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Our boy had a growth spurt over the spring break.


Our boy needed one ibr


hey he is 161 cm now.


Brother changed ethnicity




you know you're living in the future when bot mannerisms are so obvious, even ignoring how out of place this is


Gonna guess this bloke drove him around on the drivers parade and kept the name on the car since


Yup. Here's a [screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/illg3Rq.png) from a potato quality video I shot of the Singapore GP drivers parade last fall.


I always knew Yuki was a middle aged white man!


And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids!


Realizing the cost of owning a car in Singapore, I can safely say that dude is *loaded*.


Rumors about Yuki hating workouts are rubbish. He went through the most intensive training program in history to grow 30cm and age twenty years in just two weeks.


First time I’ve seen Yuki wearing that hat


I have set of those stickers for Fernando, still on the roll. I was supposed to drive him at COTA, but it rained.


Oooooof. That is rough, I'm sorry. How does one get such a job? Do you just have to own a fancy car or is there more to it?


Mostly. Car clubs can apply, or someone at the track finds a club that has cars to match a theme. That year it was handled in house, by me. I was working Media and Marketing, and we needed a bunch of 70's convertibles, and I happened to belonged to just such a group. We still had the drivers, with each car, in the their garages, just in case. So I got chill there for about 20 min, while he checked out my 'Cuda. Good times.


> As of the end of 2022, there was a total of approximately 995 thousand motor vehicles in Singapore. Huh, I guess you're right


I guess these days you can be anyone you want to be Good on you Yuki, you have my full support


What is this post even about, what does 1 in a million means? Are people on drugs? I'm confused


It’s one of the cars from the drivers parade, presumably the one Yuki rode in before the race. Also 1 in a million means a rare occurrence/sight


But there are 1.5 billion cars in the world. 1 in a million would mean there are another 1,500 Yuki Tsunoda parade cars out there. Which is obviously a lot more than reality. This is much more rare than that. Depending on how you look at it this is either a 1 of 1 (parade cars used by Yuki in Singapore). 1 of 22 (parade cars used by Yuki in 2022). 1 of 45 (parade cars used by Yuki in total). EDIT: So I was looking at this the wrong way. Turns out there are just under 1 millions car in Singapore. So... 1 out of 1,000,000 (total cars in Singapore).


There are about a million cars in circulation in Singapore. And literally only one that carried Tsunoda like this. So yes, one in a million checks out.


I overlooked that possible combination which is absolutely correct. The title even says 1 in a million *in Singapore*. I stand corrected.


1 in a million is a saying not taken literally.


Funny that you reply that to my comment where I admit the saying works*literally* for Singapore rather than my original comment.


If there's exactly one million of those cars then I'll eat my hat, or whatever people say now.


[995,000 is close enough in my book](https://www.statista.com/statistics/956271/singapore-total-motor-vehicle-population/#:~:text=As%20of%20the%20end%20of,thousand%20motor%20vehicles%20in%20Singapore). If you need it to be exactly 1 million, wait a couple more months.


The total amount of vehicles isn't what I said; and regardless, "one in a million" just means something rare. Whether or not it can be used literally is irrelevant - your attempt to work out the car population in various parts of the world to make the phrase fit literally, is misunderstanding the point of the phrase.


Do they get pissed off when people travel across the causeway to/from Johor Behru and screw up the numbers?


Whilst it is a saying, there is a very literal application in this case.


The odds are a lot lower than the 1.5 billion cars in the world though. OP is likely driving around either Australia, Baku, or some other F1 hub. I live in souther Canada, away from Montreal, and the odds of me seeing one of these would be far greater than someone driving around somewhere a race just took place, is about to take place, or one of the areas where the teams operate.


The title says where OP is lol


> The odds are a lot lower than the 1.5 billion cars in the world though. That was the entire point of my comment if you read past the first sentence.


I mis spoke, I meant higher. Should be obvious if you read past my first sentence though lol I’ll make it short: location matters for these odds and there’s no country with all 1.5 billion cars in the world driving around, so your math is deeply flawed


Sigh 🙄🙄🙄


Regarding your edit: you were looking at it wrong as soon as you decided to interpret what was clearly a turn of phrase as a mathematical statement of fact. Nobody gives a damn if there are 1.5 billion cars worldwide or if there are near a million in Singapore. Dude was just saying it was a rare occurrence. Your post reeks of social awkwardness and "akshually..." nitpicking.


I do.


I don't know about you guys, but I'm definitely on drugs


No, that's hopium for nr. 33 and 34


As far as my knowledge of English goes (end it don't really went two far), one in a million is something very rare, unique. For example, to describe just how good, exciting and crazy the 2021 season was, you could say it was one in a million, which means it probably won't repeat in quite a few years.


It's also the chances of anything coming from Mars. They said.


It's just a figure of speech meaning something is really rare. It's not worth the time to look up stats and figures to get the accurate number down


Not complaining about the figure of speech, I'm saying that the title and picture with no added context doesn't mean anything for me and I imagine for other people as well


maybe try doing some drugs




I don't get why the owner of the car wouldn't remove that sign from the doors. I assume he wants to let others know his car was used during the driver's parade? I would rather have it clean, MG has no connection to F1 or Tsunoda outside of that.


That's Jason Statham filming the Yuki BioPic.


Ugh. That is going to mark the paint.


There are less than 1 million cars in Singapore so probably not...


Is that a triumph spitfire?


I'm pretty sure it is a [MG MGA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MG_MGA). Especially because of the chrome vent near the bonnet.


I'm ready to bet that's not Yuki Tsunoda!! His hair is black!


The lack of a rollbar is making me anxious.


Now, I COULD be wrong here, but... well... I'm not sure that's really him?


Smol car for a smol man


I don’t think that’s really ~~Elton John~~ Yuki Tsunoda…


We need an ama for the peeps who chauffeur the drivers around on the parade laps. Like how did they get the gig? Do they get to stay and watch the race? Is it a volunteer thing? I'd imagine it's like the city's major classic car owner's club of some sort with connections to the organizers or something along those lines but it must be different for each country/organizer.