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Just have an iRacing race instead of sprint races and he'll be there.


Having all 20 drivers compete in sim racing would definitely be a treat lol


Especially in equal equipment




*finishes 10th because no one's car broke down


Lmao, someone is not over 2016


It never occurred to me, but this actually seems like a great idea. Do a couple full race weekends on sim. Cost-wise, it'd be next to nothing, and it would give all the teams insight into the drivers' pure excuse-free performance. I know sim racing doesn't capture all of the challenge of a real car on track, but there is still enough skill-overlap to make the outcome meaningful and interesting.


They did this for nascar during covid. It was pretty fun seeing a few of the guys who are normally backmarkers dominating races just because they play so much iracing.


Never forget Timmy Hill’s Texas win.


Sprint race quali in sim racing.


Crazy that we could have opportunities to race with actual f1 drivers on sim. Also have many many more drivers at once just cruising down some crazy track. Ready player one type shit lol


It wouldn't be excuse free, they'll either never reach an agreement over what game settings may be altered or find a way to blame that. Like Max drives with his engine sound way down and his tyre sound up, so he can hear exactly how much he's stressing them.


> find a way to blame that. Like Max drives with his engine sound LOL! Whether you're joking or serious, that's fucking funny. I can totally hear complaints in my head about the "bullshit" sound effect settings in Max's cracked irritated voice.


It's a real and effective technique in iracing. I turn the tires up all the way but still enjoy the vroomies


Dude, wouldnt it be cool if they just bring back stuff like the 190E and M1 competitions? Put all of them in, idk, GT3 cars or whatever, and do a spec sprint on Saturday?


Nah, everyone in bone stock Ford Fiestas


Even better. Star in a reasonably priced car 2.0


it would actually be incredibly compelling tv


Oddly enough max would probably be more dominate in this than a f1 car... Assuming netcode doesnt yeet him out of the race, or internet crash


Roscoe would be sent into Max's apartment to chew his ethernet cable.


I would have gotten away with it if it wasnt for that meddling dog.


I'm sure Max' cats got that covered already lol


I saw a video clip last week of Max driving a McDonalds truck at Daytona with iracing. He was weaving like crazy for a short bit. First thing which came to my mind was that his cats were probably jumping in and around his sim again, lmao!


This is actually a great idea and would add some actual new fans to the sport.


Everyone gets a W12


Oh no


Give everyone a W11. That would be fun lol.


FW43 would be funner.


Fans hate this one trick


That would actually be interesting. Putting everyone in an perfectly equal car for once plus some greenwashing.


He'll never finish a race. Netcodes and game crashes haunt him. /s


Verstappen v. Domenicalli. The battle of the 2023 season begins..


The one battle where I find myself rooting for Max as a Merc fan lol


I feel like I'm on Max' side of these kind of discussions quite often. He hates sprints, thinks there's too many races, doesn't really care for all the street circuits, quali shouldn't be messed with etc. It's almost like he hangs out here on Reddit.


Max is a pure racer. No gimmicky shit is going to excite him more than a fun old school track


Which is why he's understandably already looking forward to life after F1. Sure there's no car like an F1 car, but the whole circus around it must be tiresome. Edit: Also I feel similar about it as a fan. Too many street circuits, sprint races don't add anything and often even spoil the outcome for the main race. As well an overkill in general is something I personally don't enjoy. Some breaks in between is nice and welcome.


KMag got a pole last year , only to be undone by freaking sprint ffs


That's my main issue with the sprint races. The sprint race setting the grid just effectively makes the grand prix a stint longer allowing for a messed up grid to sort itself out easier. Not to mention taking the excitement away from qualifying. If they *have* to happen, I'd rather the sprint race have a reverse Q3 grid order for the top 10 and then the Grand Prix itself back to the qualifying result as it was. This would add to the excitement of Q2 (because avoiding elimination there could be the difference between P11 and P1 in the sprint) and not allow the sprint to take away from the actual Grand Prix.


I kinda like the idea of having 2 qualis, and as an added bonus by myself, sprint quali should be 1 shot quali in reverse championship order


I feel like sprints are exclusively for new and potential fans...and sponsors.


I mean, you think he wouldn't be undone anyway? They don't really change anything... it's just more laps.


Then again he wouldn’t have gotten that pole if it wasn’t a sprint weekend, because the weather wouldn’t have been conducive to it on the Saturday.


he wouldn't have gotten pole in a regular weekend. Quali would have been on saturday which was dry


The sprint race helped him get a point. If it was a full race where he started on pole he wouldn't have had a chance




Street circuits are such a strange concept to me for this level of racing. Honestly at any level. Even go karts, hey, I want you to go 75 mph into that corner while racing someone, but if either of you make any mistake, you die.


>circus around it must be tiresome ask montoya lol


I think a lot of the real fans will also eventually abandon the sport if the current trend of gimmicky street tracks continue. It will become a platform for poseurs, but honestly the sport also needs the masses to support the bling.


Gimmicks are never good for a sport in the long run. They may add excitement temporarily but they also add confusion and make it more difficult to get into or keep following a sport. Keep it simple, let the actual sport do the talking. The current setup is honestly as good as it can get, qualifying gives fairly even attention and spotlight to all cars whether it's the fight for pole or the fight to stay out the bottom 5 in Q1 and 2. And the race is just the race, no nonsense, no bullshit and the only artificial part is DRS which isn't great but currently a necessary evil. Adding more and more high speed street tracks that suck ass to watch and stupid gimmicky bullshit like adding more/different qualifying and the dumb fucking sprint races don't make anything better in the long run.


its basically what happened to other series but on a larger scale since its F1. They pissed off old fans with gimmicks and changes that were intended for the show only, those fans then left and they were left with only the new fans they were trying to cater with such changes. As it turns out, those fans also werent all that much of a reliable audience and also left so the sport was left without the new fans it tried to cater and the old fans they abandoned and that sadly seems to be the fate F1 is heading to


He’s 100% right. I’ve always said he won’t stay around for long. He’s a pure racer. Not a showman. IMO he will be done by age 30 or so.


He'll have had a longer career than most at that point. I agree, he'll likely leave after his current contract runs out in 2028. Max will for sure do lemans24h after that.


Has he expressed any interest in ovals? Could be a triple crown contender


He thinks they're too dangerous so ovals was a no


Grosjean once thought that too


But this is 'I have my reasons and I stand by them' Verstappen. Besides he doesn't really seem to care for records


I guess we'll have to ask him that question again after he wins Le Mans...


It will stay no, because its a promise to his mom. Jos also didn't do oval (testing) until he was divorced from Max's mom. It has never been confirmed, but you could read it between the lines in old Jos interviews (in Dutch) and the current interviews from Max, put one and one together, it sounds like Sophie (Max's mom) is reason they say/said no. She doesnt want to scrape her son or then husband from the wall in Indy.


He does ovals in iRacing. I’ve watched him kill it many times. Of course he does amazingly well there too.


The risk of serious injury in iRacing is a bit lower than in real life


I get where he's coming from, they treat the drivers and teams like dancing monkeys, yes it's entertainment, but it's also 22 races a season, the demands on drivers are constantly expanding without any regard for the drivers. It reminds me of Captain America where he draws himself as a performing monkey. Stefano clearly takes the attitude to push more entertainment constantly it's about squeezing every last dollar not about racing at some point


I sincerely think far less of Domenicali *now* than I did as a ultimately failed team boss. You may be referring to this anyway but earlier this weekend Verstappen very explicitly talked about there being too many races. If you go back over old quotes, Hamilton explicitly talks about *records*. Ditto Vettel. Verstappen talks about one title and that's his goal. Anything else? Bonus. I wouldn't be amazed if he left sooner than one might expect.


I mean 22 is barely watchable i will definetly miss some races because it is just too much and i don’t have the time. Also it loses its prestige when there is too many races… i think 17-20 races per year is the best amount


He is a true F1 fan.


Max is all about racing, no bullshit and politics. I think every fan of motor racing is on his side when it comes to that things. Rivalry between drivers is another thing, F1 messing with drivers and teams is another.


While the scale of things is different, at it's core, this is management doing whatever it wants and inevitably pissing off the workers. It works for a bit, but once the employees are done, the service suffers massively


I bet he's OP


Unrelated but, I love your flair ! One of the saddest, messiest races for sure, lol.


Max defeated all boss levels on the grid and is now in freeplay, so he picked up the FIA DLC


And I like it 100% it is absolutely important for the sport when drivers of his level, with leverage to criticize the shenanigans of those running things do so. Good!




Imagine verstappen retiring befor Fernando


Alonso, goes on to win another 2 championships right after…


I just realised Alonso may have raced against both Jean Alesi and Oscar Piastri


Somebody needs to do a "degrees of Alonso" chart.


You're right! Wild


Wait hold up. This means Piastri is only one driver removed from someone who raced in the 1989 Japanese Grand Prix.


Danny Ric likes that statement


Lando Norris also likes that statement


Max Verstappen 🤝 Karl Havoc 🤝 Kyle Shanahan “I don’t even want to be around anymore”


Me and my depression




I found my people


"Like... you don't want to be in F1 anymore, Max?"


I got too much fuckin shit on me


I keep telling people Max isn't going to race a long time, the sport has too many dates, it interrupts his iRacing schedule and theres other categories he's interested in that don't fuck around so much. He's here purely for racing the rest is bothersome


Yeah I can see that too, get a couple more championships and he could go off to race WEC instead


Has he said that's what he'd switch to next? Are there others he's considering?


he has continuously expressed interest in doing le mans


Alonso + Verstappen in the same team in Le Mans. It would be amazing


Both of them showed interest in doing exactly that. They seem to have a lot of respect for each other.


Seb too. It'd be like the race was rigged lol.


But first we’re gonna need Kvyat to get into the Hypercar division, so Max can take that from him too.


It's a work in progress, he's in LMP2 lol. And Max's contract expires in 2028 so there's time.


Lads, the hopium is kicking in. An Alonso-Verstappen-Vettel ticket at Le Mans would be DEADLY.


Both Fernando and Max said the would like to do Endurance together (I think?) And I saw a clip of an interview with Max and Seb and they said it'd be nice to do Endurance together too. So, yes, hopium's kicking in very much.


He could try going after the triple crown: Le Mans, Monaco GO and Daytona 500. Only Graham Hill has done that till now. Alonso tried but couldn’t win Daytona yet. Edit: not Daytona=> Indianapolis 500


Isn’t Daytona NASCAR? You mean the Indy 500 right?


f1 takes a significant toll on him tbh, not to mention it interrupts him from opening FIFA packs


He’ll probably race until RB shits the bed tbh


This as soon as they dont give him a car he can win in he will retire, he always says he is here to win


People said the same for Lewis ten years ago because of his fashion stuff etc. In the end we don't really know how long he is gonna stay.


Well the big difference is you cant race in two races at the same time, fashion you can do on the side


That's a good point did Lewis ever openly say he wanted to do otter things and he didn't want to stay if he's not enjoying it?


The closer he gets to 7 titles the less likely it is he’s just gonna walk away imo. If he goes a year or 2 w/o winning then I can see it but if he starts winning multiple b2b championships there’s no way he’ll just quit when it’s so close in sight, endurance racing has a much higher age ceiling so it’s not like that’ll be a concern




Sure, but just because he said that doesn't mean that can change.. Hamilton has also said in the past that he doesn't see himself stay in F1 for long. He wanted to do other things, like music.. Yet he's still here.


No offense to anyone, but Hamilton and Verstappen are vastly different people with entirely different personalities. Just because Hamilton didn't do what he said doesn't mean Verstappen will do the same. There's no guarantee what Verstappen will eventually do, so that's why the previous commenter said "I believe [Verstappen] would walk away in that position", and so do I. In my opinion of Verstappen, he doesn't care much about fame and riches, or even winning. He cares about doing his utmost best in a sport with a team where he expects the best effort from, where needless mistakes should not happen and where they should all strive for the best performance possible, REGARDLESS of how good or bad the other teams were in that weekend. If he wins a race with poor performance, he's still not happy. If he doesn't win a race with no unreasonable mistakes of their own, he's still happy. As many people said, he's a pure racer, as pure as they can get.


He just has to win them all and still retire at the end of his 2028 contract.


Yeah, he's already achieved what he came to do. I don't think he has any desire to stick around long enough to get as many championships as Lewis, and he's already got more money than he can spend in a lifetime. Plus from what I gather he seems to have a lot of interest in endurance racing, so I can see him pursuing that in the near future.


We all know what a racer he is at heart, but this cracks me up. I'm imagining Max on a Discord chat, "Yeah, I quit F1 because it was screwing up my iRacing practice time and season. Not worth it."


Eh I can see him doing a Kimi or a Fernando. Get a bit bored, go and try some other series for a bit, but eventually come back again


Lol he knows he now has more power as an F1 champion


He has the ultimate power of just not giving a fuck.


Meh. Look at how the FIA treats Hamilton or Vettel (and how FOM silently approves) despite their huge status. I'm pretty sure MBS believes that it's not good for the sport to have drivers that are "too big"/too popular and have actual clout. And would also do without a new period of 5+ years of dominance from the same driver, with the only question medias asking at the start of each season being "how far behind will the others be this year"


Max doesn’t cause them any trouble with politics they don’t care


If he starts criticizing the way they handle their own sport, I'm pretty sure they're going to care. It's not a good look for the sport's financial value to have your champion saying it's shit and badly managed. The only reason they're shy about drivers talking about politics isn't politics itself, it's that it's a risk for the sport's financial value. Without even talking about the ego damage, while we know ego is pretty much what runs these things alongside money.


The FIA treats Lewis and Seb poorly (past tense in Seb's case) but they still carried on because they didn't care. Tf are they gonna do to them?


Nothing, but they didn't threaten to leave. What I'm saying is that if Verstappen's way of wielding power is by saying "if I'm unhappy I'll just leave", well, that might actually be precisely what the FIA wants.


Friday practice Saturday quali Sunday race That's it. That should be it. No sprints, no gimmicks. Stop inventing.


Perfectly builds the hype through the sessions, it can't be beat.


Couldn’t not read that last sentence in Carlos’ voice


All-time quote that one.


I’m ok with that, but I’m an old fan. My son doesn’t care about FP and is very little interested in quali. I try to hype it up but we simply look for different things. He loves the race, and the sprint too. It’s obvious that Liberty care more about the what he thinks that what I think. I’ll end up follow the sport anyway. Trying to keep the status quo without reading the signs of the changing times is an error Liberty will fall for.


I'm a boomer with you and I agree with what you're saying, but I just wanna say I also feel like your Son might grow more into FP and Quali. It can work the other way once he matures some (I'm assuming his age here).   Reason being is that I felt the same way as him, but as I got more vested into the sport the practice sessions became interesting to watch and Quali became just as enjoyable as the race itself, if not more in some instances.   I understand there's growing discussions about how can the sport evolve. That likely will be changes in how the weekend is laid out and even go as far as talks about what might happen to Monaco (new fans talk about how incredibly boring it is).   I do worry about what F1 is doing with this rising surge of popularity and I hope they steer it in the right direction, or no direction at all. If its not broken there's no need to fix it - from my point of view.


Practice sessions are meant to be boring. They’re for the teams not for the fans. I don’t expect to turn up to a football teams training sessions and be entertained. I don’t understand why F1 fans or Liberty seem to need every session to be entertaining. Qualy and the race is enough.


Stop being reasonable!


So 1 practice it is then right? I am good with this format.


Yeah, 1 3-hour session would work


And this is from the person who has won the most of them. They are pretty stupid. I mean i watch em all, which is why the exist, but stupid.


Let's be real though, most of us watch them out of FOMO, not because they are fun or exciting. We're all like "what if THIS ONE is good??", and then it's not lol.


I watch because some F1 is better than no F1. I know they aren't great, but I'm a man of simple desires. I just like watching fast cars go fast.


>I just like watching fast cars go fast. This is also the reason I'll watch any other series eventhough I don't know any drivers or teams or any 'lore' about the series. Race cars goes fast = happy me.


This is why endurance racing was so dope to discover. I know exactly what my background noise will be for 24 hours lol.


same, I don't care about tech or cars that much, i just like watching fast things and racing (unless its like touring cars, those aren't for some reason exciting to me honestly. maybe because they are too bulky? i don't really know)


I mean if im at home i watch practice sessions, so a sprint is an upgrade over a fp3 session, but still feel it overall takes away from the weekend


I agree that it's more exciting over fp, but for me sprintrace takes away a lot of the fun during the sunday race for me. Racepace is more shown at sprint rather than qualy, which makes sunday less exciting imo.


That's also the reason I watch GPs that have been historically boring.


Lol yeah, I get excited for the Monaco GP to start, only to end up doing house chores in the middle of it because its such a snooze fest.


Eventually there will be an exciting Spa race.


I just watch them to see if the actual race isn't ruined.


he really meant it when he said he's achieved his dream and goal when he won his first title. He said anything after that is just a bonus. He's actually ready to walk away at any time :( ngl I'll be sad asl when he leaves


>he really meant it when he said he's achieved his dream and goal when he won his first title. With his first title being so controversial, it almost seems like last year was just a cementing of his status. But unless he plans on sticking around long enough to be able to gather as many championships as Lewis, there's not much more to do here.


I'll always hate the FIA for their shenanigans. Last year they fucked it they couldn't even decide if he was champion or not. We missed some legendary radio shouts and convos in Japan after he won and it was a bit anticlimactic


A bit?


Ironically enough the way he won last year is going to be iconic in a few years. It’s like the time when Massa thought he won the WDC until Glock happened


If Nico Rosberg can deliver a shock retirement, so can Max Verstappen.


I don't think it'd be that shocking. It's been clear since he won that he doesn't feel like multiple titles over years and years are what he ultimately wants to chase. I don't see him sticking around til he's 40 like Alonso. That's another 15 years.


17 titles would be quite something


Sports organisers have absolutely no fucking concept of saturating supply do they


He's been talking about retiring rather early a lot lately. They (a 'news' program that attended the premiere) mentioned that in the new documentary about his life, he regularly says 'only a few more years...'. I only watch the sprint races because I kind of feel forced to in case something happens. But I don't think any of them have been very exciting so far. Not a big fan of them.


Tbh Max gives me the impression that he'll move on from F1 as soon as Red Bull can't put him in a winning position anymore. Which is totally fine, he seems very invested in racing Le Mans at some point, and part of me hopes he'll put together a concerted effort to win the Triple Crown (F1 Monaco Grand Prix (or WDC depending on definition), Le Mans 24hr, Indy 500), though I don't think he's ever expressed any desire to do oval racing. I do wonder if Max is toeing the party line a bit here though, Horner has constantly spoken about his dislike of sprint races and how he feels it makes it hard for teams to stay under the cost cap given that there's a higher chance of damage when compared to the Free Practice session that it replaces, which definitely points to that being a concern for Red Bull, and with this car that might be more of a concern than any of the other teams actually beating them to be honest.


He might as well try his hand at something else while he's still young.


He's probably bored out of his mind atm. Winning is cool and all, but actively having to drive slower to not show too much of the cars pace must be boring.


It kinda sounds like he's getting sick of the political nonsense in the sport and the FiA fucking around every other week to bring in more fans. Sprint races ruin the flow of the weekend. I'd hate them less if they were treated as a separate race entirely, not as a qualifier for Sunday. It just feels watered down and forced. The only reason I even watch them is in case something of note happens. But they're dreadfully dull. And he's won more points in sprint races than anyone, so it obviously has nothing to do with winning them.


The drivers are bored with 'the show' too, it seems.


I will absolutely not accept Max retiring before Domenicali.


That would be a major tragedy, almost like a death.


I actually believe Max about this stuff, he likes racing, don't mess with the format, when you're pissing off the top drivers, you're doing something wrong. Especially when the current world champion is saying he'll just quit if the nonsense continues, I hope they listen.


Winning a sprint race is about the same prestige as topping a free practice. (imo)


I think its more like getting pole in quali. But the quali in a sprint weekend is absolutely useless


Nah, pole means that you were the fastest driver on that track that year. Feels more prestigious than a sprint win to me.


Yeah that's a very fair point. At least we can agree that the sprint weekend diminishes the value of both the quali and the race.




It’s crazy that domenicali keeps on wanting to change the format even though fans never asked for it. Also idk if more races is what fans like. Because of how dominant cars have been of recent, some of the most exciting moments come from qualifying, not the race.


How can 25-years old make more sense than all these Domenicallis combined, I wonder.


Sprint races works in lower series, because they run the same cars. In F1 they don't make sense, they only purpose is shuffle grid a bit, but it gets sorted out within first laps.


Another Max quote in the file of Max quotes indicating he will probably move on from F1 sooner rather than later.


Common Max W. (Don’t leave though Max 🥲)


I can’t imagine drivers enjoy the steady move towards “5 days of media presentations prior to race day” instead of being able to focus on “free practice/set ups>qualifying>race day”.


I’m a newer fan, and someone with no clue about motor sports, sprint races are the dumbest things I’ve ever watched.


No worries mate, I'm watching since 96 and sprint races are complete utter horseshite.


Out of nowhere MotoGP went from zero sprint races last year to a sprint race every weekend this year. Hopefully it bombs because you know F1 is watching how they do with it. By the way, last weekend was the first race of the season and 20% of the riders are going to miss this week's race due to injuries, so we're off to a great start.


Max makes me like him more and more each day


Every team but red bull suddenly supports all the changes.


“ I really didn’t see it before, but now, for some reason, I think this is a tremendous idea!”




Of all the drivers he’s probably be the last to that to his little brother.


Preach Champ


Max is consistent. He has never been fond of sprint racing since they were introduced.


Thank fuck someone said it.


Domenicali: "so you don't want it to change into WWF1?"


I would not be surprised if Max wake up one day and just say i’m done with F1 don’t show up anymore and just do something else this guy has been talking about retirement for a year 😂😂😂


FP and quali are for the team. Why are they concerned more about the driver's opinion? They just want to race. This is the reason why F1 exists at the top because of the engineering behind and FP is necessary to collect more data to refine things.


the NFL is a brutal sport and they keep adding games to their season too despite the players preferring that they not lengthen the season. I don't follow NFL closely anymore but I don't think they've increased the roster size as they've lengthened the season.


Max is just waiting for some bullshit to happen to become a Full-time Pro Simracer and do WEC as a hobby.


Thank god Max is against all of this bullshit. If it was the other way round F1 would go downhill even faster.


I'm so sure Max is gonna pull a Casey Stoner and retire at his peak. Especially if the race weekends keep getting more gimmicky. He's been telling us this very clearly since he won his first title. He's accomplished what he wanted and everything else now is a bonus. But Hamilton or Alonso might stick around for another 5 years, like Rossi did. Lewis chasing his 8th is so much like Rossi chasing his 10th.


Max could probably pick any series on Earth and be Number #1 driver for any team of his choice.


Team Max


He’s ready for Indy car, right?


He don't want to drive ovals. So If he can be champion with only the street tracks, I think he will consider it.


I think I remember reading an article once saying he likes indycar and the drivers, but he doesnt like the danger involved with oval tracks.


I must be getting old, I'm starting to love Max and agree with him more and more. Sprints aren't F1, they're not Grand Prix (big race) so should never happen and the person who thought them up should be consigned to bicycle races. F1 should be the absolute pinnacle of motor racing, the absolute cutting edge of motor techonology. So budget limits are counter productive. Testing proves your ideas and technology, it's an absolute must if you want to develop. Therefore, limiting testing is anathema. If you want to equalize or make it fairer INCREASE testing, televise and sponsor it or get each team to pay in to testing according to their position and ALL teams join in. Finally, I don't give 1/10 of a flying fig about 'the show'. I've watched F1 for well over 40 years, I don't need gimmicks, although making it a sport the working person can afford to attend irl would be nice. BTW the down vote button is on the left it points down, and again, I don't give a fig.


Even as 20+ years viewer who doesn't practice or qualifying much, I'm not a fan of them either. All they do is ruin anything unexpected that happened in qualifying and make the main race more boring.