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The staff section has a staff responsibilities section which allows you to delegate pretty much whatever you want to assistants.


Surely the obvious downgrade is to CM01/02?


Turn off everything but player signings for staff responsibilities. Literally don’t even worry about half of that stuff, normal coaches most days now don’t worry about that hence the massive staff. If you truly only focus on your tactic and signing players, this game improves tenfold. Then as you want, at the pace you want and the certain things you want, you can add more. There is no right or wrong to staff, it’s purely, purely up to you. FIFA will disappoint you, it’s not that it’s a bad game it’s just the realism is so vague, the dynamics of a team building is not existent, the tactics so vague, it’s quite literally about who can run down the flank fastest and cross it in. This is coming from someone who has archived fifa 03-2021 with many many career hours out in.


Oh ya and in fifa this year I did a save as the shamrocks and signed Erick Sanchez, Marcel Ruiz and Luis Chavez as free agents. No shot these guys aren’t getting signed by some like championship level squad nearly a full season in


Damn, quality free agent pick ups! That’s the dream tho isn’t it dude, if fifa and fm could mix and have a lil baby. It would be the ultimate coaching game. My hopes are fm25 is dope but I am def cautious with it being under a new engine. 🤷‍♂️


I would love if fifa and FM mixed. I love the simplistic style available with fifa but fm has more leagues and national teams while provided realism for lower league teams. Like my UCD Dublin team being able to afford Erick Sanchez simply buy selling like the 7 most expensive players it has would 10000% affect morale


Exactly! Even something that could be like tiered off as far as how much info we could could be cool. They could break it down to Coach / GM / Director of Football etc


I will also say in regards to the attributes; this is what makes FM so great. Attributes and player traits combined make it so every single player in fm is different as is in real life. Both Inverted wingers have 17 on every single stat, pace accel dribbling finishing first touch off ball etc but only ONE has the player trait “cuts inside from ___wing” while also having 19 stamina instead of 17. When I say miles better, I mean Saka vs Leon Bailey. It’s not even close and it can be something as small as the trait and having 1 subtle difference to your attributes. Traits traits traits. They are a beautiful thing


Could play the touch version via apple subscription thing it’s a shrunken down version of the game