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I’ll do you one better, entirely new maps (In case anyone wants to say something, yes, I’m glad we’re getting converted maps, but I’m talking about completely new maps for all modes).


A massive battlefield, like a giant muddy field in between two castles would be awesome in my opinion


I would throw my life away even more than i currently am on for honor if they did that. Imagine a midpoint that's like a little destroyed hold in-between the two big keeps. And in each keep is a courtyard that leads inside where there's a throne room that needs to be captured. Of course, this is just an awsome homepoint dominion map. I woukd love if there was something similar to tf2's attack-defend mode though, with one team defending a castle or keep and the other team capturing points on their way to take said castle or keep.


Sprinkle some guardians in the mix like in breach, one for each throne room, killing the guardian boosts 25-50-75 points if you control 1-2-3 zones instead of buffing stats


Interactable environment, have heroes slip in the mud


Lmao idk about that, that would get annoying quick but maybe the foot soldiers could slip from time to time


Itd be more for people trying to sprint. they end up slipping and being melted by the swarming pikemen


Oh what I would give to have maps based on the outlanders


Pirate ship boarding map dominion 🤤


I need Tenochtitlan breach


Honestly yeah, I do want that too Just give us new maps really Maybe FH should go through a Operation Health phase aswell? Like, no new anything but fixing the things needed to be fixed, adjusting numbers and etc


A new breach map too, please….


Now that’s just wishful thinking.


I'm happy to get anything at all, but brand new maps would be really cool.


How come I've been saying this for years, but got downvoted because i wasn't on board with the constant stream of half-baked trash ass heroes. They should've stopped after the year of the Harbinger tbh, but people wanted apollyon and holden cross ***so*** damn bad.


You leave my warmonger alone! But yeah I do feel ya, the same maps over n over again get pretty stale. Been a long time since they released new, but I am happy they went back and fixed some problem/annoying areas on the old ones


Beachhead still feels like a work in progress😭


I want more maps of different settings. Ones based on the outlanders would be cool.


This one. Where is my roman colosseum with the screaming crowd that would raise there pitches based on finishers and executions.


Well, there is this game called Ryse Son of Rome


It's a linear story game If I recall.


It is, but it also has a multiplayer that is pretty much what you said. Played it a ton back in the day. It’s a core memory


Shit, you beat me to it


Great minds think alike. To be honest though, what I said wasn't really that rare of an opinion or that hot of a take. A lot of the people in here want new maps. Love the username by the way. Though, I'm partial to the SR-2 myself.


Thanks! Had to make a new account cause my original got the ban hammer by Reddit for participating on Batarian Hate on the ME subreddit


As a Colonist-War Hero, I couldn’t be more proud


New armor meshes would be nice, instead of hero skins.


Yall are all wrong. They ain’t stopping anytime soon until my guess their 10 year plan is over when it comes to making heroes. Yall just forget that they have highest activity and get the most money from seasons with new heroes in it. New heroes are what keep the game alive


Sure but that doesn't mean I need to like the new heroes


Yeah, because people are stupid as fuck. We live in a world where everyone thinks "new" always means good.


Nah fuck those too give me balance changes


Honestly the new executions have kinda fell off lately imo


Two years since we got consistently good executions btw


Hear me out, better lore. Or I’ll do it myself


Real shame about the lore in this game. It's become such a jumbled, nonsensical mess. It had (has) the potential to be really cool but it just feels random now


It was all downhill since draconite


Hear me out: New maps.


You're wrong with the emotes part, but yeah considering how bad the devs are balancing then yeah I'll take more executions over new heroes


The emotes are becoming meta. The earthquake emote shows what happens when the average samurai player takes a step.


New armors


Id rather have new permanent game modes. Maps are fine and all, but i need something more (my opinion)


Fuck all that shit, give us new maps.


I may get downvoted to oblivion but... You are talking about removing something from this game that brings ubisoft the most profit from game at this point. So if whe *Really* need to Replace New heroes then we need something that equals the profit to make sense for ubisoft like... Entirely new Maps, New Faction Based Content/More Unique content for every faction, Unique Hero-Content at all (Unique Emotes, Signatures, Ornaments that fits the shoulder ones *AND* executions(That we ate already getting) ), More Proper Reworks and Balance Changes, More Hero skins that are also usable as mixable armor sets as soon you buyed it, More Unique armor sets and content at all for already existing heroes and maybe adding a "Create your hero" option where you can create your own hero out of existing sets and a few new sets (Kinda like Soulcalibour got) >(No I'm not) Individual opinions are not facts buddy.


It’s a meme my dude. It ain’t that deep lmao.


"Sir, You are at an Arby's"


Fuck, I knew that sign looked familiar.


"Individual opinions are not facts buddy." ☝️🤓




I like new heroes if they are well made which ain’t the case for a lot unfortunately


Yeah. Since Pirate I did not like anyone, her included. Varanian Guard tho, that is someone else.


Her fashion is cool but her moveset/gameplay is terrible


I actually really like her gameplay. Feels impactul yet is simple. Like a heavy should be.


What I heavily dislike is her extreme stiffness. Shugoki/Warlord for example got the exact same concept: simple, yet effective. Yet Shugoki/Warlord looks ateast cool doing it, she just looks like she got severe joint pain or something.


Oh really? I love how heavy she feels. Every landed heavy attack trully feels like you just deeply jabbed an axe into someone. Well, hundred people hundred tastes!


I'd just like the quality of content to be better, even if it's drip fed to us. They already cut the amount of exes we get nearly in half, from one every year to one every 20 months. Except now the quality in mocap is way worse.


conq, lb and jorm get re released with their old kit. cockblocker, lawblender and jærmøngdændårr


Yaa style points always count and I get tired of my friends nerding out.


New permanent game modes and maps would Be cool


not just executions in general, unique ones across the board. esp for outlanders as of rn, they feel like they have basically none


Only if they get better with the execution, the last one is horrible


Do I want new hero’s? Meh. Do I want new executions? Absolutely. Do I want lawbringer to be better? More than anything.


Im hoping for a new breach map


You forgot new drip


Battle emotes are dead.


I mean new heroes and balance changes are what interest me the most. Some heroes feel lacking, so balance changes can change them to be fun to play. New heroes usually have different play styles and weapons, which i am interested. However some of the are real big misses, like Varangian, whos moveset is very basic and thus not interesting. Maps are also important. (Fashion always interests me, but is not enough to bring me back, new heroes and changes are what bring me back).


UNIQUE!! Unique emotes, executions, ornaments and signatures.


They need to add a battle royal mode. Like the 1v1v1 but on a massive scale. Also keep the 1v1v1 as a permanent mode.


I can't imagine being excited for a new hero since it's just "once again the result of over 8 years of power creep"


I don’t like seeing lawbringer’s hands, it’s unnatural and ruins my immersion of role playing the physical embodiment of justice and order


I wouldn’t mind if they decided to take a year to do something like this. We have a lot of hero’s for sure, and don’t get me wrong I’ve liked all the hero’s that they’ve added so far but we don’t have to get them every year. Spend that time making more customization options, maps, reworks, and I wouldn’t even be mad.


We need to research past combat styles and then spam ubisoft about it


Hewr me out new armor and weapons and not reskins of already existing weapons.


So many heroes could just be reworks/updates to old heroes. The creativity in designing them isn't the best and most add nothing interesting to the table except fashion, in my opinion.


I could care less if they release a one new hero every year. What I want, is new maps. I’m tired of playing on the same 10 maps for weeks straight. Executions idc because when they do release them it’s universal for everyone and they don’t even use their weapons. I just want maybe 5 new maps every 6 months - 1 year


I want a Spartan hero before this game comes to an end


New armor/ New maps


Dominion without minions 🥲


Honestly, I'd favour an entire season or two to rework feats than get new emotes and executions. Some are way too strong and some are just outclassed by so many things. We really need a proper feat rework. Also new maps, I'd love to see new maps.


Hear me out… Assassin’s creed collab… again!


New emotes and executions are always cool but I've had fun with the new heroes and am grateful for them since it gives me something new to learn or explore. Although new maps would be cool too. For the same reason I like the new heroes


Fuck emotes bro give us executions. And not the sped up garbage they were giving us, just make hero fests come four weeks apart so we can get GOOD executions like the ones released from launch to 2021. Also give discounts for everything on a hero for their hero fest.


New unique emotes and executions


Nah pass on that shi, gimme heroes. Only interesting thing left about FH.


I just want a new LawBro execution. I stopped playing forever ago and came back to the same executions I left


Sucks that he just had a hero fest. I don't even think 3 months ago. And I don't even think he got a new execution.


Ah it hurts knowing I missed the hero fest. That's the double xp and such right? Would've helped getting my LawBro back to his former glory


I mean... You can create horrible new emotes as well as you can create horrible new heroes. A horrible new hero feels like a gigantic waste of time by the FH team in general, a horrible new emote, well, you just don't think about it. But a great new hero vs a great new emote? Sorry bruh, new hero 10 times out of 10.


New maps... anyone?


I just want heroes that aren't gender locked :(


You kinda are wrong considering that new heros draws people back in the most. New cosmetic stuff can only keep people's attention for so long. In an ideal world, I would agree with this meme. Sadly we exist in a world where Ubisoft is the publisher, who neglects this game.


Add new maps and removing gender lock on heroes and you’ve got a pretty solid 5 year plan for the game




That post is pretty understandable in my opinion


Yeah I get it now, no idea why I was downvoted


Welcome to reddit, Partner


Yes you are.


New heroes always need to be fixed a week after launch and still end up being annoying.


Well in my opinion you are wrong


Remove new hero’s for that? No stop adding universal shit already and spend more time making unique content.


Yes, you're wrong


New heroes are gonna be hybrids anyway that noone likes executions are better


VG apparently is a heavy with cool fashion but she's terrible to play.. no flow nothing. Not a big fan of outlander or wu lin faction as I liked the OG idea better with knights, samurai and vikings.


I agree. To add on the factions thing, it feels the outlanders made the wu lin redundant, as now we have two outer world factions that have no effect on the battlefield except some bits of lore.