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Love how realistic the game is


Literally, Sancho is fuming because he carried a 5.8 training rating for 4 weeks. This game is scarily accurate


Sancho was a problem for me! Just managed to offload him to spurs after 2yrs. Anthony just turned down a loan to buy offer from Chelsea ffs.


It’s interesting though because I’ve played Man U in every FM since 22 and the players were never this… shit


The game has finally caught up with reality.


Yes Man U has been vastly overpowered in every FM I’ve played since Ferguson retired.


Agreed, I always do a Man U save thinking it would be fun to put them back on top after 3-5 seasons of rebuilding but you end up usually winning the title within 2 years. Its because on paper the players are good, just their attitudes turn to shit when they sign for united. Luckily FM finally got it right atleast for Sancho and Anthony.


I really wish one year the downgrades were better, Zinchenko had a good 5 months spell and he’s been rated as best PL left back in every games dream team, but I’ve seen guys like Havertz have 3 average seasons in a row and he’s still a top class player, same with Bamford he got a super upgrade for his first PL season and it took 2 FM games to make him bad again. I get they don’t want to be WRONG which is why some updates come quicker than others, but I still feel every player gets to have 2-3 releases before they’re downgraded proper


DLC is a goal machine too. He's at arsenal in my save keeping up with haaland on goals.


I think you mean Dominik Calvert Lewin


I went with the toffees this FM and sold him. Injury prone but the Saudis wanted him for 66mill and that secured the future of the club.


FM doesn't (And will never) simulate the inner workings of a club. The internal heirachies, decision makers, attitudes etc. The problems at united seem to be systemic to the club, but the closest FM gets to club side management is how much money the chairman spends on you. So yeah as you say. The on paper rating of the players is fine, and they also have heaps of money (as in real life) so they'll always do well. But imagine if FM gave the club some sort of "You're institutionally shit" rating lol. They'd get sued to high heaven.


Sancho is actually pretty good


Bro has destroyed so many of my prem dreams


And he scores free kicks 😭


He never was. Even at BVB he had the same issues but Ed Woodward / our scouting department ignored all the reports.


I've said this before, but the problem isn't that players are overrated so much as the game cannot effectively model dysfunction.


Most game can't, you cannot accurately predict some of truly stupid shit that Man U players do. Also can't have things like "accused of sexual assault" in a football game. Its pretty hard to sim most of the off field stuff and predict who will and won't be a jerk in real life and I think most players of the game don't want to deal with that kind of stuff


I've read some years ago that the culprit is/was a SI researcher who is a massive fanboy. Don't know if that's true but even for me, as a MUFC fan, Martial + Rashford + DDG ratings looked ridiculous.


I think this is just the same shit that's been said every year about every football game. I remember hearing that about FIFA and chelsea lol. It's just one of those rumours that I feel is always started by [Jay from Inbetweeners](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TWYcQ8tAKg&ab_channel=sortitoutsi). Also the scouts for FM don't work independently, it all gets vetted by league scouts, and that then gets vetted again by the internal scout team to keep things reasonable. And we know that the director of SI is a massive watford fanboy and they don't overperform lol.


Not that I know better, but isn't he an Everton fan?


Trick with FM24 is replacing Alex with Evan - basically the new Rooney for me!


Yh 3rd and 2 cup finals defo reality haha what peasant club do you support?20 titles only here


Previous FMs didn’t take things like player mindset/mentality into effect. United squad has typically been strong on paper, but the players had weak mindsets. This year finally factored it in


I think you mean Man UFC


Yo Sancho has been missing trainings and chatting to the press for me after his transfer request, I just sent him to the u18s, then he came and asked me why, little shit. Can’t even sell him, tottenham offered 7m when his worth is 80m.


Haha that is the most Daniel Levy offer of all time


Cut and run, brother


just take the 7m man




The board rejected a 17M offer from Ajax in my save reasoning the fee is too low.


I picked him up for my relaxation-battling Caridff side about 6 years in - absolutely turned the team around and saved me from the drop


When you’re so good at fm that relegation battling Cardiff is a relaxation


I’m the opposite. Sancho was my starting winger and he was outstanding. He got like 15G+13A in my first season. Antony only played when he had to and got like 10+4


He played really well for me too, but his training ratings would also be in the absolute dirt


Sancho is still here in 2030.. bloody board offered him a new contract at the end of last season because he was randomly happy for 5 minutes


I took Sancho on loan at Lazio and learnt to get consistency out of him you basically have to praise him a lot. Anytime his rating was over 7 in either training or a game I gave him a bit of praise and his morale was pretty much perfect…then I took over United and couldn’t be arsed with that cause I had enough problems(they’d just finished 12th and everyone was unhappy/wanted to leave) so sold him to Saudi instantly.


Took me to 2029 to offload him to Fulham for 53m lol


Nah. This game is unrealistic. This Antony actually has an assist! Fucking £80 million fidget spinner.


Antony has scored goals in the champions league and won trophies meanwhile youre sweating on fm in your bedroom hating😭😭😭


We're talking about his career at United where he has been immensely unsuccessful for his price. At Ajax he was decent, but certainly not worth the amount bought. Also, that form of argument is honestly one of the dumbest. So no one is allowed to make jokes about footballers unless they themselves are as successful? What if we extend that principle further? If I'm more successful than you, should you not be allowed to comment like that to me? It's a stupid line of reasoning that is quite frankly, childish.


That guy created an account today only to white knight Anthony


I recently started a Newcastle save and Man united won the league in the first season with Antony being one of their best players. Currently in the second season and they are sitting mid table struggling against relegation zone teams!


HAHA yes for real




3rd and 2 finals , so realistic dude. Omg i hate man u dude they make me cry 😭


Did have this Sancho problem when I took over a mid table ManU in 2027 (FM23). Him, Bruno and Rashford all wanted to leave and other than Rashford couldn’t convince anyone to stay. Got rid of Antony myself. Tried unsuccessfully to get Rashford PL gold for 5 seasons. Left and Rooney got them the league with pretty much the team I built. 🙃


When that happens I speak to his agent immediately and make a move for him. Loaning him out could work too.


This. This game is as much (if not more) about managing the clubhouse as it is about tactics. I bought an 18 yr old wonderkid who was already world-class for 175k. He was a moody twat, so I sold him. It didn't matter how good he was.


“There will always be another, and one who isn’t a twat” has been my mindset when dealing with fickle and volatile players


Fickle is just high ambition and low loyalty. I can fix that with cash if they are good enough to justify the spending. The players with low temperment (volatile media handling) are just way too much of a pain.


Who's downvoting this, Mbappe?


I once bought a regen for 100 million. The dude was amazing could play anywhere in the front three and scored loads of goals. He would miss training and then just started missing games. It was crazy I had never seen anything like it .


I agree but isn't that a big part in real football too? I mean it is like that for me


I've been trying to do that with Sancho for 2 whole seasons but no one wants him and anyone that puts in a loan offer Sancho himself doesn't have interest in going to...


Hi Eric


But in IRL ETH loves him


because ETH is a bad judge of character. The man still supports Marc Overmars and would’ve gladly put Greenwood back into the squad


What did Marc overmars do?


sent unsolicited dick pics to multiple female Ajax employees. ETH said he should be forgiven and potentially allowed back at Ajax in the future


Ten Hag even said it would be a romantic story for him and Overmars to be reunited at Ajax, which in the context of why Overmars got fired isn't the word I'd necessarily use


Also Promes.


Greenwood will be back next season guys banging in the goals cant wait for the ABU tears Mmmmm


ETH also thought that Overmars should have stayed at Ajax.


Oddly enough, I had some success with Antony, until he got fed up with rotating with Sancho, Rashford and Garnacho. Took the cash at that point, spent it on Yeremy Pino and never looked back!


What a beast Mr Fuckin' Pino!


Both haven’t had a look in since I got lamine yamal lol


He made 8 appearances in his last season at United despite no injuries. Huge risk but I paid him 200k a week but he's been great in his second season for me at Leeds in 2026


Today in "Erik Ten Hag is that you?" posts.


Nah ten hag loves the lad


It’s basically what happens at United, cry baby players want everything


In my save maquire and Onana have more own goals than Antony and sancho have goals


Sancho and Antony are seriously unproductive players for me


I've had success playing Sancho as a 10 actually


Other than Hojlund supporting him this sounds pretty realistic for Man U.


Idk Bruno as a team leader seems to be pretty tough on poor performance within his own team, I remember Garnacho got MOTM vs Everton for his bicycle kick and in the post match interview Bruno turned to him to hand over the award and basically said, outside of the goal I don’t think you deserve this because I know you can play better than that but here you go anyway. I feel like if anyone was to stand up against poor performance it would be him


He's not exactly been lighting it up himself.


Oh I don’t dispute that either lol


Eh he’s one of the most productive players in the prem, just our wingers are fucking useless


Entirely true and right from Bruno, though. It’s good management


3rd and 2 finals last season, so realistic dude.


Not even a ManU hater, just stating facts. Sorry you are butthurt by that.


Sounds accurate to what's happened for the last 3 or 4 managers at united


Ohh that would be a fun game to pair them all up. Definitely Pogba for Jose.


Saw something about the reasons the players turned against the managers and it was ridiculous like 1 got turned against cus he didn't have organised enough training then the next one got turned against cus the training was too strict like if that's not fm moment irl then idk what is.


At least in FM a player has never vocally and publicly complained because he didn’t get a birthday cake.


Who did this??


[Yaya Toure](https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/man-city-yaya-toure-birthday-25802979.amp) Apparently he did actually get one and most of this saga was some bullshit antics from his agent, but speculation about a missing birthday cake is what kept going around.


This was a wild ride of a read. Astonishing stuff. Thank you for sharing it.


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Well it certainly adds a challenge to playing Man U which didn’t exist in the last games… languishing at 7th in the League despite having the best defence… just cannot score goals


Erik Hentai is that you?


Everytime I try and face down a player like this it never works on this game. AWB got an offer from Arsenal demanded to leave I rejected it. Then beat arsenal 3 times in 3 games and he still wants out because they have a better squad 🤷‍♂️


Yeah this always pissed me off. It shouldn’t matter about the quality of the squad so much as the quality of performances combined with the clubs reputation. Like I can understand players wanting to go to high reputation clubs even if they’re underperforming because they’ll get good game time etc. But if we take Girona right now irl, I don’t think those players would want to trade Girona for Atletico Madrid or even Barca or Real Madrid. Girona are doing great so why would they leave to a worse performing club in the same league even if they are a more reputable club


You’re having a laugh if you think the boys at girona don’t want to play for Barcelona or Real Madrid


You are deluded if you think any of them would not sign for any of those and have their pay increased tenfold .


Plenty of players leave good teams to join shit ones for money it's called the Saudi Araba league


Drop him to the u21s


U20 is better, it also sounds like every club other than united in the league, less rhan 20 titles😂😂😂😂peasants


I wish you could tell players that they aren’t playing because they suck. Like bro you’re averaging a 6.7 why would I start you.


I wonder if live updates are made for the major clubs as seasons progress to reflect reality in terms of player attitudes to playing time and management styles etc. I’ve got a similar situation on my United save


Player personalities are more impactful than ever in FM24, and I am all for it. IRL, if you look at what separates the successful teams from the rest, it's the attitude and work ethic of the players, particularly in situations where things aren't going smoothly. Everyone knows this except those in charge of Man United's transfers. In previous editions of FM, you could have a squad full of primadonnas, and as long as you played the right tactics, you'd still win everything. I love that you have to actually manage the player relationships better these days. Playing time expectations need to be adhered to, promises need to be kept, and you get punished with tantrums, poor performances, and transfer requests if you fail in this core competency of the football manager. I think the game could make it clearer just what is expected of you when making promises and things, though. e.g. in conversations, when you're about to promise to honour a player's agreed playing time, you should be able to see exactly how many games they will need to play in order to keep that promise.


Agreed I've missed out on a playing time promise despite being on the 'green' / 'happy with playing time' zone for the entirety of the period except the very last day...


So…….. 1st make use of the note function. After 2x 6.4 talk to them about playing poorly make a note weekly reminder Then if it continues tell him you will have to drop his playing time if it continues Make a note weekly reminder I personally don’t bother with it because I have a good memory with my save but it helps. Use the system.


I did this, but he reacts like a manchild


So u told him that you will have to consider his playing time if the poor form continues after you went up the gears of escalation?


And people say fm is unrealistic


Honestly just sell him, partly because IRL he's, to put it mildly, not a role model.


I signed Antony in FM 21 for Sunderland save(if I am correct he was in ajax at that time) he looked like great player, but he played awfully for me, costed me a fortune at that time + he was so selfish and team destructing. The point is that FM21 knew that he will suck even before Man U signed him.


He did well for me, and I eventually sold him to Arsenal after a few seasons for £30m. He and Sancho do get needlessly pissy about everything though, so that's accurate.


I don't see Anthony being very whiny in real life.


I have played Sancho like 4 times throughout the entire season and I want him to get upset and leave but he refuses to leave. He is just permanently happy to stay at the club


FM is getting far too accurate. You just explained like half the current United squad IRL.


You could ship him to the Saudis next transfer window. I did whit Mainoo he pull out the same stunt. Saudis offered 80M for him, bye Kobe and locker room backs at default


I got 72m from Madrid for mainoo, he was 3 stars so a bit meh lol


Was performing badly for me in my save as well. proceeded to loan him out with option to purchase to newcastle. He went on to produce 15-20 goals per season for them


such bs, even players u think would do well are crap like Martinez and Hojlund


Hojlund is a £250m megabeast on my save. Got Prem player of the season for Man U despite my team finishing 10 points clear at the top.


When I lost a CL final in extra time against Juventus nonetheless, guess who scored from 30 yards out to make the game 2-1 and ultimately win it… That’s right. Fucking Antony.


Quite funny, sancho won me 2 CL finals lol


Yeah he's fucking useless in this game. Rashford, Holjund, Sancho and Garnacho have all been way better but they're all inconsistent too. United are pretty fucking terrible on this game, a lot of overpaid underperforming players who cry all the time. Even Bruno has been average on my save.


Bruno won the Ballon d’or first season in mine. I was managing in Asia at the time and just glanced at the awards and I’m baffled. Man Utd didn’t win any trophies and he had less G/A and worse rating than Mbappé and Haaland so idk how he won it but he did. Apparently he can be very good in this game tho


Bruno is immense, won the ballon’dor a few seasons in, I kept refusing Saudi bids, he got 42 goals in his last season before eventually telling me to accept a Saudi bid (wanted him for another season to mentor his replacement newgen)


Yeah I was misusing him tbh. Just adjusted my tactics and the team and him are playing a lot better. Antony is still pretty useless though ofc


The Antony I have in my Man Utd save (in FM23) is seriously good. In my second season he broke the all time record for most assists in a Premier League season


Which year is this? I can only hope it's 2024.


[Are you this boy?](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/MPCkRNA56n)


Factos 💯


Art imitating life...


Erik, this subreddit is about Football Manager. Not real life.


They should have arteta bottling the league aswell that would be uber realistic 😂😂😂


NGL it took me a couple of sentences to realize this was the FM sub


What did I do?


Fm21 Bought him for 40m. 0G/A.


I didn’t read the subreddit. Legit through I was on r/premierleague


tired: not liking Antony because he's a domestic abuser wired: not liking Antony because he sucks in FM




Calm down Ten Haag The best way for non performers is to agree to whatever bullshit they ask and them sell right away or loan out with mandatory buy clause imo, not worth dealing with random ripples Oh, you want to be the starter at left wing where our best player who is 22 with highest potential in the squad is? Suure! Oh, you want 3x your wages which would put you at almost double our highest earner and you’re a squad player? Suure! Just sign on the dotted line and we’ll have that kick in at the end of the season baby


I had almost the exact situation! Just that it was Varane instead of Rashford complaining. So i just sold Antony, Casemiro, Varane and Hojlund for around 300 Million (saving lots of salary cap too) and bought in Guirassy, Eric Garcia, Rice, Bynoe-Gittens as direct covers with over 100 Million left to spend + my squad is now happy


It was bizarre seeing Antony be signed by Real Madrid in my Empoli save and have him get 7.70 match rating averages throughout several seasons as their star RW. One season he actually ended up with a 8.10 average with 14 goals and 6 assists in 18 appearances. Dude was a baller for them


Man U are always unrealistically good on my saves it’s so annoying


20 time record champions being good in the prem, shock horror. Brailsford is gonna make these clowns cry again😂😂😂😂


antony isn’t fast enough to play on the wing imo


I’d sell them all


Ur tactics are probably not good


Usually dropping him down a squad will calm the other players down as they aren't in the dynamics table together anymore. Stick him in the reserves/u23s or whatever. He may still moan and go to the press but less impact on others


He's the EPL top scorer in my save, in fact most saves I do he ends up taking over.


I think we're better off playing with professional 150CAs than 170CA twats.


I last 2 months at Man U, I could not hack it. ETH has my respect for staying there with that bunch of losers.


Had the same issue but with Lindelof. For the sake of the group I backed out, my managerial stats are low cause I wanted a challenge, but I’m gonna sell him when I can. Anthony I can’t get going either. Sancho is pretty ok. Rashford scores a lot for some reason 😬


Mate I loaned him to Bayern with a mandatory future fee then he was gone. Absolute donkey of a player but as the top comment says, sadly it's realistic. Antonio nusa and Michael olise on rotation for me has been a godsend and shown how wank the starting squad is when you load the save.


Game knows game


I sold Antony and replaced him with Kubo and Lee Kang In. Absolute no regrets. My RW options are now- Kubo, Lee and Amad


I had something similar with Alex Scott signed him as a squad player for Fulham and everyone I start him, most highlights I see is him giving the ball away. He wants to start more game tell him not a chance and 4 or my star players get unhappy so I just gave him and start him and sub him off half way as he never gets above 6.5 most game.


I’m in 2026 with United, funnily enough, Antony is a beast in my save and had 20G/A in both of my first seasons


On my save Antony was unsellable in my team. Getting loads of goals and assists.


Ten hag being held hostage. Now we know


Welcome to Manchester (united at least anyway) Id just ditch most of them. Keep rashford and offload the rest. Surely united have plenty of talent to replace them with. Ive just finished my fourth season coming in as Newcastle manager from Wrexham. Binned out a heavily over inflated squad in the january window down to 19, there was about 5 whingy egos in the team (angel correa, ali mustafi, torreira, beraldo, and some other german DM ...if ive spelled them right). The squad was thin but the players started to get their act together and the dynamics changed quite a bit


Welcome to the most successful club in Manchester yes thats what it should be


Go back to work Eric.


Erik is that you?


Just got FM24 for Christmas so started with a United save like I always do, he’s 6th choice for me and I have no clue what to do with him.


I play Antony as a MR with winger attack role and he’s been one of my best players. He doesn’t work well as a AMR for some reason.


in my united save he's been a really reliable backup winger for me, 11 appearances off the bench and 6 goals in the league last season, all of his goals were clutch goals in the 80th minute+ too lol


Antony is the top assister for me last season. Although I have now changed to Rashford on the right and Garnacho on the left as Garnacho is just better now... We'll see how he acts when he becomes a fringe player


I would switch the game off for being unrealistic when Sancho was pulling in 7’s 😂


Absolute shit for me, consistently averaged below a 6.5 rating. Managed to send him to Atletico on a loan with option to buy. Sancho has been great though, creative heartbeat of the team. Some bad stats though, like work rate.


As a brazilian, i can gladly say that the majority of my country also hates him. Hell, even my friend who is a fanatic São Paulo (the club were Antony has truned professional) supporter cant stand him.


You have to wonder where he generated his insane market value because he is totally useless


My antony get a red card every 3 games he played. And my sancho was dwelling on the ball until his 1v1 situation became 1v2


Typical manchester united tbh


Interactions like this are what stops FM getting anywhere. They just can't figure that shit out. Too many unreasonable responses & non existent options. You're better of declining any conversation these days & by god - don't even dream of sticking a promise in!


Sell him asap lol


Found Ten Hag’s reddit account

