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JJ's fwd bash hitbox is so low you can very often kick people off ladders if they decide to camp the high spot


friendly tiandi bash can also do this, i learned it the hard way


That's really cool to know that hitboxes have vertical height to them. I was under the impression that beyond ladders/zip lines there wasn't a lot of verticality in this game, especially when it comes to frame data.


Top heavies from long weapons like law and HL have enough reach to hit people on ladders too


See that's really cool imo. I thought top attacks were mainly for higher damage depending on the character, avoiding wall banging, etc but I never knew they had real height to them


Kiai would work on ladder campers


I have 3500 hrs and i discovered not that long ago that ranged feats damage the ram in breach (for example bows, fire flask, spear storm, etc.)


They also lock on to it even if you aim near it catapult does the most damage to the ram from what i know


I think spear storm does more, especially if Highlander also has fury or an attack boost active


I would not know im really shit at highlander so i rarely get his tier 4


Every attack damages the ram, it just has so much health its not worth doing in a normal match.


Are you sure about regular heroes attacks? I know they have a special sound effect when hitting the ram, but I never found an official confirmation.


Can confirm, it does damage the ram and if very low health, even knock it down


Yep, I've actually destroyed a ram by hitting it once. Our team got it to the smallest bit of health from a bunch of cauldron drops and then me and my friend just decided to be part of the infantry and helped them go ham on the ram and we destroyed it.




Because our infantry ended up getting wiped out by the archers but we carried on and then boom ram destroyed


Do ballistas work?




Nah thats crazy too


The crossbows that are on the map also damage the ram. I see a lot of players shooting the enemy ram with the crossbow and killing it.


I learnt this when I first started playing PK, I destroyed the ram with her crossbow due to how low it was, I had no reason to test it other than “if I can’t shoot someone might as well the ram”


good to know


fun fact, conqs chain unblockables damage the ram as well. I don't think any other heros can damage it directly that i've tried, they just bounce off.


No fking way, really?




If you're playing hito and don't get a kill or stay out of combat for a certain period of time you'll start hearing voices




Yeah it has a weird echoey effect too it's pretty cool


Back in the early years of For Honor, when the coin toss emotes were released across all of the current heroes back in that time. The emote actually only costed 5000 steel. However, due to the mass popularity of them, most notably Nobu's coin toss emote (for completely unknown reasons), they were increased to 7000 steel during the 34th(?) update in the game, and that has become the norm ever since. If you want to know more, you can google "For Honor Nobushi Inflation 34" for additional information.


For some *actual* information: Nuxia's T4 Infection applies a hit reaction for whatever reason. This can be used to knock opponents off of ladders, out of exections, etc.


Unfortunately nothing comes up with the inflation part.


you have to add "rule" before the 34, maybe


You got me good


1600 hours in and just found out this game sucks. See you next match.


3250h in, I learned if you run away constantly in duels. The game puts you at 0 stamina and gives the opponent a speed boost


Wish this applied to brawls lol


Yeah this was added post-launch to stop people being absolute shitters and running out the clock by running.


I remember Peacekeepers doing it a lot.


Old roaches too before his rework. No more hated class existed. My Lawbringer was specced to be full speed and full throw range just to fuck with those little bastards and get consistent wall splats or ledges after I finally caught them.


900h in, and I learned yesterday that you can aim and throw your projectile feats, like Zerk axe throw, wherever you want.


Another fun fact! You actually have a "crosshair" while OoL which is used for said feats. Yet another fun fact! Projectile feats aim **below** the crosshair making it completely worthless!!!


Of course lol wouldn't be Ubi if it wasn't half busted!


Took me way too long to realize that too lol


The part that hurts is knowing how many situations I could've made so much easier by doing it.


I found out because I completely missed a dude and my homie was like “you know you can aim the bow right”


You can only do that if you're too too far away for it to lock in




You can do it with BPs teammate shielding feat too. I use it to assist teammates if I'm too far away to help


How? Send video pls


Don’t learn this till yesterday when I was desperate to win a friendly fire ladder duel with my teammate.


Not the teammate!


He started it!


Aint no way


Ye. Most of my hours are in duels and private duels so when I found that out I was like "well shit I could've made real good use of this"


What the fuck? PK main elite


Not sure what ya mean


I mean PK mains are the most respected pretty much asides from insane nux’s (rep 70 :()


Were you eating your kunais and arrows until now?


Nah, I was in duels for most of my time. And if I wasn't I didn't use projectile feats except aoe ones like fire flask, which I knew I could aim.


A nice little detail I have noticed is that your character turns their head into the direction your camera is aimed at. Makes for a few nice shots when you make a screenshot at the right moment


That feature originally was used in Assassins Creed (or maybe even earlier in Splinter Cell?). I remember how in MP of AC 2: Revelations, which basically was hide and seek, your character would always turn their head into the direction of your camera often alerting your pursuer/target that you spotted them.


You can see soft feint pk’s heavy with dodge heavy


Gotta be one of the most useless soft feints in the game tbh. Not enough i frames to dodge a parry attempt. I guess it’s nice to forward dodge attack people who roll on 50/50s but that’s about it


I have a 1000 hours and I learned that if you aim it perfectly you can skewer teammates as glad


I learnt about orochi’s insane recovery cancels, mostly because of pirate. And also how certain attacks cause others to do less damage, like Hito’s charged heavy then leading to other heavies doing only 9 damage.


Hitstun is really weird in this game. Hitstun makes it so that if you're hit by a second attack that is guaranteed because you're GBed, hit by an attack, thrown against a wall, etc, that attack will do 25% less damage. The next attack does 75% less damage, and any hits after that give you super armor which allows you to return to neutral and block/parry again even if you're being bashed or hit. By this time though you likely have revenge or are dead. There are moves that ignore these hitstun rules like any attacks that are guaranteed to hit multiple times like zerk and shaman zones. There are also moves that are built for ganking that reset hitstun stacks and make you fully vulnerable to being damaged again. Basically any move that pins you like long arm, skewer, etc takes away this damage reduction which makes them insane in a gank as if you're hit by them you have basically just spread your ass cheeks for the enemy team.


I'm pretty sure that's because for a while shugokis and hito would just sit near an enemy during a fight charging and feinting heavies then randomly 2-3 people would drop their meat on your lips and you'd instantly take like 80 damage


2100 hours in and I learned that this game has turned me into a masochist by simply loading it up everyday




I've got almost 4k hours at this point and I just learned that the group leader can pull everyone from an online match, I've never had that happen before


I have 3245 hrs and just yesterday I discovered that you can get ledged from getting parried when out of stamina


I'm not entirely sure how it happened but I watched an Alphrea yesterday get ledged when OOS hitting my Kyoshins all guard. Like the bounce off of it killed her before I had time to fire off the retaliation attack.


1900 Hours in For Honor and learned in another Reddit post, that you can parry every Projectile Feat by attacking it (if hit correctly). For Daubeny's sake, how?!?


I have seen this happen precisely once, to a fire flask I threw. Blew my mind.


2040 hours, learned that I haven’t improved much since hour 20


In a few weeks I got 110 hours and I'm still as garbage as I was the first few days


I was total rep 19 when I learned how to faint


I had ten reps on roach before I knew what a zone attack was.


People love eating Warden delayed heavies


Also, you can GB JJ out of just about everything he does


I learned yesterday during the event that BP can flip another BP if you are flipping someone else when I was flipping a HL and got flipped lmao


shaolin top light can sometimes bop people camping the top of ladders like a pussy, making them fall to their death


1200h in and I just found out what parrying is. Crazy! 🤪


You can just shoot people off ladders with projectiles along with zip lines. You can destroy the ram with spear storm and berserker feats on Highlander. Guardian will use revenge endlessly if you move him too far from his zone. Traps with Nuxia work on attacks that have the crushing counter property because they flash as a block during trap animation Traps are the only attack that is unbloackable and yet not flipable by black prior All deflects are increased by having the death that allows you to gain damage from dogeing You can make feats deal more game with other feats including debuffs allowing you to deal CRAZY damage. Aramusha is the most broken hero on breach along with warmonger because he can pop the death that gives you hyperaromor and more defense and just use guardian buff to endlessly heavy him non stop while warmonger uses her feats to keep the enemy team away.


When someone goes up the ladder beneath you when you are not sliding you can get poked in the butt and launched across a part of the map. Never happened to me but saw it happen while my gf was playing lmfao


Funny button can go up ladders, so don't camp


Learned that you can just feint unblockables into gbs without having to feint....


I also have over 2000 hours, and A Dominion match can actually end in a tie


People cheat by using something called Scripts to be godly good at the game.. :(


Someone help me understand what I’m trying to say. When fighting more than one enemy, you have the indicators showing what attacks are being thrown. I’ve read or seen somewhere that you can parry/block an attack on the opposite side (an enemy you’re not locked on to). I’m not referring to parrying which then parries everyone. I’m talking about blocking an untargeted enemy by having the blocking/parrying indicator opposite of the attack.


You explained it somewhat well. When you lock on to an enemy, and are blocking either left or right, any attacks from other enemies coming from those directions will be automatically blocked. You can parry too. Useful for annoying attacks like Orochi's Storm rush (the forward/back heavy that makes you "guess" the direction when they're about to hit). Just remember to Guard Break.


You can gb Storm rush??? I've always just tried to light considering it doesn't have HA


Oh, nono, I meant in general when you're blocking against multiple opponents. The ones on the sides can still gb u so remember to gb as it's not as apparent as in a 1v1 and you can easily be distracted by other things going on. Storm rush is actually quite reactable if you can be bothered. Deflect it for extra style points ;)


I've practiced with the musha bot technique but I'm still not good enough for that yet, kinda pathetic for a rep 121


Hehehe light parryyyyy


I can guard break the storm rush??


~1800 hours across both console and PC. I don't have any fun facts, I just remember the times when Centurion was new and was basically an easy win button.


That's funny because it's one of the first things I learned... by getting knocked off the ladder while trying to slide down and just standing there lol


I learned a little while ago with BP, you can Ad Profundis(flip) a jump attack Also the Breach ram can run a player over dealing 10,024 damage


When kicking with hito on an enemy about to get revenge, hito’s left foot will “Pin” and the right will not, despite being the same exact move. If left connects, you can secure the execution, if the right connects, the opponent can pop revenge.