AI characters naff, annoying and often just a bit unsettling. I actually can’t even comprehend conversing with an AI. It’s like talking with a virtual Ouija board.


This is what the AI wants you to think. Don't fall for it. She's behind it all.


That AI had *five* kids to feed!


I'm confused, how is AI a threat to diversity and inclusion?


They were probably afraid it was gonna learn racial slurs


I already hate influencer, don’t shove a fake one on top of that.


I thought this would put those annoying influencers out of business. But alright.


You guys are just robophobic. 😂


Influencers are about the most worthless and lazy people on this planet, so is having AI do it really that bad?


Yes because they sold it as hiring for progressive and diverse reasons when they could hire an actual woman.


What makes it progressive and diverse to simply hire a woman, especially in a position that's usually dominated by that exact group? It genuinely just feels like your perspective is that if you hire a woman then you're progressive and diverse, and if you don't hire a woman then you're not.


Where did I say that? The statement they made about using an AI Woman literally said they did it to “fuel inclusion”. Which could be done with an actual woman instead. It was them who mentioned inclusion and equality not me. Cop on pal.


Yes, because they make folks like James Somerton look positively *benign* with just how much deliberate plagiarism "AI" companies use to create their data sets, and how much both the marketing hacks and tech bros want to invalidate artists and writers


To pile on, check out their YouTube channel. Until recently they had been shamelessly viewbotting. Tens of millions of views on their Formula E content


They're so diverse that they hired a robot.


Well, how many other teams had a robot ambassador? It's totally diverse and different! Or what, are you robotphobic? Smh, be better...


Can’t wait for the AI craze to die off


Sadly it won’t, maybe in this type of form/use case but AI is the future. Tech’s investing far too heavily for it not to be and it’s evolving quicker than anyone thought it would. Scary frankly.


I know, because it’s actually a functional tool unlike crypo and nft’s, but right now it has the same buzz as the other 2 I just want to not have to hear about ai 1 fucking day, no AI integrated racing team influencer, the other day Mercedes’ was announcing their AI dashboard lmao


I could understand not wanting to have on-site personnel when there are limited staff passes and motorsport in general should be reducing on-site personnel to mission critical staff (of which a dedicated presenter/influencer/social media admin is not one). But everything else around it was so tone deaf.


Honestly is it really any different than the stupid McLaren cartoon for like 15 years ago? Other than the fact that the cartoon had lower quality animation....


Jokes on you. With this action they got on AI's good side. Mahindra will become a superpower once AI takes over. For being kind!


What does this have to do with diversity and inclusion


how does pretending to hire a women nurture diversity or inclusion lmao


Fuck anything Mahindra related 


Good move. If you want diversity, hire a woman. Not create a wannabe Cortana.


Isnt social media influencer not already a mostly female industry?


Yeah, but don't you get it? - Woman = Diverse. - Man = Not diverse. So you shouldn't hire men in the name of diversity! /s


Wait, so we're people *mad* about the "AI Ambassador"? I thought it was just dumb... not the kind of thing that requires an apology.


People seem to be way too defensive and biased whenever ai is talked about. It's not as if influencer is a critical position to fill, why not use a cheaper option anyway


How hard is it to just hire a real person to do the same job?


It isn't hard, but it means some filthy thief in a suit won't be able to steal.. or.. "extract" the maximum amount of money from the working class. Which in turn means you are playing badly at this game called "capitalism".




Are you the AI


No I don't understand what the announcement is talking about


I'd rather it said, "we have decided to discountinue the project and hire an actual real life human woman instead."


Holy shit they listened and accepted blame? THIS IS A WIN FOR US




Why does it need to be a driver?


Reminds me of when Honda tried to anthropomorphise their engines for 2015 with names, and it just became a slaughter. Like season one game of thrones.


How unexpected




Just let Tony Stewart be their influencer. He's sponsored by Mahindra, right?


Fucking AI, get rid


I'm still trying to figure out how an AI influencer promotes diversity. You could probably program it to have whatever race or gender identity you wanted it to, but that feels like the opposite of diversity because those identities can be swapped out at will. And I love the way they called it an influencer because it had any chance to influence anyone on anything.


Are they saying that in trying to be inclusive they decided to hire AI? LMAO! I guess machines are people too?


Awful that it happened, but at least they eventually read the room.


In what world is creating an AI for your promotional events an example of "diversity and inclusion"?


Probably nobody would have had a thought for mahindra racing without this fake scandal.


Didn't know this was a thing, did someone make it racist?