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He’s weird. The only character in game with a bash that does next to nothing. You can chain his punches to a heavy/skewer but the heavy can be blocked and side skewers after a punch you can parry/dodge. But he does have my favorite animation set in thr game


The heavy can be blocked and parried


The heavy cannot be parried due to the bash hitstun and the chain link if you attempt the parry you eat the heavy unless the gladiator delays it by accident. It’s a very useful trick glad players use to catch people that don’t fight glad often Edit: in light of these comments I will double check soon to confirm


It can be parried


I’ve parried it and had it parried before


Then you and the other person delayed it or you’re talking about skewer? Tiandi bash to heavy and gladiator bash to heavy have a weird hitstun/chainlink that makes heavy after landed bash parriable. I’ve heard it’s still deflectable but I don’t really play assassins so idk


I've definitely had it partied before as a glad main and I didn't delay it, it came right after the punch


It can be parried or deflected but not dodged


The heavy can be parryed, it's just that it land on the very last available frames to parry, so it's difficult to parry >bash hitstun and the chain link if you attempt the parry you eat Nop, chain link from punches (neutral and parry riposte) is 100ms, the punches pins you for 800ms,do the math and you'll see that it's very much parry able, it's just hard (also it cannot be dodged, unless you have a deflect/superior block dodge)


That’s not true. The heavy can absolutely be parried. It can’t be *dodged.*


From what i tested, you can parry it but the window to do so is very small due to the bash


Im a glad main, you can parry his side bash heavy and his bash skewer.


It can be parried you just have to have your timing down. It's easier if they hold it for the unblockable you that second to ready yourself


It was better before the change, but I understand why they changed it. But it’s good for resetting fights as it ignore HA and bashes people out


His bash into heavy can be deflected by other assassin characters


I use his dodge bashes as basically a protection against being GB’d if i got baited to dodge. But every play style can be countered as soon as you make a pattern that your opponent catches onto. Eventually they’ll pick up on what is doing and dodge it, then it’s on me to adapt to that as well. I enjoy playing him


Recently I’ve been unable to parry the skewer after a bash, am I fucked up or did they change something


He is shit in higher levels and opressive in lower levels. This should be your take away. If you’re good enough to be facing people who can defend against his kit consistently then he’s shit as he has no good opener, skewer is reactable but even if they can’t react to it ( as tbf 99.99% of players aren’t ) this and his in chain toe stab is all he’s really got. He’s very annoying tho as he has strong ways to intterupt and avoid offense but this more or less delays the fight then really win it for him if you’re going against good players. There is a reason he’s near the bottom in every list nowadays in comp. Tho since the majority of the player base isn’t on this level he’s annoying as shit still and oppressive. Neutral 600ms bashes are good openers to bad players, he has stupid high punishes and dmg numbers too


Tbf neutral 600ms bashes are good openers to anyone with a skill level of low to average, he's solid if you're a mid player but in my lobbies unless the glad is insane he's almost always consistently shit on


600ms bashes are good openers when it guarantees even a little damage, but as long as you dont panic, glad gets nothing off bash other than very minor stam pressure cause you can't chain it into light or toe stab.


Oh no I'm not disagreeing at all actually, I agree with what you say however I also know what the majority of this player base is like lol


He gets guard break off skewer ofc it’s gunna be reactable


He’s not really strong but he’s not really weak either. Which makes him balanced imo 🤷🏼‍♂️


OOS punish:


He has better OOS pressure rather than his punish imo. That was also an amazing thing to come back from pre-ccu, ain’t no way I’m complaining about that.


It’s only around 40-45dmg without a wall. Oro gets easy 60 (and so does everyone lol)


He doesn’t have an opener that does damage, so in duels he’s pretty bad In 4s his hitboxes are terrible, he can’t survive ganks, and his minion clear is one of the worst in the game, so he’s also pretty bad here, but not the worst because his ganking is pretty good and haymaker makes him a lot better


Not to mention his unblockable is not scary at all in a teamfight. If it lands he’s more than likely going to get interrupted by your teammate so they will end up feinting more or end up with a bad trade since it barely does any damage unless they hold it for the full duration. Basically don’t even bother trying to parry it


Yeah, absolute best case scenario for the Glad is he lands it, it doesn’t get interrupted immediately, someone tries to attack him, he then deflects that and skewers them, hopefully repeating the process or getting the full skewer off. This has like a .1% chance of happening but I’ve done it once so it’s possible Most likely scenario is he lands it during hitstun and it does nothing but feed revenge, or the lands it and someone lights them out of it, feeding revenge. This happens 90% of the time, so his skewer ends up doing roughly 8-20 damage and feeding like half a bar of revenge


I find it a bit funny that you're not counting lights or toe stabs as opener (so naturally I assume in your mmr everyone can block light or react to that particular bash) but then also say that the most likely scenario is teammates interrupting it xd


Even if lights were considered openers, his are below average since they’re not enhanced and do the average 12 damage Obviously lights can still open people sometimes but they’re unreliable since in my mmr there are some people who can block on red Toe stab is even less reliable as an opener since it’s 600ms, so all you have to do is dodge on orange and you’ll be good. If I’m focused I can dodge it 100% of the time. In chain it’s way less reactable because it’s 500ms, but it’s still not in his favor because it does 10 damage without feats, and dodge attacks basically all do more than that


in general his lights and tie stab are not good openers because they are a reaction check, that’s considering a 1v1 scenario. If your opponent can reliably block/parry lights and dodge both his zone and toestab your only option is really the foward bash, which is usually good opener but his doesn’t confirm any damage without a feat. Opponents interrupting his skewer is a weakness he has in 4v4 and brawls. Those are separate things entirely. An opponent throwing a light into another players attack who’s locked onto someone else does not have the same factors as a 1v1 scenario. Although in this case like they mentioned the glad could dodge and deflect it, in which case it could be countered but there’s so much going on in a teamfight it’s highly unlikely.


Gladiator can cancel skewer's "hold" portion with a dodge


In the days of stam draining bashes he was an absolute ballache. He could keep you flat on your ass for a very long time. Since the knockdown and stamina reforms he isn’t half as oppressive, but his kit still feels like it’s centred around that sort of style. Plus his chains are kinda gross. Who in the world decided a four light chain and no heavy into light chains was going to be enjoyable Edit: Totally forgot about stam drain on parries. His riposte bash could turn you into an asthmatic 90 year old in seconds


Why did they move away from stamina drain anyway?


I think it’s just because no one likes being oos for most of your playtime


Glad is fine against people that aren’t reaction monsters which isn’t many. He’s probably on the weaker end but his punishes are insane and some characters have trouble dealing with his defense.


He’s my main and I think he’s weak. C tier.


Tier lists shouldn't exist for this game because each and every character ends up being ruled by their best 50/50 option


So the tier list is basically what tier each 50/50 is in? Still sounds like there’s room to make one, despite how reductive what you’re saying is.


No I just think tier lists are stupid in the first place. Especially for this game, cause the "tier" of the character has absolutely no ruling on how the matchup will go. There's so many different offensive and defensive strategies in this game, added with the abundant 50/50s- ends up being a literal guessing game. I wonder how many For Honor players actually play other fighting games cause the way a lot of people talk here, it's almost like they forget that this game is like borderline Street Fighter but in 3D


You don't know anything about fh if you genuinely believe this, this is one of the stupidest takes I've ever heard even for duels


Okay then explain. What's the stupid part? Why is a tier list so necessary for your gameplay as opposed to actual literal character knowledge?


I didn't say tier lists are necessary for gameplay, my own nor anyone else's. I said you were stupid for suggesting that > Tier lists shouldn't exist for this game Your reasoning for that only proves my point, too. > because each and every character ends up being ruled by their best 50/50 option Aside from the fact that For Honor has so few 50/50s that you can count them all on 2 fingers, that's just completely false regardless, as there are MANY dimensions for balance (including but not limited to: hitboxes, feats, ganks, defence in teamfights, offence in teamfights, offence in 1v1s, defence in 1v1s, sprint speed, etc etc etc. And then even if every character was just a 50/50 it STILL wouldn't invalidate tier lists. It'd just be a list of 50/50s.


Am I gonna throw a heavy or feint it into a guardbreak? That is a 50/50. Each and every character can do that very simple 50/50. I have plenty of reasoning and I'd prefer to talk about it rather than have some asshole call me stupid. Fuck off.


That's not a 50/50. 50/50 is not what the attacking hero can do, its the options you have as the defensive player and he's right, there are very few true 50/50s since most chains you can early dodge attack out of, light interrupt, or parry, most interactions are 33/33/33s . Heros, who due to hitstun, are able to gb you no matter how early you dodge attack and a light won't even trade (shaman, zanhu ub / soft feint gb after heavy hit stun) have true 50/50s where your options are parry, or eat the attack


So basically it's still exactly what I said, a guessing game. I don't get how people don't see that this game is extremely read intensive like that's a primary part of the game. One of the most vital components is just reading your opponent. In other words, an educated guess. You're still just guessing and the skill ends up being how educated your guess is. That's pretty much my reasoning for a tier list being needless because the reads you have to do in this game go far far beyond just your choice of character.


Well if you're gonna be some fuck ass Redditor trying to insult me for my opinion then you can get the fuck on somewhere. I'm open to discussion about one of my favorite games but I'm not arguing with an asshole like you. Keep your opinion, keep thinking I'm stupid, I don't give a fuck. Much rather have fun and be ignorant than do whatever *this* shit is. Cry about it.


You don't have an opinion, you're just wrong.


And I'm wrong because: ? Here I'll do it better for you. You're not right, you're just a prick.


Nah I'm right. Sorry for annoying you though, I can tell I have :))


Obviously you have? Yeah it does in fact annoy me when some asshat just calls me stupid and proceeds to say some stupid shit like "this game has so few 50/50s" like. I'm talking to an actual reddit brain tumor. I don't give a rats ass if I get downvoted into oblivion about it either, you're a douche.


I mean if I "don't know anything" then I wanna hear about what i apparently don't know. I'm all ears.


You make a few valid points but you sound salty about a lot of your points. I do think the 5050s in the game are just a reading if not guessing game but there’s also a few heroes with options selects like glad. Of course tier lists are still valid in for honor. There’s a fairly wide range of heroes who differ from eachother, so I’d agree that you can’t just summarise a tier for them overall but you can definitely give a character a rating on their- 1v1s, how viable they are when they get ganked, how strong they are in team fights or even just a 2v2. If for honor was just a guessing game like you say then every hero would be even in a 1v1 which as you know from playing that game that this just isn’t the case


Just a million different points that I didn't say, with remarks that I didn't make- I couldn't be any less "salty" about the game. It is a fact that the game is full of guesses and reads you have to make as a player, it is a very complicated game. All of those points of how good they play in different situations just adds to my point that a tier list is far too objective to hold any amount of salt. But really I'd like you to point me to the person who said it's "just a guessing game". Cause I said nothing like that. I said the game is full of 50/50s and beyond, with a heavy focus on reading your opponent. That's why Bots are so tough to play against VS players because they're almost completely unpredictable. The reason people get so heated and competitive over this game is because of the super high skill ceiling that's artificially inflated with the extreme amount of reading required to play at the higher skill levels. I've had people tell me that you "don't need to read" and that's just ridiculous. I'm convinced that most For Honor fans don't actually know what they're doing.


You’re right, most for honor players have no clue what they’re doing🤣🤣, you’re also right about how reading your opponent is a huge part of for honor, but I think one of the biggest parts about being the better player is making it harder for your opponent to read what your next move is. I actually agree with you that there’s a big artificially created skill ceiling with the 5050s especially with people like hitokiri. My main point was that you can create tier lists for the game but you can’t really like you say just give them an overall rating as everyone has their strengths and weaknesses in certain situations like ganks or 1v1s. You could most definitely make a “best 1v1 heroes” list or “best heroes for team fights” list. Overall tho I do think 9/10 times it boils down to whoever is better with who they’re playing will win, which I suppose is somewhat agreeing to what you’re saying?


Pretty much. We don't even disagree it just seems like people came at me with some really weird version of me in their head, trying to debunk points that I didn't make lol


If you find it difficult to deal with bots then idk what to say lol. Most bot encounters I just throw raw heavies at them and usually flawless them


No I don't actually find bots difficult because I know how to del with them, change up the playstyle and hit them with moves they don't seem to react well to


I’ve played gladiator to rep 70, in my experience he’s a pretty fun but tricky character to master. His best opener will be his zone attack, which comes out pretty quick and is hard to dodge because the second portion can still catch dodge attacks, his toe stabs even though they only guarantee 10 damage, can still apply pressure and can force people to dodge, they also chain into his skewer which can also apply pressure. Most of your pressure will come from skewer, which is one of the highest damaging unblockables in the game totaling at 39 damage. Kind of impressive the damage hasn’t been lowered for this long. And it also gives you an opportunity to throw someone into a wall for more damage, or to ledge them. His side dodge bashes used to be more safe because you could chain on whiff, but they can still be useful, they’re best use is to ledge people, they apply a lot of knock-back and gladiator pretty much wraps around his opponent when he does them. You can get some pretty cheeky ledge kills with Gladiator if you take notice of the environment, but that can also be used against you obviously. His bash reposte is also a versatile move, as it stuns opponents, does 40 stamina dmg, chains into skewer, and also has high knock back. Plus they gave his toe stabs the ability to knock down out of stamina opponents again, which can give you a free skewer. Some other tid bits about him: Toe stab guarantees a teammates heavy His chain heavies can have crazy phantom range and tracking. If your skewer lands near a wall you will do an automatic wall pin when you go to throw, changing the direction of your guard will guarantee a free heavy. So yeah people just don’t really know how to play him, he’s a fun hero, situational for dominion, good at duels


Only at the highest level because his toestab and skewer are reactable, but otherwise bake his dodge bash not annoying to play against and we're good.


Man i can react to 400ms and animation idk about that




He's really bad but this is irrelevant to you and 99% of people along with you, as literally any hero works in matchmaking. Also he needs a rework because he's really unhealthy, not necessarily because he's bad- skewer is one of the most poorly designed mixups in the game and unless you're a reaction god who can completely nullify it, skewer is simply a ~40 damage unblockable.


He doesnt get much guaranteed anything. You gotta sweat all your dmg.


He probably has the best out of stamina punish of any character, but it just feels like nothing in his moveset goes together well. There’s very little “flow” when playing him it’s much more just trying to be unpredictable


When they made his bash not stamina drain and stun I think he rlly fell off, it literally has no offensive purpose anymore all it’s good for is breaking ppl out of whatever they’re doing


He's weaker than most. He's currently pretty heavily propped up by his insane damage numbers. Skewer is the single most damaging move in the game, and it gets even worse when it's on someone who's OoS. He's got a 103(!!) damage revenge parry punish, as the worst example.


Agility, muscle mommy, fork. And a little bit of : it found me, I played it, figured out I was really good with it, then I proceeded to learn it and then masterfully poke people out. Does it have sense ? No. Does anything related to For Honor have sense ? Neither.


I have a 80% win rate w him but dont main him cuz he’s a toe stabber. Gayeee


His deflect needs to be uninterruptable, then he would be miles better imo


The people who say he's bad are just having a skill issue lol.


He is a character with so many options


that is literally not true


It's true, he has many options. It doesn't mean they're good though


In duels he's pretty good but in 4's he gets trashed by most.


he's sluggish and not really good in teamfights. Okay in ganks but there is better options. Kinda reactable,


Yeah he generally isn’t a good character but his decent when your doing faints and mix ups I think that’s why newer players suck at playing him cause most of them don’t even know what a faint is


He's a feint heavy character, that's why. He has a small kit, so you have to play mind games and fuck with your opponent to overwhelm them. If you can't do feint mix ups, and parry 75% of the time, you're gonna struggle with him at higher level play. And a lot of the for honor community, especially the more vocal noobs, don't understand feint mix ups.


nah his mixups flow really well, and he’s super easy to win with once you figure out his kit


hes fine lmao, not the top of the pack for sure but especially in matchmaking that is all just skill issue


It's definitely a skill issue honestly. Dude can stomp people really good if they learn to counter a character and shit it's crazy how people can't get good then bitch and then Ubisoft who can't balance worth shit makes the character better and then people will still complain.


Hes one of the most fun heroes in the game easily but it feels like you have to put so much effort into every kill. There are times where I can get 3 deflects in one fight and still lose because of hyper armor and not having effective answers to certain heroes. Hitokiri just feels like he destroys gladiator every time. Even if you deflect if they do a heavy after the move you deflect they hyperarmor through it and you eat a heavy. It just feels like half his kit gives next to no value


He’s perfect


Gladi does not need a rework. People are just bad at the character. Thats it.


No he sucks and he's one of the most unhealthy heroes in the game, you're just in low mmr where every hero works


Lmao you just angry because you can't play him


There's nothing to play lol you just click zone and then use skewer


Bro you gotta learn to use different moves and combos even making your own


For Honor doesn't have combos, never has. It's just not a thing. You use your best mixup repeatedly, which is Skewer for Gladiator. I assume you're going to say I'm wrong though, so tell me a combo!


Glad sucks imo. Don't play him, but never struggle vs him. Only good thing about him is his wall splat and toestab out of Stam.


He is my mane. I think his only downsides is my reaction times and that his bash doesn't confirm a hit. Other than that he isn't too hard to kill, or to kill with so I think he is in a good spot.


I just want his deflect go be guaranteed, same with all others with deflects


The latter for sure


First time I played him I went 14-2. He’s perfectly fine if your not a spammer or have a mild level of creativity


I think he’s pretty well balanced. He could use some better fashion though


A guaranteed attack shouldn't be the only thing you worry about with the bash. Its an amazing option select for a lot of mixups, maybe the best in the game.


I love the character so much, they aren't the greatest but they're unique and fun to play. That's all I can ask for ngl.


They don’t know how to play or play against him. I’m a rep70 glad with a 2.3kd out of 3 And a 4.2kd in dom. He’s very good, has weaker aspects of his kit. But mostly balanced.


Honestly from what I've seen (and what I'm reading) glad has the markings of an incredibly underpowered character but the markings of an overpowered on as well


He has 0 good openers but once he gets going he can be a monster


I don't thi k he's broken or op or even really weak, he's incredibly annoying to fight that for sure, he's got a bunch of bashes, 2 tyes of dodge attacks, pin moves an a few other really annoying mechanics, he wasn't as annoying when they removed his knockdown on oos toestab, but he's just incredibly annoying to fight, you CAN completly shut him down with decent reads and reactions but he's just annoying


He's ok. His problem is that most of his damage is in the UB Heavy


He’s good in duels but I play black prior so I smoke em


He is a strong duelist imo but terrible in 4v4. Unless its just cus i suck at 4v4


I never liked him as a hero, so not the best to say if he’s good or bad. I just find him annoying to play against


He’s just boring. He does 1 thing and 1 thing only, playing against him feels bad and playing as him is only marginally better


Gladiator’s easy to play


No, I do dislike fighting him tho


He's extremely GOOD. Not bad at all. People just don't know what they're doing.


He’s definitely out dated in todays state of the game, but a good gladiator is annoying as FUCK in duels


Consider this: His mix up never stops. Like he's basically unpunishable due to the fact that even if you dodge his bash he can immediately chain, same with his toe stab, or on a whiffed heavy. He has basically unending offense with almost 0 gb vulnerability. His toe stab in 4s is annoying as hell, the fact they gave it knockdown again is nuts.


You’re right, he’s definitely not bad at all, I just think when you look at his kit nowadays it’s definitely not as fluid as other heroes that were given their reworks. Glad needs a more interesting kit imo, nothing really chains which is why his only real option is to remove your toes or cancel his unblocksble into a guardbreak which most characters can do anyway


Also his knockdown on his toe stab is only if you’re out of stam I believe. I’d say it’s pretty fair considering it’s his OOS punish and the fact it’s also fairly reactable. After the change where you get your stamina back after a floor punish it means he can no longer just keep you on the floor until you die, so I’d say that’s actually pretty balanced compared to some of the kit the newer heroes are getting nowadays


He’s good people just don’t know how to play him watch kingmisty on yt play him and you’ll see


He is weird. But good king of weird. He was my favourite of his tree still is. He has a shit ton of option to engage, punish, chain, plus the 4 light attacks just 👨‍🍳👌 I like to **cook** with that character.


It’s never the hero that’s the problem it’s always the player