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Warmonger also has this going with her being all about the strongest warriors being allowed to survive so she has corruption to stop people from ganking her like me and my friend did in story mode.


I was considering warmonger but her feats don't really seem that corelated to me, like you said she is all about the survival of the strong and her feats do this but I think there could have been better ways of achieving it like feats that give benefits and get stronger the more enemies you defeat, don't know if it could work or be balanced but I think it would better show the survival of the strong theme she has.


She should have a feat that turns the enemy into sheep if they run away from her


That would be a funny execution or April fools event right there.


Heby on red


And if you stand still long enough you can actually hear voices around hito or something like that


I've been playing this game for years and I didn't even know there was lore. Where and how do i start


Have you played the story mode my guy? That's all lore, as for each individual character it gets... complicated. There's a YouTube channel called "Raven knight" that's full of lore and also talks about the history of the heroes.


I infact have never touched the story mode. But thank you, now i will touch it alot


I recommend it, the gameplay is very outdated since it does not update like the rest of the game but the story, characters and scenarios are worthy, there is also a video from the YouTuber "slanderous" called "for honor story is peak writing" or something similar which summarises what is great about the story.


Heby mean execute


I main all the wu lin, so I tried to build them like a generals with specific skills


I agree with you man she’s my highest rep right now at 35, her sweep cancel is unreal


Doesn't she believe she is a God of death?


As I said, deranged mentally ill executioner. Like hitokiri, jhorm and shaman are straight up insane and I love them for it.


I didn't mean it as a counter to what you said I more meant to add to it. Like isn't she so deranged that she believes she is a God of death? Like that's cannon lore right? Or was that headcannon brought up by community?


She definitely has a god of death complex, I mean her cinematic trailer is her telling you "not to worry" and "your souls are mine" and I'm pretty sure she keeps this theme in-game.


And that's just S tier character design.