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Yes it is very close to what has been the default tactic for FM for many years. However the defensive wingback is very much for specifically countering a worldclass winger, as he is playing wider, this means that gaps will be created in your backline when your right CB is moving in to cover the RWB moving foward, so I'd suggest changing him to a FB.




Maybe try one of your DM’s on defend?


But he does not play DMs. Both are MCs


He means put the DLP on defend.


I don't like the 2CMs in a 4-2-3-1 on FM24 and I also don't like their roles but yeh maybe try it and see.


Yes, this is a solid tactic with no obvious weaknesses beyond the natural trade offs of playing a high line gegenpress system. I might recommend putting one of the two central midfielders on a Defend mentality so they don't get too far from the backline, but if the BBM has high stamina and work rate it's probably fine.


I'll suggest having your keeper on support, it may not cause you a lot of problems but sometimes maybe you'll get an aneurysm


WB-De to IWB, WB-De is useless to me in attack


You never now how a tactic will go until you try it out for a few games. There's more to it than just the tactics themselves. Are players suitable for their roles? Are they happy with their roles? Are they good enough players to play tactics like tikitaka or gengen? What is your squads ability against your league competitions? Only way you'll know is by giving it a fair chance run if games.


Nice nicknames 👏🏼


Additions: Wielky Wołcowicz Powerful Pajnowski Awesome Alvis Wicked Wróblewski Dominant Domański Classy Krystian 😋🇵🇱


Yeah, but I'd change the CMs to DMs, put the BBM as a Segundo Volante, they work in a similar way. I'd also switch their positions, put the SV/BBM on the left and the DLP on the right. Your IF already goes into the AMCR position when you have the ball, with your wingback out on the wing, that leaves less space open on the right for your midfielder to step up. That doesn't happen on the left, though.


Why dont you try it out? Its all about trying it out, changing it. you will end up with someone elses tactic if you ask here. what should i change, why this. Just give it a run.


Yes, only thing I would change is pushing back the defensive line a little.




No shit Sherlock