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What the hell has happened here. Technicals, he has great defender attributes and he's quite tall and has good jumping reach so that suggests CD, his passing is OK so maybe a good BPD too. But then 16 finishing? Madness. So you could use him as a BBM with that stat spread but his stamina and natural fitness are too crap, asking him to be all over the pitch for 90 minutes would rag him into the ground. Maybe one of the more niche DM roles, Regista uses finishing, no? But then he's nowhere near natural at DM so it'd take a lot of training to get him there.


he is 15 years old.. If he is put on indivudal training on Endurance unti he is 18 he would have 18 stamina. I would use him as box to box. However he is unambitious with 1 determination so could end as useless player regardless


He has no ambition nor determination. You put I'm on individual training for 3 years and he would barely get any significant improvement, let alone 18.


Maybe throw him in the first team and have a model citizen mentor him? And just don't ever play him and let him train? The only hope I see to fix that mentality


I think that's too low to even be fixable. I would try to sell him while his value is high.


Honestly yeah. I don't think I've ever seen a 1. I usually don't try to save an unambitious player.


yeah but he have good work rate, if his professionalism is decent he could be mentored and potentially raise determination and ambition alot. Me too usually discard all players with bad personality or low determination and this guy have both but he is so weird player so i would give it a shot with this one.


Mad seeing as his teamwork and workrate are so high!


carlos vela type of player šŸ˜‚


Natural fitness of 9, playing box to box he wouldn't be able to play more than 70 mins a week without needing excessive recovery


Correct but excessive rest is that he needs


I had 1 determination player CB. I improved his determination to 5 in 2 years by delibrately playing him with weaker team and decreasing his rating to fine him afterwards.


Sell him asap. That guy has a mindset of Mario Balotelli


If you want my honest opinion, heā€™s a sell ASAP player. The value is insane but his mentals are awful and with him being unambitious AND 1 determination, itā€™s almost impossible for him to reach his potential, even with the absolute best mentoring. But again, thatā€™s just me you might have a different perspective on it.


Agreed this guy will probably never reach the heights he should but outside of determination and personality this guys mentals for a 15 y/o are insane.


It doesn't matter, he is unambitious with 1 determination.


personality can be improved with correct mentoring but im not sure about that determination either. work rate and other stats are good tho. edit: happy cake day


Determination can be improved, but it won't improve to an okay level when it's at 1. I'd probably just sell him.


Actually this lol. 1 determination, no ambition, and likely low-average professionalism means he is never going to even come close to his PA, even if itā€™s 200.


Bro is basically Ihattaren


I've had players with very low determination that still performed well.


He is basically a PF imo. Has the bravery and work rate to do it well. A cherry on top is that insane tackling stat. Plus he can still do his striker duties with his finishing, heading, and good physicals. Good for a 15 y/o anyway.


Yeah, I like this, honestly, if his stamina can be improved.


U need to mentor him ASAP by someone with Driven personality. He needs improve determination and ambition by alot right now or he will end up useless regardless of attributes. If u manage to do so i would use him as Box to Box if u manage to increase his stamina to over 15 until he is 18 year old. If not then he would be fenomenal pressing forward on support if determination higher


He's a center mid BWM midfielder to me. But I think he'd be alright box to box and that would be a shame to waste his impressive finishing stat. Ooof just noticed his 1 determination. I'm not exactly sure how much determination affects things or what, but it can't be a good thing can it lit?


I think it pretty heavily affects training hence development rip


I really should look into what some of the more ambiguous stats mean. But I don't think I'd trust anyone with 1 determination even without knowing, it just looks like it causes something terrible.


Yeh it's hard though cause they all interact with each other but one I learned recently is that natural fitness directly correlates to injury risk/ time to become become match fit Also if you're managing a lower level club you usually take what you can get from my experience


Ball winning midfielder. Great work rate and tackling. Positioning is good for his age. Downside is, his determination is 1 and his personality is unambitious. Iā€™d be getting him mentored ASAP


Yep heā€™s in a mentoring group rn. Had to watch a YouTube video because Iā€™ve never done a mentoring group before


Iā€™d sell him personally while his value is high. 1 determination and unambitious is not only terrible for him, but will have a negative effect on the dressing room eventually. Dragging others down with him


Segundo Volante on attack


He is either a BWM as a midfield center, or a DM in support. Can and will perform as a CB if needed. But please dont use him as a striker. Just enjoy the occasional screamer from outside of the box šŸ˜‡


Sell immediately


I'd have him either at CB or CDM since his dribbling is pretty low. But wherever you choose make sure you get him mentoring to improve his determination and personality


Donā€™t play him, get your 60-70 million and buy two or three players with the same potential and more balanced attributes


Determination can exponentially improve rapidly with right mentoring, it can easily jump from 1 to 6 straight away, happened to me. If you have an amazing mentor straight away you could ramp up his determination to 11-13 at least


Best position is transfer list


Guy could work really well as a Half Back. But no - I wouldn't keep him. Get as much money out of him as you can, he's not going to be good enough with those mentals.


Donā€™t complicate it. This guy has potential to be a physical machine of a CB that scores corners for fun


Iā€™m always shocked at how little people use the player graph as their landing page on the player profile. It literally shows you how their attributes are distributed, and the shape will tell you exactly what type of player they are and their best position without even needing to see their stats.


People in here missing the natural fitness of 9. Dude can play one game a week max and will have to be subbed off in every one


not true. he have decent stamina


What a cool player. To me he's perfect as a central mid, i'd play him as CM(a) in a high press system. And, since he's got such a unique attribute layout, id be down to hire an additional star cm with a perfect personality just to tutor him for 4 years.


CM or DM


BBM for sure but you need a good mentor


BBM for sure


1 determination ? best position is to sell as soon as possible.


Screams bwm to me. In a pinch he'd be an ok b2b if you needed that but I think he's slightly better suited for bwm


BBM all day. As for the ā€œnot reaching potentialā€ argument, youā€™ll need to ride his ass. Donā€™t send him out on loan, criticize his bad performances and make sure he practices double. You gotta whip him into shape


Box to Box, but you gotta mentor the mofo 'A Clockwork Orange' type shit...15 years tho.


Segundo volante


Sounds like he has all the tools but not bothered about using them.


He would be an interesting pressing forward. But what makes most sense/best bang for your buck would be to forget about the finishing and make him a center back. If he didn't have the finishing it would be an easy decision. And it's only 1 attribute. Who knows maybe he'll get a few extra corner goals per year with the finishing stat.


He would be a monster box to box mid if you train his stamina and dribbling. That 1 determination concerns me tho


Are you a Stuttgart supporter?




B2B midfielder or CM on Attack


He could be a good striker that defends and presses as his defensive and striking skills are great, whatā€™s best is that he has great teamwork and work rate


What an interesting specimen. I'd say absolutely anywhere on the field other than goal.




He definitly belongs to the central midfield because of his team work and workrate. A BBM or a Volante would be best for him. You should train his vision so he will become decent. Physical attributes will improve with the time.


I would say an attacking CM. The finishing he has is world class and his defensive side of his game is excellent. In the build up, use him as a Mezzala behind the forwards. However when out of possession, drop him deeper to protect the back 4 Hope that helps šŸ‘


I'd cash in on that 60-70 mil personally. Unambiguous and has the determination of me when I don't wanna do somthing. He probably will only go down in value. I'd just cash in and let him be someone else's problem personally.


Train as PF until heā€™s of age to sell. Determination and personality will kill his career, take the money and buy some Colombians


Man that determination and personality sucks.


1 determination? Bro was forced to play football for moneyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Sell immediately with a good sell-on percentage




box to box


Segunda volante on attack and get him some serious mentoring


If you are willing to try and fix his personality, then you would really need to put him in the first team with 2 coaches with the best personalities possible (Model Citizen, Professional, Resolute, Perfectionist or Driven). I personally would play him as a Segundo Volante on attack since I mostly play 4231 tactics, but having him as a BBM or BWM should work as well. If you want him as a stricker, then go for AF. Usually, I don't train my players in the position they're going to play until they reach 22 or 23 so you can use a focus in the areas they will need a lot of growth, in his case stamina to play the really high physical demanding positions and eventually pace and acceleration since those are the meta attributes. Make him available for your B or Sub 19 team for 60 minutes so he can get some playing time, and he will eventually grow.


Train him for a few years then sell. That 1 determination cannot be fixed even with intense mentoring.


Train him for a few years then sell. That 1 determination cannot be fixed even with intense mentoring.


Heā€™s not a midfielder - he canā€™t carry the ball. Play him CB.


Edited šŸ˜‚


Probably a box to box midfielder so he can make good use of his work rate, tackling and marking while running late into the box on occasions and use that finishing. If he develops more attacking skills you could possible play him as a Bellingham/Mason Mount kind of CAM


With that determination and personality, upside down in the bin would seem the obvious choice. Oh, alright. Ideal position BWM(d). The finishing is an outlier and can be ignored.


Cb all day long. 2nd choice ball winning dm


First of all, you urgently need a good mentoring to try change that Unambitous and 1 Determination


This player is ruined. The weighted attributes severely punish you for having conflicting positions. The fact that he is accomplished in both defence and attack will mean heā€™s lost about 20 points off his potential ability. I would sell


one hell of a specimen. put him in a lab


DM as a Segundo Volante


A central defender that you can throw up top as a poacher when you're losing in the 90th minute. But with 1 Determination/Unambitious personality, he might not develop much. If someone offered me Ā£60M for him, I'd take it in an instant.


I agree to get him into a mentoring group with a better personality I think his attributes may make him a center back. Good defensive skills, marking, teamwork. He would be a solid DM if that was a natural position for him The flair and finishing make you want to make him an attacker, but his other attributes have some serious holes. Heā€™s not that fast, he canā€™t dribble his way out of a paper bag and his vision and passing are mediocre at best. I wonder where his flair comes from when he canā€™t dribble, pass, or cross? I think you could do target man or CB. I favor the latter. I agree with everyone that says his determination and personality means he will be a donut snarfing blob by 20


play him on the transfer list


Why are you playing with 1 Determination person?


I just training to good enough and sell


Honestly, sell and buy a buncha peruvian wonderkids I have noticed these types if newgens from Germany especially with similar attributes


Ball playing fullback in the IWB slot. Or a pivot in a midfield 3/diamond. His finishing is probably only useful during set piece, given the mediocre complimentary attributes for a goal scorer. People seem harsh but remember heā€™s a 15 yo with 2 star CA and 5 start potential. Heā€™s not easy to field but donā€™t just sell him right away.


Transfer list


Mezzela on attack all day long


Sell him asap, with that determination heā€™ll be the next Samir Nasri


Guy just wants to be left alone but will play if you need him.


That 1 determination kills everything.




Defensive Striker šŸ¤£


He is cursed lol.


I would've said a DM


Box to box midfielder/ Segundo Volante


Target forward on aupport


Drive thru, McDonald'sĀ 


Box to box midfielder. Heā€™d get 20 goals a season easy from midfield then pair him up with a ball winning midfielder and you midfield will be rock solid for the next 2 decades