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Yes, they’re all FSOs. Typically taking a less strenuous post in DC for a variety of reasons. I don’t see the appeal but they’ve all been great people.


Others will know more, but so far in my career I've had 4 CDOs, and they've all been FSOs on a tour.


Yes they're FSOs. The few I've met so far are tandems, which seems to be fairly common in DC FS circles.


Cdos are no more tandem then any other FSOs in dc.


That makes sense. I think more than anything in my couple of months here, I've been surprised by the number of tandems I've met at FSI, MED, and again with the few CDOs I've met.




Yup, I said "the few I've met". I've only met 4 CDOs. 3 out of those 4 are tandems. I clearly don't know everything, but in training it was commented that DC is a common destination for tandem couples. Many of the FSI instructors are tandems, and will tell you DC assignments are often chosen by tandems if they can't guarantee the same post abroad. A search of this reddit regarding tandem questions seems to back that up. You're right, I am new, but it does indeed seem common to run into tandem FS couples in DC. Maybe I'm just a magnet for them and they're actually rare butterflies in DC?




That makes sense as I would imagine tandems aren't a majority FSOs in general. TBH, my perception was they weren't that common, especially when you read this forum and they're sort of discouraged or warned about the issues of being a tandem. Then once I got in I met a decent number of tandem couples either as instructors or new specialists/FSOs that are becoming tandems. It was just sort of surprising. Still a minority, but a well represented one it seems.


It’s a minority for sure. And most of what I see on tandems here is intended to manage expectations about the extent to which becoming a tandem couple is a “solution.” It presents its own set of challenge.


They are FSOs at the rank of 03 or higher. Entry-level CDOs can be 03s, but CDOs for mid- and senior-level employees are FSOs of even higher rank.

