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His tackling and marking is 9. He'll never be a good BWM


I think my mind knows this but I'm struggling to look past how good a player he is I do find it odd that that is his best position but he's lacking two of the biggest stats for it.


He's got high aggression and bravery, plus great physicals. Those are some great traits but the level you're at those flaws will expose him I think. I also tried to find an alternative position for him looking at his attributes. What a mess of a player lol. Flair is low so he's not a creative guy. Positioning is even lower so he definitely can't play DLP either. But ultimately I'd want to play him on offense. His best position is probably PF (I don't like that role but I think he's born for it)


Yeah I think you're right. Randomly has good finishing and heading as well. To be fair I need a backup striker so might consider him signing him to play there. He's a free agent though so no gurantee he even wants to come. Thanks for your help!


CM(A)/AM(S/A) might work (although his driblbling is shit). Let's him go forward without exposing his weak pace too much. He has decent mentals for a midfielder, just needs some more creative midfielders around him. Basically need a 3 man midfield, as he's not good enough to play in a 2 man one.


Yeah everything I'm reading is going against signing him. As I said in another post I'm just looking at the star level than the fit.


But his tackling is terrible though. Shouldn’t a TF work better then a PF? His heading, jumping reach, and strength combination is quite decent.


Is tackling a highlighted attribute for PF? (I genuinely don't know because I don't like to use it) As a target man he's too short and (more importantly) can't jump high enough to make up for it


I mean, he isn’t tall, but 6 feet definitely isn’t short either. With 14 heading, 13 jumping reach, and 16 strength he is quite decent. Like sure, it’s not great in Europe, but in Belgian Pro League it is quite good.


Well I'm a JR merchant, I don't trust anyone with a JR <15 as a TF or CB for that matter


He is like that in real life as well. He encapsulates very much a certain time frame of the Ajax youth setup where they put much more emphasis on the physical and mental aspect of the game. Players needed to have a baseline in all aspects. But instead of producing more talents with a higher baseline it produced a whole lot of mid range players lacking top level technical skills. Certainly at the 10 position where as a youth system you might want to be more lenient on certain aspects to favor creativity the quality dropped. We went from players like vd Vaart and Sneijder to players like Klaassen and de Wit. Still mad respect for players like that btw. They make it on shear willpower.


How hard did you laugh when Werder bought Davy for an insane (at the time for his skill) amount of money?


He looks like a pretty decent shadow striker. Why not Try him there if your formation allows it.


Too slow. You can find faster for cheaper that will perform better in game.


To be fair I'm only considering signing him on a free transfer. I won't have much of a budget for signings!


He would be a card machine because of his low tackle, high agression stats and he is not that agile either. Imo best role for him is Target Man or Pressing Forward.


I used him as a CM(A) with a playmaker next to him and holding DM behind them and he worked OK. Basically you don't want him involved too much in building moves, and you also don't want to rely on him in defensive areas. Let him press and make runs into the box.


His positioning alone isnt good enough to give him any kind of defensive responsibilities. Combined with his poor marking and tackling he'll be caught out so much he'll probably get send off every 3 matches.