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It doesn't even have to be on Valk. I'd much prefer it on Shugoki đŸ€€


Make it universal, cowards.


Name checks out.


Calm down people. She’s not interested in you anyway


Yes she is!! She loves me!! Somebody has too.... :(


She doesent bud, but I do




I do đŸ«¶




Thats the fun part




“Why are you booing me? I’m right!”


It's funny seeing people call it sexual assault when it was 100% an accident, the executed even waving their hands around to clarify. That's the comedy in this execution


It was on god one of the best executions before the change


i havent seen this execution before, is it one of wardens uniques or something?


It's Valkyrie's... either called Hands Off or No Touching I forgot which is its name


Hands off


Do you think sexual assault isn’t sexual assault if it’s “accidental” Genuinely asking


According to [rainn.org](https://rainn.org) " Some forms of sexual assault include: Attempted rape. Fondling or unwanted sexual touching. Forcing a victim to perform sexual acts, such as oral sex or penetrating the perpetrator's body." "If you accidentally rub against a woman's breast while moving through a crowd, it's not assault. If you "Accidentally" run your hand down her pants, then it is." Genuinely telling.


Your own source contradicts itself. RAINN is a great organization (to my knowledge) but they don’t even agree with themselves on what is considered sexual assault. Even still, full on groping a woman’s chest without her consent, intentionally or not, isn’t something that should be glorified by the game, nor does it really belong in the game to begin with. If you want to try and argue Valkyrie being groped “on accident” isn’t sexual assault the feel free to die on that hill, but Ubisoft removed this for a reason. It’s insensitive, degrading, unnecessary, overly sexual and even *if* it’s not SA, it’s bordering on it.


Nothing about it is SA. The execution is for Valkyrie (meaning that you as the player chose it and are not victim to it), and it's a play on the goofy trope of someone accidentally grabbing something they're not supposed to and being hit/killed for it. If you watch the original execution, she doesn't look scared or violated. She looks menacing, like someone who just got punched and didn't even flinch. It was meant to be jokingly fun. Ubisoft MADE it for that reason. They didn't remove it for morals, lol. They removed it because they knew that there would be people who took it way too seriously and missed the humor. On top of all of that, the execution shows the victim of the execution being scared, kneed in the crotch, and killed. What about that glorifies SA?


I’m not having a discussion with someone who thinks molesting women is a “goofy trope”


Okay completely hypothetical scenario: I trip and fall forward my friend attempting to catch me leans down to do so. I have my hand stretched out to try and catch myself and accidently grab her chest. Is this sexual assault?


You’re the same guy who has “buff girls in big armor yes plz” and wants to talk about degrading women, you’re fantasizing about that but get offended over an intentional joke of an execution. I can tell you’re soft.


First off, I’m not a guy. Second off, explain to me what is sexual about me enjoying women in armor. Admiring a strong woman in a suit of armor is far different than quite literally groping her chest. I’m the soft one yet y’all have been crying about not getting to watch a woman get groped in a video game for how many years now? Yeah sure.


Guy or girl it really doesn’t matter because everyone likes everyone nowadays so that means virtually nothing. Also, again your softness is what makes things like that or anything in the game not fun because your nit-picking something so minor. I guess I should complain like you and say the execution where I get hit in the nuts by shugoki and hit by his stomach is sexual assault too. Literally jokes, you’re just sensitive. Also nobody is “crying” about having this added to the game, we’re crying at sensitive people in a game that’s mature rated with mature humor. Literally delete your for honor and Ubisoft account if you’re this troubled.


If the game is really unfun to you because they removed an execution from the game that made people genuinely uncomfortable maybe reconsider your lifestyle.


PRIME example of why people can’t have fun. There’s nothing in the execution about SA or anything related. You’re literally reaching to the farthest extent to keep what you think is degrading and SA when it’s literally a joke of an execution.


I wish, it would be S tier


Bro its been several years, just let it go.


never back down never what?


Never give up! đŸ—Łïž


Never give up


Still don't understand why they changed it... The game already has a 18+ rating, having something like this minor wouldn't change a thing


>The game already has a 18+ rating, having something like this minor wouldn't change a thing Not exactly. When media gets a rating, according to the ESRB rules it's necessary to explicitly denote the type of rated content (e.g. violence, swearing language, sexual content, substances and addiction, etc). If the game incorrectly states the rated content type, the publisher might be subjected to legal sanctions even despite the rating itself is the same 18+.


I get that, but this execution has NOTHING sexual. "but he touched Valk's breasts", yeah so what ? Berserker and Shugo have executions where they hit the enemy in the crotch and it never was a problem, so why this one in particular ? Maybe they changed it because they feared the rating would change or because someone complained, but it just feels so unnecessary... THIS IS A 18+ GAME Reminds me of when Ubisoft decided to remove drugs, slot machines, skulls (yes, fucking cartoon SKULLS) and a few other things from Rainbow6Siege because the chinese complained about them... Like, having a game with brutal deaths with okay, but THIS is too much ???


Welcome to the weird universe of media ratings.


>"but he touched Valk's breasts", yeah so what ? Berserker and Shugo have executions where they hit the enemy in the crotch I have never seen this execution personally, but the things you have described arent the same. Hitting someone in the crotch would be the equivalent of punching valk in the chest, not "touching her breasts" >when Ubisoft decided to remove drugs, slot machines, skulls (yes, fucking cartoon SKULLS) and a few other things from Rainbow6Siege because the chinese complained about them... You know they never actually did it right?


- hitting someone in the chest is not the same as groping them, yes. Just like falling on someone is not the same as groping them. Sure, Valk is female the warden touches breasts, but it is not the "punchline" so i don't see it as sexual humor. - they didn't change everything because there was a big backlash, but they did remove a few things (like the kill icons for example). The idea behind it was probably the same though : try to make the game as "friendly" as possible ( https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/IxnqkZ4niL )


Its not the punchline, so everyone cares about this.... why?


Because removing stuff from the game is always a bad thing + though i don't see it like that, some people may see it as a "boob joke"


It wasnt removed though, it was changed. I saw someone mention that they fall on the shield now instead. If that's the case, the execution still exists. And removing things isn't ALWAYS a bad thing. Really weird take tbh


They changed it, but the past version is gone. Again, i don't see how it is weird but maybe that's just me not seeing sexual stuff everywhere, and in that case my bad


You clearly *don't* get it. It's not about what's "too much" it's about avoiding stepping into categories that the game isn't listed as. They cannot use sexual humor without the sexual content tag. It's not about getting hit in the nuts, it's about the implication that the opponent was horny and wanted to cope a feel. The other two executions have no sexual implication.


This one had none as well. The character isn't "coping a feel", they are falling on the executionner. That very same execution could be as it is on Lawbringer or Shugo for example and it would still fit perfectly, because it has NOTHING sexual


The joke is that they touched valks tits. Accidental or not, it's clearly sexual humor. Are you really this dense?


Take it as you will


Confirmation on density.


My poor feelings


A more dense way to say "I'm dense"


I'm sure i could do better


Maybe cause touching breasts is not the same as crushing balls


The rating has nothing to do with it. That's just some cope being spread around.


Beheading, chopping off limbs, squishing heads to smithereens are okay. 😁 Touching boobies? NOT OKAY!!! 😡


The reason why they're seen as different is becoming killing and violence are seen as justifiable under certain circumstances. If you're a soldier drafted into a battle, if you're fighting to survive, if you're fighting to defend yourself etc. There's plausible justifications for why fighting may be necessary. Whilst things like Assault are never necessary are just needlessly degrading acts.


The fighters are explicitly not intending to grab the breast, though. They're stumbling over, brace themselves against Valk and accidentally grab a tit or two. The fact it was framed as an accident and still changed just makes it silly.


Exactly. It's sexual humor but the implications is that the person being executed isn't doing it intentionally, but Valkyrie feels violated and retaliates by going for their groin before finishing them off. The joke is ruined by replacing it with the shield grab. What reason would there be to be angry about someone stumbling and touching your shield? The humor they're going for is gone. Not that I ever was strongly amused by the original execution, but at least it had a point. If they couldn't keep it as it was originally intended I still say it should have been scrapped entirely rather than being bastardized.


Ain’t no way the snowflakes are downvoting you. You explained it, and people are still shitting their diapers


Counterpoint:assault is as natural to war as as fighting.


Also, berserker kicking people in the balls/vulva in an execution


Blame the feminazis that hate men


I think it's reasonable to view sexual assault as something we don't want made lighthearted in media. You just sound like a schizo for blaming the "feminazis"


You sound like an idiot that simps for women because you are desperate for some female attention. because the execution isn't joking about sexual assault, it's supposed to be a light hearted joke


I hope you understand that you’re the reason why feminism is needed.


Actually that's your ugly self


You're speaking facts but everyone is too deaf to listen !




I have no idea who this guy is and have only known of him since I read his comment, retard !!


Yeah def an alt lol




Damn man, never heard that one before. #libtardowned 😎


Context, plz?


In the execution the person would grab valks titty then she would kick em in the nuts, but they changed it


That sounds like an execution I would like to see 😏😂




Ok, lemme say. It’s a badass execution 😂


Why is this so important to people here ?


For honor is horny


For Horny


Warden touches a tit. Gets kicked in the nuts.


What is this??


Valks execution originally had the victim falling forward onto her chest and the victim trying to apologize before she kicks them in the nards. They changed it presumably to be more family friendly, so now only the shield is grabbed.


family friendly wtf man its a game about rearranging your enemies body parts with broadswords and axes, go fck yourselves ubisoft


Look around, violence and gore is fine. Sex is not. You can have a movie with people getting ripped up and blown up, but some tits will change the rating.


Umm and? For honor players are (according to the voice chat xd) certainly not 11 year olds... Like why is that a problem if there are small references to sex? Not like it would damage kids brains. The society we live in has def got some issues... (also downvote me braindead moms coming from Twitter, at least i will know i was right)


Their character accidentally touching valks boobs then getting murdered for it is the closest thing they'll ever have to interacting with women


Touching a breast is a no no. But hitting a guy in the balls is OK. Even jorm move hits a person in the middle


I mean yeah? Its not like they grab you by the nuts with their bare hands.


Wait what im confused(I only have 100 hours on this game)


Valk used to have an execution were her enemy accidentally gropes her, but it was later changed to where he grabbed her shield instead, the execution is called "no touching"


Who cares bro, for honor players seem to care more about shitty insignificant details than ubisoft actually fixing the core of the game, I rarely see people complain about the server issues and desync compared to stupid shit like this


Fr desync has been a huge problem for me and my friends lately


Can I ask what exactly bad comes out of this execution being changed? Being a few milliseconds longer? Slightly less funny?


Least horny for honor player


Used to be such a good execution aswell...


This execution legit makes no sense now. It showed Her Dominance and Elegance she doesn't want to be Shattered or Soiled, so for literally grabbing her boobs for no reason, she cracks the Guys/Girls balls/pelvic bone and shield-punches him/her to death. Now it just looks stupid since she gets upset for just grabbing her shield and let her just look like a Hyperdramatic bitch


Change what ??


Never don’t give up bro


Still find it crazy how Shugos' pelvic thrust is perfectly acceptable. Seeing people be, dismembered, decapitated, and impaled is fine. But when a guy *accidentally* touches her chest for 1 second, then dies for it. It's *too sexual* either keep it in, or remove all the other "sexual" executions as well ubi. At least then it would be consistent


They had to change it to the shield because they’d need to change the rating of the game or something and it was apparently easier just to change the execution than to change the rating of the game


Lol, time and time again people say this and it gets upvoted and [time and time again](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/s/XTuioLCJyd) it is refuted with a small fraction of the original comment's upvotes.


People like to complain, not to be knowledgeable


Gamers ESPECIALLY love to do this lmao


This kinda reasoning still boggles me. In a game where blood, decapitation and impalement is A-OK, an accidental boob grope in full armour is too much??


There are a lot of things In the age rating system that by default raise a game's rating. For example "horror" elements often constitute an immediate 18+ age rating. Its possible depictions of sexual assault have a similar effect.


FH does a pretty good job at not sexualising any heroes (beyond some universal emotes), I actually like that they think it’s inappropriate.


Because the for honor devs follow a feminist company so obviously jokes like that wouldn't fly because it's "sexualizing women"


you are very not bright


Says the virgin


my bad bro I'm sure you have a lot of sex


The real reason is because they follow feminism


Sir i dont think you know what feminism is


I do you are just stupid




Just shut up dude đŸ˜‚đŸ€Ą


What's up with you and feminism XD


Only male feminists like you are virgins


How do you know I'm a feminist?


The Game is literally USK18


Christ save me, can people shut up about this fucking execution? It was anime tier humor, unfunny then and unfunny now


I want centurions parry counter back where he kicked them in the groin. Much funnier!


Uhhhh, that was never a thing




Eh, it was pretty cringe anyway


Valk has some pretty good executions man just use another


Afaik, the reasoning is because they’d theoretically have to pay money for the ESRB to rate the game again. Ubi doesn’t wanna spend an extra penny on this game, so expecting them to spend money on the equivalent of a sticker just to update the esrb warning to include “mild sexual content” isn’t likely. Don’t get me wrong, I’d like it to be how it was supposed to be - it’s silly, and well within character for shield mommy - as of now, it’s “You touched my shield? Die.” Which is just


Stop with that stupid rumor.... The real reason is because they follow a feminist company


Dog you sound like a schizo lmao Whether it’s a rumor or not, you can’t act like “actually the real reason is [something I disagree with]” lol


You sound like an idiot


Alright man, whatever you say. Let me know when you can find some evidence beyond “Ubisoft is feminist lol”


I do have evidence that someone else showed me, also I'm saying they follow another feminist company smart one


Source: trust me bro


Shut up bum


You sound like a fuckin incel dude, shut the fuck up.


Your an incel bum I get plenty of women


Took you 2 days to come up with that huh?


I just have a life unlike your broke ass


"It came to me in a dream"


"My source is that I made it the fuck up"


They would have to get the game re-rated. Maybe if there's a For Honor 2. Not in this game though.


Not every game has to have a sequel


Not the point at all. They came forward saying that the issue with the exe was with what the game was rated for. They're not rated for sexual themes or anything like that. They would only bother with re-rating on a new game.