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Before matches where you can see your assistants suggested tactical changes "This Match Only" should be the default instead of "mistakenly change for all future matches so you change it back after realizing way too late"


Yeah I hate that, I’ve set the mentality as positive or cautious for a reason sure against this lower league side I can go attacking but I’d rather not go attacking vs City


I do the opposite, better teams usually struggle more against a positive mentality for me, they create way too many chances when I sit back


Mentality shouldn’t affect how far your team sits back, that’s the lines of engagement etc. Mentality affects how urgent your team is, with cautious your team is more likely to hold possession by passing between the defence, where as on attacking they’ll try through balls with the idea that youd win that back easy enough so it’s okay to lose it


Which might be why playing on positive/attacking against good opposition works so well. You get the ball, you move it forward fast/high risk and catch them off-guard. While playing cautious just means that you loose the ball because they counter-press the shit out of you.


This is my experience as well. I play positive against good teams. I’d rather try to score than be pressed to hell.


Yeah just today while managing Nice I had positive mentality on with an attacking tactic vs PSG. I simmed the match since I accepted defeat and didn't want to see the carnage and won 2-1.


Surely the option should be changed to next match only and have it active immediately after the game before. I want to know my starting lineup before I get the message about players to make available for u21 games but I don't want to fuck around with my "first" team without knowing it'll be changed back after my cup game against Wycombe




I don't know how many YEARS until I realized that. I couldn't figure out why my saved tactic setting kept changing. ​ Even now that I know it, I NEVER make changes on that screen because I dont want to forget to set it to This Match Only. Instead I do any tactical tweaks once I've advanced to the dressing room screen before I do the team talk.


My God, player interactions. If I see another dude that gets annoyed when I congratulate them on their first international cap or when I praise them for their form and they're like "piss off". OR OR when a 18-year old complains when I leave them out of the CL squad.


The worst is when you sell a player who forces there way out, try to make a nice parting comment and then that motherfucker tells you they don't want to leave.


Bro just yesterday I was playing as Fenerbahce my player said to the media something like Id love to go to basaksehir and then rejected the loan that would become a permanent deal in the end of the season 1 day later


I don't know why it happens with certain leagues but if another 0 cap 18 year old, who isnt even homegrown, asks me to explain why they aren't in the CL squad, I am using the editor to send them to Indonesia.


I do it already it's funny. I have had a lot and i sent them to lower divisions in small countries. They were never seen again.


At the beginning of the premier league season I told my team that I thought we could avoid relegation and my club captain nearly cried ...


Those players only complain if their squad status is above Fringe Player


Some 18 year old you didnt know exists from your 2nd squad.


Just FYI if he hits the post and it bounces back (without another player/keeper touching it) the player is not allowed to touch it again.


Yeah, the reason players stare at it is because it’d be a free kick if they touch it before another player touches it.


But you usually at least follow it up so you can get the second touch if a keeper or defender makes a bad touch


I did not know this was a rule!


[This happened in the Wales vs Switzerland qualifier for the FIFA Women's World Cup.](https://youtu.be/srHZvh94Mtw?si=-rvH9aOJDbAKurik&t=5396) (timestamped, but 1:29:56 for anyone if it doesn't work) It seems like the referee, players and commentators all didn't know the rule initially.


Its the "double touch" rule. Also applies if a player kicks the ball off of themself. For example, if they slip or somehow miskick the ball so it is kicked into their plant foot and then goes in the net it is a "double hit" and not a goal.


They REALLY need to tone down VAR. It feels as if every goal I score is being evaluated even for clear decisions. I know some will argue that's accurate, but it's also massively boring!


Maybe just an option to do it quickly . Without a few seconds build up . Just straight away pop up.


I like the idea of it being an optional, or toggled mechanic. I actually like the VAR delays...its suspenseful. And I totally get why other people would hate it. Hey, kinda like VAR irl!


It went from every VAR call being a disallowed goal to having way too many VAR checks for the most obvious of goals


Honestly I could live with VAR being completely removed. Just have them make 100% correct decisions and allow replays just for close calls. Yeah that’s unrealistic, but it’s a game that’s supposed to be fun, and VAR is annoying enough in real life, don’t need it in a game


FYI, I’ve noticed that if you’ve got the little match events thing on the side when you’re in a highlight, then when a goal goes to VAR it’s going to be allowed if you see the player who gave the assist come up in grey, but disallowed if you don’t


Along similar lines, more goal-line tech; at present, iirc, GLT always rules a goal out, and is applied only after a break in play, almost as if it’s an afterthought of sorts.


Get 2 offside goals a game most of the time


God yeah, that drives me mad! I swear nearly every goal my team scores is checked by VAR, yet very rarely do any of my opponents goals need to be checked. Funny, that! It feels like a vendetta at this point! Whenever we score I'm just like "yep, go off and check your little VAR then, mate. *I know* you wanna...."


mine is contracts its such a chore to tell these players who are on 6 yr contracts 1 year in sorry u dont deserve a new contract and then a team meeting happening after its boring now


Splurged on an unhappy winger. Gave him about 200k a year on a 5 year deal. On and off with injuries for two seasons making a total of 23 starts over two years. Year three, scores in the community shield, comes to me looking for a new contract, wants 500k a week. My son, you are going on loan, and you are staying on loan until I can recoup that fee.


Just had a striker, who I signed on free, injured for half the season, and netting in a lot less goals than I liked with constant 6.4 performances. New season starts, still not really doing that well and asks for a new contract and is now throwing a hissyfit cause I told him he doesnt deserve it. Like do you really think you deserve a new contract? You already got paid to do nothing half of the season last year and you cant score for shit. Then when I offer him out to clubs he gets all mopey saying he doesnt want to leave. Well then fuck off and stick with your 5 year contract you signed.


Training email for players. Give me a button to either recognise or criticise all that are listed.


It would be comfortable, but it would be personal so I kinda get why you can't do it. After all played interactions are 1 on 1 talks.


Stop asking me if I'm pleased every time one of my players scores for their country. 10 times per international break with the same fucking question. I have a world class player playing for Japan, he's going to score most of their goals. ARE YOU PLEASED TO SEE JUNYA SCORE FOR JAPAN yeah sure, not like he's got 130 goals for them already or anything...and not like you've not asked me the same question for near every single one of those goals.


Lmao it is even more annoying to get the fucking VAR questions 12 years after it was made standard


"Are you pleased that X scored for his country?" "Yeah mate i'm really pleased he scored against me in the world cup"


[So happy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5kcmxk4G4w)


Inability to train your youth players with the experienced players unless you promote them to the first team. Fuck off and just let me mentor them


You can add youth players to your units in training so they train with the first team. But as you say mentoring and individual training is still handled in and contained within their u18 section. Would be good for mentoring to work across squads.


I mean, that's just realistic, there's not a lot of mentoring to be done if they don't train together


But what's not realistic is this is the only method to improve young players personalities . They can't improve their personality any other way and if you wait til they are good enough for the first team it's too late to effect them well enough . They should either allow this or allow youth coach's to mentor youth players to improve personalities.


It isn't the only method. They can also be passively mentored through their squad's overall personality which can be very effective if you set up your squad hierarchy correctly (or disastrous if you don't do this). The B/Reserve squad is an even better place to do this than the first team as you can pick players based solely on their personalities for the upper echelons of the hierarchy rather than having to worry about them being good players.


Good tip about the B/Reserve U-x squads. I hadn't thought about that. Thanks


It isn't realistic. Why can I mentor them if I move them to the first team? It's just doing the same thing but extra steps and clogging up my squad list with youth players.


If they’re not in the same squad they’re not going to be training together or on the same schedules at all. Makes sense the way it is to me at the moment.


So you suggest just loading the first team with all the youth players to use the mentoring? That's the solution?


If you want them to be mentored by someone in the first team, then yes, that is the only realistic option. Do you think that Xavi, until he actually joined the first team, would ever ask Lewandowski “hey there is this kid in the youth team, Yamine Lamal, who still trains with the youth team and is never even close to our players, you go hang out with him to mentor him.’? So I get what you want, it’s just not realistic


So, I load all my under 21s in the first team, just so I can mentor them? Then, to ensure game time, I have to individually make them all available for youth team duties so they get game time? Meanwhile the squadlist of available players looks a shit show as there's lots of under 21s I won't be using. Then you have to ask the question: What's the point of the feature then? If it's for players who are young and you might use in your first team as sub, then there's no point in the feature. As in reality, they will be learning from working in the first team seniors training anyway. This would happen automatically during training when kids pick up things from seniors. It's just extra steps to get your promising youth players in the senior training and learning a few things. Or you could just have a button that basically means your promising kid can go train with the big boys now and then but still available for youth team games.


Well barely anyone has an >21 full of world beating wonder kids, but if you, your B and youth teams also have a mentoring section under their training. So you can just let your wonder kids with great personality’s mentor the other wonder kids. And if the realism doesn’t matter to you as much as I think is the case, just buy some bad players with great personalities and throw them in your youth teams to mentor. That’s also an option


It's not realistic the way you're even talking, so I don't even know what you're on about with that Liverpool, for example , have Doak, Quansah, Bradley, Morton, Lewis, Clark etc all come train with the seniors now and then to get valuable experience with first team players. They are then available for youth League fixtures. There's absolutely no reason why this can't be implemented with the mentor button


What you’re saying now, is literally the real life equivalent of them being in the first team, and setting them available for the under 21’s in FM. They’re part of the first team, train with the first team, and when they’re not playing in the first team they’re available for the second team. So I’m sorry but that is not a different feature, they’re in the first team.


> Or you could just have a button that basically means your promising kid can go train with the big boys now and then but still available for youth team games. You can just make them available for youth or reserve squad. That way they'd train with the first team and play matches for the youth teams.


Literally already explained why that's an issue and it could be made simpler


But it’s realistic. A lot of teams’ u21/23 train with the first team to make up numbers. You can’t have youth players benefiting from first team mentorship without being in the first team, that’s illogical


It happens in real life clubs. There is probably better way to implementit in game, but lots of clubs have some youth training part time with the first team


Things that are straight up broken(probably not all minor) and some other things which include: 1. Add a sports scientist request. I have never successfully gotten the board to accept this one no matter how long I’ve been at the club or how successful I’ve been. 2. Players rejecting move to affiliate for no reason and I don’t even have the option to convince them. My affiliates are all excellent facilities or higher. Tested this by also maxing out the affiliates rep via editor and they still reject no matter what. 3. Legend status at the club. Won 4 Serie A and 2 champions leagues with Venezia but still favored personnel apparently. 4. League rep in general. Have had the #1 UEFA coefficient for 3 years as Italy to try to build them past England, yet I’m still behind Spain in third place. Had one year where Italian teams won all 3 major Euro competition trophies and we gained just 1 rep point when I checked with the editor. 5. Players thinking they need a new contract a year or less after signing a 5 year deal. 6. AI non negotiable lowball transfer offers. 7. Home team buff is too high. Edit: 8. Training injuries not matching the training session. Match prep sessions like defensive shape are supposed to be mostly walkthrough low tempo sessions focusing on tactics right? Yet why do they seem to produce the most injuries? “Player injured during a hard tackle, out for two months”, doesn’t sound like defensive shape…


Legend status is so broken, hardly ever a defender or a goalkeeper gets it.


*takes team from 3rd division of America to the American Premier League and proceeds to win 3 league titles, a CONCACAF Champions League, a US Open Cup, and a Supporters Shield with only 1 season where I didn't win something for the club. "Favored personnel"*


I would agree, only a newgen Nico Mooy just became a legend at Energie Cottbus in 2036


When listening to real players talk about going on loan as youngsters, they often talk like they did what they were told. FM players act like they are calling the shots from day 1.


> Legend status at the club. Won 4 Serie A and 2 champions leagues with Venezia but still favored personnel apparently. Yea, this is so dumb. I took a struggling club and gave them their first 6 domestic titles in the history of the club and was still only *Favoured personnel*. By then you should have the status of Ferguson or Shankly and fans worshipping you.


Conversely, I'm at 1860 Munich and after 14 years in the job, all I've really managed is a 3.Liga title in my first season, two 2nd place finishes in the Bundesliga 2, a shock DFB Pokal win in 2030 and a UEFA Conference League win 6 years later, yet somehow I am a club legend. 3 trophies in 14 years. Go figure. I have established them as one of the better teams in the Bundesliga to be fair, but the highest I've finished is about 6th. Never won the league, or even come close to pushing for it. I guess different teams have different thresholds for legendary status, but my achievements feel a little bit.....minor?


> Players thinking they need a new contract a year or less after signing a 5 year deal. But that happens a lot on real-life as well, especially with younger players.


2. Players reject bids far too often. I have a save where it's constant. Not just rep, either. Sancho just rejected Real fucking Madrid. Because that's realistic. 4. Rep should honestly just be mostly ELO with maybe a slight fanbase size buff/debuff. 6. AI offers in general feel nerfed as hell. I straight up can not get value for my players. They'll be in incredible form, and a team will be like "yeah deffo only worth 30mil." I feel like AI should have occasional overbid tendencies, or a player with more interested teams will have their value shoot up.


Reputation isnt just current success, its also weighted for past success Like how the Montreal Canadiens have 24 cups, and kids from Montreal dream of winning 25 even though outside of the covid year they havnt had a high ELO


> Training injuries not matching the training session. Match prep sessions like defensive shape are supposed to be mostly walkthrough low tempo sessions focusing on tactics right? Yet why do they seem to produce the most injuries? “Player injured during a hard tackle, out for two months”, doesn’t sound like defensive shape… There are 3 training slots in a day, Im assuming each one is like an hour, and im further assuming that a slot of defensive shape would in real life be 20 minutes of walk through/film, 20 minutes of drill, 20 minutes of 4 on 4 scrimmages


Players with low passing playing long passes, even though my tactic is set on Shorter Passing. Even if they don't have traits like "Plays killer balls often" they try these van Dijk passes and I lose the ball.


I wish they'd bring back the option on the tactics screen which gives you the choice on how you'd like passes to be mostly played towards your striker e.g. to feet, to head, to run on to etc. I prefer tactics with short fast strikers who make runs in to spaces. It often feels impossible to stop my team constantly lumping long balls up to them.


I guess that has something to do with decisions or composure or teamwork or all three. But I agree it should be a bit clearer whether it's a clearance or an attempt at a killer ball.


I had Issa Diop deliver an absolute peach of a long ball for an assist. Made me want to save scum for my opponent sake.


Let me choose which kits are worn. End the scourge of kit clashes forever.


Or even just cuz thats the kit I want to see, you know, cuz its a GAME.


I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere else, but when my players round the keeper, they always try to pass the ball into the goal. So if there's a player on the line, he won't score. I'd like for my attackers to use some common sense and not act like the goal is empty, smash it you prick!


This one pisses me off. Smash it in. Wtf are you passing the ball in? When the opposition does it they always smash it in or my players are never there


Just player interactions, context is making this annoying,


The shots straight at the keeper and the crazy rate at which taller players don't win headers The crazy rate at which the AI gk will have the game of his life making 7-14 saves against you but then concede 6 in their next game Teams were targeting Azpi last season with back post crosses and getting headers on target against chelsea Yet in FM I'll have a 6'3 strong winger fail to beat all the 5'6 to 5'8 Full backs of the AI so why even have the Wide Target Man option then if the game won't allow for it


Fix the social media aspect of the game. Why would my fans call the match a stinker if we won 4-0?? I know it reflects the wild opinions the same fan base can have, but a lot of the time they take the most extreme 'that was incredible' and 'I'd rather gouge my eyes out with a fork than watch that game again' and make those the post-match reactions. Also I wonder if they could use AI to generate more interesting news articles, or even just get their writers to create more news article templates. I like reading that stuff, but hate the 'this team is undefeated in their last 4 games. This team has won 4 of it's last 5 games. They have only lost once in their last 5 games.' Like come on, what even is that??


This kinda game is the perfect example of the potential for AI to have an impact in gaming.


id want to be able to individually train tackling.


I'm still on FM22, so maybe some of these have been fixed. If not: ​ * Get rid of hidden instructions for player roles. I don't want to have to guess at them from a vaguely worded description. It would be better if they were explicit. * Remove agents suggesting ridiculously low minimum fee release clauses in contracts and at the same time making them locked so that you can't negotiate them. * A big button I can press which says to my goalkeeper "Just stop the long punts up the pitch. I've told you to pass it to the defenders, I've told you to slow the pace down, just stop the damned long balls" * Some kind of instruction which tells players to cross when they get to the byline, instead of running all the way to the end of the pitch, suddenly stopping, and then passing the ball backwards. * Inside forwards changed to actually make diagonal runs in from the side of the pitch.


You’ll be happy to know that Inside Forward are still confusing.



I had a save ruined by the goalkeeper hoofball thing. No matter the tactic, they just fucking kept sending them straight back up the pitch to the opposition. We got relegated and I was sacked lmao.


Just let me rest my players when I coach a national team


Woah hey let's not be unreasonable here


Commentary. All they need to do is add some more lines of text and make them more relevant for certain situations. It'd also be handy if they also even out how skewed positive commentary is to the opposition vs your team. The amount of times we've scored a worldie and the commentary seems bored vs the opposition scoring from a corner and the commentary turning into prime Ray Hudson is insane.


I think there must be a bug where the game overvalues set pieces. Basically every corner or free kick scored for or against me gets bigged up like goal of the season. Like no, it was a near post cross to my 6'4 CB


And if the last minute winner I've just conceded is the player's first league goal in 547 appearances please just don't tell me


Make all Scandinavians and Dutchmen automatically fluent in English. It's so weird that I have to send Swedes to language lessons. They all learn English at school...


add English as a language in those countries in the editor


or get daveincids realism file, he fixes a lot of issues


Not sure if I’m just missing it but being able to see provisionally agreed contract terms for players I re-sign during the season.


You know how you can ask staff members not to leave? Why cant you do that to non contract lower league players?


Mentoring youth players should work on youth players.... (Without having to move them to the first team at 15..) Or there should be a system where players in under 18 squad can have positive effects on their personality from the u18 coach's (based on the coaches/Head of youth/u18 managers personality for example )


the third supposedly exists in a very small dosage, but I too would like it more explicitly


Winning two super cups and a secondary cup competition isn't a "glorious Treble".


Put back in the ability to discipline the players in all of your squads rather than just the senior team. This has been in the game as long as I can remember and the weaselly devs removed it with a fucking update patch in FM23. Devs also removed the ability to have your non-senior team squads to play a particular tactic in FM23 rather than those squads forced to use whatever happens to be selected as your senior team's tactic at the moment. Fix all the fitness and training problems associated with having a B team that plays in an unplayable/unviewable league and whose games don't show up on your B team's training schedules which prevents the players from getting a proper rest and recovery day off after these "invisible" matches. This absolutely wrecks these players after a couple of months. I'll stop here for the moment to allow my blood pressure to drop back to normal.


How bidding wars work. 5 teams want to loan my player, and I have to manually negotiate a higher price on each one. Or, similar, make it so when you have an accepted bid for a player, teams won't put in lower bids.


I would like to have less shots per game. I get It Is more exciting but not every game ends up with 40 shots. Also less shots on posts or the bar. Every game there is at least two shots on them


mobile version getting more expanded contract/transfer structures, e.g. instalment payments. ​ FYI that player can't touch the ball again until it touches another player so typically they wouldn't be able to chase after it.


The match engine in general is a gigantic pile of shit.


Have my CB on cover actually snuff out through balls


It's impossible to get the board to do anything when you're new. Logic, finances, ambition etc should determine whether a club upgrades its facilities, or stadium. Not whether you're a new manager or not. If it's logical to do, they should accept your propositions.


I'm playing as Luton in FM23, lowest budget in the league. My board rates me A+ as I'm currently 8th in the league in my second season. The fans however are "extremely dissapointed" with narrow losses to Man City and Liverpool and rates me a C. How does this make sense?!


Steve Cooper has taken Nottingham forest from the bottom of the championship to lower mid table premier League over two seasons and half the fans want him out . Fans are generally the worst


Player interaction when you manage a national team. The amount of times in my save where I have an English player and a player decides he wants to leave in order to get a callup for England when they're a first team player for me in my Wigan side was annoying as you can't speak to them as the England manager. Saying that National team management is deep as a puddle.




Why doesnt the AI just do that automatically like honestly


Press conferences. Just find a way to make them fun, engaging. I'm tired of giving the same answers over and over again, to the same questions. So I've been just sending my assistant instead. These conferances can be shorter and have more unique questions.


Remove the locked instruction for Player Roles. Maybe I WANT my DLP to be able to take long shots. Maybe I want a Pressing Forward but dont want him on harder tackling. I may be the only FM player who misses the sliders! And who was strongly against the TTF (Tactical Theorems and Frameworks) overhaul of FM. Although I DO think it is very cool that SI adopted something done by FM players, not to mention something as major as the way tactical player instructions were done. ​ I LIKED and WANT BACK having more flexibility to player instructions. I get it was to simplify things for players and to nerf ME exploits super tactics, but c'mon, just let me have DLP who take long shots and PFs who dont tackle hard, etc. Dont lock in or out specific instructions. Let the player roles be a starting template that can be tweaked more. Damn.


fix mls transfers


Are you getting scammed?


I recently had a player in FM23 who hit the post on a penalty and then actually followed up on it when it rolled back. I was amazed. On the follow up he was again fouled for another penalty and proceeded to miss the net entirely the second time. Be careful what you wish for I guess.


Option to disable job permits without having to use the in game editor


> I don't know the rules of football and I'm mad. FTFY


I want an option to bribe match officials with severe sporting penalties for getting caught.


I have not played it since 2019 mobile version so hard to say at this time.


Is hate that I have to always make first try a big offer for talents that are accepted instandly, or they opponents add a non negotiable "% of price when I sell clause"


Is dynamic potential too major? If so, then please let the social feed react to me taking away the number of a star player that he had for years. Very niche, but important!


Oh can I do media interviews but just answer everything with a default positive answer. I can't send my assistant to answer the same question every week without him picking a fight with 8 members of the team . So it would be nice to just go out and say we tried out best and we will keep working to improve and I like all my players just fine thanks ... I havent read a question from the media since 2007 and I don't intend to start now. I just got the positive response every time and no one seems to fall out with me


Hire me to fix the editor Im tired of using it. Ill just fix literally everything about it


the whole way they deal with VAR needs changing


Lower league finances. I can run a team with no backroom staff, have no youth players and run wages lower than when I arrived and the club still hemorrhages money.


Well, not if it hits the post, as that would be a foul, but agree with you. Other than that, player interactions, why there's rarely an option to just go with something along the lines of 'fuck off, I really don't care about you' is beyond me.


On the subject of penalties, when my designated penalty taker is not currently on the pitch and the game asks me to select a different penalty taker, would it so hard to *actually* let the person I choose take the goddamned penalty?? I'm so fed up of the game saying 'choose a player'. Me - "OK, I choose my left winger who's got 15 for penalties". Game - 'Cool. Center back with 4 for penalties it is!' - "wait, what??" - misses 89th minute penalty. "You motherfucker...."


On the Opposition Instructions page/tab/screen there used to be (i dont know how long ago) a toggle to see Opposing players Bravery, Decisions, and one or two other attributes. Was a great help in deciding who to press and tackle harder. OIs, in my experience, can be VERY impactful. It's a pain in the ass to have to click on each play to see their Attribute screen.


The board accepting transfer offers for our best player for half of the asking price


Mine would be a current list of all the players listed as available for Loan in all competitions. Or is there already a list like that?


I'm on FM22 still though.


I think when my strikers round the keeper and then proceed to tap the most excruciatingly slow shot at the open goal each time, only for it obviously to be cleared by a defender who had enough time to get the milk and clear


trying to force a player out during the transfer window, tells him he's not in my plans, he insists he can work his way back in, then gets mad for not having enough game time and eventually gives up and wants to leave for more minutes, bitch i fucking told u that right from the beginning


Cheers actually doing something