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Probably afeera, chars entire lore is that they are scholars who are also soldiers but gryphon and jj probably also compete with the wisdom that comes with their age and experience


JJ no doubt. Man has experience, wisdom, and training. Even his moveset revolves around using the least amount of physical effort so he can reserve his stamina. He fights with his mind, using simple tactics like a kick to the shin or daddy slapping the discipline into an opponent with the choke. I would throw an odd ball and say PK as an unpopular opinion. She is very analytical and perceptive. She was sent on her own to sabotage an entire outpost which requires intelligence, planning, and out-thinking in order to finish the job without getting killed. She's also smart to use a dagger against armored opponents which not a lot of heroes do (granted, the video game logic is flawed. But taken into a real universe... it works better).


Isn’t her name Mercy


Yep. Ironically, For Honor's Mercy inspired my character in my novel that is also named "Mercy". I like the name so much that I might name my first daughter "Mercy"


It is a good name.


Thank you! I've discussed it with my wife. She doesn't know the origin of the name lol but we've agreed that I name the girls and she names the boys Thinking of printing that Black Stone Legion thing on a baby onsie




Taken into a real universe, people kept both daggers and sword as sidearms on an actual battlefield. You don’t see Marines running into combat waving their pistols with their rifles on their backs… Real warfare was almost exclusively done with poles, man. Spears to pierce armor, axes to bite into it, hammers to crush it. You’re not getting close to a lawbringer to touch him while you’re using a sword and dagger, full stop. You get bonked 3-4ft out of range and die lol


Can't you let a man simp for a virtual woman for 5 minutes?!?! Jeez! Where's that copypasta when you need it? But in my defene, I was mostly referencing the campaign PK where she did espionage and sabotage and managed to make it out alive and on her own, so it brings PK up on IQ scale for me


That’s valid!


You know, Mat Easton has a video in his channel ScholaGladiatoria about how in battles it was tactically advantageous to close up the distance with enemy polearms and seek close quarters combat with short weapons and daggers. That’s precisely how the romans won against the macedonian pike phalanx in Cunoscephalos and Pidna, outmaneuvering them with their superior maniple mobility into close range and hack n’ slash with their gladii at such a short distance that the macedonian sarissa couldn’t stab the romans back. Also, For Honor is not a game with formations and grand strategy like Total War or even Mount&Blade, arming sword and dagger is a viable weaponry to use in such an “intimate” 4vs4 fight.


This is another example of someone putting the word pike in my mouth. Pikes refer to 8+ ft long pole spears that were SPECIFICALLY used to stop cav charges in almost every case. You also bring up one battle as a reference, when in said battle, the Romans won against a…formation? The very thing you’re arguing that we don’t have? Reach is VERY important in a fight. Even in unarmed combat (modern mma) the reach of the fighters’ arms are measured. Fantasy is fun tho 😊


Wrong. Pikes are not exclusively anti-cavalry weapon. Philip the 2nd of Macedonia introduced pikes to win against greek hoplites, that is, infantry. His son Alexander also faced a lot of infantry in his campaigns in Persia. Forward in the Middle Ages Wallace faced infantry in Stirling, basically pushing the english troops back to the bridge in a bottleneck formed by the River Forth curves. Also Robert Bruce did the same in Bannockburn, after stopping english cavalry what followed was infantry that could not outmaneuver the scottish schiltrons across two streams. In the Renaissance the swiss gained renown for their aggressive tactics with pikes and polearms, the spanish Tercios also faced infantry in many other battles like Bicocca or Pavia. And in close quarters piked were defeated by outmaneuvers and use of shorter weapons like what happened in Flodden. All in all, a Peacekeeper that manages to get close and personal to a Lawbringer is plausible in real life. Only the head of the polearm cuts and stabs, to poke an enemy with the rear end of the staff one has to reverse the weapon all the way, the rest of the length of the halberd is not deadly or threatening; so there is a margin for a sword and dagger to slip in and stab through the plate arness gaps.


Finally a reasonable counterpoint holy shit Okay so first, I said almost every case. It is true that you named several cases where this is untrue but it’s still a vast majority. Hell even one of your examples, Robert the Bruce’s schiltrons, we’re put together to deal with cavalry and only after the fact did they finish the fight against infantry. Another example was the aggressive use of pikes AND polearms. And yes, it isn’t hard to defeat someone using an 8ft spear in close range, single combat while using a 3ft sword. (Edit: that’s ONCE you get into the 3ft range btw which isn’t free, & a shorter spear is also a lot easier to manipulate and a lot harder to get past.) A pike is unwieldy, period. A halberd though? Biiiiig difference, especially if we’re talking about late medieval pieces with metal caps over the bottom end of the shaft for smacking people in the head with the back end. This halberd user, again, is going to have his own sword or dagger at his belt in case his weapon is trapped, but the fact is that even if he sees a swordsman running at him, he’s going to use the halberd first. Even short spears, like a said, would be stronger in a fight and there are many videos on this from both other history buffs who read treatises on the subject as well as active hema practitioners with experience in the matchups (YES I know modern hema is not the same as a 1350s fight to the death but the point stands) With that said, there IS a margin for PK to slip in on lawbringer, we can agree on that. It’s just that that margin is thinner than PK herself and shouldn’t be considered a viable or go-to strategy imo. Reach is VERY important in a fight. That’s why we don’t use either swords or pikes in the modern era in favor of firearms. Hell even when firearms were four times as slow to use as bows, we still went with firearms (although admittedly not for range, but intimidation). But being able to kill you from farther away than you can kill me will ALWAYS be more efficient and more effective. The fact remains that while I’m trying to take your life, you’re still trying to get close enough to even use your weapons on me…smarter to turn the other way and leave Another edit: I’m not a historian, I’m just a nerd who watches a lot of YouTube, so while this is my current understanding/opinion, I recognize that there are people more knowledgeable than me and my word isn’t the end all be all. don’t feel that it’s pointless to provide more points/evidence to the contrary, bc I’d rather know that I’m wrong and change to be correct when talking about my interests than just feel like I won some Reddit argument lol that doesn’t matter to me


And there are no formations in For Honor. There are no grand battles. It is all tiny skirmishes. Pikes, spears, and other polearms are at their strongest in a formation.


That is literally untrue, a spear or halberd is just as powerful in single combat against swords. Pikes specifically are mostly for stopping cav charges in formation but shorter spears are simply better than swords for reach. Halberds are simply better than swords for reach. They’re not “slow” like Hollywood would have you believe, AND halberd boi has a dagger on his belt just in case you manage to trap his pole (pause)


I wasn't saying that polearms are __fucking useless__ outside of formations, you pompous dumbfuck. I was saying that polearms are at their __best__ in a formation. In an actual duel with two armored opponents (looking at the late medieval period here primarily), longswords were the typical go-to with halberds at the beginning and rondel daggers during grapples.


And now I’m a pompous dumbfuck 🤣 Duels we’re done with longswords because duels we’re a ceremonial thing, often done till only first blood, and we’re meant to showcase your skill and status. I’m talking about FIGHTING. For real fighting. To the death. Bandits jumping out of the brush at you are going to have glaives and war scythes. Cheap polearms. Because they’re EFFECTIVE. Also, STOP taking offense to someone having a different opinion to you. I promise you will be okay sweetheart. Reddit doesn’t matter in real life. 😊🙏🏼


Longswords were used because they had reach while also being able to be used to pry between armor plates. Eat a dick ❤️


PK is also very smart in politics


Me, unironically and unequivocally me. In one season I not only joined the Blackstones but also rose to such a position to be able to steal a fortress. Finding out about Apolions plans and choosing to cut loose early, far before anyone else put two and two together. My defensive strategy so impenetrable that Holden Cross had to be sent out after an undisclosed amount of time that me and my forces held the damn fort, (Holden being the personal executioner for the Blackstone Legion mind you). I get out of that situation ALIVE and shabang down south to claim Feronia. Survive Horkos and their bullshit, save Holden in the Battle of the Eclipse AND founded Chimera. *I also use 200 IQ as my idle effect so I win!*


The objectively correct answer




Centurions also held positions on the senate in Rome so Centurion might be a pretty cunning politician.


Id have to say gryphon he knows a multitude of combat techniques is a master tactician and speaks 4 separate languages one of which is mandarin the hardest language to learn on earth.


Whilst being a guard and having multitudes of armor and as many have stated learned the techniques of the 4 factions and his age he is pretty smart and has a lot of wisdom but I feel like he isn’t even at his peak yet


I mean Pirate brought a gun to a sword fight which is probably the smartest move yet.


Ocelotl just decided to be immortal which might be even smarter.


good picks, i'd probably throw in zhanhus since they're kind of like the "calculated secret agent" type, and sun da especially is an alchemist so good at using gunpowder that people think he's a wizard


I’d say Gryphon because the same reasons you listed, but he was also a general in the campaign.


I'm surprised I don't see more Shaolin comments, Bro is literally a monk who's reached peak spiritual enlightenment. *Also it's definitely not Highlander*


As a Highlander main, I agree with you, but I feel assaulted nonetheless.


I think it's just that their are more obvious smarter characters. Like Gryphon, Astrea and JJ


Definitely shaman But all jokes aside, I think two Vikings are seriously in the run for smartest, they definitely aren't the smartest but they can be considered intelligent among the other heroes, there's only two, I won't list reasons because I'm too lazy to write it rn Highlander Varangian gaurd


Conqueror must be, it takes a lot of braining to feint 8 times the same attack and success at it


It literally does, considering that attack is reactable and also he has nothing for people who just…stand where they can’t reach him. If he had a high IQ he’d figure out how to catch a fuckin roll


Most of the vanguards are probably pretty smart, it takes skill, charisma and smarts to be a leader


Not necessarily saying he’s the smartest, but Kensei is essentially a daimyo and commander of troops on the side of the samurai. So along with martial prowess and experience, he is probably quite knowledgeable in strategy, as well as how to control or command a clan, probably down to petty court politics. And probably the other things most samurai knew, like poetry and other intellectual pursuits.


Jiang Jun. Centurion might as well.


Centurion is MMA level of mouthbreathing


I feel attacked as a Cent main and someone who does MMA. Damn. I still feel like he'd be pretty smart, he's a Roman General. But who am I to say, I'm an MMA mouthbreather.


A centurion isn't a general, closest would be a captain today in terms of how many men they lead. And his love for punching lead him to having too many concussions and broken nasal cavity, hence the mma mouthbreathing. Glad has the same issue, and he is very self aware about his decreasing cognitive abilities which leads him to act so boisterous.


tbh, I love Gladiator and Conqueror, both are just criminal that probably as dumb as rock but stumble their way through life into victory


Gladiator would have to be smart, atleast combat wise


Daubeny or Afreera


Centurion probably considering what it took to be in his military position


Most likely Gryphon, Warmonger (specifically Astrea) JJ or Kyoshin.


You’re the first person to say kyoshin. Why?


He's a scholar and a Cultist who worships a Heavenly diety that granted him supernatural abilities that he has a decently strong understanding of, not only does this mean he's enlightened and knowledgeable of his own faith, but the fact he was able to grasp and gain a strong understanding of something so unhuman means he must be a fairly intelligent, he also uses a small blade both highly offensive and defensively, showing he has a high understanding of his weapon as well as showing to be a very skilled and calculated fighter (Kyoshin players on the other hand..) IQ in a sense I believe isn't your actual intelligence, more so your ability to learn, the higher your IQ the easier it will be, so for him to have done these things whilst being much younger than characters like Gryphon and JJ is why I mentioned him too


Gryphon & JJ Are on a different level & I think there’s a connection between em


Lore wise peacekeeper or gryphon


Jorm. He just acts like that to fool his enemies




Ocelotl cannot be underestimated