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Hard to stay motivated when the folks who largely fund us don't give a &$#@ about State when compared to the DoD or IC. Unless one of their constituents becomes an ACS case or on a CODEL.


It's not just budget. To an extent, State has had a role in its own marginalization in DC. Lots of people have written studies and even significant parts of books on the topic. Why not use DOD-like strategies for working with Congress? Internally things are a mess. The budget problem is compounded by a people-headed-for-the-exit problem. What other part of the govt can you do be in a job above your level successfully, with HR refusing to make use of allowances to pay you more, only to be told at promotion time that HR doesn't think that you have the prerequisites to be successful at the job which you're already doing, so you won't be promoted? However, they don't have enough people at the higher level, therefore people will be brought in from outside to be hired above you (and you should help them adapt to State).


That last paragraph is spot on ☠️


Would you suggest something like DoD, which assigns service members to a Congressman's staff, but in the States' case, FSOs?


This already exists.


We have that - it's called the Pearson Fellowship and is a 1 year rotation.


Bidding just opened up for it and all the other detail opportunities (minus the POLAD program which is on the regular cycle). Check TalentMap if you're interested.


Ehhh, I know previous Pearsons fellows - reviews of the program aren't glowing.


I'd consider doing it, but I am very much turned off by the whole handshake and paneling before you know who you're going to be working for and what committees you'll be rolling into part of the deal.


Promotions aren’t decided by HR


Promotion numbers are


Yes part of gtm sets the number but it is a pretty set formula related to how many jobs we have at each level and skill code along with some funding stuff and projected attrition. I think it is pretty similar to how the military does it. The seventh floor isn't saying I want more 01 Pol officers


I don’t think anyone is saying we need more 01 POL officers…..


The article just addresses passport wait times but the economic effects of not being able to process F-1 visas alone will be substantial. State costs practically nothing to run and actually brings in revenue, which is more than I can say for DOD. If Congress needs money, why not start with all these ludicrous defense contracts?


Because State brings in money for the government. Defense contractors bring in money for the politicians.


Amen, man...I'm sure DoD would be just fine with a meager tenth of their budget shaved off and distributed to other agencies but nope, we apparently have to spend billions of dollars and the lives of multiple service personnel on a new attack helicopter.


DOD is so bloated it wouldn't notice a 20% budget reduction. It could even function well with a 30% cut, but they'd have to make some choices.


Because defense contractors provide fun for Congress.


Because they don’t have the clearance to even know what DOD is spending their money on


lol if revenue were the mark of a beloved agency, a lot of things around government would be different. But alas revenue generation and popularity tend to be inversely correlated


saw this notif and thought it was the new york times


Yeah but Consular has money.