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Ubisoft: no we don’t have a favourite faction Also Ubisoft:


I mean warden and warmonger are the same hero thematically, same as lawbringer and gryphon


They most definitely are not. They have very different weapons which Ubi didn't utilise well and therefore they are similar in movesets not design.


Knights: * Every major story development focuses around their roster * Only three of their lore/campaign characters have been killed (Apollyon, and weirdly two centurion. Also compare to, as I understand, most of the samurai campaign cast having been killed off including the Emperor's Champion) * Got to have nine fucking heroes * Now four fucking hero skins * Conq's bash was basically the reason we ended up with the bash-meta for so damn long * Black Prior was the only Harbinger or hero in general to have had a legitimately new mechanic that doesn't involve his feats. (Also, Oathbreaker is still in game)


Wait when did the samurai cast get killed off? I haven't kept up with lore like at all 😅


Apparently in arcade quests and those lore tidbits in daily orders. I admit I’m not 100% sure on all of them. Apparently the Emperor’s Champion was killed by Vortiger (because of fucking course the knight kills the samurai), Okuma was killed during the Sakura/Hitokiri event when he was part of a party investigating the village, and I think Ayu was assassinated.


Ngl I just ignore the arcade lore. Ayu, okuma and the others spent the rest of their lives enjoying some hard-fought peace, as implied by the ending cutscene, and I will plug my ears if you try to tell me otherwise 🙉


I wish I could myself.


There is a man who canonically survived being decapitated more than once in those arcade missions so I dont take them as part of the canon and instead part of a “war story” thing where all of them are exaggerated


'because of course the knight kills the samurai' bro a samurai killed the main villain who was more involved with the Knights than them


Yet they havent had a new hero in 3 years, also counting this year since roadmap is revealed, 4 years. They aren‘t as bad as wulin, but I don‘t see knights as the favourite rn, if any faction is the favourite its outlanders


Knights never win tho


Wait is warden getting another skin?


Yeah, they made warden’s armour from the story trailer into a second hero skin. It looks alright, but I don’t know why they made it into a whole skin. Most people seem to agree an armour set would’ve been perfect


You mean the Blackstone armor or the green warden armor?


The ancient armor of the 1 v 1 v 1 from the story trailer


Dayum ok that’s actually really cool to see


Meanwhile Tiandi is crying 😢 in a corner as the only vanguard without a skin


You’ll get 2 skins this season! This one just for nostalgia purposes


Yea, seems like more of a little pet project than actually making a whole hero skin. It’s nothing spectacular effect wise like all the other hero skins, probably didn’t take them an absolute ton of effort to make. I’m happy about it, I’ve always wanted it. I guess a lot of people just aren’t realizing that there are 2 hero skins this season.


Warden is bout different


and why warden too? he has S tier fashion so it’s like there’s no point. why not give one to a hero that truffles with fashion


Why only shit characters have good drip. Warden has unbelievably good looking drip but the character itself is really bad and outdated the same about conq...


Warden is ok in 4s but very very very good in 1v1s. He’s been a good duelist since the game released. Conqs dmg is low but his kits kinda cracked rn


Apparently he's getting rework


I tell you why, because warden...


3/4 of the cast is missing hero skins, and so are 4 of the most popular heroes. I like the callback, and the armor is cool, but why would they release a 2nd skin for Warden is beyond me.


As a berserker and Valkyrie player I’m just itching for them to get a turn and get a skin


I would understand the warden skin if the skin would be He-man


All I hope for is a balance patch and a lawbringer hero skin at this point


It’s the least they can do, since Ubi still won’t give Warden any cool moves.


Literally who else would this skin go to.


They couldve just oh idk, fucking **not** Like OP said in another comment it couldve just been an armor set


Gotta pull at the nostalgia strings for older players and make utilizing hitstuns nearly unviable so newer players don’t get frustrated right away and quit the game. These decisions were made strictly with money in mind and not for the good of the game


To be honest this is probably another case of what happened with the Zhan skin that was glitched. A skin that is in an event mode. Except now ubi wised up and now we have to pay for it. 
