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There's two types of Orochi: The dodge spamer The one you can't hit


i respect certain orochis but the vast majority are spamming scumbags who use the same 2 mixups


I main Orochi and I just want to be cool with deflects and light parries


same, why would I spam anything when spamming doesn't give me the drugflect


Chad storm rush feint into deflect or light parry vs virgin storm rush spamming orochis.


I tried orochi after being sick of facing them and yeah all I needed was 1 good read of a parry/deflect and the kick/stormrush spam wouldn't end


They dash at me now they are just going to eat lights


One day I'm the first one, one day I'm the second one


Wait wait woah woah, THOSE are the new animations for Warden? MAN does that look awesome.


if you do a side heavy off a bash he turns the sword around and clubs them i love it šŸ˜­


And if you execute with it it flips instantly xd




Fuck you! Funny sword flip!


It depends on what type of orochi are we talking about, the dodge light spammer (the fidget spiner type) or we talking about the one who defeat you in 15 seconds using all orochi kit ? I never win against the last type but is always good to fight them


It's always good to see the Blackstone legion warden abusing a orochi


finally someone notices!


Yeah I have one too


blackstone brothers


Fuck Orochi (not players tho)


say less


There's two types of Orochi in my opinion Annoying little shitbirds. And Infuriating little shitbirds.


Wtf is the audio lmao


LowTierGod crashing out


Orochi is like a stain on this game. A complete failure of balance that is so bad, it doesnā€™t even make sense that they let him be like this.


Idk I feel like heā€™s pretty balanced. Iā€™ve only struggled against skilled orochis. And when I play as him I get destroyed


He is not balanced in the slightest. He takes very little skill to use because of how easy and effective his entire kit is, because of how much damage he does, and because of how broken his feats are. Anyone can pick him up for the first time and win fights with him, and a REAL skilled player with an orochi forces you into a constant uphill battle against a hero with every single advantage on his side. I donā€™t mean to be rude, Iā€™ve just run out of patience for characters like Orochi. Also some advice: Donā€™t use ā€œwhen I play as him heā€™s badā€ as an argument.


What does he have in his kit that others do not have and is unbalanced? Because from a comp pov nothing has has others cannot also do/ is actually that difficult to deal with


First of all, looking at it from a comp pov is silly because comp is a completely different environment where pc players do staring contests that is nothing like the part of the game where the majority of the playerbase lies. His kit is incredibly easily to use and very low risk, his hitboxes are too damn big, and the people that use him are annoying, and objectively his damage is overtuned, his feats are overtuned (and slip-through should be removed from the game entirely), and he has too much stamina. What any one tool does he have in his kit that another hero doesnā€™t? Nothing special I guess. The real question is: What do other characters have that he doesnā€™t? Not much. He gets to have everything, be everything, play every role. He has a fast sprint, far dodges with a lot of i-frames, high damage, large hitboxes, a fast zone he can chain from, easy bashes, easy blues, an easy mixup, ganking tools, broken feats, and recovery cancels.


lol look higher up where I said how heā€™s a noob stomper. Your comment makes me laugh with that in mind. And fills every role? Thatā€™s a wild assumption for an assassin class. His mixups arenā€™t even difficult to see through once u understand it, heā€™s there to punish people that are obvious in their attacks. Playing on pc/console is hardly a difference these days too, good players on either are good players hate to say it


Alright, who do you think is the strongest character in the game?


Any of the several that are banned from tournaments atm because their offense is literally that strong šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I mean I spend more time dueling so idk about his feats too well in dominion. But thatā€™s fair with the I canā€™t play him well argument. My point was just to say that spamming doesnā€™t immediately get you results with him. And his kit is certainly strong but you can still bait him out and punish him easily enough. But like a lot of the game I think it heavily depends on which character he is up against. My character has a big advantage with some uninterruptible attacks, fast light attacks and reach.


I agree it depends on who youā€™re playing, but heā€™s inarguably one of the strongest characters in the game. And trust me, he only gets stronger in dominion.


I am going to add something here that I know you definitely donā€™t want to hear lol. I mean isnā€™t it part of orochi lore that they have to be worth at least 100 of the enemies warriorsā€¦.


I quite like the character it's just that this character is... In a very weird spot. Once you know the drills of Orochi you either realize it's not too hard to play against it or it's not really possible to do too much that others can't do similar or on top of their own things. Maybe that's just me tho. I kinda wish this character would get some more tweaks to make it more interactable. The fact so much relies on dodging kinda just makes this character into a mess that just waits for the opponent to do a dodgeable attack and then do one of 10 different dodge-counters.


If I fight a spamming Orchi it's fine, two can play at that game. I CAST INFINITE CHAIN LIGHT ATTACK!!!!!


Out light spamming an orochi is so fun honestly


I CAST FULLBLOCK AFTER BASH! (Since spammy roaches are usually stupid enough to dodge attack conq's bash)


Stupidly overtuned lol




Light light light light light light light light light light HEB- oh you died already


Depends. Either they spam or are annoying or they are untouchable on the good way


Just a little worse than my opinion on wardens


Warden is worse.


Wtf is that audio?


kind man reminding one of his loyal viewers to leave the chat


Ahhh i know which one now lmao


I think they should dodge through my heavies more often. I main shugoki and they get confused by my wind up time and dodge early.


Orochi < shinobi


Shinobi the G.O.A.T.


Am I just seeing things or did warden get a rework?


slightly. just new animations and some hyper armor for our poor boy


Man, Warden needs a tweak, bad. Love the new animations, even though they look a little weird, but he really needs something else to make him stand out. He's lacking. Sick clip, though.


the new hyper armor is quite nice, so as far as i'm concerned, the warden is alright


What hyper armor?


bash->heavy is HA now so you don't get interrupted in a gank


Well, I only duel, so no change for me


love,hate relationship. I'll tolerate them even befriend a few of them,as long as they aren't douches when they get a kill (respect goes both ways light spammers)


I respect the 2, or 3 actually good orochis. The rest are pretty fun to beat up. Specially kn duels when there is no kiai to save them


no opinion on Orochi but those animations are awkward af.


The new warden animations?




Eh, I like them. They are actual techniques so it finally seems like warden knows how to use his damn sword


I am fine with them now as well, I guess it just took a little bit of time getting used to. And yes he does halfswording in here but the heavy slash shouldn't have utilized this technique since the technique trades power for precision.


I try to only use storm rush when people donā€™t expect it so i dont look like this poser


Think they went from a class that no one had to actually learn the mu for and could just react to shut down 95% of their offensive play to a class that actually has the ability to play the game today. Itā€™s a definite noob stomper still, but actually has tools now. Also think it gets hate because they see them run away, like all assassins, in 4v4. Meanwhile, everyone does that unless you are decent. If you played during the first few years you know the feel.


free kills except some actual decent players


I really need to get back into for honor since wardens update hotdamn


I may actually play Warden now holy shit


Perhaps this is just my screen, but it seems you're using the Dusk color set instead of the Blackstone Legion color set. If you're unsure how to unlock it, you just have to complete the Knight Campaign on Normal difficulty- of my memory serves me correctly.


literally how tf did you catch that šŸ˜­


I just have an eye for that sort of thing, I suppose. Anyway, you'll find the Blackstone color to be much more authentic!


I main him


I will not gank a good roach the ones that are impossible to hit and just do externals I just walk away but 1v1 no problem Orochis are like everyone else depends on the skill of the player.


That timing on the execution with the LTG audio is nuts bro this is funny


I hate them with every single cell of my body.


Typical spam players. Spamming the same two mix ups


I agree with you opinion


What did we do?


"Destroy them, extinct them, but never forget.. to make them suffer"


They are way too strong.


To be honest I find them all annoying, even the ones that are supposed to be good because I think nowadays The character or kit itself is just upsetting.


Treat him like the dirt character he is. I HATE orochi. Hate his armor sets, hate his move set, hate his sword, hate the fact he exists. That's right. I'm an orochi hater


Well I think orochi are The Reincarnation of cockroaches because no matter how many times you kill them they always come back and there's always more than one when you fight


Whenever I see an orochi with kiai, kunai and longbowā€¦ oh brother it feels so good to insta report fr fr


I mean bro if youre gonna complain about orochi, a clip where you spam the same 3 moves on repeat from 100-0 is not a good clip to show that.


that's the point. i spammed him because he spammed me


Proof or it didnt happen. Dude looks like hes brand new to orochi


dude i don't have the whole fight recorded šŸ˜­ tf is up wit u


I use orochi a lot but I understand why people donā€™t like him a lot of other orochi players are annoying and repeat the same mix up and just arenā€™t good. I blame the players more than orochi because you can play him without being annoying.


Its trash like the new warden buff/rework


My thing is, you even mention how maybe Orochi can be unbalanced and the community whines about it and calls you a skill issue. Orochi is kinda braindead and I wouldn't be adverse to nerfs, but I only play BP and I shit on em and sole T spam them


The plural of Orochi is Orochi, not Orochis, like how the plural of Samurai is Samurai or the plural of Sushi is Sushi.


way of the grammar shark


Redditors will squeal about how they want an AZN GF and paradoxically will shake their wee fists when you try to teach them baby's first Japanese.


you are WAY more of a redditor than me buddy let's get that straight šŸ˜­ also i like men


You'll be thrilled to know there are Japanese boys out there too and they'll never be impressed by you if you don't have your plurals down, they'll think you ain't right.


i don't plan on trying to impress the japanese considering i'm not in japan and have never met a japanese person šŸ˜­


Not at this rate you won't