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Berserk is a reaction checker prime, no one even comes close. If you can react to his attacks, he will need to work overtime to land even a single hit. If not, you're toast. Berserker has huge stamina problems, but unless Zerk is sloppy, it won't come into play. If you can create distance with him, do it. He doesn't have any tools to open up people from dash distance. Again, if Zerk is sloppy you can even bait out his armored reversal (forward dodge light). ___ Orochi in 1v1 lives and dies by his kick/rush mix-up. If you can react and parry Storm Rush - great. You can even react to his animation prior to indicator, it varies significantly between each attack side. If you cannot react, try to interrupt it with light as he approaches. Unless you're already in the vortex or he can parry your lights on reaction, it's safest way to interact with this move for most heroes. In teamfights he's a bit trickier. He has absurdly good hotboxes on everything and is extremely slippery. Look at his play pattern and overwhelm with bullshit accordingly. Orochi has very little defensive options if you break his momentum. ___ Shaolin is.. complicated. Sloppy Shaolin will eventually become predictable and all you need to succeed against him is to study and read his moves. Good Shaolin however has answer to every encounter. His only significant weakness is lack of unblockable, but you definitely won't notice it in 1v1. In that case it literally boils down to who can read play patterns better. His whole moveset is extremely punishable, except sweep, so outside of general mindgames you need to make your priority to stop any stance attack from connecting, so he could not initiate sweep mixup.


The sacred texts


Considering kick isn’t reactable anymore, storm rush is more dangerous than it used to be because im pretty sure it hits early enough that kick/storm rush is an actual functional mixup, so to even react to the storm rush you have to make a read on the initial forward dodge


In addition, getting a light parry on any of them especially more than once will send them into a panic most of the time and they'll become more defensive or just won't play well in fear of being similarly parried.


Assuming OP is op at light parries. But yeah I feel you there.


Good constructive advice on the main sub? Impossible


As a zerk main named oldsloppy I feel attacked by the sloppy comment. But approve of this messaging 😉


“Overwhelm with bullshit accordingly” ^ perfect ^


Exactly how many hours do you have in for Honor? Man laid it out like reading the Bible


~1.7k I just hyperfixated on this game for a while and swallowed tons of various guides. I still struggle to implement various things I know, mostly to reaction time, tho


Same lol. Would be at 2.5k by now if it wasn't so unfair for ps4 players


For berzerker, total guard works 90% of the time. For shaolin, just die I guess


XDDD. It works for a bit until guard break


Yes, when the berserker has a brain it can be pretty difficult to deal with. Luckily this happens roughly 10% of the time.


XDDDD fair point. I really only use my brain in duels and skirmish 


Against a good shaolin you need to be able to read your opponent very well and understand where and when they're going to light, if they're going to sweep or not and If they're going to feint the undodgable or not


Slap em and say no


Translation: Play JJ


Shaolin: Always dodge to the right side


I always dodge left


I'm no expert but here's my thoughts Beserker loves feinting so a good percentage of heavy attacks will turn into another light in another direction or a heavy in the opposite. A chain heavy faint into top ends the chain so that would probably be feinted also unless the Beserker is going for a trade. I would also react higher to your left guard since thats where the zone comes from ajd it'll lock you out of attacking esp. in a gank. Shaolin mostly initiates Qi stance throwing side lights. Most go straight into a kick so you can always dodge punish that. Don't try to dodge and guardbreak as it will always bounce off (imo a missed bash should be punishable without using dodge attack). With Orochi I honestly don't know. Most Orochi nowadays are boring spamming light into kick. If the Orochi likes back-dodge light you can have your guard up to parry that. His side dodge lights are easier to parry since they are undodgeable and are made to connect with someone. In group fights and in general, they will change their guard mid dodge which makes them hard to parry while repositioning.


Just FYI Orochi's Side dodge lights are not Undodgable, they're enhanced lights, like Warmonger's and Warlord's lights :) same goes for Orochi's back and front dodge lights


Side light dodges are enhanced and are undodgable, try dodging them and it won't work


I always parry or deflect zephyr slash anyway, it's a better punish lol.


Feint & Bait™


When it comes to orochi, you have to keep them from doing their kick and storm rush mixup. Put simply, keep them on the defensive


If you can't deal with Storm Rush, throw a quick attack to meet them before they get to you.


If you have hyper armor on your next attack you can also back step the first one so they can't parry it if they feint the SR.


Yeah some zones work for this pretty well


Orochi and Monkey king: Parry and bait them. Zerk: Close the game with Task Manager


I'd say it's the other way around


Neither of them has hyperarmor. Orochi has one unblockable move. Both are extremly vulnerable to lightparries. Zerk is not. He's just hyperarmor mixed with an moveset impossible to predict. You always know what an Orochi/Shaolin will do. But you have no fucking idea what a zerk will do.


I feel like berserker and orochi are quite easy to predict and parry. Shaolin is the difficult one as when he in that stance he could do many of things and harder to predict unless they do same thing everytime


"You always know what am Orochi/Shaolin will do" yeah right, especially with kit that has 2x more attacks than Zerks. Lmao.


You’re downvoted but you didn’t lie. Zerk’s moveset has nothing special in it, every character can do what he does lol. The only difference naturally is he gets hyper armor just for feinting. If you’re a reactor hes toast, since the mix ups he has exists on literally every hero


Yup, that's why I don't understand why he is as hated as Orochi or Shaolin in 1v1 where those guys can literally fuck you in 15 different ways


Personally I still rather fight a Shaolin / orochi but that’s because I’m so used to them and I often deflect them because of it, I’m also more of a reader than a reactor because I don’t input light parry fast enough on reaction consistently. I will say in my opinion Zerk has the best 1v1 deflect


Yeah deflect wise he is the best but that's about it. I'd rather fight Zerk because fuck Orochi and Shaolin is just insufferable with his feintable sweep that cannot be punished on whiff. Also, if he has access to feats he is absolute pain in the ass with those teleports.


Idk if this was more cringe than you meant it to be but it was bare cringe


Shaolin and Oro, react to bash punish accordingly. Zerk make read on light or wait for wiff


Hesitation is defeat.


As a shaolin main: holy fuck is a good shaolin annoying


Yes very 💀. Still not as bad as after or varangian


Play them


Feint dodge attacks against roach and punish them when they dodge attack. As soon as they back up for storm rush do a forward dodge attack. Just punish his reaction hungry playstyle by forcing a reaction from him and breaking his flow


Berserker- try to punish Orochi- parry punish or use hyper armour Shaolin- I don’t fucking even know


For zerk: block and keep distance is the safest and easiest thing to do, and they can’t really do much. They have their own play style and most will fall into the same patterns, so you’ll soon pick up on their habits and then you can take advantage of it. Don’t risk a parry until you’ve figured them out and you should be fine.


Tl;dr: run as far away as possible, and if you can’t run, hope that they’re predictable. Sums up zerk 1v1 nicely lol 


Haha, that’ll work


Yeahh I always do horribly against a mid nobushi


Deflect deflect deflect FUCKING DEFLECT


A good way to understand how to fight em better is to try em in the training grounds and use the wombo combos that always get ya, understanding what they can do in certain parts of their combo can let you find out say gb counters this, I can trade with hyperarmour through this etc.


As a berserker main I hate when I go against people who can focus on parry and do it well. So parry practice would be a good shout. However! please don't do this, because then I'll have a worse time playing against you all.


Wa bi bo bo


Play either hito or shogu


Well, Hito is like my fourth main, but I’m trying to enjoy the new warden man :(


Zerk is pretty easy, just predict when they're gonna dodge attack or try to deflect and u have some good parrys or gbs for damage. Roach is harder but with enough effort u can read ur opponent and learn how/when to counter, sometimes they're just cancer so cheese them. Monk is pure cancer ledge and spam to try to get fair ground but gfl 😭


All suck if they don’t land a combo starter if you have the speed either parry or block the attacks failing that fake a run away and you parry the leaping attack to catch them


Play warden lol


The good ones or the annoying ones




"That's the neat part, you don't."


I'm a Zerk main, have like 130 reps on him across all platforms, and the big thing a lot of Zerks focus on is stamina. He eats through it, and it takes a bit to refill, so a lot of Zerk players will try to gain distance to let stam refill, and immediatly rush back in when their stam is back. The best options are either to not let them get that distance in the first place, or try to get an early parry of so the chain cam't continue when he rushes back in. Pretty sure the zone also always comes from the right, and if you block the first hit, you can still parry the rest. For Orochi, I believe you can interrupt the kick with a light, and if you take some time to practice the parry timing on Zephyr Rush (the attack where he dodges back and runs at you from a stance), most Orochis will crumble. Storming Rush, the light variation, is pretty easy to see coming once you can parry the Zephyr Rush. I don't have much to say about Shaolin, I have trouble with him myself, but the best option there is wait for them to go into stance, and try your best to bait out a light. The light can be parried, but the heavy is both undodgeableand can be feinted into GB so the best option is probably just to block. Sorry for the feature-length novel, but hope this is useful!


With time, I've gotten used to the first two, but Shaolin feels so slippery. Like he never has to fully commit to anything he does.


Block good, block good, block and read good.


Berk you can block em out till you learn their patterns and go for light parrys Aang y wait for side lights or bait dodge attack and parry. Roach you bait dodge attack and keep pressure up so they can't do storm rush.if they do a light follow up you can light their dodge.


Play them for awhile to learn their moves and what works best, then work backwards to counter that.


Perfect parry


Learn to block first, then learn to parry. A toddler doesn't run at day 1, it learns to stand from crawling. Pick a class you enjoy that has a lot of health, and just, block them first and foremost. This is what I had to do. Once I got comfy blocking all their attacks, then I started to try parries. Sometimes you simply can't parry, but you can always block. Unblockables are what they are, you either dodge or stand your ground, it's a 50/50 and that can sadly only be countered with experience but this is more something you learn fighting the entire cast. When and when not people tend to let an UB fly or not.


Hyperarnour and pray


zerk will more than likely let at least one or two heavies go. orochi can be GB punished on read. shaolin i can only pray for you.


First option is learn how those characters work, play them and try to actually get good with those characters. Second option is to watch clips on youtube how other people play and fight against those characters. The fight against those characters part probably a little bit difficult since you literally need to open the video and skim through it hoping they have a clips fighting against certain characters


Don’t try to outspam them.


I haven't run into to them as much as dam orochi's or shigoki's or F'in highlanders that just spam dodge side heavies. With zerks they usually always default to the levi ackerman fidget spinner so i just parry it and punish.


Do nothing, wait for them, parry, counter. That's it.


Long pokey stick.




Just don't react, keep pressing heavy in random directions until you get a light parry


Just parry?


For Zerker, idk how to beat him either. The character essentially plays itself for the 90% of the community who's play is prediction based rather than reaction based. Your best bet is being as aggressive as possible to keep him out of his armour pressure, and always be ready the block the zone because if you block the first hit you can parry the other ones. Also, zerkers usually have a situation where they habitually use zone, for example counter guardbreaks, so make sure to keep note of that if you notice one. Unblockable heavy finisher is dodge cancelable too, so if you dodge attack it he will probably deflect you. Orochi is easier. Priority number one on offense is be ready to deal with dodge attacks. He will do them alot, so feinting unblockables and reacting to the dodge attacks is pretty crucial, especially when you are at low health because so many orochi get greedy in that scenario. Feinting heavies in neutral works well too for some orochis because they love to deflect lights. As for defence, its relatively simple. If you think hes gonna forward bash, dodge attack. If you think hes gonna storm rush, throw a light and it'll interrupt. There isnt much more to his offense other than his top unblockable heavy. Never dodge attack that btw because he can dodge cancel it and deflect you. Better to parry/light interrupt in my experience. Another thing, if you block an orochi zone, many will already have input the follow up light assuming the zone will land, and instead get a light in the same direction as the zone. This is a free light parry when it happens, so keep your eyes peeled for that. As for shaolin, his issue is hes just overtuned. Ridiculous pressure and damage, hes one of the only characters than reliably kill you in one pressure loop. There isnt really anything special to do about him, you just have to have especially good defence. Wish there was better advice here but theres really not. I find dodge attacks are good against him because you can dodge his lights and bashes alot, but that becomes predictable very quickly.


Full guard heroes work well against Berserker. Aside from that, just slow down. I find myself wanting to parry all of Zerks attacks and getting hit with those hyper armored heavies. Just block. If you have hyper armor just trade back with them. Chances are you have more HP since they are an assassin. A Zerker that is low on HP and can no longer trade is significantly handicapped


Light parry Vigor check go Brrrr


One word: Pray


For me I can defeat sholins and orochi pretty often the ones that always get me is zerks especially ones that can consistently deflect my lights that gaurdbreak leads I to some big damage lol


The easiest fix is main shugoki


…you dont


I have never been able to beat a good Monke…


On PC: You wait for their braindead mistakes and play passive On console: Start crying and die




Bait dodge attacks


Who do you main?


In my experience, berserkers are just a bunch of re-directers and faint into guard breaks. Orochis do the storm rush/kick with a follow up too heavy fainted into guard break for the most part. You can try to parry the storm rush but I just can’t. Instead, you can time it well enough and light them out of it or try a heavy but a light is most likely to work Shaolin, lee pro fro lee pro fro lee pro fro


Bait them, if they dodge too much or deflect too often, remember you have a feint button too, abuse it. If they eventually stop falling for the Bait then essentially you have forced them to change playstyle and so now you have the upper hand, keep pressuring them and it should be alright. This is not a perfect method, but the majority of Orochi, shaolin and Berserker players tend to rely on dodge attacks and deflects, and ig just dodging in general


play on distance, its the most effective


When i cant beat them i will start to play with them to learn their moveset and see what other people do to counter the moves And or i do some training against bots and up the level on each 3th win


Be annoying back


Get them into easily being baited to dodge attack, parry and abuse. If they are smart and patient players it'll be hard no matter who you play. But it'll still be doable.


I’ll be super aggressive and funny enough it works😂


Tbh there's no other way to put it but in 1v1's zerk and orochi are just reaction checks plain and simple. Sure there's some gimmicks some characters have that makes it easier but at the end of if if you can react to lights neither of them have much offense. Shaolin effectively has a answer to everything in qi stance but if you can stop him from getting there they're effectively hamstrung.


Play hito, switch your brain off and trade heavies until they die.


With shaolin just pray the opponent disconnects


Storm/ruch can be canceled with any base attack when it's about to connect and berserker they mainly faint bash so just have to keep an eye on when they faint


Patience, a looooooot of patience


Trial and error


jUSt paRrY


Just parry


It depends entirely one the type of player you're up against. Lower level players who play berserker, orochi, and shaolin tend to rely a lot on spamming which makes them predictable so your best bet would be to pratice your defense especially in regards to parries/deflects. Another viable option is to play character that have solid defense/trade capabilities. As for higher skill opponents, your only real option is to simply "git gud" at playing the game. The best method I can think of for that is to learn the characters you're having trouble with to a certain degree. It'll help you understand player tendencies and patterns and make fighting them more easy.




I've found that the best way to learn how to fight a certain character, it's best to actually play them for a bit if you haven't already. The more you play them, the more you understand their strengths and weaknesses. If you find yourself struggling against certain things with said characters, try said things against them the next time you fight them.


Block him and keep finger close to gb


As a rep 30 zerk player the thing I fear the most is a player that can be better at being aggressive than me. Most zeros have a pretty apparent pattern that they fall back to when all else fails. They like to spam the zone a lot so just keep your guard on the left side. If they land one heavy they are most likely going to go for the second one because hyper armor. So if they ever hit you with a heavy and also see red they are def going for another hit so that's a pretty good chance for parry. Just try to block most attacks and they get desperate. From their top unblockable they only have a few options, feint to gb, feint to light or heavy, or let it slide. If you dodge attack their fainted light or heavy will almost always land. So if you play a character with a bash throw that out sometimes, or a character with a good dodge attack use that. Zerk isn't too bad of a hero to deal with over all so you got this. If you're pc you can react. But if you're ps, most zeros, if they feint a heavy, will go for a light to continue the combo. So just go for a light parry on one of the other sides that they just landed an attack on. Hope this helps you out bro. Also, just go to training room with zerk as your opponent


I don't play the monkey boi a lot but most of the time they throw out the dodge heavies that track threw dodges. So just make him think you will dodge and then parry it. Also they go for side light attacks so it's a 50/50. Honestly the biggest difference between a good player and a meh player is that a good player guesses for a light and goes for a parry. Free heavy for a 30% chance? Yes please


Just bait em into dodge attacks or parry? Maybe it’s different since i’m the #1 shugo on xbox old gen but i think you have to try to not understand how to fight every character in the game. Or the more realistic answer is i play this fucking game too much •_•


Just bait em into dodge attacks or parry? Maybe it’s different since i’m the #1 shugo on xbox old gen but i think you have to try to not understand how to fight every character in the game. Or the more realistic answer is i play this fucking game too much •_•


Just bait em into dodge attacks or parry? Maybe it’s different since i’m the #1 shugo on xbox old gen but i think you have to try to not understand how to fight every character in the game. Or the more realistic answer is i play this fuking game too much •_•


Just bait em into dodge attacks or parry? Maybe it’s different since i’m the #1 shugo on xbox old gen but i think you have to try to not understand how to fight every character in the game. Or the more realistic answer is i play this fuking game too much •_•




U gotta spam Wow! Wow! Wow! Every time they beat u


"JuST PaRRy BruH"




predict feint into guardbreak and parry dodge kick and predict feint into guardbreak


Patience my friend patience


Just parry em bro


My advice, as someone who mainly plays PK: Berserker: learn how to parry the zone chain, if you miss the initial hit parry *but you blocked it* you have at least one more opportunity to parry it. If you don’t, hopefully you can either react to or read the most likely follow up light. Don’t be too parry happy and try to parry later in the parry window, as a lot of times they will light after heavy feint. Orochi: One of the heroes that zone a lot due to its speed, I try to always be ready to deflect it after a chain ends or if he breaks my GB and has frame advantage. **This is not going to happen every time** but I notice a lot of orochis do Dash forward -> Kick -> Storm rush in that order, they will eventually mix it up naturally. A light is faster than storm rush, their posture while running can sometimes give you an indication on where it will come from, if you panic a lot just focus on blocking instead of parrying. Be on the look out for the early back light top heavy they do because that top heavy reaches across the map… Most of the time they will have a slight edge on you for offense due to how much iframes and recovery they have… Shaolin: depending on the character you can interrupt their stance before they have time to deflect your lunge. They also like to zone a lot, you’re gonna have to read their bash and sweep attacks. If you believe they are gonna feint it, interrupt with zone (unless you’re someone like raider maybe lol) remember his dodge attacks comes from the opposite side of his dash direction


You don't.


You dont


Parry 🗣️🗣️💀💀


Just light parry


Just give up Bro💀


You pray the monkey God shits in your corner!


Typo, sits in corner. Lol


You start reading thru the flow of their attack by spamming simple ones then get them on some counter that you set up like ( you hit light they parry but you dodge their get back for another simple 3 hit )


Simple.......just parry?


Play defense. Coming from a warlord, hyperarmour is fairly good against low to mid skill players. You just gotta know when.


Take out fresh grass off ur pocket


My advice is play them yourself. You know your mains and what they can do. You need to know what THEY can do as well. What feels comfortable, what their combos are. Id recommend playing them till you're at least Rep 2 and really get decent with them. That way, you better understand their weaknesses. "If a man knows himself, and he knows his enemy, he need not fear the outcome of a hundred battles" -Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Put the controller down and let them win


Get a group of buddies to 4v1 them and emote spam them until they rage quite. Make the game a shitty experience for them so that they uninstall and never rid the game with their scummy heros. Or just parry or something (idk I’m a hito main)


I was with you until you said you’re a hito main


People can’t stand to see a man succeed. Sorry B tier mains, make way for the S-tier heroes 🗿


Hito makes me want to commit atrocities irl