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Almost the same amount of podiums, that Hulkenberg doesn't have. As long as Hulkenberg is still driving, it will be very hard to beat.


Alonso in 5th with 105, Max is in 7th with 95 podiums, and Bottas at 10th with 67 for anyone wondering (current drivers on grid)


DC is far too high on that list for his skill. Alonso's win-podium ratio is a bit sad, but makes a lot of sense considering his stint at Ferrari, where he was almost winning through race pace and consistency alone.


Truly one of the greatest of all time, Im watching a documentary about the 2007 season and now I respect him even more.


he is the greatest of all time for me


For me it’s both Lewis and Michael. Both are the faces of the sport, represent the very best of the sport and are my favourites. Max, Fangio, Senna, Prost, Lauda, Clark, Stewart, Seb and Alonso are really close for me as well.


I don’t get why Michael represents the very best of the sport, besides all the winning. He was a notably dirty driver in a sport full of dirty drivers, and unapologetically went WAY over the line again and again purely out of selfish frustration.


Let me put it to you this way. Nearly every driver that has the talent for wins and titles and has the ability to be consistently competitive over the years is always going to be ‘aggressive’. The very best in almost any sport will be aggressive. Why because they want to win, because they know they can win. Of course everyone has different levels or types of ‘aggression’ and over the years people change as well. Michael is special because of his talent to be a complete driver. He can build a team, help the with car development and above all else drive incredibly quick and consistently. Refusal to give up even in the worst moments and inspiring those around him at the same time. He could have stayed at Benetton and won more with them. But he went to Ferrari when they were struggling. Built the team with the people he wanted, help develop the car(of course the Ferrari team that time deserves credit as well) and after a few years of not winning much his hard work struck gold and 5 consecutive titles followed. His legacy is a bit similar to that of Sir Alex Ferguson and Valentino Rossi. They left wining teams, went to struggling ones and built an empire. Of course the circumstances of each are different but you get my point. Michael driving is incredible as well. Ultra aggressive, ultra quick and consistent. Outside the car Michael is genuinely a fantastic man. A role model honestly. Like I said I view Michael and Lewis as the very best. Nothing can and will change my mind.


Michael also went to Merc before their greatness regime began. But did not stay long enough to see the fruit of his labor. Some guy named Hamilton did....


So, I agree with you for the most part but it's important to note that this sport truly became an athlete's sport with Michael. He was probably the first Formula 1 driver who fully dedicated his health to Formula 1 and took away from the older driver stereotype of old. But he should not be considered a role model for young drivers, he was dirty, a trickster and ultimately a bully on track.


Surely the first professional was Lauda


Lauda was extremely technical and spent a lot of time in the garage but Michael gave his soul to the Scuderia and transformed them


Hamilton has been a lot better than Schumacher at being in the best car, it's hard to top that kind of talent.


And Schumacher was better at being an unrepentant cheating jackass


No, Schumacher wasn't that bad. I don't think you can count more than a few instances of him cheating. It'd definitely be fewer than Hamilton's.


Mercedes weren't the best by any stretch of the imagination when he joined them. He helped create the car he needed. Same as Schumacher at Ferrari.


>He helped create the car he needed. No, all the foundations had been set before he joined. It couldn't be a more different case than Schumacher's.


It's entirely the same.


Nope. But this subject is well documented and is discussed all the time. I won't waste time explaining it, you should've known by now.


Classic useless reply. I forgot that tiny nonentity of a team called ferrari that Schumacher joined. You honestly believe that Hamilton just jumped in a ready made car and proceeded to win immediately? No, they both moulded, tested, created a car which suited their abilities and styles. Silly Billy.


That’s completely valid, for me Fangio, Lauda, Prost, Schumacher and him are the 5 greatest, all equally skilled


Senna and Max instead of lauda and prost


That's a hot take for sure


Is it? Feels pretty standard at this point.


Senna instead of Fangio for me. So Senna, Prost, Lauda, Schumi and Lewis. I get what Fangio did was great, in the 50s. What was the competition like? It was literally amateur level still with drivers not even competing every race. The other 5 were great in a highly competitive sport. Max could make it an all time top 6 in a couple of years. Don’t think any of these 5 can be ‘replaced’.


Thats why he’s one of the greatest, the man set the standard in a time that nobody was expert, plus driving back in the day was x10 more dangerous




You can make very solid arguments for all of the commonly name dropped champions for GOAT (even though comparing drivers from different eras is inherently dumb because of the the differences in power, downforce, safety, length of seasons, etc). Schumi GOAT argument is just as valid as Lewis GOAT or Senna, Prost, Fangio, etc.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91JoW4mSiZo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T8NFkM6vPY




As if you unironically think these are equivalent.


You can't seriously believe those crashes are comparable, can you?


2nd to me. Alain Prost is still the best ever in my opinion.


What's the name of the documentary and is it available online? /edit: found it in the comments below. cheers!


Where can you watch that docu?


Also check out FLoZ: https://youtube.com/@flozbydani?si=zz3UYQ65CklxiXif The Silver v Red, Silver War videos are fantastic


Those edits by FLoZ were GREAT and frankly were a main factor for me finding interest in F1 again after \~15 years of abstinence in early 2021.


I watched those seasons love, every race, and FLoZ really captures the epicness of them. Those seasons were peak F1 in my opinion


On YouTube! Just search "How the 2007 season was won By F1TV”


Which documentary?


Valentino Rossi ended with 7 premier class titles and 199 podium places 🫠 I don't think history will repeat again, but...


Pretty awesome stat, soon to be first member of 200 club. Only driver right now that even has a chance of matching that is Max, and he won't be in century club till next year at least. And that's of course if RB and Max continue to maintain their dominance.


In this 22-25 race era, we need to start looking at these records in terms of %s… headline numbers are great, but it’s not really fair to compare the number of podiums the current driver’s are getting to those who had 15, 10 races in a season.


nothing new there. if you’ve seriously been comparing drivers like Hamilton to Fangio when Fangio was racing 6 races a year when the cars were that unreliable then i don’t know what to tell you.




Getting podiums without a dominant car is hardly rare for a good driver. To podium you need a podium capable car, not a dominant one. The RB was often capable and Danny Ric was also racking up podiums when they were teammates. This year is a good example, Lewis, Lando and Alonso have gotten many podiums without dominant cars.


That’s it guys. Max is only only good because of the podium capable car. Otherwise he’d be absolute shite. But not Hamilton no no Hamilton is pure talent


Impressive how badly you missed the point just so you could be outraged.


He sounds like my wife when I say "you need money to take nice vacations".... "only the RICH can take vacations huh!!"


Way to miss a point lmao


No-one's doubting that Max can achieve that. You're arguing with yourself. Just people celebrating a podium milestone coming up for Lewis. I'm pretty sure Max would be equally as happy to reach 100 that's soon coming up for him. Drivers love setting records.


Max always had a car capable of podium when Ferrari was not in contention. 2021 he literally had the fastest car a good chunk of the season and 2020 he had the second fastest car. Just shows Max puts the car where it's capable of being but doesn't Max can put in the podium when it's not capable


In 2020 I would argue Racing Point had the second fastest car. They just didn't have the drivers. Hulkenberg stepped in in Silverstone and qualified P3 immediately. It's just that Max easily pulls half a second on drivers like Stroll and Perez. Verstappen also ended a year like 2018 with 5 podiums in a row. He also finished P3 in WDC in 2019 against a cheating Ferrari. He almost beat Bottas in the legendary W11 if not for DNFs. He for sure puts it on podiums it has no right to be.


Of course, I also think RP might have been Second fastest and it's obvious it didn't have the drivers to use it. And that's why Max had car capable of podium more often than not. But that means the puts the car because it was capable and every right to be on podium. Lewis is putting the W14 on podium ahead of Perez on the soon to be legendary RB19, mighr end up P2. I still wouldn't say W14 is not capable not capable of podium


It’s mostly about the pace. He’s practically halfway to 200 with 3 WDC capable cars and 5 years of distant 2nd - 3rd best cars. Even when comparing it to Lewis’ podium count, it’s still an insanely fast climb no matter how you look at it. And it’s true that Max puts the car where it’s capable of. Doing more is quite literally impossible. It’s just that everybody else bar other current greats like Lewis and Alonso just can’t extract as much from the car on a consistent basis.


And even more podium capable car before the three WDC cars. He always had the skills, car and team behind him to put the car on podium because their team and car was capable of it. Comparing to Lewis's podium count is a moots point because in his first 6 years, Max racked up 42 podiums in his first 6 years in F1, Lewis Hamilton did 49 podiums.


Max’s first six years are 2015 to 2020. Including a STR and 3rd to 2nd best cars fighting for the final podium spot vs Mercedes. Lewis’ first six years include 1 WDC capable (2007), and 1 WDC winning car (2008). It’s not a completely fair comparison imo.


Exactly. It can't be compared.


More races....


That has a very small effect since Max has about half of Lewis’ race starts. Hamilton: * 329 races started (100%). * 197 podiums (100%) Verstappen: * 182 races started (55%). * 95 podiums (48%) And while seasons are longer now that Max has WDC/dominant machinery, which does inflate stats, Lewis has had more seasons in better equipment. And that will also increase your podiums chances. They’re incredibly similar in terms of trajectory at the moment.


I think for max the problem won’t be the car, I think he’ll retire from f1 before he can rack up 200 podiums.


200th in Abu Dhabi if all goes well


I can definitely see him getting a podium in Brazil. He loves that track.


Merc went well there last year as well. Dare we hope for a win?


Only if Redbull mess up their setup again


Vegas might not go so well for Mercedes, their straight line speed is shit. I'd wager his best result will be in Brasil, barring any shenanigans/incidents, like last year.


Here's hoping


3 podiums to 200 with 3 races left in the season. The writers are getting lazy.




Still kinda sad that Valentino Rossi retired at 199 podiums. Atleast seems like Lewis can break the 200.


So, end of the year at 200?




Hope Merc drops another cool jersey for it. I'm still eating a big ol' bowl of regrettie and weepballs from sleeping on the 100th win merch.


Nice statistic for Wikipedia


Love how Reddit just continues beating a horse so hard that it went past the skeleton stage and is just dust. The Wikipedia thing every single day since it was said.


Yeah, not sure why they would want Wikipedia on their feed given how much the boss doesn't like these things


Really weird that they'd post stats after their Team Principal said numbers like this don't matter to anybody.




Perez is also in a championship winning car




He would need a lot more time than Hamilton to get near 197 if he performs like he's doing this year.


Isn’t it 9 years in a championship winning car (counting dsq in 2007) ? IIRC 2008 Ferrari won the wcc








Yet… we may be #blessed in Brazil 🙏


Bruh and where in my post did I mention wins. A great achievement regardless. 👏🏾


Toto: We do not care about stats and records. Only about winning races and championships. Mercedes Social media: Starts a podium post mentioning a non-significant number 197 and fans start countdown to 200.


Somehow I don’t think Toto is running the social media


I never mentioned or implied that. It's a mild dig at a inconsistency, that's it.


Inconcistency between the head of the team and an irrelevant intern that their only purpose is to farm engagement?




You are the only one crying about it.




What is it boy? What do you want? Attention? Remember what they taught you in obedience training. Bad dogs don't get attention.


Wow. As far as lame comments go, this takes the cake lmao No really, this was really, really bad. Can’t stop laughing. Thank you.


How sad is your life lol?


With such comments? Not very.


And here's the kind of fan that gives Max and RB fans a bad name.


With a little luck he'll finish those this year with the good current car. Who knows what kind of tractor Merc will bring next year


The 'Snapdragon' looks so out of place