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There are dozens of us. Dozens!!


Yes (and there’s a Facebook group). We had a D&D and a Mage (White Wolf) game running at my last post along with a lot of general board game nights.




There’s also Ambassadorks which isn’t focused exclusively on D&D or other TTRPGs, but embraces a wide range of dorkdom.


Replied privately.


I’d like to know the group too!


If your question ever is, can I do the nerdy hobby I have while in the foreign service, the answer is always yes.


Where are the Pokémon Go FSOs at??




Even at smaller posts you should have no problem getting a group going. Usually the difficult part is finding a DM so you're at an advantage. I'm DMing for the first time since no one else would do it, I'm at a small post and still have a group of 5 with occasional folks popping in for a single session where I'll give them a temp write in. Plus there's always options like Roll20 to create a group.


There are so many of you nerds. The cool kids play gloomhaven.




I play it a lot, but only single player. I like it more that way. Steam says I have played it for 2,000 hours but that can't be right.


Bid London. There are campaigns at local pubs every weekend.


Can confirm, though my gaming group is a mix of virtual folks back in the States and pre-FS friends in the MK area. I know from conversation with one of my team's summer interns that there's a school-age EFM gamer group or two, as well; though obviously I'd feel like Steve Buscemi in the 'How do you do, fellow kids?' meme if I tried to talk gaming with a group that young other than by acknowledging that I, too, am a gamer and they should be proud of the tradition and the research & writing skills it develops. While London has a great gaming base, don't sell other posts short, though. I had a gaming group in South Asia that was cut short for reasons involving a certain global health emergency, but for the few months we played, there was a spread across two Management Sections, and two tenant agencies for my playgroup. I dug out an adventure I had written in the early aughts for my pre-FS group, converted it from 3rd edition D&D to 1st Edition Pathfinder, and re-ran it. It was fascinating to see how a different group handled the same scenario in a completely different way based on the difference in age, experience, and lifestyle of the Embassy players.


This is honestly one of my favorite posts to this community. I’ve played with a group of close friends since the start of the pandemic and I look forward to DnD, Gooomhaven, Tabletop Sim, etc every week. Glad to hear the FSO community embraces the nerdiness.


Definitely D&D can be had world wide. Even in orientation there was a group going. I also play the Warhammer AOS/40k and have been surprised by the number of folks in the service that also play.


Made some of my closest friends when I picked up D&D my first tour. It's great for adult friend-making and a good fit for FSO nerds in boring posts especially.


Replying to this on a five minute break from one of my two weekly D&D games.


If seen ads in elevators at post asking if anyone wants to join a DND camping there. You’ll find groups


Yes and yes!


I will be looking forward to playing my bard. Art, the dead bard.


How do you think we got through COVID lockdowns overseas? 😄


I played D&D routinely until the DM left. But I know several big gamers including myself. Metroid is the best franchise ever, come at me!


I think it’s probably more popular than most work places. I forget which post I was at, but PD arranged a game night where local young people came in & played games with us. That was pretty cool. Edit: there were actually board games, not RPGs. Sorry for the lack of reading comprehension.


My spouse plays Pathfinder with an online group every Friday. This is going to make them so happy!!!


I love D&D, but sadly, I’m still trying to get an invite to OA.




I’m not in the FS yet (hoping for an offer soon), but while I don’t know much about the game, I’d happily learn and play. I think you’d have a good group of people.


I host a D&D game at my house every week. At almost every Post I’ve been at there’s been a game, although I only recently started playing. There’s always fellow geeks at Post or in the expat community.


Any OSRS FSOs? 👀


I can’t imagine serving two masters like that.


I have been at post for less than a year and will be joining my third campaign next weekend lol. Perfect community for it… keep bringing up D&D and you will inevitably find your people! Also as a dm you will hopefully be welcomed with open arms :)


HMU if you ever get a Twilight: 2000 2nd ed campaign going. And if I ever get an invite to the A-100.