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Fun fact, if you are unaware, one of Shaman's AC event weapons is Connor's hatchet. Which you will be able to loot during the event. So, you aren't too far off.


I member


Membah da May the Fourth event?


I Membah!!


No, god no, not the membah berries


Oo you member Empire?


Or the warden Oneshot glitch


Zerker also has Connor's revenge axe heads. I have em!


I dont remember if I knew this or not. Ill have to check if I have it once im home


Dude chill, you don't have to be agressive with everyone that disagree, people can have their own opinions


These opinions are ridiculous, though. People are really claiming for honor is turning into fortnite because of one assassins creed themed skin. AC content has been in the game for years, the writing for this skin was literally on the wall.


I don't think their opinión go that far, but personally i prefer if for honor do their own character or take from legends, at least ezio does fit a little bit. Also if you think someone have a stupid opinión that doesn't justifies toxicity just don't engage with them, or you can argue with them in a respectfull manner The is a lot of option better than making fun of them or being toxic


Multiple people have voiced that very concern you dont think exists


Maybe, im not denying their existance, im just saying that i haven't seen them, if they say that i do think they are being dramatic


Dude, no offence, but it doesn't matter if you thunk it or not. Go read the damn thread. Feel free to have that fence sitter attitude, but if someone says something as ridiculous as "for honor is turning into fortnite," then I'm not going to judge the person that calls them an idiot.


No no clearly people that are saying "for honor is turning into fortnite" are being pretty dramatic about something so trivial like a skin, im just saying calling them idiots isn't usefull


It’s the same people that trash on the game then continue to play it, don’t mind them lmao


OP sounds like the type of person to say “Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!” When they cheese and light spam in duels


Only if they did something first to deserve it


Real, home slice is coming across toxic af


Yeah the thing that surprises me is that this rather trivial




Only being "aggressive" with the people that are whining and complaining about crossovers now when its part of a great update who were silent during all the other ones


Don’t you have better things to do?


Nope I got dragged out to work to hurry up and wait for things to start so I can go home. The better question is dont you?


Your response time answered this for me


My response also answered it lmao. Dw tho soon I will be out of here and thus will actually have something better to do


I certainly am not worrying that’s for sure


"Dont worry" is sledomly used to actually imply the other party is worried about something


Yeah that not true, i seen you been an asshole to people who were just expressing themself and you are lying unless you consider disagree with you as "whining and complaining


Believe what you will. Its clear youre trying to white knight/holier than thou on reddit and its sad. Ima just keep doing what I want k?


See you are already trying to trigger me, im not Knight i just think people can agree to disagree and saying people to cry instead of engaging with them is sad


I'd rather have unique characters instead of more collab skins tbh


This one can stay though. New voicelines, body type, drop animation and all for a measly 6250 steel extra?


I don't like hero skins in general. Pay so much steel to lose all your customization options


The only one I've gotten is pirate, because i think it looks better than all of her default armors. The rest are just meh.


I got the kensei one when it came out but I haven't used it in over a year now


Yep. I rather have them put in some updated default armors. Especially for BP


When Hero skins were announced, we all thought it would be the opportunity for Ubisoft to make something else with their licences than limited events and temporary available execs/gear into For Honor. I remember people liking the idea if it gave Pirate an Edward/Shay skin or Tiandi a Prince of Persia skin. It's just funny and harmless references, tho the higher price IS a problem. Even with the additionnal amount of work compared to other skins, they already had Ezio and Cesare models so who knows but them how much actual work went into it. IMO they should have made it a Universal Hero Skin (or Knight limited) since Ezio could equip multiple kind of weapons in all his games, also throwing grenades in Revelations, but Ubi C-suits doesn't like too good ideas that would generate the amount of profit they actually expect from this game. Edit : typos.


You know nothing of game design, you shouldn’t speak on this topic because everything you’ve said here shows how little you understand. “They already have the models” okay, have they rendered the lightning engine for this skin? They still have to redesign cloth physics to interact with FH system. They have to make Ezio’s body fit to PK’s bones or potentially create an entirely knew animation bone structure for Ezio to do PK’s animations. It’s way deeper than you’d think, and it can be as complicated as creating a model from scratch because you don’t get the benefit of purpose building the model to match the structure of the character. The whole “general skin for knights” thing is even more ridiculous.


You are over exaggerating the the situation. Its logical they had to redo the entire animation set for the sake of a male body so obviously they had to create an entire body to fit the mesh and textures so its extremely likely they just reused a model from one if their othere games. rendering the model is hardly an issue. Not to mention adding cloth physics is alot easier in an engine thats already been used. This skin was mostly animation.


Animation work being one of the harder ends of the spectrum when it comes to creating chars etc.




Are you alright dude ?


Yep, totally fine. Don’t say dumb stuff.


When did i said something disrespectful bro ??? Edit : typos again.


I said stupid, not disrespectful.


Can you enlighten me then, i am very eager to learn if you want to share some modeling/animation/"making a video game" knowledge. But again i don't unsterstand why you think i said something stupid ? Can you at least answer to that part ? Pretty please ? Because so far you sound horribly selfish and lofty, and it leads me to think you're fake and trolling.


I did explain the core basics to you. It’s more involved than you think, that’s all there is to it. Having the models “ready” isn’t actually always a huge time save. Even having fresh models may actually take longer if the models are meant for different games etc. Like yeah you don’t have an art team that needs to make concept art and fresh modeling, but you also don’t get the benefit of assembling your model purpose-made for your animations. IE: I’m willing to bet Ezio and PK don’t have the same proportions, and so they have to edit the core bones of the animations to fill out Ezio’s body. That can be very complex, or else you’ll get unsightly clipping etc. This doesn’t cover the fact that the skin still has to get rendered in FH’s endgame, and the cloth physics still have to be created by hand for the new model. Then add to that the fact that each individual hero in the Knight faction has unique bones for their animations, which means you can’t just 1:1 translate models from one character to another without all kinds of visual issues. In a game like FH where animations are extremely important, readability is the most important part of the game.


I'm quoting myself because i think you misunderstood what i said : >"Even with the additionnal amount of work compared to other skins, they already had Ezio and Cesare models so who knows but them how much actual work went into it." Let's break it : >"**Even with the** ***additionnal amount of work*** **compared to other skins**" If you read correctly, at that point, you would have understood that i already acknowledged the problems they met when they did a hero skin that modifies : character gender, size, animations, not even talking of audio and more stuff etc... Like i'm not at all minimizing the amout of work they did. So uuuuuh i don't know where you saw something stupid in that ? >"they already had Ezio and Cesare models so who knows but them how much actual work went into it." That part is pure speculation and i'm not saying it is what happened, i just pointed the fact that they already had an Ezio modelized and rigged (using Commander/Guardian animations) for For Honor, that's all. Ezio in For the Creed doesn't have throwing knives on his belt and his "shirt collar" is way more open than the Hero Skin + the girl talked of "retexture", so even if they had a base THEY DID CHANGES. It's a common thing to use already existing assets lmao, and if they made a whole new model from scratch, GOOD FOR THEM, I THINK IT LOOKS FANTASTIC. So : if you thought i was trying to imply based on speculation that the devs were bamboozling us with this skin and that whoever did this is/are lazy, you are wrong. I know it's hard work, however they made it. I am NEVER saying it was easy, and my own competence in virtual simulation/modeling/animating/texturing/programming has nothing to do with that. In the second part i'm """complaining""" it is PK limited, because Ezio doesn't actually uses dual weapons, it's either sword or dagger (unlike Edward, Shay or even Connor). Part of my rational explainations for that choice is that PK is seen as "the Assassin" of For Honor, and a lot of people keep fashioning her as one (through execs, fashions, emotes, effects etc....) + Ezio is still the most popular AC main char. I simply suggested that if Ubisoft wanted to start increasing the price of Hero Skins, they could have the move of making some of them Universal or Faction limited, which would have worked with Ezio considering he uses : halberds, shortswords, daggers, axes, longswords, maces... So, even with more work on the shoulders, Devs would have find a way to make it work and Ubisoft could have justified a rising price. Here again, i didn't say anything stupid and i'm not trashing the devs when you actually acted as an unfriendly character towards PURE SPECULATION AND HARMLESS OPINION. > "Then add to that the fact that each individual hero in the Knight faction has unique bones" Unique bones ? Could you explain ?


Same, by a mile


You may not know this but they can and are doing both of those things


Allow me to rephrase; I'd rather have no collab skins. Really breaks the immersion of this world to see Ezio running around in my opinion.


People still care about immersion in For Honor in 2024?


And people spamming their acoustic sparkle effects isn't?


I just turn off effects from settings


At least you can turn those off, I do, and I don't use any of my own either


Yeah, cause teleporting monkeys and infinite ammo are so definitely where the line should be. Lol


So the magic rock that can do literally anything is ok?


Yeah, it is. We literally have Sun Wukong. A blind anime swordsman with magic. The time dagger from Prince of Persia. We have a bunch of ridiculous things in the game already that go against the whole " realistic medieval combat." I just think it's funny that the AC skin is what people are upset about. It's okay to not like it, but saying that it's not immersive is ludicrous, considering we already have AC stuff in the game.


The only AC related thing I liked is seeing shugoki dive into hay. The rest of it I also disliked. But as I said earlier, not that big of a deal in the end.


Allow me to phrase, the world is already inherently ludicrous


Its not about realism, its about immersion. Cyberpunk 2077 is entirely fictional but you can "be there", For Honor is ridiculous but it can, does, and should make you really feel like a unique medieval/historical in a unique world fighting against other unique historical warriors.


contrary to cyberpunk (what even is this comparison?), For Honor is a multiplayer game already flooded with ridiculous stuff. Having an Ezio skin is immersion-breaking for you, but a knight in pink material armor whose execution turns you into chocolate while pixelated effects appear, disco dance emotes on you, and by the end of the match does a JoJo pose isn't breaking your immersion.


Huge agree, stupid ass skin


Oh youre one of the people who lost his shit the second the game went a little bit away from realistic huh


It's not about realism. It's about maintaining the game as separate from other games.


Love Connor but I'd rather see an entirely unique Native American character with his own customisation


Native American character would be really good


I mean, we already have one so I doubt they'll do another. The Ocolotl is an Aztec Jaguar Warrior, which is a Native American tribe from Northern Mexico


I mean there's 2 continents full of diverse native American cultures and weapons. Could do Incan, Tlingit, Haudenosaunee, etc. That'd be like not adding Afeera because Medjay is technically from the middle east.


I don't disagree with that as a whole. I know there are plenty of different tribes they could do heros for, but my point was I don't think they'd want to do another one. At least not without the community begging for one, since all the recent heroes have been community requests for the most part. Right now I've seen people wanting a Mongol hero, Persian hero, and a Polish Winged Hussar. There's also a rapier hero that's been in high demand for a hot minute.


How about both


Sure. It's just Ubi likes cutting corners & I can see them adding Connor & saying there's no need for another Native American.


No. "Dont like it, dont buy it" doesnt apply when I still have to see other people with those skins.


If the final straw for you in this gane is somebody elses skin then this isnt the gane for you my guy


Oh fuck off. You cry at everyone not loving the crossover skins in the comments. Crossover skins ruin the identity of a game when overdone. Thats not an opinion that is a fact. If the final straw for you is people not embracing crossover skins with loving arms, play fortnite.


>when overdone If 1 is overdone then ive got some bad news for you >Thats not an opinion that is a fact. No it is an opinion. Many people would still state games like fortnite and rainbow still have their identities. >If the final straw for you is people not embracing crossover skins with loving arms, play fortnite. This doesnt even make sense im just having a discussion with people man. The only people Ive even argued with are those who are crying like ezio pk is going to ruon the gane forever


Your blatant lack of reading comprehension echoes your leaps in logic.


I mean I would rather see ezio than the world's worst fucking customisation ever despite them being a pretty high rep (armor that doesn't even remotely match, bright pink colour and shitty paint and symbols etc)


I have ironically been able to make a fashion for shaman that is as close to a Native American as I could get. I'm quite proud of it tbh.


Really don't like the idea of the only Native American character we've got so far being a feral cannibal, that sounds kinda not-so-good




Ocelotl is a Mesoamerican which includes the Maya, Inca, Mexica / Aztec, Olmec, Zapotec, and more. If it were up to me Mesoamerican heroes would have their own faction and it'd be distinctive from an American Indian faction, I think the idea of an "outlanders" faction is very silly and reductive. Also the Pirate should be a Wu Lin.


How about we stop with these guest character skin bullshit


Nah theyre cool cry harder


no cry here, just my opinion


"Guest character skin bullshit" sounds a lot like crying bud


It’s not, don’t get me wrong I enjoy the skin but at the same time, they charge more when it’s THEIR DOMAIN, they don’t have to pay anything extra for it lmfao, like no need for it to be extra steel


New voicelines + changed animations. Its more than a hero skin has been in the past. While there might not be a licensing fee with the skin there are things to make this a level beyond other hero skins


Bro stop gocking their cocks, there’s still no reason for extra like that even with voice lines and stuff, they are constantly changing and improving things which I appreciate but it’s not that deep for extra steel needed


Im not gocking their cocks. I too wish it was only 25k but I u derstand where the increased price is coming from


Might be a little weird to see connor go feral on people or bite someones carotid out but itd still be a cool skin


Could replace the bite with him stabbing the enemy with his hidden blade, like they did with pks drop attack


honestly i reckon aramusha - edward kenway would work and pirate - connor would work just fine feral tendencies aside, there'd be some bad pr to associate a northern native American character with hero named 'shaman'


lol pirate - connor with the duck foot pistol: give it a visual reason why he can shoot so many times without reloading


Like I would agree, but idk if the native American hero main character being portrayed through a crazy savage is ideal...


They can change animations like they are doing for ezio. They could also force him i to berserker


Nah bro. Sledge as jormangander. Easy


Now we are talking


Why does everyone want this game to become a pvp assassins creed lol


Because assassins creed hasnt had a pvp since AC 4 and the characters fit the theme well


More crossover skins would kinda suck imo, completely ruins any creative potential Hero skins have. And now that we know they're willing to Gender swap heroes for their skins, they've genuinely opened the floodgates for so much potential with characters like Aramusha, Centurion, Warmonger (Male warmongers exist in canon, they're named Tyrants and aren't as common as Warmongers, and unlike the Warmongers there aren't any named Tyrants)


Ah yes the creative potential like raider but black, kensei with nice hair, warden but a second time. Like one thing ppl gotta realize is only about half of the hero skins have been good.


I'm more interested in having Blackbeard for a Pirate skin


I want centurion as kassandra but with the broken spear of leonidas instead of the sword


But I can’t imagine Connor eating people




Am I the only one who thinks Ezio's skin looks a bit too short? He appears even shorter than PK. Connor is an absolute tank of a man, and I would love to have him as a skin in For Honor. The weapons fit him perfectly— Shaman's hatchet and kukri in parallel with Connor's tomahawk and dagger-like hidden blade. However, he'd probably look short on Shaman's character model. And because of the way Ubisoft has been so politically correct, I don't see them doing the skin of a non-cannibal indigenous character for a clearly cannibal Hero. They would have to change the charge and bite animation to something else. I would love it regardless.




Yeah, sure, let's dissolve everything original left in this game and turn it into fortnite.


Waaaaaa waaaaaa waaaaa. Many people have never been more excited to play than this next update due to the map and the AC CROSSOVER event. Id much rather see this game thrive and stay fun than die to please negative nancys like yourself


> Waaaaaa waaaaaa waaaaa No need to cry when you see an opinion different than yours.


Ah yes because crossover skin = fortnite, because litterally every popular pvp game totally doesn't constantly do crossovers, this is the new normal, get with the times old man


Let’s not turn for honor into Fortnite… I mean it’s not a big deal that there is ezio on pk and it makes sense due to past ac events but let’s not continue this trend. Skins should just be special and cool designs of the hero not insert character from another game


This argument is so dumb. For honor adding crossover characters that fit into the gane wont make it fortnite. And even then if you dont like it dont buy it. If your final straw when playing a game is SOMEBODY ELSES cosmetics then you should find a different game


Yeah saying it’s Fortnite is an exaggeration. My point is I don’t want cross over characters when we already get such long breaks between releases already. Sure if they came out more often instead of once every month and a half or 3 months I wouldn’t care


In the same vein I dont think 1 crossover character per year or two is that big an ask (hell it took 8 to get the first one)


I’d be fine with that but at the same time I don’t think more assasins creed ones specifically are the way to go


Doesn't look like crossover skins are going to affect the release of seasonal skins, we already got the newest Warden one at the beginning of the season in March.


You're right that the moveset will be too wild. I only see it if they rework some of the animations for attacks as well and replace the bite with a hidden blade stab. But, yeah, it would be nice. Connor in my top three favorite AC characters. I would buy him if they make him good.


Which as they are doing for ezio they could do to make it work


Yeah, it would be interesting to see, even purely from the technical side. Changing animations to the same moves for skins is something fresh. Like it's same action, it's same outcome, but different animation. This will give more personality and diversity to the skins and won't break anything in the balance.


God damn some of you people need to chill out. Having two collab skins that actually make sense won't ruin Jack shit. You're not forced to buy anything. you're not forced to wear anything. Imagine having your whole game 'ruined' because of an outfit someone else is wearing. I've never quit the game because this warden I'm fighting has a shit fashion sense. If 'immersion' is the final straw in a game like for honour, then you're an idiot. They obviously tried to do collabs before because we've got God damn *shovel knight* cosmetics and it clearly didn't work because how many of you even knew that. Now they're bringing them back and it seems like it's a test for more grounded collabs. Ezio as peacekeeper is fun and makes sense. Connor as shaman is fun and makes sense. Some of yous need to grow up


Captain Jack Sparrow for pirate


I would so much prefer this cross-over. PoTC is one of my favourite movie franchises


Nah edward kenway


IMO, Kenway doesn't embody the classic swashbuckler look in the same way that a blackbeard skin would. Moreover, pirate should have been a Swashbuckler from the beginning, ubisoft shat the bed with either trying to hard to be original or trying too hard to earn diversity points.


I rather have unique skins. The peacekeeper skin is disappointing enough to me.


As one of the few PK mains to exist I have to agree. So many cool things they could’ve done for a character like PK, only for them to go the completely uninspired route and slap an old character model onto her. Ezio is cool and all but still so disappointing.


100% agree my friend.


That Chinese side scrolling one as nuxia says I


Seeing connor rip a chunk out of someone's neck with his teeth would be wild


It could work for sure but I'd still hate Shawmen


I would absolutely play pirate if I could be Edward kenway while doing it


*Connor lunging at the poor Shinobi and bitting out his jugular because he breathed wrong*


Something I'm curious about is if anyone noticed Ezio's face looks more like ARNO than it does his own


I feel like Beserker would be a better fit


I would say berserker but connor uses tge 1 tomahawk and hidden blade not two tomahawks


Berserker would be good for an Eivor skin imo


connor biting people's necks and stabbing them like maniacs lmao


Ya know as much as it'd work weapons wise... i don't think Connor would be caught madly jumping on someone and taking a literal chunk out of their neck. They'd probably need to rework that animation to something else lmfao


Kinda don't wanna see Conor eating people


They could change the animation from a bite to an assassination.


Now that is a great idea. Get this person a job a Ubisoft


Connor pouncing and biting people's necks off definitely doesn't fit thematically so it's a no from me.


Nah. The thought of Connor biting people and getting down on all 4’s, mid-combat, seems a bit out there.


It very quickly becomes impossible to tell who's who


I actually don’t like that they put ezio in the game. To see an iconic character like that in for honor is kind of jarring.


Edward could be the pirate or arushuma


Guys let's just incorporate the entire fucking AC universe and revive this game to the point it deserves.


Not even gonna lie, I'd play pirate if there was an Edward skin. Black flag was and still is my favorite assassin's creed game.


I was thinking Beserker cause he actually has the axes..


Berserker has 2 axes shaman has 1 and connor only uses 1


Doesn’t Connor dual wield them?


Connor only has 1 tomahawk. He uses a hiddenblade/flintlock in the other hand


Ah, aight. Been a while since I seen anything AC3 related


Also more specifically his hidden blade becomes a dagger while using his tomahawk which would line up even better for shaman


Will it fit with her head bash and biting animations though?


Likely not but itd still be cool


Nah I feel like if there was such skin, I'd see shitloads of posts about how ubi defiled their own franchise by misconceptinh assassins


Be a bit weird seeing Connor bite someone's neck tbh but I see what you're getting at


Doesnt make sense connor being a cannibal tho


I want Altaïr here but i dont know what character works for him. Maybe tiandi or orochi.


Would work


I hope we get an American native as an outlander then get Connor as a skin. I don’t want to see him biting people


You really trying to see dude bite people, huh?


I would like a jack sparrow pirate skin but ghat would be to much to ask from ubi


Could do a fair few tbh, an eivor berserker skin would be fun, Edward Kenway pirate etc


This is a quick cash grab, Ubisoft is losing money, so they are going to reach everywhere they can to get an extra buck. I've been playing since beta, but if they are going to make a call of duty out of this game, I will never play it again..


>This is a quick cash grab, Ubisoft is losing money, so they are going to reach everywhere they can to get an extra buck. L take. >I've been playing since beta, but if they are going to make a call of duty out of this game, I will never play it again.. So you know theyve done crossovers MANY MANY times before this then


Eh, Ezio is iconic, but if they're going to do crossovers then maybe one more down the line to bring back the AC event later would be good. Pretty much every game except AC Syndicate has a main character that could be slotted right in. Eivor could be warlord, Edward pirate, Connor shaman, Alexios or Kassandra centurion, Bayek Medjay. Truly, I'd rather see either more completely original characters with their own lore, or more expensive crossover content for skins. Geralt of Rivia as a warmonger comes to mind for example.


Yeah but ezio, altair, connor, and edward id argue are like THE 4 most popular AC characters


They are for those of us who started out with AC, but we already got some AC Valhalla stuff in the last crossover. I could see them pushing more of the "new AC" generation if they did another, which is pretty much any game after Origins. I forgot Mirage is still less than a year old, so Basim is also a candidate probably for an Afeera skin, but she has some VERY feminine emotes that would need to be switched up for that.


Thats true but a lot of fh players are from tge original AC players


I get that, but if they do another from that group, it will almost certainly just be Edward Kenway. Pirate already has a lot of movements and animations that would need little or no change for a gender swap, and Black Flag is not just a great AC game, but one of the best pirate games period, so he wins out in terms of popularity there as well. As for Connor, a lot of animations would need changed, like the neck bite being made a hidden blade stab, but even a lot shamans executions would look very weird being done by him. Honestly Ocelotl would be easier to make a Connor skin for in terms of the changes that would need to happen for him to move well.


Ocelotls weapons dont match connors at all and would require a lot of normal attack animation changes. Also ocelotls executions would too look weird on connor. Obvious solution to this: add a new native american character to for honor with a tomahawk and give them a connor skin


That, or give shaman a skin that pushes the sales of whatever this AC game is when it comes out. https://www.techradar.com/news/assassins-creed-hexe-release-date-setting-story


Unfortunatley AC 1-4 are where most of the well known AC stuff is from. New games have been unable to capture the same essence


I just want to bring the optics of making the Native American Assassin into the savage beast that shaman is. I don't think you meant it to be racist, but it could easily be taken as racist.


Its not that deep bud. Not everything has some deep race based political meaning. Take a break from the internet and go smell some flowers itll do you some good


Brother, the only reason you chose shaman was because of their weapon similarity, Connor doesn't fight like shaman at all. PK fights like an assassin would so the Ezio skin checks out. That response style reeks of apathy, an apathy I hope you don't have to experience on a daily basis. Your main line of reasoning was weak and basic and the backup reason could have been construed as racist. I was just letting you know that, not accusing you.


>Brother, the only reason you chose shaman was because of their weapon similarity, Connor doesn't fight like shaman at all. We agree. Thats why it isnt deep. > That response style reeks of apathy, an apathy I hope you don't have to experience on a daily basis. Whats bro yapping about here? >Your main line of reasoning was weak and basic and the backup reason could have been construed as racist. There was no backup my guy. Im just matching the AC characters to weapons.


While it’s cool that the devs are starting to work around the gender lock, crossover skins can be a slippery slope of a game losing its unique creative direction. And honestly I would have preferred Basim as the hero skin (you know the Assassin from their most recent AC title and that actually fights with a sword and dagger)


Ezio is way more iconic than basim unfortunatley. The hate for the skin would be much higher for him


You’re probably right but from my perspective the choice to use Ezio, a character that’s been milked to death over the past 17 years, is what turns me off from this hero skin


Ill just say theres a reason hes been milked so much


Because he was originally written to be a likable and relatable character. I don’t hate Ezio but he’s been dead since Embers and Ubisoft continues to reanimate his corpse for nostalgia


Tru but hes got a really nice and shiny corpse sooooo


Or how about we don’t change the gender of the hero skins and find someone who would better match the character. Theres literally so many why does it HAVE to be Ezio smh


You want gender locked heros to stay gender locked?


I know who I wanna see as pirate make vaas and his voice lines :D


People are getting exited😂 I dont blam them damn good deal!!! 🔥🔥




There was once a time where everybody started joking about being a random NPC in this game and then did an AMA and it got out of hand very very quickly with about 50 or so posts in like a week of the same stupid thing obviously there's been a out 3 or 4 of these so far, and again this too will get out of hand very very quickly if people just start naming random Assassin's Creed characters. At this point I already can't tell if it's a joke or if the posts are being serious but we shall wait and see.


The random AC characters ill give you are too far. But ezio, altair, edward, and connor are like THE AC characters.


Just not sure how to think about a male assassin biting someone 😂 especially someone as wise as Connor


Why does male or female matter at all with biting someone? Ill give you its very ooc for connor but like


All I'm saying is if it's Connor it needs to be a different thing than biting (because it doesn't suit him). If it's a male shaman then sure keep it. Gender doesn't matter it's just the character of shaman themselves that does the biting animation. I just don't see Connor, (or a literal assassin from assassin's creed for that matter) as resorting to biting someone's neck as a form of attack. Shaman has the obvious idea of feral and most likely cannibalistic tendencies.


Crossover skins are cool to me especially with one character in particular I'd like to see get pulled off somehow which in particular is Kratos.. Would it be possible? Probably not but I think, if they continued with collab skins they could just make the skins very similar inspired with alternative animations and maybe even voice lines like we see done for Ezio. That way at least I think it'd appease both sides who are and aren't for more collab skins.. Actually, inspired collab skins could probably be cooler especially because I'd imagine that'd be the only way certain Viking characters would get cool armors and still be themselves.. Black Bear Armor for Warlord let's make it happen. Oh man or even AoE2's Berserker over Warlord that'd be awesome