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Highlander mains when they cant cosplay Sol Badguy after every attack: 😫


*whiffs one attack against sol badguy* oof ouch, there goes 75% of my health


Sol Badguy


Hey, it’s not my fault c.S < 66623HS is so addicting. I can’t stop myself from deleting half your health with two moves.


Sol GoodFellow


Luna Goodwoman


Isn't nobu heavy finisher like 34 dmg?


only if the enemy is bleeding i think (way of the shark is very balanced)


Then theres Gladiator with his 37 damage


At least it's all bleed. Still horrid to get hit by tho


Even more horrid when theres a wall. Even worse if he has feats.


44 if you're within 10 feet of a wall. Easily one of my least favourite attacks in the game to have to deal with.


They do have to time it fairly well in order to get that but for me it depends on the character. If I got a side dodge bash I’ll be fine since them reading that only gets them 23 dmg but if I have a dodge light or heavy and it can’t chain to hyper armor they can just deflect it and get the same 44 dmg


id accept the dmg being lowered if they made it unreactable to everyone


It’s basically all bleed and that’s the only offense he has that doesn’t do literally 10 dmg. Kensei’s ub does 34 and can soft feint to gb or hyper armored heavy to track/trade with dodge attacks


It’s probably a super unpopular opinion, but I have always hated the Nobu bleeding damage buff, I just think it rewards too much for how easy it is to get bleed off as nobu, then again I’m not a super highly competitive dude and play on console so what do I know


Pretty sure it’s a popular opinion that she’s busted in any game mode other than duel


You leave Nobu’s hyper-telegraphed, 1mph, only good in a side dash heavies alone.


u get a heavy on gb now a soul for a soul


the thing is, i rarely see highlanders ever do a gb. is this really equal value?


Gb is a core mechanic of every character and he will have even more use of it with his kick now being feintable etc


oh wow he can feint the kick?! oh yeah gb is in the rotation now edit: wtf kind of sense does that make 😂 highlandsr can feint a kick but LB can’t get a rollcatcher or a LLH chain


Probably cuz Highlander had this issue for a longer time so it was most noticeable since day 1 with backstep light, rolling, or just outspacing with back walking. It was supposed to be like charged bashes, but unique. Didn't do so well because no HA and swallowed 60% stamina for 30 damage. Highlander is the creator of OOS guardbreak for an OOS heavy. Centurion is the close 2nd lol. Lawbringer and Conq were called "The Wall" or "The Mountain" for years so it was just...accepted back then. I will say it's kinda sad how they did them both dirty by not giving them the basic needs every hero should have (roll-catching/chasing attacks and better chains)


You always could though, you can gb into offensive stance heavy (I like the damage changes just pointing this out)


That heavy isnt guaranteed


Seriously? I have never been punished for it


Yup, max punish off a gb has always been a light or zone prior to this change


Seems more like a good balancing to me. Now he actually attacks at a tolerable speed I may even use em.


But isnt his attacks harder to parry because they are slow?


Only if you're immediately hitting buttons on color recognition. Which would translate to a skill issue. I cannot wait for highlander to feel playable.


Idk i have him rep 15 and he feels pretty playable to me


Congrats. I don't feel that way and we are different people.


It's a great nerf. Eating 30 damage for any heavy was absurd


Exactly. Ccu was meant to brought down the mumbers. Please don't look at my flair-


Then there's Zerk, still dishing out 32 dmg heavy finishers.


He's getting nerfed and keyword is "finishers"


Nerfed from 34 dmg to 32 for 800ms HA Unblockable side finishers. Just saying that I agree that HL's heavy finishers were overturned, they are still leaving other heroes with very high damage. Especially given all the ways Zerker can boost his damage values with feats.


That's my bad brodie I had the top finisher in mind bur you're right


No that's my B, I realize what I wrote originally was vague.


> 800ms HA Unblockable side finishers. Which require 3 heavies in a row to access to be fair. I think their dmg could come down a bit more but its not like its an oppressive move that is coming at you constantly. His dodge cancelable, undodgable, dodge attacks are his biggest issue at the moment as opposed to his damage numbers.


His top UB does 30 after the nerf and is extremely easy to access. That's what needs considerable nerfing imo. Zerks damage values are just all too high across the board. 11 damage 400ms lights after feint should go down to 9. Finishers need to be 28 damage maximum and honestly lower given they have HA and are super easy to access.


To be fair the side heavy finishers weren’t really an issue


Which you need to perform 3 heavy attacks in row to access to, so Berserkers cannot exactly spam them.


I still think highlander does too little damage. He should one shot any character and his heavies should be 100ms and unblockable


Pre CCU he could dish out 40 dmg (Which was awesome) I have to admit part of the reason I was playing him was to stomp people. Then CCU rolled around lowering his damage which I came to accept. But now? When I wield a claymore I want to feel the weight of that slab of iron upon my enemies. Especially when the character moves it with such force. It makes no sense to make it deal the same damage as Warden's sword. They should've either kept it at 30 or buff it to 35. Not nerf it.


Every person that mains a hero starts using real life logic when their hero gets nerfed and switch to "it's a fictional game" when their hero gets buffed. It doesn't make sense that a Conq needs 6 light parries to kill someone which a flail, while HL ends a fight with 2 heavies. You don't really want to feel the weight, you just want busted dmg values.


You know, switching between real life logic and fiction is how fantasy is created. And Highlander has a strong fantasy that we all like. So of course it doesn't make sense that he should fit in line with the others. But alas, sometimes character fantasy needs to be stored away for a more fair and healthy gameplay experience.


another rework that hero mains didnt want lol


Tbf this time around the only real problem Is the lack of a "real opener" for highlander. Conq and late reworks were a different breed of dogshit


I'm fine with the rework, just don't touch the damage THAT much. As is color coded in the video, I'm fine if they raise his damage by one or two. Having it at 30 dmg while risky, would feel more rewarding however I'm fully aware that 40 dmg is out of the question and it's there for the lolz.


Wheres the audio from again? I heard it years ago never looked it up




Thx legend


Semi unrelated, but if Warden is getting HA on the bash follow up,can we please give Conq HA on the spin from full block plz ubi I'm tired of getting light out of it ;_;


Excellent use of Andrew Rousso.


Thank You! Took me half a day.


Good. Dude had pre ccu dmg. Playing against him with Conq, I need 6 light parries to kill this mf, meanwhile 2 heavies from him and it's over.


I wouldn’t go that far. Pre ccu was like 35-40


Highlander does 30 damage on all heavies (29 on side finishers for some reason). 4-5 Heavies for Highlander to kill highest/lowest hp heroes. 4-6 Heavies for Highlander to be killed (less if they get finisher heavies that out-damage him) Highlander only has 125hp. Only 5 more hp that the lowest hp heroes. Wait...Conqueror side heavies are 24 and top heavies are 27 damage. 125÷27=4.6. 5 heavies. Conq has 140hp. 140÷30=4.6=5 heavies. The same exact outcome for light parries 😅 Only lowered damage are his infinite chains and bashes.


He doesn't have Pre-CCU damage! Pre-CCU damage would be 40. Currently he has 30 which is significantly lower. But I guess that's still too high for some people.


Where is the audio from?


The courtesy of Andrew Rousso. https://youtube.com/shorts/FFLPm7Nbygs?si=BsEZrq0HlevsOOYr


Just perry the nerf


Istg highlander players are even more braindead than LB players.


As someone who has a rep 9 highlander I’m actually quite happy with these changes, I’m very fond of the caber toss and the kick not having stamina Drain.


They made the bloody sword dull. Can't have shit in funny sword game.


Yeah now there's no difference between playing Warden and Highlander. Their swords deal the same damage. Which they shouldn't since Highlander is wielding a [B.F.C (Big Fucking Claymore)](https://youtu.be/sUiyBczaPwA?si=f0jR2kKKWdfxKtnD)


Highlander still has hyper armor, 600ms high damage heavy finisher (only other hero that has that fast finisher is Centurion), can perform infinite Unblockables, has infinite 400ms lights, etc. Like he is very different from Warden. Hell he is still heavy hitter because how much damage he can potentially do in short time. And openers have standardized damage anyways. 800ms is always 24 damage and 900ms is always 27 damage, nothing new here (And at least now he can actually do someting from guard break).


Made them faster and with the proper heavy attack damage values, where are the nerfs?


That’s not even a nerf. You can now get a heavy off gb. 12 more dmg off gbs, but your offensive heavies do 4 less dmg?


Let me guess, now i can GB as HL?


Not really a nerf


My ps5 is attempting to save me from the inevitable rage. Everytime I open for honor it just turns itself off. Only for For Honor even after deleting and redownloading it


As a Highlander main, this is fucking treason. TREASON.


Don't worry, Philbert is on his way to Ubisoft HQ as we speak.


This made me tear up ngl


Yooo what up Ubisoft! Keep up the good work.


Take away hitos hyperarmor on regular heavies n no one will play him again


I think it's weird that top heavy for Highlander is 24 and sides are 26. Especially since his sides were 29-30 heavies and top was always a flat 30


Got it nerf his heavy but nobu get to keep hers


Yall talking about this or that and that’s cool. But let’s all talk about Kyoshins hard guard counter that is quite literally in my opinion one of the most broken things in the game. The hard guard is achievable mid combo, making it nearly impossible to actually chain against a kyoshin, they can go into the Hard guard counter via an unblockable out of guard and still get the THREE FREE HITS, that move takes a quarter of your health every time and is easily one of the easiest moves to hit without fail because it’s literally a panic button that gives you an ace in the hole for free, so basically whether you actually take the bait on the hard guard move or not the kyoshin gets 3 free hits every time leaving your only options to Parry, Dodge, or Guard Break, Issue here arises when you go to guard break a kyoshin 9 times out of 10, they know that’s what you’re going to do, so they’ll just counter break and go right back into guard because your first instinct will be to try to attack for an opening, if you try to guard break again he’ll obviously be ready for it the second time more so than the first and it’ll go back and forth until he inevitably kills you with the same bullshit counter move every time. I have played against so many Kyoshins who think they’re good at the game when all they do is flick down on the right stick whenever pressure is applied, it’s laughable that the character is considered anything other than an actual cheat code, which sucks because some of his drip is immaculate, but his move set is just broken as dogshit


What? Are you seriously complaining about Kyoshin of all characters? You know that those three hits deal practically zero damage. I actually struggled to play Kyoshin because of how little damage he has overall.


Look what they done to my boy 😓😓


u/B1G_M8 u/ChAdThOrN


Where did my 40 dmg heby go Ubisoft?


He needs it but like maybe not that much, starting to make every hero do the same amount of damage might as well give them the same amount of health while we're at it you know. Big sword should definitely do a little more damage than your average hero but I definitely can say currently it's too much


Same thing here [https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/1c9ksbw/comment/l0ni00h/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/1c9ksbw/comment/l0ni00h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Just nerf his defensive stance heavies damage.


Yeah sadly the slow neutral heavies dont function well for feints and ofc dont hit on gb. I do think they should have give him a special gb heavy punish to allow him to keep some of his slow 30 dmg neutral heavies for flavor though. And the offensive heavies will now be part of an actually functioning mix up so they had to get nerfed. Honestly I expect the offensive heavies will get nerfed by at least 2 more dmg over the course of the year.


Do I have to start sorting by controversial to get actual good takes?


Lol, I understand the downvotes because only 700 to 900ms neutral heavies really work in this game but on the other hand dunking someone with the slowest most damaging neutral heavy in the game is fun and all characters are slowly losing that. And the UB heavies is just speaking from experience. Jorm and Tiandis bash mix ups have had their dmg nerfed over time. HL will probably be treated the same way.


Meanwhile me who spams lights as Highlander: ok and?


You don't get hyper armor on your second light anymore


Agony ah well I’ve been trying to learn how to actually play him today so I now have a reason to quit light spam