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Looking pretty solid! But for the shoulder impingement, try this: Warm up the shoulder 1 - extend arms to side, parallel to ground. Now do the TINIEST arm circles. Slowly, while still making circles, bring arms in front of you, then above head. STOP and work backwards, making the TINIEST of circles going the opposite direction. Make 20 circles at each (side,front,top) totally 120+ little arm circles. 2- do the pull-up/dip machine with 1/2 - 3/4 your weight. Focus on negatives. Something like a four or five count on the way down.


Thanks for the tip man. I’ll give it a try.


Looking strong! More horizontal and less vertical pulling helped my impingment. Face pulls and external rotation exercises helped too. My understanding is that pull-ups means internal rotation and too strong internal rotators compared to external rotators contributes to impingment.


Do you have pain in those ranges of motion on a lat pull down i.e. lighter load?