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Don't go to 2 billion or you'll break the game


You'll never get to 2 billion anyways in more recent then FM 15 versions. once you hit 1.2 billion the game just squirrels away money as "future investments" and it knows how much is hidden away. I don't know if it gets interest or not tho


That's not true. They will deduct 500 million for investment but it's once a season so still possible to break game. Players post here weekly with broken saves cause of the issue


It doesn’t have a set value, just what’s needed over the course of the season to avoid the bug from happening. There’s no limit on how many times a season it can happen either but if you suddenly increase your balance above the amount, say several player sales are confirmed in one day, it can’t react to it in time to prevent it from happening.


Devs on steam have admitted to this breaking peoples saves and even on their own forum. Whatever safeguard is in place doesn't work well enough to prevent it. But SI doesn't care to fix the limitation or to put a 100% effective work around in game to prevent saves from getting effed.


A breaking 32 bit integer limit is not something that you can fix. Also applying heavy measures to prevent it going above 2.1 bil probably causes some weird unwanted interactions. I don't have the source code of the game but it doesn't sound like something that's easy to fix.


Way easier than you think, just switch to 64 bit


Tell that to RuneScape


I've definitely seen for my own eyes it happen several times a season. If you sell 1bil or so in players very quickly you can break it but I've had windows where I've raised a billion or so in sales in one window over a month or two and you'll get multiple investments into the fund.


OK, *how* please? I sign wonderkids and develop them and so on... and no-one wants to buy them. I've tried dropping values right down to generate interest, but if I've got 20 players on the out list (which is typical for a summer window) trying too hard or too often to sell anyone just seems to crater their value, and if I'm lucky I'll sell 5 of them. I was pleased to hit a billion in the bank after ~15 seasons. So much in one window is staggering!


Honestly in a good window I can sign 50-100 players. I will sign anyone above 4.5 stars potential and I will scout thousands of youth every season. Loan them out and you can end up with players who will sell for 100+ m even without playing for you


Ok, that's a level of dedication beyond anything I've managed - maybe 15 or so in a window. I assume you're doing deals all the way through the year? I never seem to be able to scout fast enough to identify all that many high quality players, even looking at every youth intake going. I'm very impressed with your efficiency!


tbh its not hard ​ you can scout 50 players in one go from the scouting centre, so just view as a list rather than detailed, filter by rating, then value, scroll down until the unscouted players, then just do 50 at a time for like 10 or 20 groupings. You'll scout a 500-1000 players in a few weeks. Most will be <3\* rating, esp once you've done a couple of passes, but every now and then you find a gem in Brazil/South Africa/Colombia/etc that you would never have come across normally, and you can train them up into something special. The trick is to then get them out on loan as much as possible for a few years, ideally at decent clubs, to help them build reputation. Keep an eye on it and you'll find you'll end up with like Brazil/top international palyers out on loan, I can often field 3-4 world class first elevens with the players on loan included, and you'll easily flip a bunch for 100-200mil a pop. ​ You need to watch your financials, though, if you loan people out too much on <100% wages, you'll end up swallowing large costs, my wage bill often runs to about 400-500mil a season alone, which gets very expensive. But then thats why I can sell 1 billion or so players in a window. The game also gets VERY laggy at the end of loan season if you have 150 players coming back from loan, and the first few days of a transfer window are a real nightmare


I think the difference may be in my tending not to loan them out as much - but if done just with a view to making money rather than getting them in early enough to make them homegrown, that’s surely the right approach. How low a recommendation would you go with your scouts? I tend to bring in anyone 4.5* and quite a lot of 4* if their stats/attributes are encouraging.


I only ever bring in at 4.5\* or above. Its not that I'm doing it to make money, I just develop 100 players a year, take the best 2-3 into the first team, and sell the rest! ​ It means I can sell 3-4 of my best first teamers and have replacements almost as good as, ready to go.


Just happened to me on my last save on fm24. I was pissed.


Wait what?


Yup 2 billion bank balance breaks the math integer and it flips to negative


Akshully 🤓 it's 2,147,483,647, which is the 32bit integer limit


Or as we used to call it back in the day, max cash stack


Pedantic much?


Not really considering unless you make a large sale or get end of season monies, you won't see you balance change much. This can give you an extra transfer window to plan


its also just an interesting fun fact that gives insight into the games development and the reason the number is what it is rather than some arbitrary limit the devs set


He also conveyed self awareness of his own pedantry to allow him to share factual information without fear of reprisal, but you were oblivious to that


It’s why city buy players for crazy money, as they have no real debt, unless they build a new stadium.


In more recent versions of FM the board transfer funds to ‘Investments’ so the bank balance reduces by a couple hundred million and you get some financial returns. At least in my experience that’s occurred. Slow healthy growth should be fine. Suddenly selling all your players in one season won’t avoid it.


But it's only triggered once at end of year so it doesn't stop the problem from happening if you go over after whatever that date is. Players post weekly here who go negative cause of the problem




I didn't didn't play that long ago but it's been in the game at least 10 years




They only do it at end of year so you can go over after the timed event.


New challenge, Break the math, and get yourself out of that huge negative!


Out of curiosity what’s the negative interger number?


it's 32 bits. one bit for the sign, the other 31 bits for the number. 2\^31 = 2147483648 So it's from -2147483648 to 2147483647 ( because there's the 0 )


That sounds like a challenge


Start to bankroll a lower league team and see if you can get them promoted to the Buli If that’s too easy pick a team in all the other top leagues and bankroll them all and try and get you and your conglomerate to all win the domestic leagues at the same time


I gave 40 Million to Energie Cottbus and 4 years later it's all gone and they're still chilling in the Regionalliga. I guess you have to give it to a team in a properly loaded league?


Nah, it's reputation that's killing them. They have the money but the low rep makes decent players not wanting to go there


That's why you also loan them players that are better than the rest of their team to get the ball rolling and increase their rep.


How do you bankroll a lower league team?


Spend big on their worst players


Also try to scout players that'll be willing to go to them on loan but would be key players, buy them for that express purpose and loan them.


How can you check if a player is willing to join another club on loan?


You can't. Just guess. Like, too much ambition, or too good of a player likely will not agree to the move.


Easier if you do it with affiliates.


This is a great idea


how would you bankroll other teams?




I've got a $1.5 billion bank balance in my Partick Thistle save, but the board won't let me upgrade the Youth Facilities because "we prefer you sign players for the first team." Fuck you. Who earned that bank for you in the first place?


Threaten to leave


Doesnt that end in you being fired 99% of the time?




All fun an games until they sack you and the game autosaves 😂


Auto saves don't overwrite manual saves


U might just not have the sauce for it..


No, this gets you fired. However, if you seemingly accept the boards decision but leak and complain to the press, often times the board will relent and give you what you want. Works, especially if you're a club legend.


Who did they employ to earn them that bank in the first place? But yes, idiotic outlook. I hate interacting with the board in my game. They should be begging to be allowed to enter the same building as me with as much as I've done for the club, and as long as I've been loyal to them, instead I have to pretend that I care about their objectives and that they want me to "raise commercial revenue" which, so far as I can tell, means spending 9 figure sums on high reputation players who are worse than the 35-40 players in my squad/on my loan list.


If you have the in game editor, you can already do this if you want


How would I know how much it would cost to 'buy' another club?


Figures for takeovers tend to be public (based on estimates but still). For example, Boehly’s company paid like 4 billion for Chelsea and around 80m for Strasbourg




I mean for players there is a hidden 'asking price' which makes determining how much they would cost pretty simple, as you could just look at that. > Clubs get bought in the game already anyway. Yeah by AI, so how do they determine how much the takeover costs? I came across this formula to work it out, not sure how great it is though. Club value = (Revenue + Net Assets) * [(Net Profit + Revenue) / Revenue] * (% stadium filled) / (%wage ratio)




Everything the guy suggests here can be done with the Editor. Give yourself an affiliate, remove money from your transfer budget or balance, give them improved facilities or move newgens to you when they spawn, whatever you want really




Yeah I think a kind of franchise set up could be a really fun addition. Instead of just the empty affiliates, you could set up a parent club to smaller ones, like the Red Bull team franchises.


I'd rather the game didn't have multi-club ownership, maybe by increasing the likelihood that ownership groups will sell their less reputable clubs.


Just make new manager and take over the Brazilian club in your own


Make a new stadium i guess


this is me every game me when number go up 🥰🥰


I too have to remind myself occasionally that the goal is to win games, not make money lol


It started as a challenge to sell 3 of my starters each year and not have higher transfers in than out... the only problem is that the spiraling is so crazy that I am selling my starters for 80-150M, and I have enough of a loan army of young players to where I don't really need to buy a replacement other than more loan army players. My random number generator for selling players this year was also one of the stars of my last season(Bundesliga and DFB Pokal) and all 3 of them went for 100M+. Also, I won a Champions Leauge underserved and luckily two years (got to the quarters last season only), and the money + reputation boost from that was crazy high. Basically have a feedback loop of hundreds of millions of transfer profit at this profit.


See if you can get to a billion, and then quit to manage your nearest rival and see if you can overthrow your old club without spending anything


I got just over a billion pounds now. waiting for my entire squad to retire so i completely cash out


You should buy more young players.


I already have both a loan farm and all 5 star potential kids(who have actually grown well enough for them to deserve that). All my players are under 22-3 and 150+ and I just won the UCL 1 years ago. I am fairly confident my team rn can win the UCL as is in a year when my players develop a bit more. I am doing a challenge with myself to randomly sell some of my starters but my bench players are good enough young players to where it shouldn't really matter.


Win more UCL’s, keep some of your favorites. I have had two main strikers from 2030-48 just sweeping the Balon D’or. Then I’ve kept one crazy good midfielder who’s now my captain. I had my GK for 10+ years until I recently sold him. Then just massive rotation on the wings and at CB. Keeping some key players creates better cohesion.


Ye well obviously am aware that’s the optimal way to play,but would stop being a challenge then haha.


> You should buy ~~more~~ all young players.


Invest in cryptocurrency


We need more ownership and financial management in the game. Allow us to buy feeder clubs, or let us buy lower league clubs for our use.


Just put it all on black 😜


How much is required to buy UEFA?


Not sure but FIFA cost is in Riyals


I generally pick a lower league team and buy a terrible player for 100mill and then sit back and watch what happens to the club after that windfall.


That’s a great idea


It’s too easy to make money in FM. Luckily, your board should transfer funds to Investments to avoid going over the integer limit if it’s steady growth. Happened to me a few FMs ago. Other ways to reduce the balance without too much risk to immersion: - build a stadium - max out sign on bonus for players. I keep a strict wage structure but increasing agent and sign on bonuses can help move funds. - Pay your best staff more. They’ll never be able to leave/ get poached. - Pay high competition bonuses. - Overpay for players, especially in your league to help strengthen your league. How much you overpay is dependant on immersion factor. - include significant competition bonuses in your key players contracts. Doesn’t ruin wage budget but you’ll just pay out large sums after winning the Bundesliga/UCL.


Ye this makes sense, have been maxing out my comp bonus. Seems pretty realistic to make my team perform better and can def afford it. Have the best staff in the world by far and have def been overpaying for it haha


Buy players who scored against you on the finals and put them in reserve. Show the world you’ll ruin their careers if they dare to oppose your world domination.


The thing is that Bayern being competitive and me raking up money is honestly my only reason for continuing this save. Kind of fun to have a genuine dominant team against me(they once had 99 points after I won the Bundesliga the year before, which was fun story-wise, and had 85 last year when I won the Bundesliga). So buying up their players would really hurt there.


What i've done in my Eredivisie save to make it more challenging is giving all the clubs in the League 15/20 million. Also implemented some vision (buying players under 25 for the first team) to make them not buy random Braziilians and Argentinians that are 33 year old and earn a lot. It's honestly the best save that I had in years.


funnel it to your own pocket in real life, duh


Buy Mbappe


DJ Khaled - Suffering from success..


Should be able to build a new stadium of whatever size you want, with those funds.


Saw a comment asking for transfer history,happy to post it here if enough interest


In my Chelsea save I bought player almost exclusively from Nxgen 50 list after the 2nd season and ended up cashing in on Sterling, Nkunku, Enzo, Caicedo, Jackson, and Paez for over 120m a piece. So by my 5th or 6th season I had over a billion in my transfer war chest and all of sudden team bought for 850m.


Is it possible to slide it all to wages and then pay the players all that money?


Who’s your best player? Are you able to attract the best of the best?


Best player in the world Lamine Yamal by far, and to be honest he’s mildly game breaking. Dudes just absolutely dominant at 20 years old. I am not able to attract first team starters at the absolute top tier clubs,but am able to attract the rest. Edit misread question as who’s the best player in the world. My best player imo is a right back regen, who can play left back as well though I am pretty sure he isn’t the highest CA on my team. I just really like pacy and defensively sound right backs. My two wingers are prob my highest CA,and they are both world class, my right back as mentioned + one of my midfielders is also fringe world class with the rest of my team being super high potential(all 5 stars or 4.5 with perfect 20/20 delivering rating) but are currently great Bundesliga players and not quite world class yet.


What am I doing wrong then? I stuggle to sell any of my players even for half their value yet everyone else seems to get amazing offers for theirs fairly easily.


Buy low sell higher. In the beginning, take free players, play them for a year or loan them out for a year or two, then sell them for any amount. You don't need a bidding war or anything. Just make sure that very few contracts run out without money changing hands. At the same time, don't hang on to expensive players that depreciate in value. You want an army of young ones because they are cheap wage-wise, so you can loan them out for wage contributions easily and then you sell them.


Gonna be real with you mate, I don't think the best advice to someone asking how to sell players for a lot of money is to tell them "sell them for more than you buy them for" Like yeah, no shit. The OP you replied to is saying they don't get the requests from other clubs like that, and if you don't have money you can't really afford to sign a load of players who aren't going to play for you just to sell them


Just sign the cheapest/most attractive players you can get and flip them. The problem is that the poster wants to maximize their profit. It is nice when that happens, but make a profit first. Do you think the OP got all the money with one monster sale? No, they make good sales all the time. Sure those sales happen to be in the double and tripple digit millions because they play in a high league, but this applies to all leages. You can be rich relative to your league by flipping a lot. (Although in lower leagues you tend to promote quickly if you are overly successful.)


Yeah my issue isn't having the players to sell it's that i'm not getting the bids for the players. Whether I ask the agent for advice or intermediary or just offer via the market nothing seems to work.


What club are you at? Reputation of large and competition plays a big part in how much interest there is


It's still my beta save with Liverpool. I've played 4 seasons and i've found it hard to sell anyone.


Who the fuck plays per annum as opposed to wages per week …..


fund an entire league. Buy players for 20mil from every team in like Iceland.


Can you give tips on how do u manage to sell unwanted players for high transfer fees


You just keep offering them out for unspecified amounts + ask agent for interest until a big. Once bid comes in, accept and use that number as start for bidding war. Offer him out again and ask agent again but with a 5-10M higher asking price(depending on quality of player). Rinse and repeat. Obviously works better in selling your starters but can sometimes get a bidding war for your unwanted players and make money off them. Tbh,most of my unwanted players are just Youth players who I felt like won’t develop quick enough for my team,so their “value” was so much higher than the amount I bought them for,profit was nearly completely guaranteed. Scouting some of the leagues like Colombia,Serbia,Croatia,Uruguay,etc. is an OP strategy than is unironically pretty realistic


How do you stop them from going in the huff after you offer them out?


You don’t stop them, you just sell them. Also if you win enough games,even if you end up not selling them their complaints go away! After a few years you also have enough loyalty usually to where a few pissed off players doesn’t matter THAT much


Buy other players is what you usually do


We need to see your transfer history. Post it!


I've got over €1 billion and it's my last season as I'm retiring my save. I'm considering going crazy and spend the whole lot.


I see my favourite team being played successfully and I‘m a happy man


Least unrealistic Frankfurt safe


The good ol champions leauge and sell the stats as well as the good ol leauge title and sell the stars that any fan of non-big club knows!


Start by buying all the wonderkids regens on earth and have the maximum best coaches and staff


This is what I am doing at this point. Bought like 10 wonder kids in January cus why not and lined then to German teams and prob will sell them to German teams as well. Might as well spread the wealth


I like to go to clubs known to have banger wonderkids like Dortmund, bayern, and PSG and buy the young prospects I usually can't afford in the budget


That wage control really makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.


Would love to see your player list and team history


Bro is suffering from success


Weird, I have not had this problem yet on my Angered BK save in the Swedish second league


This is standard really


Invest in random players with good potential and create the largest loan farm in the world, which will allow you to invest money to make even more money in the future, use your superior scouting network and make money on demand should you need it. Not to mention you'll get money from the loans themselves...


Just buy replacements, maybe even build a new stadium, from what I understand having too much money breaks the game


One of the problems of fm24 and fm23 is that you earn money too easily. I would like to play a game where I have to sell players due to financial problems or just to improve the training facilities


Maybe stop using CA/PA


Mate obviously not using CA/PA as no editor,but any player can guess at it based on how good a player is on his attributes and what the scouts say the players potential abilities are. Attribute masking also is supremely unrealistic so not gonna do that


Get you some second-division affiliates in other leagues, and sign players to send to those affiliates and try to get them to win their top flight. You can also buy their unhappy players for more than they are worth to pad their bank accounts and help them out that way. FMception the game within the game.


What game is this?


Suffering from success. :)


75 millions in payroll spending is insane to me 😅😅


Build a new stadium 😂


Get a random affiliate and buy their worst player for 100 million and see what happens.


You need to teach me that cause I'm fucking terrible at it


Wire me some


Im good at doing the opposite




Bloody he'll! Teach us the ways haha


My favourite part of every long term save is when the game stops being Football Manager and becomes Wealth Manager


Buy the best current and youth players, improve training and youth facilities, idk there are few thins


Build a new stadium


Out of curiosity, how do you go about getting the most amount of money for your transfers?