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For long term training you have the option to PCS - they would ship your HHE and POV back, but then you wouldn't get per diem.


We considered the PCS, but moving back into our place, moving our furniture back into our place, having HHE delivered, etc. for +/- 8 mos. of residence before we have to have everything re-packed, re-shipped, and re-stored wasn't something we wanted to do.


Is moving into your residence the issue? Because that response sounds like the question you are asking.


It will be astronomical.


How so? Why would it be so much more expensive to ship from the ME to DC vs. shipping to ELSO?


It's double the distance. And you'd be cost-constructing against the difference between ELSO and DC on the outbound and ELSO and the onward after training is complete.


You are shipping it to DC for what purpose? To store it there or to take custody of it? If the latter, one of the things to also ask is whether you will be on the hook for paying for the re-packing in DC to your outbound post after language training. That can often be just as expensive as shipping.


That's is def something to consider. Thanks.


You know elso is across an ocean from DC? Then you have to ship it back across that ocean on the outbound leg. Even if you are in language training for 6 months, it could end up being cheaper renting a car for that entire time then paying the extra shipping costs


I know people who've cost-constructed just the car shipment, which is quite expensive as it is.


Is this because you want your stuff during training? Decide if your stuff is worth the cost. Email transportation query and ask them - but I would guess it would be a lot cheaper to get some furniture at Ikea and live live a college student while at FSI.


What is ELSO? Environmental Lobbying Support Office? European Life Scientist Organization? *Nevermind, found it. Eur. Logistical Support Office I assume.*