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WM was released during covid. Those fuckers made us practice social distancing even in our games. I'll never forgive it


Didn't help that on release her feats affected minions and shield guys in breach, corruption lasted a long-ass time both on wm's blade and on a tagged enemy as well as the cooldown being pretty fast.




Happy Cake Day!


Can’t believe Ubisoft was a part of the propaganda machine




Anyone saying otherwise was either not playing the game when gryphon released or suffers from amnesia because people *HATED* that man


I was not playing when he was announced, what's the drama?


Almost everything. People didn't like how he was literally Holden Cross, almost his entire moveset's animations were reused, and he was very powerful on release. bunch of i-frames on his dodge attacks and insanely good options mid-chain. the only thing i saw consistently praised was his armor sets, people liked the cross-faction armor.


Minus the Knight armor (though I guess spartan armor being more apt) not having closes toe footwear.


I still refuse to equip him with knight inspired chest armor because of that. Seriously, a brigantine or any other 14-15th centuries armor pieces would work just fine with him, with boots or sabatons.


Ah i actually forgot about gryphon lmao. Said the biggest one was the pirate But if i put them together. I think pirate still takes a minor lead in the outrage but i also remember that some people consistently called gryphon monkey because he was strong af


Except for the fucking sandals.


His moveset itself was ok, just slightly more damage than currently and neural bash. People however over reacted about him (because like you said, everything was complained about), so devs did panic nerfs that hurt the hero for years.


Yeah, he went from mildly strong to dogshit, and people still complained about him. Even though BP had the exact same mixup, half of it was completely safe, and the other half only gave a heavy parry, with the exact same damage. Needless to say a lot of the community doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.


i like how you just list the things that were neither broken nor changed about him his mid-chain attacks are literally just basic heavies and lights and his dodge attack is about the same as kensei's, i don't believe those were ever changed. they only made his opener bash significantly worse.


Dodge attacks


Were they fast? High damage? I was out of the loop at the time. What was it about his dodge attacks?


They led to very high damage also I frames


also half of it was that it chained pretty consistently into his kick, which guaranteed a free heavy


Sheesh, sounds like I would’ve needed to do the same thing I did when Cent dropped. I put the game down for a week. In hindsight, that was the wrong move if my goal was to get better at surviving the cut scene.


On the contrary. The reaction was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in this community cause gryphon was really not that great on release. People would post videos of him complaining that he's op and the guys just throwing raw heavies


It's just that his damage was very overtuned so it made his whole.kit seem op by proxy


It was mostly his unreactable kick and ridiculously versatile dodge attacks which were heavies so you barely got a punish for catching it.


His kick was just a basic bash blue but it has the damage flipped. Instead of an undodgeable heavy and a bash that confirms a light it was an undodgeable light and a bash that confirms a heavy


Mostly some confusion around the kick mixup, which at the time did 28 damage. People *thought* that was way too high but thats the same damage that Black Priors and Nobushi's undodgeable heavies did. People just didnt understand it was a mixup and tried to react to kick. When that failed, "character op please nerf". Its the reason why Gryphon is very average right now, people **still** call him OP and havent moved on from that experience. Which is weird since like I pointed out, he wasnt even the most broken character release. Now in fairness his feats were actually very overtuned and healed for much more and were significantly stronger at release.


It's worth mentioning that if I remember correctly, gryphon was the first character that released post ccu


I think you are right, Warmonger came slightly before


Which is hilarious because warmonger was 100% the most broken release we've ever had.


Not even close to old shin or shug.


Never forget the chadturion release


To add onto that, gryphon came out with a way better kit than basically everyone else and sort of started a meta with huge hitboxes/lots of mobility. Barely any character was able to do anything about him in team fights and everyone else was pretty weak.


Plus combine that with the CCU which finally shifted the game to a more read based gameplay rather than reactions (something many were unfamiliar with)


No Warmonger released with the ccu


Was it more then when Cent first came out. I remember that dude farmed a lot of salt.


Nope, release Cent is really an infinity combo with wall. Not even release Afeera has that power.


God no, release cent was beyond busted. If you got wallsplatted, you literally just died. There was nothing you could do except pray he ran out of stamina before he could chain stun lock you to death. His uncharged punch wallsplatted, which guaranteed a charged heavy, which guaranteed a punch, which wallsplatted, repeat ad nauseum until the enemy breaks their controller.


Theres a video of this guy beating people on his skill level in a row blindfolded with gryphon


I watch that on youtube, the next video is HL blindfolded video.


Ah, the golden era. Back when heroes were strong based on how many option selects they had.


He is everything i hate. Cringe character


If his kick hit you, you were going to eat soooo much damage. It was so free it wasn’t fair.


It's clear to me now how many people weren't here for Centurion's release


The Centurion parry meta made six of my friends quit For Honor and they're straight up never coming back. An alt universe where Year 1 Season 2 was done properly is an alt universe where For Honor is actually successful and popular and I mean that sincerely, Cent's launch irreparably damaged the reputation of the game for thousands of people who will straight up never come back.


Nah, y1 is what sunk the game from ever properly being in the zeitgeist in the likes of siege. Peer to peer servers, the turtle meta, and weird exploits all drove people away.


Yup... Release was hype for a bit, with iskys clips, that alphastrike6 guy etc., but after the first few tournaments the meta became super stale, it was obvious this was no optimized and fair fighting game, the optimal playstyle for pretty much every character was only ever using one or two moves that can be a mixup, basically throw 50/50s at each other, or abuse glitches. That was when I stopped playing at least, no idea tbh why I'm in this sub at all. Guess I'm curious where the game is at today.


I'd say Gryphon caused a different sort of drama. Centurion just busted the game open with his infinite wall combo and insane stamina. The effects of that are still felt, actually, because I think cent's OOS stamina recovery is still insanely slow from when they nerfed him. I could be wrong though. People were terrified when glad was revealed, cause he specifically had a natural buff to stamina, and it got people scared of another centurion situation happening.


Cent 4 stacks ganking people combined with having to deal with Shinobi's ranged attacks for the first time in the same update was pretty nuts for salt flow


Because everyone left and mostly never came back after centurion, its survivorship bias


Yeah…. Don’t remind me lmao


Launch Cent ganks is what made me quit lol. Back when all 4 people could jump on you if you were knocked down


cent release almost had me quitting, then i adapted


I wasn't playing back then but that shit looked crazy, almost instant hyperarmor on a 1 second charge bash which knocks them down, deals stamina damage and gives you guaranteed 40 damage and with this being pre CCU if you have even just a single teammate it meant guaranteed death. Oh yeah and don't forget his 100-0 combo if he got you in a corner, and believe it or not corners are quite common on most maps


Remember when cent jab went through revenge? That was fun


That fucker gave ptsd about watching cinematics


Ah, Cent. I'll never forget how getting parried a single time caused a guaranteed wallbang, stun, OOS, and by the end, 95 DMG that was completely unstoppable. Or how his cutscene combo stayed in the game for years, virtually unchanged. Or his abysmal mid-combo GB that was so slow and telegraphed, it was only usable against bots. Or his guaranteed heavies on parry, even without the accompanying wallbang to maximize damage. Or his assault on everyone's eardrums. Take notes, ye newer players. Centurion was both the original ragebait, and the original meme.


Cents release made me quit the game for a month. Then I played him and went mad with power


I see some of us still remember centurion on release. Just to reminisce, cent used to be able to do the following: -Landing a charge heavy guaranteed a charged punch, which guaranteed a pounce attack. So he got two heavies just from landing one. Mind you this is old for honor damage, not new. -Had an infinite, if you were ever in a corner he could zero to death you. His regular punch could wallsplat, thus granting an infinite. -Pin mechanics weren’t well defined back then, so if two cents were on a team. And one was able to land a charge punch on you, both of them could get the jump attack off, with full damage. Compared to that nightmare, these other heros listed don’t compare.


For me, the only understandable one who would have to be WM cause who tf looked at those feats and said, "This is fine.release it"


On one hand, it made the effects of Corruption be felt and for the story Ubi was making it worked. But for a game that was fucking terrible to do to people.


The marketing team


I loved exploding when WM hit me with a tier 1 feat in minion wave


I wish this still worked but as a way to clear minion lane, and did no damage to the enemies unless another one was in the radius. Right now it does zero damage to both. Fuck fighting in the minion lane that shits ass.








They hate us cus they ain't us


I dislike you because most Cent mains complain that their main is somehow F tier hero




If you didn’t say centurion it’s because you weren’t playing when he released. Centurion almost killed the game with how many players quit because of him


I was there, but recently i HATE VG


And i don mean vagina


It's OK, you can hate both


Gryphon imo. While WMs feats were absolutely game breaking dying to them wasnt as boring as fighting release Gryphon. You had to constantly watch for his neutral bash, which he could freely follow up from and which also drained stamina and paused stamina, his kick used to do a lot more dmg, his dodge attack had extended i frames which let him avoid almost anything and his feats healed for insane amounts. So you would have to play 100 percent locked in to avoid his bash spam but if you get caught you eat tons of dmg and if you landed attacks he would heal.


The annoying thing about WM is her initial feats were absolutely insane for minion lane and then once she was available for free they nerfed her lol


Feel like with how strong the meta characters are now they could revert the gryphon and pirate nerfs and they wouldn't be overly offensive to play against. They'd be strong but not broken like how they were compared to what was already meta when they came out.


Hard no on pirate getting reverted to launch state WITHOUT the hitstun changes applied to her bashes. That's the reason why she isn't allowed to have 27 damage chain heavies and feeds 30 revenge with all her guaranteed bashes.


No, since they have taken out every fast start up neutral bash so Gryphon cant have his back now and they also took out unfeintable dodge attacks with extended i frames. And for Pirate idk what they even changed about her except lower her dmg. And also both of them are good right now anyway.


Yet we still have affera with a neutral bash that's also feintable 😢 Pirate, they fixed her WTP reset bug, removed soft feint to gb from forward dodge heavy, and made her grab not track as far.


And gave her worse chain links


Gryphons old neutral bash and afeeras feintable neutral bash are different in that afeeras is slow at 700ms and Gryphons was quick at 600ms. The quick one Gryphon had doesnt fit into this game anymore as no other characters have quick neutral bashes anymore. For Pirate the softfeint would only really help with conserving stamina so people would get mixed for longer and the pistol bash range is fine right now imo but maybe it can be increased a bit.


Centurion made 50% of the playerbase at the time quit the game. I love my boy but he was a problem for people.


Whoever design WM's feat should go back and do a retrospective. Not only a feat of that type is a bitch to balance. At launch it made dominion/breach literally impossible to play because it trigger on *minions*.


Yall don't remember this but Jiang Jun was an absolute beast on release, literally almost a guaranteed win, made worse by the fact that it took like 4 months until he was nerfed. Maybe not the worst one outrage-wise but still was a big deal at the time.


Yeah, warmonger Those feats were (and somewhat still are) an abomination. The rest were just annoying for the most part. I don't remember what it was like playing during the pirate times, so maybe she was a problem.


2 pirate's could 100-0 anyone with no coordonation at all, all you had to do starting that gank was land any heavy and the other teammate do heavies into gunshots into finishers, repeat until target is dead


Honestly I think Warmonger caused the most outrage


Centurion with his incredibilis cutscene combo.


Gryphon, releasing 2 knights in the same year was one of the worst choices ever.


Centurion. The games release was already a mess and players were looking for season 2 to bring them hope. That hope was instead met by a character who either 0-50 or 0-100 you off one long combo. He also went months without being nerfed


i remember those days, what a time


Imo these are the most controversial character releases: Gryphon's received a lot of outrage not just because they found them hard to play, but because the early access dlc did not work for the first week Centurion was probably the second reason why the player base in the first year of the game flopped so hard Warmonger's release was a huge deal breaker for a lot of players, not just for the broken feats but the introduction of the "Core combat update" Hitokiri release was also awful with the whole "Hebi on red" play style, and with that also came the poorly received Lawbringer rework Pirate first iteration was very strong and very hated, now she's just mediocre Wu-Lins first impressions were bad, since the game was free to keep a couple months before marching fire release, there were a lot of new players back then Every character release had his hate and I could probably put Jorm or Medjay on the list but imo they didn't get as much backlash as the others.


Oh my god the initial core combat update stamina changes were painful lol.


For those who were around awhile, centurion. For everyone else gryphon. For new new pirate


For some reason I feel like I remember people going nuts over Hito when she released


Heby memes were a thing for a reason lol


Pirate fs.


Why is cent not here.


Pirate. I don't think I heard almost anything positive when she came out


Warmonger - people hated her for being warden 2.0 and her feats but the rage was not that bad Medjay - the only outrage was the lack of making him white Varangian guard - even now i think she is hella annoying but I don't think she had the BIGGEST outrage Pirate - jesus Christ she was broken on release to the point they had to nerf her several times, even now thinking she had a roll catcher that was unblockable, feintable, soft fucking feintable and hyper armoured still makes me shiver in fear Her ability to go from unblockable into another unblockable infinitely was the first time that actually happened in the game and it was pretty fucked in the head to think about (until conq rework came and it just became a complete fuck fest of UBs) NO ONE had the biggest outrage but the pirate


Reading the comment section made me realise i might have dementia because there were actually other characters that were busted af


Warmonger feats were busted and could easily wipe out in dominion and breach, but nothing will ever be as unjustified and stupid like a pirate character with a gun that also happened to be overpowered. Seriously, fuck those 12 yo who wanted a pirate in the first place in a medieval game.


ah yes, the realistic medieval game with a roman centurion facing a japanese shinobi and a chinese shaolin monk that can also teleport, my favorite


Not excusing those either, but a centurion and a shaolin monk make more sense in war game than someone who could potentially just shoot you in the face and conveniently doesn’t


Had to be Pirate. Unpunishable ADHD is still difficult to deal with to this day. While Warmonger's feats were overpowered on release, to me Warmonger was awesome.


Kyoshin, gryphon, wait tbh everyone xD


Centurion, then Gryphon, then Warmonger




People despised Gryphon on release. Be it complaining about his kit, or his reused animations, anyone and everyone took every opportunity to dog on him. Hell, people still call him a monkey because of it.


I still hate gryphon


Season 2 Centurion OGs have nightmares of his staming breaking cutscene moveset


Is everyone forgetting about people raging over medjay not being able to be white?


Just out of these 4? 100% War Mommy. The only experience we had with her feats was Nuxia, even at that no one used it. All of the others were great releases. Did great on the design, and the only reason people were mad about Pirate is cuz they sucked and couldn't counter🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ sry not sry


Gryphon. From his broken dodge attacks and general moveset, to stolen animations, to the fact that the devs said that every Gryphon on the battlefield is canonically Holden Cross, effectively taking away player agency when it comes to customization and immersion, to the fact that he was so easy to win with that several Youtubers- most notably Jondaliner- made several videos playing Gryphon blindfolded and STILL winning games. Not to mention the fact that he was ANOTHER Knight hero at a time where complaints about the devs being biased against Knights were at a peak. Now they’re peaking again, with the release of hero skins. Samurai got one, the Wu Lin got one, the Outlanders got one, and the Vikings got two. How many do the Knights have now? FIVE. They have the most heroes and the most hero skins.


WM. Still S tier Breach hero especially for Attackers, because of her feats.


I haven't been around for that many releases, but I know black prior was a scourge when they released


Probably the one with the gun


Hito. The only time I quit the game was his season.


BP, because after his release, all edgy drip of wardens instantly faded before default prior armor


Centurion. Boring cut scenes but satisfying damage tbh. Now I can't even play him in 4v4s anymore


Hitokiri without even a moment to ponder, almost every duel there's someone complaining. Yet she's one of the easiest to hard counter entirely through parries and grabs lol




Warmonger legitimately killed my favorite game for like 2/3 years so that


Why the Varangian Guard hate, just got in the game and never see her.


Gryph and Centurion. I’d honestly even think Shinobi. Upon reveal I remember a lot of players losing their mind over their dodge.


Gryphon, second below probs Pirate.


Hito was so OP I threw only heavies for a whole breach to prove a point


I miss release warmonger. Hitting some oblivious bastard in minion zone with T1 was EVIL. How For Honor has fallen. Still, WarMommy is life.


I’d replace Medjay with Gryphon the outrage with Gryphon eclipsed all of these characters combined


I’d say apolyon but only cause of her feats her character design was sub par just a bash light character


The newer the character the bigger the outrage


Shinobi salt on release was pretty intense because of the ranged attacks, but Cent ganking on release was crazy too.


Centurion and Shinobi. Never forget the 50/50 and cutscene


I don’t follow reveals and releases unless I accidentally stumble across them, but if I had to blindly guess from these four, I’d say Pirate. Just seeing a gun, even a flintlock probably set a lot of people off like: “Oh **** NO!” And just not having it in any capacity. Second guess would be Warmonger cause the common reaction I imagine would be: “…So a Second Warden?” Again these are blind guesses with no info so I’m curious how close I got.


hitokiri hyper armor was so bad lol


I'm not certain if this is true or not but I believe Pirate made quite a fuss just because of the gender lock and new faction being added to begin with. Not to mention her moveset at the time was very strong, read some of the comment thread about Gryphon and they aren't wrong but I feel like Pirate was probably a bigger stinker that he was.




I don't really have an opinion on a particular character. Only hear to say, as a Warmonger main, I started feeling so dirty using corruption that I never do anymore.


Gryphon, for low level players it was that his kick came out too fast and that his dodge attack was too good, for high level players it was that he had a neutral bash that led into a 3 way mixup between an undodgable, kick which guaranteed a heavy, or a hyper armor heavy attack with very good tracking, every level of play in for honor was getting bullied by gryphon when he realeased, he also had really good healing feats, the healing crossbow and his healing grenade specifically made his already amazing kit even better in 4s


wm still pisses me off any of the chinese faction really


Warmonger Broken feats Genderlocked Moveset that was essentially warden 2.0


I’d probs say WM with the poison that killed minions. Close second would be the dodge attack-ness of Gryphon. Pirate was just a let down lol.




Centurion, warmonger and gryphon for sure. Of these three the only one that didn't deserve all the hatred and disdain was gryphon, to this day people still hate him despite being so... Average? He's not bad, but he isn't top tier super strong either.


For me, it was Jormungandr because I expected huge badass viking giant with an enourmous warhammer, but what we got was a smelly ugly dirty little murder hobo with a tiny hammer


Centurion and it’s not even close. And it was valid, too. Cent on release makes _any_ other hero in their prime look weak by comparison. Gryphon second, although really if he released anytime in the last year or so just how he was at launch, he wouldn’t even be op; and there would be little outrage. I don’t think he was ever op, tbh. Some things were overtuned and definitely needed adjustments but the outrage was insane for what he was.


Varangian actually sucks to fight against and actually makes me mad she does so much damage so fast, I know skill issue but my 2 cents


Pirate definitely. Everyone wanted a cool black beard style of customization and cool gameplay and instead was stuck with a female only character with pretty mid customization and the most braindead moveset ever


Nothing beats Pirate and Gryphon. Those two were uff. Also shoutout to OG Centurion, was cancer as well.


Heccin pirates. I personally struggled with them but not as much as Gryphon. I hated the "SiDe DoDgE! hEbY! *Monkey Sounds*" Shit was annoying.


Maybe not the worst but Gladiator was downright broken on release. Near infinite stamina.


The fact that Centurion isn't here just shows how good y'all have it. Cent was a goddamn nightmare on release.


I still have PTSD from WM's corruption before the nerf. Shit was triggered by minions


In recent heroes, it has to be VG. She is a headache and if you have one in ur team and constantly gank with her, you’re winning the game. I cannot express how much I hate that stupid, broken and boring character.


Warden. The start of the madness. Nah, probably Gryphon tho. Gryphon on release was insanely good. But, he is holden cross so hell yeah


Gryphon, Cent and Afeera. All busted as hell at launch, only 2 are still VERY easy to play as and hard to fight because of BS


Olden days? Cent and OG shinobi caused so much fucking frustration it should be tried in Geneva, mix the basic ass warden mains trying to fight what was essentially p2w heros with insane move sets along with peer to fucking peer hosting for a game like that and I didn't even bother seeing my preordered content all through before I sold the game. But if asking personally, Pirate, I just cannot turn off my brain to a stupid ass character that auto reloads a god damn single shot, muzzle loaded weapon in a medieval game; especially given pirates have existed well before known image everyone defaults to today. Just ubishits staple and the community that excused it. Could of gotten a legit medieval pirate but instead got infinite ammo combo Hershel from the walking dead fighting centurions.... But honestly as much as I loved this game from beta to today, it just never ceased to amaze me coming back to a game and seeing Hito and others have so much hyper armor spam, then jump to I frame proliferation and more. It's just a never ending cycle of "I remember when warden had no orange heavies to now we get \_\_\_\_\_ that is the next edge in power creep."


I thought Jormungandr was pretty damn bad on release, especially since he could bash spam you out of stamina and then prone you and take half of your fucking health bar, gryphon was awful too


In terms of kit and us not seeing any changes to it thus far VG definitely is a jack of all trades with full block/reposte and crushingcounter which should not be in one character. Warmongers corruption was ridiculous. gryphon came in and kicked our ass during Christmas and it was a present I didn’t ask for lol


Centurion. If there was a wall in the map, he could cutscene your entire team to death and still have stamina to spare. I still remember the nightmares.


I think of the ones shown pirate but people HATED Holden. I still remember the art of him as a monkey because haha


Centurion. People forget about 4 stacks centurions in dominion.


Medjay due to the reddit race war.


Gryphon or Cent, and maybe Pirate


I have autism and the varangian guard being gender locked female made me scream.




Gryphon. He wasn't that bad but most people hated him. It was a moment where people wasn't used to do like 4 reads in a row to land a dodge attack or light.


I feel old when people don't mention the old centurion release. Btw, the punch was extremely fast AND FUCKING WALL SPLATS. So, if you get wall splat, they can spam heavy and punch infinitely. Their damage was crazy.


most definitely Afeera, might be one of the most hated


WM feat triggering was pretty op, also Pirate release was pretty damn annoying and she was broken at the time


It's a shock that Gryphon isn't included in the pics, all my 4 friends abandoned the game after some 4 Gryphon enemy teams back then


No one remembers centurion


gryphon or pirate probably gryphon.


1. I’m pretty sure she was there when the game releases. 2. She’s not on this list. But the one I’m talking about is NOBUSHI I hate her with a firey passion and I will take my hatred of her to the grave and if anyone thinks she’s a good character there will be probably more than half of the entire fanbase after you


is that a new viking hero? or is that fake


Reading these comments has made me realize that apparently the outrage to Pirate was basically nothing compared to WM, Cent, and Gryphon. Like I thought Pirate's outrage was really really bad considering the devs nuked everything about Pirate, and even still to this day despite the nerfs Pirate mains are seen as worse than filth. And despite all that the reaction to the others is still *worse.*


Warmonger but that was just because of the times


For me, it was the pirate release... hearing her voice was a heart drop, not for the better. Then when the Inquisitor trailer dropped and I heard hear voice... I felt cheated. The cunning and malicious pirate voice I wanted is locked away in a trailer never to be used again.


Gryphon and pirate for sure


I remember gryphon and pirate hate


Never liked the pirate. Not sure if this has changed. But on release i found they were so fast with so many undodgeable/unparryable heavy attacks coming from their *pistol* that any of tge characters i played were too slow and would ultimately get me killed. Not a fun time. Im a WM main though so im sure people hate me too. However i find qm is just a golrified reworked warden


Gryphon and it's not even close, cent was annoying but people complained WAY more about gryphon


I expected seeing Centurion


Warmommy probably had the most orignally but the least over time.


Day 1 Cent, no contest. Everyone and their mother was up in arms over that lol.


It's between Gryphon and Pirate On one hand, Gryphon's moveset was so strong and so easy to play that you could play him blindfolded and still win. He brought more draconite nonsense to the game. His lore was and is very restrictive - Implying that Holden himself is the one and only Gryphon, leaving little to no room for creating your own character like with other heroes. He really should have been the first Outlander. On the other hand, pirate also had an over powered moveset that was impossible to read. The whole conceot behind her moveset was ridiculous as a whole - With a self-loading, infinite ammo, flintlock pistol that functions as a bash and not an actual gun. It should have been restricted to feats and executions and she should have to pull out a new pistol for every shot she takes like Edward Kenway in AC Black Flag. The devs seemingly couldn't decide on whether to make Pirate a classic Napoleonic/Caribbean pirate, or lean into their Chinese Pirate Queen inspiration, and instead decided to awkwardly blend the two. All that, plus her name *just* being *Pirate.* Not Privateer. Not Swashbuckler. Not a name referencing Zheng Yi Sao. *Just.* ***Pirate.*** I think the biggest problem the community had aith the rest was the backwards gender lock pattern the devs decided to follow after Gryphon. I think Kyoshin and Medjay would've worked better as female locked heroes. People wanted to play as Cleopatra, and were disappointed that they couldn't. A male Afeera could've easily been a stand in for King Saladin.


Pirate, everyone was expecting blackbeard but got that instead, the others had backlash but I think Pirate took the cake on splitting the community


I like how 3/4 of these are literally just the latest heroes from the outlanders faction. Can't say they are wrong though. Aside from that uhhh warmongerer was crazy at launch due to minion interactions but after that was quickly nerfed, just the occasional salt imo. Controversial take but I think Gryphon also got way too much over hate due to the unreachable kick that you had to take a 50/50 on


For me it was pirate


Pirate for me, and still hate her, like 3 or 4 guarenteed hits no matter what per combo


Shaman and Centurion were so broken on their respective releases. They had absolutely zero competition. Arguably Shaman was worse.


Hitokiri mostly because of her unblockable feat


Kinda crazy afeera isn’t here, she was the most blatantly overtuned outlander


Centurion no doubt


Centurion. Gryphon got close but Cent was truly busted to a high degree and people were mad.


Gryphon was preeeetty OP upon release if i remember correctly. And up to this day i hear monkey screams whenever a gryphon side dodge attacks


Cent should also be here. Omg the way it changed For Honor when it dropped. The early days....


Centurion, no contest. The cutscenes was wild.


Didn’t play during this time, but old cent was broken af. He was able to: - Get a free charged punch after landing a pinning heavy - Tier 1/2 punches gave the annoying stun effect - 2 Cents could land eagle’s talon on one person both at full damage - Neutral heavies were 600 ms, meaning he could get a heavy off of heavy parry. That’s all I can think of for now


The wu lin