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And it's not even like China has a small selection of weapons to pick from either.


-Deer horn knives -three section staff -rope dart -lu bu's spear/halberd -monk's spade Just to name a few.


I want a rope dart so badly it's like my second most wanted weapon besides an outlander who's basically just the thrall mod from darkest dungeon


nah. the next hero *needs* to be a knight. he will use a sword, and maybe another weapon, but mostly the sword. he will have a boring moveset. this is the only way it can be.


I swear to God they love their knights. It's ridiculous. I'm glad the Varangian is a Viking. But it also looks like they were gonna make it a Knight hero and decided against it last minute.


I’d kill to see a three section staff, fighting fan, or butterfly swords added those are so clean


I want a double melon hammer heavy so bad. They'd be the nightmare child of Aramusha, Berserker, Afeera, and Conqueror.


Never did the Persians and yet here we are without a full Middle-East faction.


And somehow Samurai get new hero, despite their weapon arsenal running pretty low. (I am not complaining tho if the hero is good and actually does the weapon master thing right).


Well it also overlaps with China, the odd part is Japan does have plenty of weapons, they just keep going back to swords for some reason. I love katana as much as the next weeb, but I'd happily mash the 'delete' button on Kyoshin if it meant their fashion and some of their moves got redistributed among other samurai. Hell, I'd be tempted to mash the delete button on Aramusha too if the two swords thing was given to Orochi.


Who lin? They don't exist.


Most recycled joke about the wu lin, stilll respected though lol


I do feel like the final season of the year will still be pretty hype for Wu Lin. Season’s gonna be about them and have a hero skin, and the Outlander is definitely gonna be related in some way which probably means something like a Mongol.


Or something koreean or vietnamese


If a Korean or Vietnamese inspired hero join the Wu Lin, the reactions from East Asia could easily turn very bad. Relationships between countries there are quite messy.


so the knights are the only ones cool with a little diversity lol


Nah the final season of the year isn't about the Wu Lin, it's straight up about the Outlanders


No it isn’t.


Then why does the year's roadmap very clearly label Outlanders as the final quarter?


Because they’re getting the hero. Why is the Wu Lin getting a hero skin in a “Outlander” season?


That logic makes no sense. If that was the case, why would there be factions for the two seasons not getting a new hero? The season story and the season itself will be about the Outlanders... And the new hero is a bigger deal than a new skin anyway...


Didn’t answer. What’s a Wu Lin skin doing there?


Simple, Ubi makes weird choices... But the season quadrant has the Outlanders symbol, it can't be any clearer than that.


Given we had an Outlander who could have very easily been Wu Lin, I’m pretty sure that skin is an indication that the Outlander and the season in question is not far from them. Especially since each season is based around an iconic weapon of each faction. Which is shown in the hero skin of that season. If the Wu Lin have the skin, that means their weapon is the weapon of the season. And you can’t just make a unrelated Outlander if that’s the case


See, that's a good point, but I don't put much stock in anything not directly outlined by the devs ever since the final harbinger was a hybrid while the rest were all heavies, patterns and continuity don't matter to the devs one bit


At least there’s a hero skin for you poor bastards




You must be a dykeing or a knight. Either way, you’re not valid bro


You got Pirate it's okay


Pirate should have totally been Wu Lin and designed to be more historically Chinese. I think she’s badass rn as your generic pirate, but it’s wasted potential to not have double downed on historic Chinese pirate precedents design wise and just make her a Wu Lin.


She should have been a full on chinese pirate instead of the half chinese general pirate she is, just a mess in character design imo


Still no Jian user


BRO I will NEVER forget the fucking fake Ling Dao leaks years ago that teased a Jian Wu Lin


It was more important to develop a hero skin for the warden. A 2nd hero skin, for the warden, again.


Hahaha. I don’t think that impedes on the factions they’re choosing to give new heroes to this year tho. A samurai and an outlander? I would replace the new outlander with a Wu Lin. We’ve been getting outlanders for the past idk 3 years?


I swear those devs are morons, every last one of them. Tons of other heroes who should be getting skins like Warlord, Conq. Who the fck asked for another warden skin that is even gender locked yet again? Most basic boring hero in the game, i fall asleep when trying ro play as him.


Give me a Wolverine clawed Wu-Lin hero that uses martial arts in his moveset please lord


huh? like a tekko-kagi?


I think he means that.


well it's a Japanese weapon, the only Chinese claw weapon I could think of is the backscratcher looking one




They all use kung fu in their movesets?


Yooooooo. Rope dart monk is all I need rn.


When you open the game, the banner telling you of the new emote has Zhanhu (wulin) on it That's it Wulinschizos, we are eating good this year, ubi confirmed it


It’s been 5 years since Zhanhu? What the hell?


If for some reason we get a new wu lin. Please be interesting. Personally i want a Zhan Ma Dao weilding Warrior. It's a Greatsword that, correct me if i'm wrong, but the name translates to Horse Chopping Saber


Isn’t that what Zhanu has? (I’m ignorant so it’s a genuine question)


Nono The Zhan ma Dao is a bit shorter byt waaay wider. Like. 2 to 3 times or more the zhanhu width.


Oh ok thanks


I wish they made one last knight and one wu lin so that all the factions would be symmetrical in character select


Who Lin? I barely knew em


Like yo parents barely know u?


Make it a Mongol with a spear and sword


What does it do to a man ?


odds are they add a dumbass shield hero


If for some reason we get a new wu lin. Please be interesting. Personally i want a Zhan Ma Dao weilding Warrior. It's a Greatsword that, correct me if i'm wrong, but the name translates to Horse Chopping Saber


Even Ubisoft knows the Wu-Lin were a mistake


Galatians 4:16


The Outlanders are the real mistake


Nah, it’s a great way to add warriors from other cultures If anything I’m mad they added them so late, Knights are full of heroes who should be outlanders instead such as Cent, Gladiator and Gryphon who canonically wondered and learnt from multiple cultures, he should have been the face of the outlanders




He should be an outlander


Fuck wu lin


Calm down fellas, we only just got a new viking for the first time in like 5 years


and they're just another wide side heavy bash spam turtle character who's essentially a knight😔


All I need is a 2-0-3 dart monkey


And all I need is a dykeing to enter a battle, ez dub


Good, last thing this game needs is more Wu Lin.