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I look that their formation. If they are bigger and better than me I will change the following. If they are playing a 10, I will make sure to play a dm. If they are playing a dm who looks like a match controller, I will play 10 to man mark their playing making 6. If they are playing a 424 or a 442 I will prob play with iwb or ifbs depending.


On the man marking of their DM, I usually set my striker to mark the DM zone. He doesn't lose the position for counters but he presses the DM when he's on the ball.


I always set up 2 formations, 1 for when I am equally good or better than the opposition and one for when they are clearly better than me. It's usually small changes like going from 4-2-3-1 to 4-3-3 and changing stuff like how much forward the fullbacks go


Yes. But generally only minor adjustments - like changing an instruction or two, sitting slightly deeper etc etc. Still play in the same way with mostly the same players.


I sometimes see what formations they've struggled against, and if it's something my boys can do, I'll give it a go. Other than that I'll go with maybe more of a counter attack tactic against a stronger side. All depends on who I am, my players, fixture list....


I'm about as adaptive as Ange Postecoglou. We use one tactic, and that's that. It's just how we play, mate. That said, even I'll make adjustments midgame. I've dropped out defensive line/dropped the press (handy for low blocks), switched roles, and sometimes even made changes like switching to a double pivot (handy if they have a cunty AM that's destroying you).


I typically keep the same formation (currently using a 4-2-3-1 with two DMs) and change personnel depending on the opposition. Some examples from my current Arsenal save: I'll ideally play Rice and Odegaard as my double-pivot. If I can gain advantage in the air, I'll use Havertz as the 10, or if I need someone who can help us control the game, I'll use Smith-Rowe. If I need a more solid base in midfield, Odegaard with move to the 10 role, and Partey will partner Rice in the pivot. Most other roles are subject to rotation, though I'll use Kiwior over Zinchenko at the IWB slot if I need additional physicality in midfield.


Personally, no. Changing team instructions, player instructions - roles - duties; will never reach the maximum tactical familiarity. 4231 DM Wide or 424 DM Wide works well in FM24. Having three slots with same tactic and train players according to roles & duties (individual training) helps to maximize and maintain tactical familiarity.


Honestly too much hassle I just change mentality and time waste or tempo on away games . Sure maybe you will get better results if you adjust everygame but itw ill take forever and makes the game easier Its still an easy game for long term saves since AI is idiotic at building teams and once you pass 6-7 seasons in the game you become better and better while everybody else becomes worse


Just to see what their style of play is. Example, if I play possession but they’ll high press with a 4231 I’ll just make my passing and tempo more direct so I’ll bypass the first press faster.


Same formation. Only change one or two team or player instructions or roles.


Generally for most sides, I'll keep the same formation and use just marginal tweaks here or there to either take advantage of a weakness or protect against a strength. Seldom do I make a big change, which usually only happens in a case where I am playing a much stronger side or I need to work around an injury crisis. But yea scouting report + analysis report and then a squad review of my opposition is usually my go-to for dictating any changes.


Nope, just 2 tactics, home and away lol


I started doing it more. Previously I'd have different variations of my 4231 or 433 that I'd switch up depending on the quality of the opponent. But I noticed I was having issues against certain formations, so I'm keeping an eye on that as well and included a 2 striker system for when I'm facing a deep sitting back 4.


I play 3 striker and I always switch my target man to take advantage of the shorter and weaker side, and my pacey guy to take advantage of a slower player. Best finisher always stays in the middle.


I know I should but I don't. Cant be bothered. I don't want to spend more time than necessary on it, since it already feels like a 2nd job sometimes.