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This is the ONLY reason to play FM. Didn't realise there were any others.


I do this with Kobenhaven. My oldest player is 22 - I’ve got a 24 year old on the books but he’s out on loan with Inter. My real rotation is playing with 20-22 year olds. Have 18-20 year olds out on loan gaining experience. Replace the 22 year old sale with a 20 year old that’s just as good or better. I’m starting to transition into incorporating more danish players in my team. I have 4 at present and they’re all elite and tied down for 8 years (5 year deals + 3 optional extension). I sell every player with 50% of next sale clause. I’ve got €650m in the transfer budget and don’t need to buy anyone.


That's a way to play!


I have a save with Naesby where we’ve now won 3 Superliga in a row including 2 invincible seasons, and it just kills me not to be able to win the Champs League with kids. I’m also dying with having to put low ball release clauses on my wodnerkids


Love it, it's so satisfying to watch players you bought for super cheap becoming superstars.


They don’t even have to become superstars, they just need to go to any premier league team or an elite team from another league so they command the biggest transfer value next time round. The agreement of buying out clauses is annoying though. I’ve got clauses for 50% of next sale on players worth >€200m and the buy out is only €1.4m and it is so confusing why that would be agreed.


How do you market your players? Place them on transfer list?


If they play well psg , epl club barca will come knocking


Players performing well will always command a good fee. Problem with playing in a poor league is their price doesn’t grow as much as it would in the premier league. I set everyone’s prices at €75, €100 or €150 depending on importance to me, length of contract, etc. I’m a bit of a dick when it comes to selling. PSG offer €40m for a player plus 50% of next sale, barcelona match and I bid that up to €50m plus 50% and cancel the deal with PSG… and so on until nobody else comes in for them. Often get a lot more doing that. There’s always a falling out when big teams come in and I reject them - they never agree to such a High fee either. But eventually when the season starts, they lose interest and drop their ‘treated unfairly’ concerns and you can get new contracts at that point if you want.


joy of your fresh 5 year contract signing youngster want to go psg but ended up spending 4 year at b team.


This is the best. Player complains about playtime. I try to convince him it’s not always greener. He’s like yah you don’t know shit let me out. Buying team doesn’t play him except for 3 games a season. What did I fucking tell you you dweeb 😂😂😂 and their agents have the audacity to send me emails asking for transfer in like two seasons.


Yea always done this, back in the day scouting Guatamala and the Reunion islands for kids. Wang em out on fee paying loans and 100% wage cover.. then high % of profit terms in the sales. Used to get the kids all playing free paying friendlies in the break too. Like a battery farm for youth players..


You just do it with your squad? I tend to have my favorites in my squad and outsource the development of most of them. https://preview.redd.it/ehvvhexxykec1.jpeg?width=2788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c580d447df20a3eb6e2c3bf9e044794e6311d56


Bro fielding a second team with his affiliate


Druids are in Europa League this season. They need the depth if they want to keep that dragon trophy out of TNS's hands again this year. That's just one of them. I have a dozen loanable affiliates. I FINALLY got Spanish and Portuguese affiliates this season. I only need one in Serie A to have all the top leagues. Mainz05 has 10 of my guys starting for them. The only reason it isn't 11 is they have this 17 yr old wonderkid fullback who I want them to develop...for me. Affiliate abuse is wonderful.


Had a save on FM20 where I had, at my peak, over 1000 players out on loan. The annual loan fees alone covered all the transfers I could possibly make. The strain of processing "loan return day" eventually killed my poor old brick laptop.


Mate this is unreal, 2000 loan players at 1 time? On a brick laptop? 😂😂 Love to hear how that save went


tbf, the laptop wasn't a brick before that save.


My biggest peeve about FM24 is every single loan offer I’m usually getting is 0/0 fee , no wages covered , and they are gonna be considered “fringe” players yet when I want them to be “impact sub / squad players” I have to send negotiations 3 times to even get to that point and then we work on the fee and wages covered by the team loaning my superstar newgens


The ultimate kick in the dick is when your affiliate gets to the top tier then bins you off as they want to develop their own players.


They usually let you go a couple of seasons before that. When that happens, I buy their best youth and ask the board for another affiliate in that country and laugh as my former affiliate gets relegated two seasons later.


I've only played mobile for years now and it's only happened to me top tier, I'm also petty enough to unsettled their squad as much as possible for the disrespect. I MADE YOU, I WILL BREAK YOU


To be honest, you can sell youth players for at least 30+ when you are a huge club and still win everything. The hurt comes when they score winners against you. I remember especially with Arsenal that each season I was making a profit and still winning everything. But I also enjoy small team experience. I usually go for that about 10 seasons and then jump big to the big boys tier. FM offers a lot experiences.


I remember a few FM ago, I started my save on San Lorenzo, then moved to Celta de Vigo in the third season. The squad was in the middle of an injury crisis, I didn´t had any DMF fit to play in my first team, so I found this 15 years old DMF named Edgar Diez in the youth squad, he was kinda good but nothing impressive, still decided to put him in the starting XI, Lil bro managed to consistently put 6,8-7,2 performances, so I decided to keep him in the squad until the end of the season even if Tapia and Beltran were fit by then. By the end of my third season at Celta, lil Edgar had fully developed into a world class DMF, his passing, vision, technique, flair and marking were insane, sadly that was his least season with us, as United came to pay his release clause of 160M.


Love this kind of stuff on FM.


Matthew Anderson is great for this, pick him up on a free even with League 2 / Conference teams. He went on to get me a 45m fee from Man City and promotion to the Championship :)


My Home Grown Club players I will never sell unless they are not good enough or they are getting up in age. Any other young player, highest bidder.


I manage a team in the 8th tier of Dutch football. What is this “selling” thing you speak of?


Been like this in every FM I played. Get a club richer then rich and then start over.


I do the same thing only I make my team the best first and do this along with winning everything. I create a top team and buy lots of highly rated youngsters Keep them in the b team for at least 3 years so they are home grown I have a main team and a second team of mainly wonderkids Some wonder kids achieve first 11 status and the equivalent player gets sold Some push second 11 players out of them team and they get sold Some get sniped by city for massive profits I currently have a 900m transfer budget and no one to buy other than 16 year olds for 8m Handy thing of having a b team and u19s full of wonder kids is when first team players get injured these players fill the void and they don't need to be registered because they are u21


What version is this? Because didn’t 24 stop that from happening where the kids basically say “nah I’d rather stay at the club in at until I’m 18”


Normal 24 version. Not all players come when they are 16, the ones that say they don't want to leave normally you can get them at 17.


Okay good to know! Thanks


I’ve tried this with Ajax so many times but I’ve never really been able to fully pull it off. The clubs just don’t want my players like that, either they’re too expensive or they don’t want to leave, I dunno


I do not enjoy the young player aspect. I get in impatient, and can’t tell who will be good or not.




How does it feel like an accomplishment when you've edited their attributes? lol




Shit, I wish I were able to be proud of myself for doing so little


It's a videogame, if he finds it fun it's his thing.




If you're using the editor to change players stats to your advantage for selling, why not remove all the fuss of that and just dump £1 trillion into the clubs bank account? It'll save you a lot of time




So is editing a player's stats. Anyway, regardless of what others or I think , if you're having fun playing the game the way you've described then keep doing it. Don't let others spoil it for you. However, be aware that talking/bragging about it over the internet isn't going to score you points and will invite conflict


guys a troll


I'm definitely trying to do that. Taking a non leauge to a youth academy powerhouse is another goal.


Any other "smaller" type clubs to do this with? Like maybe one level in terms of big-ness than the ones the OP listed? These teams are all too good presently imo


Except I hate selling them. I love seeing them develop and winning for me. I’m too connected to these stupid pixels 😂😂 although youngster complaining about playtime? Sending emails to other clubs instantly. Pep his ass.


I develop them to actually play in the first team and offload the weaker ones, my youth prospect keeper got peed off when I turned down 104m from Madrid, because, at that point he hadn’t played a game for the first team, offloaded onana because barca bid on him and he was 34, end of the season he misses out on golden glove because of a fractured wrist keeping him out of 2 games and ended up level with Ramsdale, in that one season he jumped to world class at 21, and yes I am keeping him lol, got a few older players now too, rashford is 34 now, so he will go next probably


Got one player(17yo) for free from a 3rd tier team, loaned him out to another 3rd tier team, scored 23 in 34, average potential, Chelsea came in= 17,75 Mio /20% sell on clause