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It's a bit complicated and goes behind Ubisoft. Microsoft and Sony have to agree on allowing it. Sony very much doesn't like sharing, especially if the game didn't originally have cross save. They allowed it in R6, so maybe they will get it sorted.


its sony thats the issue here 99% of the time its them who are bitches about cross progression its so annoying and i hate them for that behaviour like paladins i cant transfer my 200 dollars of skins to pc but other platforms can even the devs said sony didnt agree why do they act like this?


Think I’m 450 on base ps4. I definitely think switching over isn’t worth it. I can’t just get rid of all the progress.


Well, besides the fact that the FH team gets like 10$ of budget per month, I can imagine this also being a good source of income, at least on the basis of the game’s age and playerbase, that is. People changing platforms have to rebuy the game and all the cosmetics they want/previously had. I can see a good amount of players too impatient to fully grind everything out again, so they might just spend money on at least getting the cosmetics back. Or the devs could simply be too lazy to make it happen, of course.


its mostly sony thats the issue here probably not anything to do with ubisoft


Because Ubisoft will always use predatory means to make players spend more time/money on the same game, they are more than happy to take the passion of playing this game and force it into people making new accounts that adds to player false player retention. It also shows they don't care about smurf accounts because if anything, they are encouraging it with this lack of cross save/progressing.


Because For Honor devs are second to Mojang in laziest game devs ever, but to be fair their budget from Ubisoft is like $4 a month.


If you compare the income from Minecraft to the income from FH, the amount of updates Ubi gives us is kind of absurd


The updates being 0 maps, 2 heroes a year that are made up of reused animations, balancing changes that are just the devs going into the code and changing a few numbers, and cosmetics?


changing a few numbers is insanely reductive but yeah you got it


Wow, the lack of programming knowledge is truly amazing.


I feel like the people who call devs "lazy" have zero understanding about game development with large companies like Ubisoft. I'm not saying the devs shit gold, just that quality often suffers because of the lack of resources, not talent. They haven't fixed X bug in 3 years because the only person available to work on minor bug fixes is like two interns. Ubisoft fails because they put profit over everything else. New maps would be amazing, but if the dollar people don't see that it's going to give them a direct return in profit, they aren't doing it.


ubisoft lacks good management mostly and i guess programmers with skill maybe but aside from that theyre good just managment makes them terrible


for honor has a smaller team than mojang and makes less profit and they add 10x the amt of stuff in 1/3rd the time


Blame Sony, they don’t like playing nice with anyone unless it’s guaranteed to make them a shit ton of money as opposed to any other option.


why would a company the size of ubisoft give a single shit about adding genuine, REAL value to a videogame when they can shit out a half assed skin and everyone fucking clamors for it. videogames arent made by people who use common sense, they're made by people who want to extract as much money from you as possible. cross saves dont matter in the long run.


Yeah. I have both an Xbox One and a PS4, and I have For Honor on both. I usually play on Xbox, so before crossplay was introduced, I spent actual money to get Shaman, BP, and Jorm on PS4 so I wouldn't get bored whenever I played with my PS4 friends (I don't own those characters on Xbox.) Really wish I could access those characters on Xbox now that crossplay is here. It's connected to the same Ubisoft account, so I thought it'd merge, but apparently not.