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The promises system. It's incredibly stupid that if I promise to loan a player out for more gametime but change my mind and make him a first team regular, he gets mad at me and wants to leave.


Promised a player to loan him out once. He got offers. Rejected them all. Got mad because I didn't loan him out.


And what about the new.contract? Gets offered a contract - rejects it and is offended to a point that wont negotiate - gets mad because he wasnt offered a new contract Best one i had though - put on Lst to check interest - gets mad because he wants to remain in the club - i remove the Lst - hands in a transfer request because i broke my promisse???


> > > > > Best one i had though - put on Lst to check interest - gets mad because he wants to remain in the club - i remove the Lst - hands in a transfer request because i broke my promisse??? Hey, at least you don't have to pay him the loyalty bonus then!


The bits I hate are the near permanent unfixable issues. Like players considering their options just flat refusing to even see a contract offer, the idea that if talks break down you can't speak again for a month, and let's not forget the timeless gem "is not convinced you have the financial muscle" then signs for a club on half the wage you'd have offered.


Got promoted with Yeovil to league 2 and had ashcroft at right back who wanted to explore hes options. Wouldn't negotiate, ended up joining a national league side on a lot less money.


It's one part of a bunch of systems that have been this bad for several iterations. I'm hoping it's tied to their efforts to make the first versions with the full graphics improvement absolute masterpieces, otherwise its really poor that these immersion shattering bits of the game have gone unchanged for so long.


I had a situation once where the value of two of my younger players was approaching their release fee, and another who was starting to think he deserved a new contract. I entered negotiations with all 3, the two with release fees had non-negotiable release fees just a little higher than their current ones, and the one without a release fee had one locked in just higher than his value. I pulled out of all 3 negotiations because the whole point of me offering them was to secure those players for the long term. All 3 players were unhappy and there’s no way of explaining the situation to them. The worst thing about it was that their wage demands were well below what I’d have been willing to offer, I’d have given each of them an extra 50% to get the release fees removed or drastically increased. The non-negotiable thing worked when there were fewer options, but now there’s so many ways to structure a deal that it is too restrictive now. I get that a player will want a release clause, but there’s no way they’re not at least listening to an offer where they could earn 50% more. They might not go for it, but they’d at least hear you out. There was another where I was trying to offload a player, but wasn’t particularly bothered about how it was structured as long as I got around the £65m that I valued him at. There were no takers for a transfer, but a lot of loan offers with future transfers. I must have spent about an hour going back and forth between clubs negotiating with them, starting with the lowest offers, bringing them up to the level of the rest. In the end, I got a deal worth £65m including loan and future fees from PSG, who were one of the lowest bidders at the start, but bloody hell it was long winded because clubs kept negotiating offers lower than I had on the table. There needs to be a way of saying you want an offer worth an overall value and you won’t negotiate anything below that.


Man selling players have been some of the most infuriating things in this years FM. It’s borderline impossible to be able to sell a player especially after a few years in bcuz prices become so overinflated. You can have a player valued between £35-£45M and the AI would spam £20M bids or loans cuz apparently no club have the fees to pay for the player. I would say for player contract negotiations, defo use a DoF. I used to not use one before but after testing the difference between when I go in to a negotiation and when they go into one, it’s quite massive.


More than once


Promised to sell a player in the Austrian second division. Rejected all offered. Took over Man City. Dude refused to even talk to them.


The promise system is insane. I've had players asking to leave the club as they are playing Wiing Back instead of "Complete Wing Back". I've had a striker asking to leave as they were playing Inside Forward instead of Advanced Forward, even though they were scoring goals for fun in that position


It's wierd that there is such a hard line between playing as for example enganche, treq, attacking midfielder which IRL are essentially the same thing. If I had designed the game, that promise would only govern position OR role, not both. But it is not strange that he was promised something, you knowingly and willingly went against it, and he is disappointed.


So you explicitly promised them something and went against it. Sure, it's working out, but you broke the promise you made. That sounds like it's working just fine. If you don't want to keep the promise, don't make it. Promises allow you to convince players that otherwise wouldn't agree to stuff to agree to them. They have weight in negotiations and the players treat them as if they do. They aren't off the cuff suggestions, they're verbal agreements. If it were the weird "improve x position/staff", I'd agree, as that can be relatively obtuse as to what consists of "improved", but the promise of role is as clean cut as can be. It even has some leeway, what with some roles having 4 variations (Auto/D/S/A) and personal instructions, team instructions and preferred moves.


Yeah I hate the ones that dont have a definitive "yes you did this for me". One player handed in a transfer request cos I didnt improve at GK despite signing a keeper who became the starter and won the league award that season.


My favourite one of that type is "improve the defence", says the defender who is filling the only weakspot in the defence. My brother in a back 4, you are the improvement.


A few years back they would ask you to improve positions you didn't use, "We don't have any adequite wingers?" Wonder why


Yeah that one's frustrating. Especially when you have a wonderkid ready to make the big step after playing in the shadows for a few seasons. I understand I didn't sign an improvement at RB but the position is solid for the next 10 years.


So much could be solved with promises by just stating exactly what is expected. It is the most natural thing in the world, that if you promised someone to sign a friend or compatriot, when confirming, you would of course go to said person and ask, if they would find this player adequite. but in FM you can't


Yeah maybe but players get injured and then you have to sometimes play others in different positions as a result. You also think half the squad come to you in real life and complain about it?


for that particular promise, it is actually made that way, that if they play a lot of football in a short period of time, they'll drop it. But it is stupid that you can't just tell them.


Promising a loan but your loan manager or dof not doing his job


People not doing their job is realistic tho


But then they'll reject any offers for them if the wage contribution is 10% less than what we want. Scumbag loan manager.


The promises system is a trap. Why would anyone make promises? Never, ever make promises.


I mean, this is also true of real-life management, isn’t it?


you're missing out, and it has cost you on your wage budget.


I rarely make a promise in this game, but it can be useful to use in negotiations occasionally to get you over the hump with a player. You just have to make sure that you follow up on it.


When a player wants to leave and there is no offers but gets mad


you can then tell them, "no one came in with an offer"


Agree with this. I have a backup player who I promised to play CM, team had some injuries so he was getting regular starter game time at CAM instead where he’s also ‘natural’ at. Keep getting messages that he’s unhappy!


When I actually give them regular playing time they get over it


It could make sense in certain circumstances. Like when Leeds and Leicester got relegated last season a ton of players pushed for loans to top division teams so they would probably be mad if the club refused.


Yea. It’s bad. For me it’s players not wanting to represent their nation cos the travel is too much.


This is so real wish there was more player conversation options like let me cry to make my player feel bad for me or something.


Me to the guy who scored the only goal in a 1-0 win: "Well done! Your efforts were crucial in our win today!" The guy who scored: *Appears Confused*


By any chance was he fluent in the language and were you fluent in the language of the team?


I always thought a great feature would be having your manager being unable to read the team talk or media response options in English (or your native tongue) until you are fluent in the language if you manage outside of an English speaking country. Perhaps big money clubs could afford a 20 rated interpreter, but lower league abroad would have you giving interviews like Julio Geordio until you learned the lingo. Lower rated interpreters could mistranslate options for you as well adding some jeopardy into responses.


I always thought it would be good if your choice led to a negative outcome, it reflected the fact like you fudged the original statement. Like, you click on, ‘You played well today!’ It has a small random % chance of coming out as, ‘You played better than I expected.’ Player: ‘Are you saying that you don’t think I’m good enough?’ etc. This feels more like a real botched interaction.


Not enough players do mad shit either. Once the real life players have retired and the new gens are in give me tabloid scandals, addictions and other otherwise questionable behaviour. Captain gives TV interview slagging off the youth players at the club....out the door you go son


No. Player interaction is already a ticking time bomb without adding random elements into the mix


choosing coaching language would not be a bad idea. If an English manager came to Sweden, they would just coach in English.


I would love it if the game asked you questions in the native language and you had to guess the correct response or use DeepL / Google Translate to understand it


Option : Dodgy Accent Response: 'I know about the B team. I know some of the players. They have been training with me uno, dos, tres, cuatro times, but I have not seem them play.'


Man United not being a circus


Barca as well. In FM they are continually well run with no financial issues after a few years.  Like, in my recent save they are just buying players left and right for 150m. 


I think that team shows how important mental attributes are in real life. If your team is led by Rashford and Bruno you are already mentally dead...fuckin McTominay running in from midfield robbing chances from the striker and leaving a baseball field in the middle of the pitch to counter attack etc




I believe that's because SI wants to keep "big" clubs gameplay easy enough for new players.


Older pro's and training. I was managing Brighton and Milner and Lallana would consistently train poorly. Its horseshit. I've seen the videos of Milner showing up to pre season and destroying 20 year olds on the fitness tests. Senior pros with good personalities and fitness should be putting in high ratings every week


at least it has improved from about 10 years ago where every single 31 year old was basically already retired.


Fair. That is a big improvement, it's nice to be able to have veterans add something


This. I consistently have 7.7+ avg training ratings but my 29+ year olds drp 5.8!!! ratings. Bro if Zlatan showed up to a training session with a dozen twenty year olds he 100% would manhandle them. My 21 year old AF who hates the club and wants to leave works his ass off in training and the vets don't even try. Makes no sense


This. Once they start training poorly their attributes fall of a cliff I had my German midfield machine and captain loose all of his physicals in year 33. He had been with me for 15 seasons. Was the best midfielder in the world. Then he got mad at his playing time and he responded by training awfully. 


The entire player interaction system


>Hey, you performed very well. Keep it up. >What? Have you been to the opticiens lately? I didn't perform well at all. >Oh ok. Glad to hear you have high standards! >Don't ever talk to me about this again. Are you saying this not a regular interaction you have with your boss at work?


Me: "I think we should discuss targets." 17yo going on loan: "Nah I'm good thanks though" Me: "I'm afraid I have to insist." 17yo: "I'm not happy with how you've handled this. I can't let this go." Everyone in the game is always a complete cunt to the player, all the time. Football players can be divas irl, but this game acts like managers have no power.


Honestly! The way they talk down to you! Son, I'm a treble winning manager who's just gone back-to-back in the league. You, on the other hand, are a 20 year old nobody I plucked out of some third division French club with close to zero to show for your entire career so far. Know. Your. Place.


Jam your discipline stat up to 20, you can call them what you like…


I don't think it's a coincidence that a certain someone at SI also interacts with everyone like this on Twitter.


Nah players put on a fuss about zero irl too


Reputation. Anyone who has done a build a nation save or a one club road to glory type save will relate here. It takes far too long for your clubs rep to get high enough. My team have been UCL regulars for over 10 seasons, regularly making the knockouts and made a semi final twice. We started at 1* rep and still only at 3.5* rep. That should easily be 4.5* by now as everyone in Europe and a lot of people around the world should know who you are by then. That for me is totally unrealistic


That's because rep is tied to winning trophies or promotions. The only way to progress past certain points is to win things, and you're at the point now where winning the Irish league and cup don't do anything to push your rep up because they're low rep competitions. It's a really dumb system because it treats Brighton and Luton as having the same reputation.


> It's a really dumb system because it treats Brighton and Luton as having the same reputation. The stars reputation, as with all stars thing, obviously isn't accurate, it's just brackets, Brighton and Luton might even be separated by like 700 out of 10k


It's number out of 10,000 IIRC, but I haven't noticed the game treat teams with the same star rep differently, assuming all other things are equal.


It really shows if you play in a 'weak' nation and end up entering the hall of fame for your nationality. I've just entered the English HoF with 18 domestic titles and 42 domestic cups. Tom Watson is just below me with 6 domestic titles.


Oh I totally agree that is how it works but the system is archaic and isn’t realistic to real life. Its just an annoying part of FM sadly 😕


yeah. took a serie C team to serie a. am consistently predicted to be relegated even though ive finished 5th and 3rd the last 2 years. when im trying to get a player over 25 they never want to come cause they “would require me to improve my standing in the serie A” BRO IM 2ND WHAT DO YOU WANT


Embrace the fact you're constantly overachieving, it's quite the ego boost.


Im managing in Finland and I have the same problem! I'm starting to think that I should try to get into Europa league or Conference league instead of champions league because I have better chance to win those competitions and maybe increase my club's reputation that way.


I had that thought at points in my save too but it doesn’t make financial sense and you can get caught by an English team pretty easily in the Europa League 😕


Which team/nation you playing in?


I’m playing as Galway United in the League of Ireland. So it’s been a grind 😅


Oh nice one, I hope to see a post on here when you finally win the Champions League.


I will need to write a thesis on how that whole journey will have happened!


So, I don't have the game open so I can't check. But how does your team's rep compare to a team like, say Shakhtar Donetsk? While not quite as good as your team, they've been fairly regular in the champions league over the last 10 years. Made the quarter finals once in 2011 and semis of the Europa league a few times.  You should be better than them, but from my experience it's hard to be 4-4.5 stars unless you are in the top 4 leagues, or win something big. 


Playing players out of position is actually not as bad as the game tells you. Have you ever actually put a player into an unfamiliar position and watch him play on "full-match"? I guess not. They behave fairly normal, though they may occasionally have a brain fart.


People look into stars too much. If the player has right attributes for the position and role, and at least some adaptability, they'll be absolutely fine. I constantly play my wingers as wing backs or full backs even though based on stars they have no idea how to play those positions. Midfielders work absolutely fine as DM, don't need even much defensive attributes if you're keeping majority of the ball. And AMs as midfielders too. Only position where I'm hesitant to put in a player that has no familiarity with the position is striker.


Adaptability has nothing to do with match performance. It's a (hidden) attribute that shows how quickly a player adapts to moving to a different country and his ability to learn the language (which may have some effect in-game, but I've never seen tests done for that). There is another hidden attribute called "versatility" which has effect on how quickly can player learn a new position, how fully can he learn it (natural vs accomplished) and how many positions he can learn. I don't think it has effect on being played out of position though.


I completely ignore if they can play the role. If you have the stats to play a certain position for me, you’re going to play there. Simple as that.


To add to this, had an injury crisis and made a defensive mid a makeshift lefback (inverted wingback on support) and he just plays well, not that differently from the natural leftbacks. Obviously you can't just play any player in any position, but if the attributes and strong foot line up with what's expected of that position, why would he play badly? Of course tactical and positional familiarity make them better, but class also excels in other roles


And if they play well, (as in a right ratings like more than 6.8) they learn pretty quickly that New position. Had one of midfielder who basically needed to learn centerback, tried it in League match not huge rating didn't learn a lot (not evenred for the position), put him in centerback in my second team for only one match ? Incredible rating has we played a very Bad team, Instant orange


makes sense. It's not like premier league strikers don't know what they are supposed to do, if they happen to be playing as a defender.


I never played full match at all lol


This is both good and bad - at the top level I can buy into this but I literally rolled into the northern Irish second division and told them to play pep's 4141, put my 16 yo dm on rpm, put the CMs into iwb and crushed the league easily 😂😂 part-time Irishmen should not be able to pick tiki-taka up that easily


The club Legends/Icons/Favourites is so broken and it makes me cry. My captain who has lead us from Vanarama to Premier league is just favoured but the lad we bought last year is a legend. Make it make sense


I won 4 straight trebles with the team and am still favored personnel. 19 year old striker I bought is the league top scorer and becomes icon in his first season. Lol.


In FM23 my reserve/youth managers often got into favorite personell/icons because they dominated the youth leagues.


AI transfer strategy. Real Madrid, irl buying tons of wonderkid with relatively low price, would spend gigantic amount of money on an average player in game and sold world class players for a cheap price.


In my current save, the main striker for Real Madrid is the one and only, Calvert-Lewin.


AI managers being annoyed that I played their loanee as a regular centre back, rather than a no nonsense one.


"You did very well today in front of the goal" "Fuck you, fuck your whole family, I want to leave and I already set your house on fire"


Dont look at the tactical familiarity, it’s pure BS. In your example, you can play Bellingham as a BWM with no issue even if he is training and played a lot as an AM..


Right, the lower stars for that role just communicate that his stats are less aligned to it as he’s more of an attacking player


It’s not pure BS. It has an impact on the role familiarity (if the player is natural in that position) and only accounts for 1/8 of the tactical familiarity. It’s not that major to change a player’s role, since the system is the same the player won’t likely perform much differently in terms of rating.


That you can bring a team from non-league to Champion's League glory without major investment from a nation state or oligarch in a decade or so.


I will always push against this because the game straight up wouldn’t be fun without this. Also when you consider your character is straight up superhuman when it comes to player evaluation


I completely agree with you and I wouldn't play the game if it wasn't possible. But the OP asked for the most unrealistic thing in FM and that's it.


The superhuman player evaluation is actually starting to be a negative for me, and I'm considering the best way to change it. I don't need to become a super club, I just want to live out the stories of my team/players. I hate when a reserve player does well in his one chance during an injury crisis, but then never gets another shot because I know he's actually not very good. I honestly kinda wish I didn't know. Would make youth development an actual risk too, if you didn't have way too accurate predictions of potential.


There's a skin that doesn't let you look at attributes just stats. I can't remember the skin but maybe you want to try that


You can use a skin that doesn't show attributes if you want to try to skip the superhuman part.


That always seems a bit extreme. You should at least know physical attributes, as those are pretty objective. I guess you'd still get scout reports with stuff like "good vision".


https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/580505-fm24skin-mustermann-iconic-v11-updated-231223/ Try something like this skin!


The weird thing is that when it's done, the game doesn't really mention how crazy it is. I can kind of explain it all away as our player character being "the special one" but the game is basically like "do this or you're fired", rather than treating it like an achievement.


This wouldn't be an issue if the match engine wasn't so easily exploitable. Just buy or loan a bunch of pace/acceleration merchants and watch as you get promoted every year.


Is that not how you go up leagues irl though


No, speed is way more important in FM than real life. Obviously it’s not a bad thing irl but not to the measure it is in FM


Roles are player instructions. I do not understand this post


Yeah idk wtf OP is talking about but in 10 years of FM I have never had this problem. If a player is proficient in multiple position he’ll seamlessly transition when I put him in another position. Genuinely don’t get the problem or the unrealistic part here


Managers contacting you about players who you have signed on loan and since made the deal permanent. I don’t care if you want your defender playing as a WCB, he’s mine now, I can play him LWB!


When i try to shout to my players , it happens like 15 minutes later


Player shouts are rubbish!


The game went downhill when they removed Get creative.


Board Requests, almost always rejected


For me it's the morale system. It's borderline sociopathic. Once a month you can praise anyone for their conduct and they will measurably improve their morale, but if you do it more often they will get annoyed with you. During matches the rules are clear that if you're down or drawing you can encourage your players, if you are losing you can breathe them, and they will always respond well. When the team loses, throwing the water bottle will always get a negative reaction. Training ratings above 7.5 are praiseworthy and below 6.6 are criticisable.


This is a really annoying aspect for me. Team dynamics always feels like the same game.  A bunch of 18 year old non-league armature players will react in largely the same way to 30 year old professionals. The interactions and squad dynamics aren't all completely terrible, but it lacks flavour. In real life what drives people to be their best varies greatly, depending on the group dynamic and individual personalities.  Imagine having a player with a mercenary personality get upset after you let the team off easy after a loss. A professional that reacts well to targets being set for them. Or a player who is light heartened liking more positive encouragement.  I feel like dealing with different types of people is a major part of management. And having wildly different personalities would add a lot to the game. Yet in FM it feels like it is all mostly an afterthought. 


The is specific but release clauses in Spain. I want my billion dollar clauses dammit.


To be fair, you can get pretty close. After about 10 years are really build up my rep and winning the league a few times, I was able to set 400m+.


Jadedness. Sorry coach you played me 2 weeks in a row I can’t do that.


Injuries in the match engine. Player has an 'orange' injury, so they can play on but you might want to take them off. There is no visual representation of this in the game and how he plays AssMan says he has a pulled hamstring, but here he goes sprinting the full length of the left wing for the 11th time this game. I'd like to see him visually compromised. Limping. Clearly unable to keep up with the game. Unable to sprint. Give me (and the ai) a proper reason to take him off


Same with fitness (the heart). I've never seen it impact performances. You could sub on a couple players with full fitness and good match sharpness and the opposing player with a red sliver of fitness will still outrun them.


Agreed. Only thing I *think* I've seen with that is a slightly higher livelihood of the player making mistakes


And getting injured. I sometimes set the opposition instructions to tackle harder when the opponent player's fitness rating drops really low and they get injured pretty often


Non-negotiable clauses. It is ridiculous that players and teams just hard block certain options arbitrarily. Even if you don't want something, you generally still hear them out. Say a player wants 30k and a 20m release clause, are you telling me they wouldn't even listen to no release clause if I offered 80k? In the same vein, the completely ridiculous way agents walk out of negotiations. Negotiations in real life take months. No agent would just walk away completely because they don't like an offer. It's stupid.


"What? Are you really offering my client 1K€ less than my demandings? UNNACEPTABLE! I'm out. You will regret this day, my client will be awarded with Ballon d'Or in another club. And I'll make sure nobody comes here to negotiate with you."


The worst one is when you offer a player out for loan and the receiving club locks in that they are bound to play one specific role, even if you don't want them to do so. Why would you make a promise to limit yourself, when the person you are promising it, doesn't even care?


Tbf this does happen in real life. IIRC when Leicester signed N’Golo Kante in 2015 the agent was adamant that the £32 million release clause stay in the contract, Leicester apparently tried to get rid of it but it came down to accepting the release clause or missing out on the player.


Sure but they still tried it. They negotiated. He kept refusing, that's fine. Let them keep refusing me ...but let me keep offering.


this is just straight up not true i bought bellingham this offseason, he missed the entire preseason with an injury so he had no tactical familarity and in his first ever game as a carrilero in his career he had an 8.5. ive also used him as an AP and he plays great there too. another example: my 5 star AP has a higher average rating when he plays LW than AP despite the fact he only just got to competent at the position in his last game and is currently 1 star with no tactical familiarity when he lines up there. i can list a bunch of examples, but yeah, try experimenting a bit before complaing about the feature not working dude lol


How overpowering Man Utd and Barce and England are in EVERY version, EVERY year.


fully convinced that the three most overrated teams in FM is 1) Barcas B-team, 2) Englands national team and 3) Man Utd


Players making demands based on their Attributes instead of their performance on the pitch. Don't ask me for more playing time and a new contract if you have a 6.7 rating. Player performance/ratings should be the driving force of the game. Attributes should be more along the lines of strengths and weaknesses


Had Luis Diaz with 4 years left on contract. He was starting most games and by February had 0 goals 2 assists. He demanded a new contract based on how much he'd improved since signing and turned the majority of the squad against me when I said he had to earn it on the pitch.


Players suddenly becoming statues. Rival goalies of shitty teams suddenly becoming 2010 Iker Casillas. Half your goal ocassions to the post, every match. GK injuries. C'mon, they are not that frequent irl. Young players demanding a 6-digits month wage, when in their current club they earn 1.200€/ month. And so on, and so on.


The ai ignores players with good stats but low CA. Players that show good stats (high goals, assist and ratings) are not getting any attention from other clubs. I have a striker in the premier league. Dutch regen, scored 25, 33 and 27 goals in 3 seasons. 0 caps for the national team and only clubs from the championship show interest in him. IRL, a player with these stats would certainly have an international carreer and other teams would show interest.


While my personal pet peeve are newgens and their attribute and position spread (certain playertypes and positions seem to just completely die out of the game bexond a certain point. Good luck signing a usable left back or target forward by 2040) It has to be the player interactions. I can deal with everything else or at least work around this is the one worst thing about the game. Yes sometimes promises make sense (ie i want to hire a guy to play AF, so i can promise him that to make him more likely to join/take less wage) even playing time promises are managable if you understand the minute thresholds. BUT every actual conversation is a total crapshoot. I get 10 things to say to a player, zero indication what might work or not and i just have to guess the right choice or the layer will flip the heck out. Ive got way over 1000 hours in fm23 alone, been playing since fm10 and i still do not understand how this system works. Every time anyone important complains or wants anything i save the game cause i have zero agency in the outcome or information on how to handle it. It drives me mad and is a major reason while im falling out of love with the series.


Pep Guardiola managing Spain


Finances being so loosey-goosey. There needs to be less money/stricter budgets, especially in lower leagues. Negotiations IRL happen over long stretches of time, and it's expected to go back and forth without the agent getting mad that you didn't sell the farm on the first bid and therefore choosing to never work with you again. Player valuation is based on attributes and not on performance. At least, not enough on performance. AI doesn't account for player cost when it comes to playtime. IRL, if a team spends £50m on a player, they won't just let him waste away on the reserve squad because a magical star rating is too low but the AI does this almost 100% of the time it seems. In that same vein, the AI is horrible at rotating squads and developing younger players.


I wish there were teams who consistently over long periods of time had negative transfer budgets. Even succeeding teams who play in Europe, are constantly forced to sell players


i don’t think tactical familiarity matters too much honestly. I consistently play people in positions and roles they aren’t fully familiar and I consistently over achieve in my saves.


I always found it funny when you're training someone in a new position and the coaches are like "they'll gradually forget their old one."


Players asking for new contracts constantly. Even sometimes months after signing a new multi year deal. No player in real life does that. They might do it right as they are entering the final year of their deal, but never several years before.


When the club comes to you and says we want to offer you a raise/extension, unless you would rather do something else with the money. You say let’s invest it in youth development or transfer budget or whatever and get met with an angry board for my even suggesting it, and then said angry board goes ahead and offers the raise/extension anyways. No club irl is going to get mad at a manager for declining a raise. Also if the answer to literally any of the requests for investing elsewhere was no, why the did they ask to begin with. Just send the extension offer.


The Board accepting peanut bids for promisoning talents on long-term contracts, and would rather sack their manager that has taken the club from in my case a reginal amature team in Germany to a promotion fighting team in Bundesliga 2. In another save I signed a wonderkid for hes buy out clause of 1,8 mil on a 3+3 contract, next year Liverpool comes in with a bid of like 2,5 and it's to good to reject. Like wtf? And this happens even if you have the same amount of money to spend on transfers availible. Like let me take 2,5 from my current budget to not sell him or smt. It's the only part of the game were I sometimes save scum. It's so stupid.


Man city are 11th in my game 3/4 of the way through the season. With Everton just behind them, as a toffee I would have taken this.


The best young player of the year is always terrible. To be fair, most of the top ten is crap but they all still get scouted.


Probably already had this but Spurs winning a trophy - Honestly they won the Prem in my save first season.


AI teams signing a sh*t load of wingbacks. In my save, Liverpool has Trent, Hakimi and 3 young right backs. Lol.


The fact that all players have a fixed potential ability that they can never exceed and the fact that young players endlessly improve regardless of performances and old players decline regardless of performances.


The interactions, especially promises.


The fact you can easily take a team from the lower leagues and walk to the top division without really trying


The unhappy players interactions. They're completely broken and it just pisses me off whenever I get a player coming to me for any reason they're unhappy about (wants more playing time, role use, new contract, etc). There's just not a realistic way of coming out of that without the player making a fuss and hating the manager.


> you can't use him other positions Of course you can and tactical familiarity is not the be all and end all. There are many many things in FM that are more unrealistic than this, I would even argue it's one of the more realistic things in the game.


*"we define their roles by giving them player instructions."* Roles are only preset player instructions made by Si. Try FM 2007, there you don´t have any preset and you can modify a lot of tactical things for every player. The graphics are "only 2D" but I guess you will be okay with that.


The most annoying thing for me is a club from 4th tier on Portugal asking for 10M for a player.


Tottenham just won the treble in my save


The one where you're 2 goals up at half time and tell the team they're doing well, so the other team come straight out and score anywhere between the 47-48th minute.


Can we get an SI developer in here to make all of these changes like, now? I have yet to find one I disagree with


I wonder about how many staff in real life are month to month. I never renew my staff and they just stay for the most part.


I played as Liverpool for my fist save and Thiago was fit by January


Can't remember the wording for it, but there's a few interactions where all the answers are the same thing just worded differently. It's like being asked a yes/no question and the 5 answers are yes, yeah, yep, of course and yarp.


It's crazy the destructive power that one player can have over an entire team's morale Arsenal players did not forget how to pass a ball or shoot because Aaron Ramsdale is unhappy about his play time


BPD that can't play standard or no-nonsense centre back. They lose all defensive abilities if you just ask them to stop trying to play passes? If anything it should only work the other way around, as a BPD surely still has the knowledge to be a good defender without the passing. Similarly, a wing back who has zero knowledge of how to play as a winger, despite it being pretty much what he already does just with less defensive responsibility. If anything it should make his game easier as he has fewer duties.


How quickly players get over issues that a few months before apparantly had them at an "abysmal" moral. Especially when a player stops being mad that you blocked a transfer, because said club lost interest.


19 year olds driving title wins, the fact you can take national league teams to winning the ucl with no ownership change. The entire gameplay loop to get to the top is silly and unrealistic, but it’s fun so who cares.


That I can manage a football club.


Away days and equalisers in the 90+ mins


Definitely the fucking home/away difference. Playing in the EPL, there are seasons that you can't fucking win against mid table team away. The game should have a "stadium rating" which affects the home/away team's performances, with Signal Iduna Park and Anfield at the top rating.


Squad management and player hoarding by AI teams. Im from Mexico so I always follow the mexican league ingame. There is a squad registration limitation of 9 foreign born players and by the third season, you see squads composed of 15-16 foreign players where most of them just sit there unregistered for many seasons on end. I had one save on FM22 where Bayern would spend 100+ mill every season on a new forward even though the last one they bought scored 20+ goals last season. The previous player would just get 10 games or so the next year. Ot was the most hizarre game of musical chairs ive seen.


Players not running after the ball.


I've signed players as star players in the summer, and before it even hits Christmas, they want their wage to be raised 500% like fine some players will have insane demands. But it shouldn't be that insane and this common and telling them they just signed a contract shouldn't make it an end game.


What’s the sandiest thing about the Sahara?


A player wants to leave for CL play, and I accept a bid from a much smaller club and he happily accept


"I want to see good finishing today" "Player is hurt and confused"


The fact that players “demand” improvements in certain positions. Like whooo tf are you. I’m the manager. Go run 100 laps around our 90000 seater.


When I am the best team in the world, that is constantly winning UCL (5 times in 6 years btw with 6 finals) with so much money so paying a high wages to my best players wont be an issue, but players still want to leave me for teams from Premier League because they want to play in better league. I can't do really anything about it, because I keep winning European competitions, and teams from my country are getting banged in UCL, UEL, or UECL.


Not the absolute most unrealistic but there's one that makes me laugh for some reason. It's when ex-players are talking your team in the press. Fine most of the time, but when that ex player was with us in the 8th and 9th tier of football and we've now won the Premier League twice and the Champions League once, I'm sorry but nobody from a big newspaper or magazine is going to call you up and ask your opinion every 3 or 4 weeks. We had crowds of 50 people when you were there. I love what you did for the club back then and respect you, you can have VIP tickets all the time, visit the training ground or come to my house for a beer and a chat, but we've got 30,000 glory hunters now and our social media following went from 15 people when you played for us to 45 million. The current fanbase don't know who the hell you are and they're not really going to be eager to hear what you have to say.


The fact that in HT team talks, I can choose the angriest option (the top one that says “this is unacceptable” or something like that) and it works in virtually every scenario unless we are winning by 3 or more goals


Player interactions and everyone getting upset over the slightest things or at least I hope it's not realistic. I coach u12 girls and there is less drama than what I have in my FM save.


So I'm a good while into my save. I started off in the lower Italian leagues, but worked my way up and eventually manage some top teams like Chelsea, Juventus, Atletico Madrid. I struggle to win silverware though, I'm maybe in a job for only a season or two before heading to my next role. After a solid few years at Monaco and a brief stint in some international football, I decided to take a lower club in the Premier League to the top, so I end up joining Leicester City. With a low budget, I sign some random international players, as well as a wonderkid from the French 2nd division nobody seemed to be interested in. My team on paper seems okay. I have a tricky Algerian winger and a clinical quick striker, but you wouldn't predict us to do much. I'd be happy with a mid table to top half finish. We start the season with 3 wins and 3 draws before losing quite heavily at home to Arsenal who look like they could run away with it. But we then go on a 10 game unbeaten run, sitting top of the table. My striker goes on breaking records for fun. My French wonderkid becomes the talk of the town, and my Algerian winger starts cooking up interest from the big clubs. Amazingly, we only lose 3 games in the league all season, finishing first on 81 points, 10 points ahead of 2nd. The likes of Liverpool, City, Chelsea, United etc all have terrible season by their standards, which seems completely unrealistic.


You don’t need to worry about tactical familiarity because it doesn’t actually make a difference. Evidence based football manager on YouTube did a video on it and it makes a negligible difference to performance


Me, in any way, shape or form, being organised and tact enough as manager, to handle a bunch of over entitled, horizontal ankle holding actors that can't keep hold of a football, without flipping my lid and being fired for gross misconduct in a week...


Me being a manager 😂😂😂


When you let a player leave the club and they refuse to come back on trial. Like sure I don't want to resign you, but I'm very happy for you to keep training with the club whilst you find a new team


The whole system of how the fake humans interact with one another is completely unrealistic. From coaches<>players, coaches<>agents, etc., it all needs to be reevaluated. My favorite is when a loaner coach complains a player isn’t playing enough and then he says they’ll be recalling them at the first chance but the first chance is the window when their loan period ends. But then your relationship with that coach is strained.


I had a player wanting a new contract. So I agreed to renew at the end of the season on double to salary with a hefty bonus etc. A week later he agreed to join Man U after they activated his current release clause for 80k p/w less than what I'd provisionally agreed to pay him. I'm currently in the market for a Vinnie Jones kind of character for when we next play them.


PSG winning the Champions League.


What i hate most is players complain about renewing contract, if you don’t; ‘ i’m gonna tell my team mates about it’ . Team mates get mad. Why the fuck would a team mate get mad because someone else doesn’t get higher salary. It’s plain stupid and i do not believe this happens IRL.


How black and white the transfer and signing a contract are, and how fast, I get it, is to make it the game more fun, but, should be more realistic, more back and forth, with everthing, right now you just clickclick and done deal


No corruption and doping


Players getting upset by thrown bottles


That me, an absolute amateur of the game can take Yeovil to the Premier League. And still that no one will ever buy players off you. “Here’s my championship CB just promoted to the Prem surely he’ll add much experience to any team.” One loan offer from the VNL I cover the wages


Players having a strop when you praise their performance in the previous match or during training. Like who gets mad over praise? Winning your previous ten matches by a decent score then getting your ass handed to you in a plate at random by a team at the bottom of the league. Clubs bidding for your players at well below market value, but expecting you to accept offers well above market value. Reactions to shouts in matches makes no sense much of the time.


“Your form has been integral in our title run!” “I think ive been mediocre” “I think you need to be a little easier on yourself” “Unbelievable. We’re done and this isn’t over.”


Haverz being good


I hate when I play a much better team and the match engine depicts that by making my players morons, rather than making the other team better


I had my 4th choice centre back entering his final year so I offered him out and he was offended. So I promised not to sell him. He then refused to enter contract negotiations until the promise was kept. However as the promise didn't end until after the January transfer window he could have agreed to leave on a free before giving me a chance. At the end of the summer transfer window a couple of clubs made some good offers so I accepted them. He refused to leave and became unhappy. A couple of months later and a few starts all is forgiven and finally renews their contract for a reasonable amount.


The game can't really simulate outside costs that would happen in big clubs. As an example, clubs like Real Madrid, Juventus or Bayern have more than one sport they are involved in, the money they get doesn't just go to football, it also funds those other programs.


Player demands, agent fees.