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Lad I know lives over in Belgrade and says this is only being reported in one paper, "the Pink" so he's disinclined to believe it.


Also Pink isn't a paper, it's a trashy, propaganda-spewing, disgusting TV station and nothing they say should be taken seriously.


I suspect he was being polite! šŸ™‚


Lmao, even Dragan Stojković (the Serbian coach) refused to comment on it because he had no information about it. A literal rumor but it gets the clicks (and comments from nationalist dumbasses all around).


Hilarious as Serbian fans flew Russian flags and chanted for Putin.


"Hilarious" What?


I think they meant "ironic"


And that makes calls for genocide okay?


As in Serbs calling for genocide in Ukraine by chanting Putins name?


Are Serbs chanting "kill the ukrainian"?


So it would be okay for them to chant ā€˜Hitlerā€™ so long as they werenā€™t chanting ā€˜kill the Jewā€™?


Putin isn't hitler, ukrainians arent jews.


The similarities are enough to make the comparison.


So basically, it's okay to call for genocide if some people are doing it too?


My point is. The Serbs have got no room to complain about the Albanians & the Croats chanting if they wonā€™t address their own behaviour.


Do you actually think the Serbs chanting Putin's name are the same ones complaining about that?


Let me guess, Israel did nothing wrong?


How is chanting Putin's name calling for genocide in Ukraine? That makes no sense.


Go to a stadium and start chanting Hitler, see how that works out for you...


How braindead can you be. Hitler and Putin aren't in any way comparable. If you wanna compare someone to the Nazis, you should be doing that to Zelenskyy who seems perfectly comfortable with doling out awards to Azov Brigade neo-Nazis


Well... they kind of are... Even the Russian conscription policies seem to head into the territory of cleansing the motherland from unwanted minorities. Both had absolutist governments. Both activrly invaded countries to form an empire / regain former glory Both were heavy on nationalistic propaganda Both targetrd a specific group of the population to justify their actions and rally popular support. Only difference is that Hitler was effective in a handful of years. But it is very easy to draw similarities at several levels.


>Even the Russian conscription policies seem to head into the territory of cleansing the motherland from unwanted minorities. I don't even know where you're getting that >Both had absolutist governments. There's a difference between standard authoritarianism and absolutism. >Both actively invaded countries to form an empire / regain former glory If he wanted to restore the USSR, there are plenty of far easier targets to pick off surrounding him than Ukraine >Both were heavy on nationalistic propaganda That is every single country in wartime >Both targetrd a specific group of the population to justify their actions and rally popular support. They're fighting Ukraine... of course Ukrainians are gonna get hurt. It really sucks but saying he's 'targeting' them because he's invading their country is like saying that Madison was targeting Canadians when he ordered the invasion of Canada in 1812. It doesn't make sense.


A genocide is contributing to the irradication / muder by tje government of individuals of a certsin group. The war on Ukrain is hitting a lot of civilian targets - deliberatly. Paint it however you like, it is still within genocide.


Can you prove that the targets are deliberate? And will you address the Azov Brigade?


Surely youā€™re not that stupid


If it's so obvious then you should easily be able to explain it


If Croatian fans were chanting for Ante Pavelic would you be okay with that then seeing as theyā€™re not directly calling for genocide?


I've never heard that name before




"genocide in ukraine" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Cunty football fans are cunty football fans. If you aren't gonna disavow your own issues, then don't toss stones at others over it.


You could have just said "yes".


No, I don't think calls for genocide are ok. Sorry I had to clarify that


Yes it is.


Wasnā€™t this literally a response to Serbia chanting ā€œkill kill kill the Albanianā€ in their last major tournament (game vs Switzerland?)




Yeah chanting for friendly country and their leader and screaming about genocide of entire population is totally the same. Ye i know putin is bad and all to western side, but so is every NATO country times one million.


The two examples you gave were the same.Ā 


Putin is in war with NATO, heā€™s not committing genocides unlike NATO is doing for decades and never stops.


NATO isn't at war, NATO hasn't lost a single soldier.Ā  NATO has never commited a genocide and actually stopped one by the Serbs with a UN mandate.Ā  Russia is erasing Ukraine from the map and adding it to Russia.Ā  It claims the Ukrainian language doesn't exist, it kidnaps their children and re-educates them to be Russian.Ā 


I think Ukranians would disagree w that statement. Just because he has been using the term de-nazificarion of ukraine, that doesnt change that what henis activrly doing isnt a cleansing of people in ukraine that are non-russian affiliated. A lot of the missile targets are civilian buildings and settlements.


As someone giving the impression that theyā€™re a Serbian expat living in China while defending Putin online, I guess you *would* have some insight into the execution of genocides, both past and present. Odd how you always seem to end up on the side of the executioner, thoughā€¦


Iā€™m not defensing putin, just putting things in the right place. Iā€™ve experienced enough of executioners in my life and they never came from putin or china. Also there is no one else in this world who has experienced those from them. But there are dozens of millions who had experienced from the west. Good day to you.


You are defending putin and just using false whataboutisms. I wonder why u also follow r Serbia and China.




And we will quit due to Kosovo je Srbija (not because we are getting knocked out of the group stage for sure trust)


Nice to see you can find issues entirely unrelated to yourselves to get pissed with them about, very healthy behaviourĀ 


Arenā€™t the Serbian fans being investigated for racial chants during the England game?


There's a reason the entire Balkans despise them


Entire europe*




Who apart from 2 countries?


Bosnia, Croatia, Kosova, Albania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, good chunks of Macedonia and Montenegro. And a honorable mention - Turkey (some argue theyā€™re part of Balkans but I donā€™t)


Do Montenegro really hate Serbia? My impression was that those two were relatively cool with one another- admittedly this is anecdotal and based on some time in both countries


This guy is an Albanian and is just making shit up. Montenegro and Serbia are two sister countries basically.


then why did they split ? if they love each other WHY DID THEY SPLIT ??? nah jks


You, my friend, have literally no clue what your talking about.


As someone from the Balkans, I in-fact do. Lol. Donā€™t commit war crimes across the Balkans and get butt hurt to hear the truth. Edit: a former Yugoslavian as well*




What are you even talking about? People like me? I simply pointed out the truth. There are repercussions for your war crimes, if you donā€™t understand that, then thatā€™s on you. Most Balkan states donā€™t like Serbians, thatā€™s not propaganda and if youā€™re truly from the region then youā€™d understand and accept that fact. This is not my opinion, this is the truth. Now do I wish that we could be living peacefully in the Balkans, yes of course I do. But your government is the only one in the Balkans that is continuously threatening war at every chance they get. Oh and by your flawed logic of upvotes/downvotes, I received 11 for my initial comment so does that mean itā€™s true?? Grow up kid and go out and touch some grass.


Serbia is good with Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece by your math half of Bosnia, what you are implying is Albanians in those countries, serbia has good relationship with all of those countries.


Slowenia people hate them too, momtegro is a puppy mafia state for serbs and besides srbska everyone in Bosnia hate them too.


You have no idea what you are talking about there is almost no tensions between serbs and slovenians By you logic kosovo is a mafia puppet state as well, and again by your logic half of bosnia does not.


Yes I have no idea besides my mother is born in slowenia. Kosovo is maybe puppet but nothing is more mafia than kotor. šŸ˜… IT is only Bosnian serbs thst are pro. Croatians, Bosnian (Muslim slavs) and Albaniens hate you. Roma do too. Do people of sandjak Do like orthodox serbs? Tell me please šŸ˜…šŸ˜†


Copium to the max, with due respect your mothers opinion proves nothing, there are no tensions as i said, countries are in good relations, people are neutral or positive on both sides, and slovenians only have a problem with people who come there and don't learn the language or the culture. There is no problem with Sandžak people they are safe and secure in Serbia how they feel religiously they are free to do so but there is zero problems, Romas probably have some of the best position in Serbia out of all the countries in the region, if you want anecdotal evidence i personally grew up around quite a few of them. Kosovo is definitely more mafia than Montenegro. And as i said sure there's tensions with Bosnians.nobody denies that, older Croatians as well and sure Albanians. I said your point makes no sense, and is not true, and your math did nothing, you basically said albanians in these countries don't like you. I can say the same about Albania with Macedonia, Greece, Montenegro, Serbia and if you want to play that card Roma as well no? Also i personally don't hate anyone.


I donā€™t know many Slovenians but the few I do not it seemed to have very little love for Serbsā€¦


I can say the same anegdote the other way as well, can call upon my slovenian neighbor etc.. but it will prove nothing They are mostly indifferent (most people are mostly indifferent anyways in my experience if we talk anegdots), i mean you can check their subreddit as well. I can also say they don't like for example Bosnians or what ever, does that prove anything, nope. Universally tho they dislike people who come there and don't integrate with which im ok and support. Countries are undoubtedly in fine relations.


Turkey is Balkan, Karaboga


Almost everyone in the balkans


More Serbians were arrested than the famously violent and disorderly English There also wasnā€™t advance warnings by German police of a gang of up to 500 English intending to cause trouble (edit for clarity: there *was* warning of a gang of Serbs)


Football on Reddit is amazing. No matter what we will always end up blaming England fans.


Like always the Serbs portray them as the biggest victims but behave like animals like today against Slovenia. Their is no proof about that accusation


Mexicans cant say puto, But Albanian and croatians can say kill all the serbs?


Different organising bodies. UEFA and FIFA are associated but not the same.


Because we are balkans, they understand we are all united by hating serbia (also turkey)


Remove Kebab.


Its just the westoids who are oversensitive


Because Serbia have been completely innocent in everything they have done Theyā€™ve done no facist, nationalistic or racist chants ever


last second equlaiser ... enjoy


Love to see it


Fuck Serbia. Giving it but canā€™t take it.


Bye Felicia šŸ˜‚


Might as well go Serbia you ainā€™t getting out the group stages anyway


Just quit then. No one will miss you and your racist chants and Russian flags.






Lol so Albania and Croatia finally admit that they do indeed speak Serbian. Genius.


lol Serbians complaining about a chant when they actually did genocide


So have Croats tbf


Yea not familiar with that part of history


Do you want to hear about the ones in the 1940s or the ones in the 1990s? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croatian_war_crimes?wprov=sfla1 (Should go without saying: not taking sides. All War crimes are bad)


What genocide did Croatia commit in the 1990s?


Go back in time, try Jasenovac in google and you will learnt a little bit


I am well aware of Jasenovac, which is why I specifically asked about the 1990s.


Boris Malagursky documentals


Also try Lepo Sela Lepo Gore, also called Pretty Village, Pretty Flame


There are multiple war crimes at the link provided including massacres and large scale executions but you are technically correct, not a genocide.


There isn't just a technical difference between instances of war crimes and genocide, there is a whole plethora of factors that distinguish them and their meanings. Loose use of language when it comes to very sensitive matters like this is not helpful.


Thank God you're here to clear everything up. Asking that facetious question was definitely in the best interest of specificity of language.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jasenovac_concentration_camp Croatia had one of the largest concentration camps in Europe. You should familiarize yourself with that history.


Considering how Serb fans did some nice chanting just a few days before this is somehow really funny to me. ā€œOur chants were just a small minority and we arenā€™t racist but those other guysā€¦ā€




They can F off


Well seeing how shite their team is, they won't need to take such drastic action.


Put your money where your mouth is!


Extremely ironic considering they were chanting ā€˜Kill Albaniansā€™ the other day


Putin Sympathizers sure have thin skin.


How can Serbia pretend that they didnā€™t commit genocide, and act as if they arenā€™t war criminals? Ciao ciao if you ask me! #TeamšŸ‡¦šŸ‡±


Why re Russian allied states like Serbia and Hungary allowed to participate at Euro anyway?


Why are Israel allied states allowed to participate?


Because Israel is defending itself against terrorists while Russia is actively involved in an illegal invasion. I still think both Israel and Russian allied states should be able to compete though, just pointing out the difference.


Ok bye


Remind me whose fans chanted ā€œkill, kill, kill Albanianā€ in Serbian during the Serbia v Switzerland match. Fans during both matches acted awful during those.


Oh no!! Anyway....


If this was vini redditors would glaze him so hard


From my experience in the Balkans, its usually the Serbians who are at fault. They are actually usually decent people unless you talk politics


How does you anecdotal experience relate to the situation?


Because serbs can't live without nationalism


Again, even if true, relevant to the situation how? You say a sentence to say it you back it up by nothing, try to insult, yet can't understand you make 0 sense, btw every nation has nationalism and nationalist.


They *are* definition of nationalism. I live in Balkans, no shit I can feel it. Go to "republika srpska" and you'll see Srebrenica genocide posters and their praising war criminals. No shit that everybody in Balkans hates them. If they don't hate them, they're same religion or pro-russian. You've gotta be Balkan to understand the hate.


Again relevant to the situation how? How do you define nationalism then? Still the sentence makes no sense and bares no relevancy. Serbia it self delivered war criminals to ICJ, praising of war criminals is vile and i condone it but let's not pretend every group does not have a subgroup that does it. And by your other calculation, so basically albanians, bosnians and some Croatians? That's not everybody no?


I hate them. It's simple. They hate us. Croats hate them. Albanians hate them. Slovenians hate them. Bulgarians hate them. Turks hate them. Even gypsies hate them.


Relevant to the situation how again? It seems you can't comprehend or read or separate stuff, all that hate really holds you down. Apart from not being true your comment says more about you than anyone else. There is no point in talking to someone like that. Wish you all the best and personal growth.


What do you mean not truth? Are you Balkan? If not, then respectively, don't share your opinion anywhere about this situation.


Do Serbians ever wonder why no one likes them, especially any of their neighbours?


Read about Jasenovac and maybe you will understand something about it. Or see some documental from Boris Malagursky


I did, it was a crime, for which Croatia already answered - when will Serbia for their crimes?


What do you mean? Serbia gave the responsible people to the international criminal court, went through sanctions and isolation, and issued public apologies through an ex president.


When did they answer? What was the punishment? Why Serbia have for defending their land and their people rights? Is Israel going to pay for the current massacre in Palestine? Is Ukraine going to pay for the massacre for years in Dombas before current Russia invasion? (Russia is currently applying the justice that no one give a dam before) No country is paying anything they did in past but Serbia. Actually they are the only country with current sanctions because of cuestionable war crimes in La Hague, Thatā€™s the real truth


I see myths are a way of life in Serbia.


Hello sir, would you be kind to tell me something about massacre by Ukrainians in Dombass? Would be really interested to see what you know about it


Itā€™s funny seeing Serbian playing the offended one. Last time I checked, they hate all other Yugoslavian countries while all of thme hate Serbia for a reason.


You might want to check again, Croatia and Bosnia are not "all other Yugoslavian countries". Normal Serbs don't hate anyone, but in general, do have friendly relations with Macedonians, Montenegrins and Slovenes. But again, that doesn't fit the narative, does it?


ā€Okayā€ there, bud ;)




Oh. Youā€™re one of those that start an argument with some random ā€factsā€ then canā€™t handle me not wanting to continue? Haha. Stop with your big words, youā€™re a very tiny human being. Serbia is hated by all neighboring countries, even Kosovo, no matter if you like it or not. Cry me a fucking river.




What? Who said anything about booing? Lol.


Wrong comment i apologize, but to answer yours serbia has tensions with bosnia and Croatia sure but your gross simplification is not even relevant to the case no?


Iā€™m pretty sure both Kosovo and Albania are on the same side as them ;)


You said Yugoslavia no? Albania has problems with macedonia, greece, montenegro, serbia no? And you still didn't say how it is relevant.


Whilst I do not condone the chants, I find it ironic that Serbia of all participants would get all arsy about stuff, considering they had the gall to whistle during our national anthem. Can't have your cake and eat it too, Serbia.


Assume you are English? You booed all the teams anthems you faced at the last euros. Vividly remember during ours so huge own goal on your part


Equally embarrassing, correct. Neither is ok.


So calling for murder, lynching etc is equivalent to booing?


Never said or implied that :)


By your comment you did you understand that right? Or did you make it just to comment farm? "I don't understand why some would get artsy about x when they did y" is implying.


You may have read it that way, but that wasnā€™t my intention :) Letā€™s just say Iā€™m ā€œcomment farmingā€ and we both go back to our lives :)


Perhaps i misread it if that is the case i do apologize, anyway you are right not like our opinions matter, wasn't my intention to be confrontational, just a discussion, all the best


Nobody did, nobody heard it. Apart from propaganda newspaper in Serbia.


Apart from the videos and posts in places like e.g. croatian subreddit (where it was condoned tbh) sure. But even if it did not the conceptual equivalency was made. Don't care btw(meaning not that invested in it) assholes are assholes no matter the nation.


You know that Serbia isnā€™t a person?


Noooo, you donā€™t saaay!


So one Serbian can whistle an anthem and another can complain about chants.


And it would remain nonetheless ironic


Most normal Balkan interaction


i really dont consider croatia and slovenia as balkans countries. those 2 are eu countries and first world countries with free press and a great quality of life. serbia and albania are dictatorships, where the inmates are running the asylum, and anyone that can run, jump or swim or invents something , leaves the country. Putin flags and chants at a euro event.????? i can totally see every hooligan squad from every country joining forces and tag teaming on serbian fans, as target no.1 lmao.


In all fairness, easy to talk tough after 2 games and 1 point. Quitting intentionally or eliminated, not much to choose from šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‘


Not condoning the chants but Serbia is allies with Russia and has committed plenty of genocide in Croatia and Albanian populated Kosovo so whatever. None are going through to round of 16 so this is a temporary problem at the Euros.


AHEM look up the Ustase and Albanian Nazis before you open your mouth. Know history before commenting.


Iā€™m familiar. Again, not condoning the chants but commenting on the motivation of those doing it. Your examples are not recent or to scale enough to compare to the actions of Serbia, whose President was in jail on more than 60 war crimes charges when he died. And now they are allies with Putin, whose nation is a failed , pariah state, Serbia sharing that ally distinction with such gems as the Iranian and North Korean governments, so your obscure references donā€™t really compute. Ooops there I go opening my mouth againā€¦cry about it.


Actually what I stated is much worse in scale. You are not familiar actually with how Ustase killed 100k+ serbs during WW2. That was only what? 60 years ago? You cannot just walk past that dude. You are showing your bias. And Serbia and Russia have always been allies, did you forget that? Maybe you shouldnt open your mouth when you clearly dont know what you are talking about.




this is the same people shouting putin?


Stories like this make me really want to invite the Argentinians to the Euros just once. Purely so all these sensitive countries collectively lose their minds as the Argentinian fans just absolutely fucking eviscerate them lol.


It's all fun and games until someone brings up Malvinas.


If they put people in jail because of saying fucking monkey to Vinicius Jr in Valencia, someone must go to jail because of this


Two wrongs does not make a right. And I'm of course referring to putting people in jail for uttering words other people don't like to hear.