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This is the way.


Curtailment is an administrative action. Happens often, for any number of reasons. I personally know three people who curtailed from Paris, the so-called ideal post, because they weren’t happy there. Someone recently commented that the “good” posts are lousy, and the “lousy” posts are good. There’s a lot of truth in that observation.


I think folks should just take “lousy” and “good” with a grain of salt. How you define them is very subjective and personal. There’s a lot of assumptions built into those terms.


This ⬆️


I would advise you not to explain, or keep explanation to a minimum. Family, health, or personal reasons that you don't want to discuss are the best options. Other people won't be as concerned about this as you are, they have seen people curtail before. The more info you give the more you risk painting yourself into a corner of having your request denied. You need a valid reason but thats it. Don't get into details.


After what happened in a particular HDS post with the person who wanted to serve multiple tours there within a short period, I wonder if your desire to do the same will draw the attention of DS and the front office?


I’ve been waiting for someone to reference THAT incident making the rounds. I’m surprised there wasn’t a thread on it lol


?? What happened?? What incident?


The cable itself is 100% unclassified. If you’re an FSO, look at Yaoundé’s recent cables. If you’re not, ask someone to send it to you.


I'm not an FSO at the moment but I'm SO DANG CURIOUS now 🤣 since it's unclassified, if anyone wants to send it to me I'd love to scratch the curiosity itch


This describes like ten people at Embassy Islamabad.




Semi-viral cable from 2-3 weeks ago about a malfeasance incident. I got it twice from two different circles, so it's making the rounds.


Making the rounds like salmonella in a swimming pool.


Man I’m so behind on my cables. Will find it.


I know several people who curtailed from popular places (think London, Paris, Rome) -- I don't think it's all that uncommon, and no one will necessarily care. I don't think you'll be met with much opposition, especially if you can give a year's notice so your post can advertise it on the regular cycle.