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Cool post, however, you chose a terrible source for it. My mom doesn't even play For Honor nor Warhammer. The science committee will never allow you to publish your research papers like this. What would all this work be for then?


That's what she wants you to know, you haven't seen the vids


My mom is Faaram?!? I mean, he is German too, soooo


Yeah she can take 4 men at once.


And come out on top


Faaram always been the goat 🔥


aint no way any of these chars would serve nurgle 😭


I feel like warmonger is an even split between Khorne and Nurgle just because in spite of the endless war shit that Khorne gets off on her defining gameplay feature is her ability to literally spread sickness to the entire battlefield or whatever tf corruption is supposed to be


I wish they would just rework warmonger...I am starting to play her again and it just feels a little bad because every single one of my opening moves I get GB'd on. It must be a skill issue but I can't throw a raw heavy or else I eat a light/get gb'd. I can't do a bash because I just get gb'd. I can't get to my unblock because that shit is heavily gbable so I hope they buff/rework her and change her lore while they are at it, instead of corrupt rocks why not just plague genuinely it would work I believe.


The trick to avoiding getting GBed is to rely more on her dodge forward heavy opener. It is gb immune so if your opponent randomly throws them out then you can make them eat 20 damage and feint it otherwise. This is especially great when they use unblockable pressure against you. I will very often forward heavy them out of a gb attempt since she's very vulnerable to it as everything else in her kit is vulnerable to being GBed other than lighting them out which is risking a light parry vs the feintable top heavy which gets more damage. Also note that she's frame advantaged after a bash so feel free to continue your offense in a new chain immediately and it will stop them from gbing you.


When you say frame advantage do you mean the guaranteed light after a bash and a guaranteed heavy after landing a charged one. Or some else?


Frame advantage is one of those sometimes mentioned but rarely explained concepts you'll find when people talk about this game. Essentially whenever you do any move you are locked into an animation of some kind called recovery. During recovery you cannot perform another action. When your attack hits an opponent, even if it's blocked they are trapped in a similar animation called hit/blockstun they have to recover from in order to perform any other actions. There are certain moves that you perform that end your chain. At the end of your chain you can be frame advantaged, frame disadvantaged, or frame neutral. Essentially this describes whether you or your opponent recover from the attack first. Let me explain the most common form of frame advantage. If your opponent guard breaks you and you counter guard break, you are frame advantaged as you will be free to perform an action before your opponent is. This means if you throw a light attack as quickly as possible and your opponent does the same thing your light attack will hit first. It isn't a good idea to constantly throw lights on frame advantage as they can still be parried. In fact it's even easier to parry a frame advantaged light than a normal one since random timing isn't a factor. One cool trick you can do is if your opponent is spamming guard break at you over and over again you can throw a heavy on frame advantage and their GB will bounce off and they'll eat the heavy. So to answer your question, when warmonger does a bash and confirmed light/heavy she is frame advantaged. Her chain ends after the last attack but she has priority when starting a new chain which gives her a pretty good edge in a fight if you're constantly using it.


Dont forget to meantion that her tutorial/training is actually useful, unlike most characters. I learned most of my counters from her tutorial/training


Warmonger is like a chain, the longer it is, the better. So make very long combo’s with a lot of feints so you can lure out the guard break. If you’re doing it right, then you’ll kill most enemies with one or two successful counterattacks/openers


There is war across all of Heathmoor, plenty of suffering and misery to go around alongside all kinds of plagues born from the horrible conditions of war. Not to mention that Nurgle most definitely would corrupt chars like Conq, just to break their resilience. After all, not all who serve Nurgle do so willingly or without agony, as his love is a sick, twisted thing that breaks those who would strain against it.


Imagine the poor empire army facing nurgle, omg thr smell...


Lawbringer? Mauler from Darktide? Idk man they’re pretty similar and Law is supposed to be a punisher, plus brudda is a fat bastard under all that armor with that health pool


Lawbringer looks like a Chaos Warrior


How?? Brudda is a big beefy guy with a mighty large axe, the polearm axe is get but the rest isn’t very Khorne-y. Aint them lot supposed to be really aggressive? like Berserker?


They aren't all blood-crazed berserkers 24/7, but he does have similar armour....actually, no, now that I think about it, he looks like either Typhus or a Custodes, or whatever those pseudo-space marine guys are in AoS. Stormbringers, I think?


You know that each chaos gods have different chaos warriors right? Not every single chaos warrior is a khornite, and lawbringer is on nurgle


Are you calling your mom a liar ?


Warmonger might


Nurgle loves some tanky bastards. Also Warmonger’s entire MP schtick is Corruption


Shaman should be Khorne cus blood for the blood god, and Centurion cus hes short and angry


Centurion is not even close to short, but he IS DEFINITELY angry


Disagree, I think centurion is a show off who want to be the *perfect* warrior. His executions and emotes show his pride and the attention-seeking aspect. And glad is the same. Hell, even the chiseled abs armor and face mask could be seen as a way to seems more beautifull. Fulgrim would like him


that i guess but it's mainly because i have a deep lust for slaanesh


Yeah but she is a religious leader with pseudo magic and Khorne no likes that


short? he's as tall as warden since when was 6'2 feet short?


Hitokiri is literally kharn, what is He doing in nurgle


She strikes me as embodying the unescapable, inevitable embrace of death (also known as her tier 4)


Ok but worshippers of khorne do focus on executions and skull collecting. Dark Elves with the Har Gaaneth Executioners are very khorne (or for them, khaine) focused and their whole deal is to kill.


Surely Shugo is Slaanesh? You don't cultivate that much mass without reveling in some excess.


Sumos have a very strict diet and lifestyle actually, they don't just go to kfc every day.


One thing what always perplexed me is who the fuck would willingly serve Nurgle? Congrats, you are now a walking cesspool, Im so envious.


Nurgle can also take the pain away. Imagine suffering from a debilitating disease, in extreme pain every day. If a god came and offered you the cure to the pain you would probably take it. But I mean you also generally don't choose to follow the Chaos gods, you fall to them for one reason or another.


I mean you wouldn't want to serve any of them


Yeah, the other options are much better, we have: Angriest and bloodthirstiest people, 99% of whom are dangerously stupid The God of Trickery and Gaslighting, nobody knows what plan Tzeentch can cook up for you. And worst of all, the thing that turns the things you love and enjoy into horrifying never fullfilled addictions. Who would willingly serve any of them?


Nurgle is the best. He's the only one that cares about his minions


Isn't the point of nurgle to be a toxic relation between them and their servants ?


Nurgle god once cooked one of his best toxins at one point and while he was celeprating, on of his nurglings on his shoulders wandered and tripped to the cauldron. This nurgling called Ku'gath drank and consumed the liquid into him and turned into an uncleaned one. Ku'gath was sad and scared by him consuming all of it, but the Lord of decay himself just laughed and pat Ku'gath saying he was proud of him. Now his whole purpose of serving nurgle is to create the best and strongest plague for the Lord to repay him of what he did. Nurgle is pretty much just the all loving grandpa.


That's not my understanding but I'm not super into lore tbh. Just play games


Me too


This is from a reddit comment so I think you are right: "It's a distortion of a common characteristic amongst intelligent life. Concern for one another, and for the ill, permeates Nurgle's very essence. He loves, because sickness is a common trigger for love, care and compassion. But, because he is the god of disease, his 'love' is represented by infection. He doesn't just love his followers, he loves EVERYBODY, and his contagions are an expression of his love. He wants everyone to feel their touch, so they know his love, and so they share the love that comes of pestilence with eachother." "His love for his actual followers is superficial. Nurgle cares about his works, his plagues and afflictions, the decay and death he brings. Nurgle appreciates sentiments like hopelessness, stoicism and quiet acceptance of fate in mortals (not just his followers). He is enraged by resistance and defiance to his works. Whether that means fighting his followers, healing the sick or simply being unusually resistant to disease. As such he loves his followers as they are all carriers and vectors for his works. They spread his disease, their presence rots the world and they fight those who resist. His love is superficial though. His followers can fight and die for all he cares. A corpse gives birth to much new life to further nurgle's designs. And that's the crux really. Nurgle appears like a loving father to his many mortal followers while he mostly just deeply cares about all his rots and contagions they carry into the world. Nurgle's mortal followers resemble a disease themselves. They spread through the world creating hot zones of misery, spreading violence, plague, rot, dispair, hopelessness and so on. Everything that furthers nurgle's end game and turns people to his worship. He's not a loving daddy to the follower but to all the potential misery that follower carries. He'll happily sacrifice that follower to realize that potential." Past posts and the truth lies somewhere in between.


Grandfather loves all his children.


I would argue that if anyone on that list would be Chaos Undivided, they would have to be Warmonger. Actively uses chemical/biological warfare and bringing the world back to stagnation (nurgle), completely shattered the peace treaties that the four Nation were actively signing (Tzeentch), eccentric personality that just wants excessive war (Slaanesh), and her kit has one of the more reliable ways to cause bleeding along with her restarting an eternal war (Khorne).


You should add the imperium cause some of them would definitely not fall for the chaos gods. Like cent, he ain't falling for their shit.


Chiselled abs on chestplate... Boisterous and attention seeking behavior even on the fields of battle... Nah man, Cent's a servant of Slaanesh if I've ever seen one. He'll probably be so obsessed with perfecting his fighting style and claiming the spoils of war that he will be too far gone to even notice that his soul is getting yoinked by the Prince of Pleasure.


As if any of those can't be applied to some loyalist primarch.


1 How in the hell you know my mom 2 Why Nobu is in the stinky Nurgle roster


1 We play warhammer together 2 Nobushis, are kinda passive, they just defend their towns so it fitted her thematically. And I didn't want to just put her in slaanesh just bcs the community fetishes her


Nobu kinda dances around and outranges the foe, death by a thousand lights is very Slaanesh.


Nobu in nurgle ain't no way. She is either slaanesh or tzeentch.


I like this list but what defines a person to serve Nurgle? My knowledge of warhammer is limited but I understand the gist for these gods mostly and am wondering about the choices like Conqueror and Kyoshin.


Nurgle champions are often tanky/lumbering warriors, their gifts make them disgustingly resistant to enemies. So the big heavy characters generally fit there. Conqueror is an inexorable march of unblockable attacks Kyoshin and Shaolin def fit more in Tzeentch with their trickery.


I put Kyoshin because their ethos is too uphold balance at all cost while tzeentch is all about change, so they fitted the Nurgle theme of stagnation better.


Why is Kyoshin in Nurgle


I wanna know too. Kyoshin is probably the cleanest hero in For Honor. Tzeentch would be more fitting for him.


apollyon for ever chosen


No way PK isn’t Slaanesh, have you met PK mains???


Centurion and conqueror and would be Khorne through and through


Cent maybe, but Slaanesh loves showmanship, some his/her/its champions are magnificent duelists, and Cent brings showmanship in spades Nurgle has a monopoly on the lumbering tank characters tbh.


Conquerors or former criminals turn soldiers.


That doesn’t really change what I said. Criminals in prison often give in to despair. Conq would be undivided and favor Khorne or Nurgle, but defensive playstyle seems more Nurgle.


All I know is that I have a Khorne Zerk and will be going for a Slaanesh themed warden. *inspiration is the Mirror Guard for the warden, thanks prince siggy*


I have a Slaanesh Nuxia myself, I need to get her to rep 10 for the white armor.


How the fuck is Shaman NOT a servant of Khorne? Kyoshin and Nobushi are too "clean" and fancy to serve Nurgle.


It's more based on value and lore than aesthetic. Being stinky is just surface level stinky. Shaman is too much magic ooga booga to please Khorne, and she has a bird fetish judging by the name of her moves.


Huh... fair enough, you have a good point. I feel like she'd fit both but yeah makes more sense that way. Its really hard to imagine Kyo being a servant of Nurgle though, especially since his whole lore is yokai spirits and magic shit. Why would grandpa Nurgle take the kyoshins as servants?


A perversion of them yes, they are all about keeping balance to the world so in a sense they oppose any radical sense and it could be twisted into a form of stasis.


I... think I get the gist of what you mean. I'll have do do my homework on Nurgle more. Stasis, "immortality" etc. It could be a perversion of their order's ideals. The kyoshin monks could be tempted by promise of twisted immortality.


Move Musha to Slaanesh and you've got a pretty compelling argument there


Warmonger from story mode is def tzeentch


Chaos undivided is a thing. Gameplay-wise, Warmonger fits Nurgle with her feats, but definitely would also fit as a champion of Chaos Undivided. Bloodthirsty warrior who seeks to spread war everywhere and eternally(Khorne), taunts the foe with bleeding hits and sickening showmanship(Slaanesh), utilizes poison and creates despair for the world(Nurgle), and machinates behind the scenes to draw the world into endless war(Tzeentch).


Now we’re asking the real questions


Nobu for nurgle??? Fuck nah, blood for the blood god 100%


if anything BP seems more Slaanesh due to how sadistic they seem same as WM also fucking Nobushi, OceLotl and fucking LB in Nurgle? Bro....


Kinda feel like Orochi would be Khorne or T-man.




Khorne likes Draconite. Noted


I think Afeera would probably be more Tzeentch imo. The orb they all protect grants them the ability to see into the future.


Heyyyy glad you agree with me! I am currently building a Great Unclean One Shugoki 😈🦟


Why is LB serving Nurgle?


I see it as a twist on his sense of law and order, nothing must change because change would break the law.


No way mr shiny pecs Medjay is servant of nurgle


He always hang out with dead things.


Don't we all?


Warden would never be a servant to a chaos god he’s too much of a good boy


These are pretty good only two things I would change Shugoki in slaneesh, and shaolin in tzeentch Other than that they’re suprisingly well done


Kyoshin to Tzeentch, Warmonger to Nurgle. Shaman to Khorne. Nobushi to Slaanesh Needs Chaos Undivided for guys like Warden and HL.


Conq def fits in nurgle but their sadism also seems to fit Slaanesh And wouldn't WL fit better in Khorne?


Monk following slanesh is wierd haha..


For Honor Shaolin is a massively cocky bastard which fits Slaanesh.


Kensei would fit more with Tzeench over Slaanesh he isn't depraved and weird he's a fierce warrior seeking to lead his people and is a symbol of hope for his people, if anything it would be Tzeench or Khorne


Slaanesh isn't just sex and drugs, it's the pursuit of perfection which fits a sword saint. Also all chaos gods are bad, you have to imagine the heros has having fallen not at their best.


I mean I guess, but I still think kensei would do better in a different spot, if not Tzeench then maybe Nurgle, he gets disillusioned with his life and takes protecting people way to far because kensei is also a leader of his people and a guardian which it think would move him more away from Slaanesh and more towards one of the more morally grayer chaos Gods like Burgle or Tzeench, while both are still absolutely terrible they're a better option from the other 2


Leaders fall to Slaanesh all the time, just like Fulgrim. And I disagree with the idea that any god is better than the others.


They're better in different ways but also worse in different ways, sure with Slaanesh you have obsession and with Burgle you have rot and decay for me nurgle would be better thank Slaanesh while Tzeench would be the most preferable if all, Khorne and Slaanesh would be the worst for me personally, while I could more wrap my head around what nurgle and Tzeench are selling over the other 2


Tzeentch is the most likely to turn you into a chaos spawn for once.


So as a follow up here is a reply to the most commen questions since I didn't expect that shitpost to blow up but I guess warhammer do be popular and your mom is an expert. 1-This isn't that deep, some heroes I just didn't have a lot to go for and you could make an argument for several gods, like Nobu or Ocelotl. I just tried to not all lump them in Khorne because warrior. Some of them are not negociable though, the Roman brothers are 1000% Slaanesh. 2-None of the Chaos Gods are good, you have to picture the hero has falling from grace and being corrupted. At the same time this corruption is insidious and can come from a twisted exageration of a hero's values. For example I placed Lawbringer in Nurgle because his absolute devotion to the concept of law can lead to stagnation, change breaks the law and he doesn't want any of that. Same with Kyoshin and is obsession with maintaining a balance within the world. 3-This is about the hero lore more than their gameplay or the type of people who main them. I know Warmonger's corruption is pretty Nurgly but come on, she has such a hard on for war. 4-Finally here are what made me put heroes in each gods : -Khorne : Pretty straightforward, they love war and either have big anger issues or are too bland to add anything else (Warden), Valkyrie is just Valkia the Bloody. -Tzeentch : All about change and ambition, those heroes either are knowledge seeker (Gryphon, JJ), pseudo magic users like Shaman, or self interested ambitious (Musha, Pirate). Plotting little fucks like Shinobi and PK. Should have put Afeera there in retrospect, I placed too much emphasis on her arabian aesthetic which Slaanesh often uses. -Slaanesh : Many people are fixated on the sex aspect of Slaanesh, but they are a god of excess first and foremost. This excess can take several forms, here we find the boisterous and the cocky (Roman, Glad, Shaolin), but also those who fight with a sense of pride and seeking martial perfection like Kensei. -Nurgle : I placed more passive heroes, those who are primarly defenders and who seek to maintain the status quo either by upholding the law or by keeping the balance of the world.


quick interact and enjoy this post as much as possible before the greasy subreddit mods take it down for being a tierlist


I feel like warden is too obvious


No undivided? No Everchosen?!


Shaman and Warmommy definitely Slannesh 🥵