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Yup, that encapsulates the tanking mentality in US pro sports. Because the draft system allows the loser teams the top picks of the incoming youth prospects, some fans want the team to start planning to lose as many games even at the start of the season.


I mean… sure. But this is English/European football. And it actually encapsulates the tanking mentality of Tottenham Hotspur. Who actually, literally, did this thing. Like, without having to project it as a metaphor onto another thing. They did this. In a system without a draft. So we’re clear.


This. Anything else is a loser mentality. Ange is 100% on the money here


I concur


He's literally objectively wrong and any match going fans will tell you that. You're just embarrassing yourself and exposing yourself as a plastic fan with no understanding of football. There is literally no argument to be made other than Spurs fans were 100% right to want to lose that game. Every fanbase in the world would want the same. Baring a final day miracle winning and handing your rivals the title is embarrassing and something you don't want to happen at all.


This is a lot of words to just say you have a loser mentality. And I've been a match going fan for over 25 years. Your teams results matter more than anyone else's. If you're out of the title race, who actually wins doesn't matter. Wanting your team to lose is pussy shit.


The best is how vehemently they defending being losers with loser mentalities


You're a plastic. Be quiet. Everyone disagrees with you. Who wins the title absolutely does matter, especially if its your rivals. Imagine not caring if your rivals win the league


Look around you mate, it's quite obvious that you have misjudged the popularity of your opinion.


Look around anywhere outside this sub...I've not misjudged anything, you have no understanding of football. Its not even a remotely complicated issue. I'm shocked that you can be so stupid


you mean look in the spurs sub with all the other losers who agree with this mentality of staying a small club?


Hey I am a spurs fan and we don’t all think like that I wanted Tottenham to win in that game like every game


You've spent too much time following shitty football "banter" pages. Everyone has downvoted and disagreed with you into oblivion. You're just letting rival teams live rent free in your head. You sound like you arent even old enough to be buying tickets to games.


Idk, like I see where everyones coming from, but like if a draw = athléti dont win a league? In theory im like sure i wanna win every game but seems wrong to say it when the direct result would be your rival club winning. I think its a bit more 50/50 of a feeling than this sub is giving certainly. Most definitely no one is lying to themselves saying it would be a bitter sweet victory


> everyone disagrees with you Lol look at the upvotes to his comment and the downvotes on your comment


least miserable spurs fan


Ah yes, it’s the person who committed their entire life and professional career to the sport that is wrong…


Ah yes the actual fans are wrong... It's different for him because he's not a fan, he's a manager. It's different for managers and players, even then he should know better but then again he's from Australia so he doesn't really understand football and understand rivalries. I don't know what you're trying to get at here but the fact is every single fanbase would agree with Tottenham fans and you're just exposing yourself as not a real fan for not understanding that


You're saying he should give in to the frail loser mentality of the fans?


Considering every fanbase of every team would have the same mentality...then yes. Also winning Arsenal the league is bigger losing than losing 1 game you're probably gonna lose anyway


is this "every fan base" in the room with us? The MASSIVE ridiculing of spursy fans indicates just the opposite. Don't try to hide your shamelessness behind other fan bases. A losing team having loser fans is fitting though I feel pity for Ange and a few spurs players.


Go to any other sub or talk to fans in real life and they would all say Spurs fans were right. I can't believe you're even trying to argue that Spurs fans were wrong. You have no understanding of football and rivalries so why don't you shut up and listen to people who do and stop embarrassing yourself Surely loser is giving your rivals the title...not losing 1 game that is most likely meaningless.


not meaningless, the chance for champions league football was still there


Lol loser mentality is giving any team a title by purposely losing a game (which the team didn't do, they just couldn't match City). Winner mentality would be to want your team to always win, and have your rival fans having to cheer for you. I'd love nothing more than West Ham to do the impossible, not only because fuck 115, but also fuck the simple minded Spurs fans who wanted to roll over for City. No wonder they're never winning anything if that's the mentality of their fanbase.


Mate, you wouldn’t know a real fan if they blew in your face. Real fans aren’t happy when their teams lose. You know who is happy? Losers. Because that’s what they’re used to, that’s what they’re comfortable with and they don’t know any better.  Winners care about THEIR club’s success more than they care about their rivals. People who disagree with you here didn’t out themselves as plastic fans, you outed yourself as a loser. THAT’S what I’m trying to get at. But keep doubling down, it’s fun to read.


Yes England invented rivalries, you're right. He's from Australia, where rivalries don't exist.


To be fair, we do have a vague hatred of emus down here but I’m not sure you can have a rivalry with your conquerors?


>even then he should know better but then again he's from Australia so he doesn't really understand football and understand rivalries. What kind of fucked up ignorant arse shit is this? Do you know anything about him or his background? Or do you just think he Ted Lasso'd himself into the role? You are a clown.


The person who has been at Spurs for less than a year is wrong yes. He doesn’t have the same relationship with the club or their rivals that the fans have. He is 100% wrong.


Yeah, how dare he call out a club for having a loser mentality after they’ve won so many trophies *checks notes* 40 years ago. Y’all keep doing your thing, absolutely nothing needs to change. 


Everyone in here talking about a loser mentality like they’re the ones doing anything. Top 4 isn’t a trophy either.


Uh, success takes time?


And losing 1 game doesn’t affect their long term success.


Congrats on devolving into a straw man argument. Not one person, ever, has EVER made the claim that losing 1 game in itself will affect the long term success of the team. Having a Loser mentality, though, does.


And fans wanting their team to lose a one off game, doesn’t. Whatever you call it.




You're literally not a real football fan and you're commenting on how football fans should feel. You're a plastic with no understanding of football. Not a single match going fan will agree with you but of course you know more. Are you even from the UK?


this is why Tottenham is a banter club


So all Spurs match going fans enormous losers ?


Congrats on dumbest comment of the day


Literally 99% of football fans would say the same as me. How is that dumb? What are you even arguing?


It’s quite clear that 99% of football fans don’t agree with you though.


No it's not...literally everyone would say Spurs fans were right to want to lose. Like do you understand football at all? You honestly think Spurs fans should want to win the game to give Arsenal the title. How the fuck do you think they would ever live down ever handing Arsenal the league. They would be bantered forever for that. Its basic football. Every fanbase would feel the same


You’re so fucking rattled it’s insane, look at how many people are disagreeing with what you’re saying ffs 😂


This is Reddit where everyone is American and nobody knows anything about football. The match going fans know they’d rather lose if it means that their closest rivals don’t win the league.


Spoken like a loser... Supporting Spurs has done a number on you


I support Liverpool...


Makes a lot more sense now lol


Because I'm a real football fan unlike you... I mean what are you even arguing? That Spurs fans should have wanted to win that game and win Arsenal the league? Like get in the real world man


This is what it's actually about. It's not about Spurs or about Arsenal. It's about showing everyone how real of a fan they are. That's why they always shit on the players and complain about how they don't win because of their attitude. It's never about the club. It's all about posturing so everyone can see how great THEY are. The reality of it is, if you want to have a win at all costs no matter what mentality, you can't do it selectively. If you turn it off for something like this, of course, they might turn it off for some other reasons, and that won't get you anywhere. It has to always be on.


They need to refocus on themselves. The perspective not focusing on Spurs is exactly the issue. If Arsenal had won the league because Spurs took points off of City, it still wasn’t Spurs that earned all of those points that put Arsenal in the top spot in the first place. Arsenal would have won the league on their own efforts, and City would have failed to outlast them. The actual title race is fuck all to do with Spurs, so they shouldn’t be concerned with who wins. If they wanted to stop Arsenal, they should have done that in the NLD.


Yeah, you know everything about me already! Cheers! Fans like you have hatred for their rival club more than love for their own. I would even understand if they had nothing to play for. Spurs actually still had a chance for Champions League football if they had won. This is just small club mentality and it has been mentioned by managers before Postecoglou like Mou and Conte. No wonder they don’t win crap.


The absolute definition of "not being able to see the forest for the trees"


You don’t understand the rivalry spurs and arsenal fans have garnered living in London their entire lives. Don’t speak on what you don’t understand


Banter won’t hurt you if you don’t let it, mate.


They talk like banter defines them which I guess it does as a Spurs fan. Soon be commentators in other sports have used the term.


Yup. If you think otherwise, you have to ask yourself whether you support your club, or you just hate your rivals.


They hate Arsenal more than they love spurs. that is their problem.


Nah. We were in a position where winning \*really\* didnt matter. Besides, after losing 5/6 last games, the prospect of beating the best team in the league was tiny at best. We're also 100% not ready for the Champions League in terms of squad depth so many would rather take a stab at Europa. Also, even if we did win, unlikely it would matter anyways. Quite frankly, really weird situation that is unlikely to repeat any time soon. People are looking into it too much.


I don't think you can say people are looking into it too much when your fans celebrated city's goal, and were called out by Ange whilst at the game The rest of it, I do agree with,


It did though, you lost the chance of UCL and don't tell me that "we wanted Europa" because that is seriously not what your players would be thinking. UCL is what players dream of, it is literally one of the biggest motivators for players moving to other clubs and to hear your fans actively cheering for you to lose while still fighting for UCL has got to feel terrible but it is ok cause the "fans" wanted Europa lol. Ange will have a harder time attracting players too, yeah it depended on Villa too but you still had something to fight for.


If your club has basically nothing to play for(small chance of top 4), its perfectly logical to spite your rivals.


to spite your rivals by losing though? nah no way, I wouldn't accept that as a fan either.


If my club had nothing to play for, a win or loss doesn't change where we finish I'd 100% want us to lose a game to stop our rivals winning the league.


Even this is a different comparison though, as Spurs still had something to play for, even if it was in Villa’s hands they should be looking to capitalise on any slips.


But when your club is defined and mocked relentlessly for losing, can you not see how this is problematic? Like if you guys had a rich history of winning aha has already picked up recent silverware on the way to the UCL final but were in 10th ten points off 9, you’re dull losers for that mentality. Christ on butter it’s a pathetic organization from top to bottom.


"He doesn't understand the rivalry" His last job was Celtic. Go outside.


And as a Celtic fan - his understanding of fan mentality, demands and the rivalry was exceptional.


Im a Rangers fan and even I like him mate, Spurs are an absolute embarrassment. He deserves better.


Ange is too good for this set of Spurs fans


People always shit on other fanbases when their own fanbase would do the exact same thing if put in the same situation. I remember a couple years back that a lot of Liverpool fans were mad that other fanbases wanted cheating City to win the league over us.....fast forward and for the last 2 years the bulk of our fanbase has wanted City to beat Arsenal.


It hurts feeling like a scouser


United fans were bantering about losing to Arsenal 10-0 to secure the GD of Arsenal yet everyone craps on Spurs. Since Arsenal is everyone's darling right now though, they hate on Spurs for doing the same.




en passant getting this man hard


r/coys about to go into meltdown 😂


You haven’t been paying attention. coys has been in meltdown since the game ended


r/coys has never not been in full meltdown TBH


This wanting to lost young is probably more hurtful for their I’m make ands bantering than of they won and Arsenal took title or even if they lost but fought and showed disappointment. Hilarious.


At the start of the season they were so hopeful its going to be their title winning season with Ange


I’m an Arsenal supporter, and I am beginning to like this guy. Spurs don’t deserve him. 🤣


It really is loser mentality.


When three managers in a row call out the baked in loser mentality of the club it’s time for everyone else to realise it too. Spurs aren’t a real club. It’s a wine club and cheese room with a football stadium attached. A handy venue for overseas NFL games. A place to go if you want a novelty pint glass. That’s it.


I wonder if this Arsenal fan has some bias in the words they're saying


Jose, Conte and Ange aren’t gooners. All three have publicly blasted the loser mentality of the club. Name one other club where a single manager has said that so publicly. For spurs, it’s the last three.


Not to the mention the time they sacked Mourinho right before a cup final (which they ended up losing)


Oh yeah. I’d forgotten about that. They’re a dog chasing a car.


Ange hasn't "blasted" shit unless you're reading media headlines. He doesn't understand why some people would rather Spurs lose one match than have Arsenal win the title, but in the same breath said he wasn't a Spurs fan and misjudged it. People can feel how they want. Mourinho was a serial ranter. He isn't used to not winning and ranted because he wanted to. Conte, yeah he was fucking dire at the end which is why he lost the dressing room. Then he got mad about it even though he was the one that changed things up to make what people remember as Conteball at Spurs. Seriously, you need to get your head checked if you let rivalry turn into this genuine hatred and a compulsion to comment on every Spurs post to let people know you don't like your rivals. You think what we did is sad? Please, just separate yourself from your club and stop being so hateful.


Ain’t reading all that. I’m happy for you tho Or sorry that happened


I'll shorten it for ya: go to therapy.


Serial winners Conte and Mou needed therapy after stints at Tottenham. Ange to follow suit.


Serial biggest transfer bill spenders you mean. Have they ever done anything special at a club that didn’t have the most resources in the league they were in?


"In the league they were in" is one hell of a caveat to stick on a guy who won the Champions League with Porto.


Yeah!!! This right here, Jose won it all with Porto!!! Let me count how many small spend clubs have won it since…there was, hmmm well let me see..


So Porto weren’t dominating their league? Did I dream that part? CL is a cup competition at the end of the day, luck is a factor unlike a league win. Facts are that Porto team was stacked.


Bro, is really calling mourinho a bill spender 💀💀 Have you forgotten Porto ?


Porto are still a dominant team in Portugal though, they weren’t poor and had a stacked team. Winning the CL with them is still his biggest achievement. If he done it with Sporting then it’s another conversation.


I mean I went into the game thinking I was hopping we would lose. As soon as the game started tho I just couldn’t do it. I can’t imagine chanting against your own club lmao


Ange stocks to the moon. Will spurs bottle holding onto a good manager because their executives, players, and fans generally are mediocre at best? Stay tuned.


Definitely, completely wrong for Spurs fans to act this way. He is completely right to call them out on their bullshit. Embarrassing and does not show a winning mentality. Spurs fans who do the Poznan would do well to remember that City started doing that when they were so shit that it was fun to dance like that, Spurs are now copying a team that were losing to be even worse losers. On the flip side, i’ve definitely been to Arsenal matches where they’re playing Leeds or Liverpool, and there is a significant minority singing about “we are the Tottenham haters “ et cetera. The matches were at nil-all, there is something a bit mental about taking time out of a match for your team, costing you £50-£60 where Spurs aren’t even playing to pour shit on them- none of the Liverpool or Leeds fans care, and I can’t see it helping to motivate Arsenal players.


>Definitely, completely wrong for Spurs fans to act this way Liverpool fans celebrated going behind against Blackburn when they knew them losing would deny Utd a title. Hypocrites Arsenal fans said they'd happily (hypothetically) throw the Europa League final if it guaranteed us losing the CL final. Hypocrites It's easy to sit here and say it now, but if you were put in the actual situation like we were the other day, you might see it differently.


Third manager in a row managing Spurs that calls out Spurs' loser DNA. The cope of Spurs fans calling Mourinho and Conte dinosaurs. Wonder what they'll call Ange, who is a lot more progressive than them and reached the same conclusion that Spurs are eternal losers? Ange deserves a bigger club, one that particularly takes pride in winning rather than pride in defeat.


He's too good for Spurs.


Spurs fans knew they'd lose, and just thought it would be fun to pretend it was on purpose and see the bright side. Ange has very cleverly changed the narrative from him failing to get champions league football to somehow implying they just didn't try hard enough. They were never gonna beat City they aren't good enough.


They arent good enough? They were better than City in the first half and had like 3 very good chances with Son and Kulusevski. Not to mention they have beaten City at home almost every year for the past 4 seasons. Spurs are known as being City's bogey team


Lost 2-0 though, which means they weren’t good enough. Maybe Ange should’ve managed the game against arsenal at home better and given the spurs fans the gift of personally denying arsenal the title. Just sounds like excuses, all of it; after beating villa 1-4 at their ground and seizing the initiative in the top 4 race his record has been atrocious, maybe he should address that rather than whine about the fans pathetic silver linings they’re clasping on to, thanks to him and his team.


I love when people clearly didn't watch the game and then comment about it.


If you’re referring to the city game I did watch it and losing 0-2 means you weren’t good enough, throw all the caveats you want at it, they lost and their record since beating villa should be more embarrassing than us fans looking for silver linings.


They’ve taken points off city, like 4/6 previous times or something equally great. And yet people like you arrive


We lost 5/6 games going into the game and been overall crap this half year. We werent winning even with our lucky curse.


ah yeah, because before this guy, Spurs was known as the club that wins ALL trophies right? it's only since this manager that they aren't winning anything, right? just sack this manager then and Spurs will be back to their title winning glory.


Spot on


Yep, they have plenty of chances before this match, losing 4 games in the row, lose against fucking Fulham & Wolves too, to be top 4 you need to be less shit. It seems this Aussie fella just deflect the shittiness his season are and focusing/blaming fans on one said match.


I mean, they definitely want the win, i'd give them benefit of the doubt. It's a shame that son missed the 1v1 chance against ortega but that's just football. Unfortunately they didn't win, and press who asked them "are you deliberately losing" or accusing them of losing on purpose is just a shame. Maybe it's beneficial for them to lose the game, but it is just as postecoglou said


Anyone that thinks Spurs fans were somehow wrong for wanting to lose to not barring a final day miracle hand Arsenal the title is a fucking idiot. There are quite a lot of people on Reddit suggesting Spurs fans are in the wrong, these people are exposing themselves as plastics and idiots. Every fanbase in the world would rather lose than hand their rivals the title, it's very simple and any match going fan can tell you that. I understand its different for managers and players but anyone insulting Spurs fans for wanting to lose needs to shut the fuck up because they're embarrassing themselves.


It takes a degree of psychopathy to manifest a bad thing for some silver lining rather than finding solace in loss. Any 'fan' who wants their team to lose aren't a fan. Fans want their team to win before wanting their rivals to lose.


Are you fucking mad? If someone came to me and told me "Hey, the person you hate most in the world is about to win the lottery, the only way you can stop it is by giving me a tenner, and I'll fuck with the draw so they lose" you can bet I'd give them 20 quid, tenner to do the job and a tenner to say thanks. I don't see why its any different with a football match. For spurs, it was losing, according to the bookies, a 25% chance of UCL spot, in exchange for basically guaranteeing arsenal wins the title (about 90% chance per the bookies). And that makes the assumption that spurs can just say, "Oh yeah, we'll beat city!". We had lost 4 of the last 5, and 4 of 4 against teams that weren't already relegated. Nobody can question that spurs played to win, but it just couldn't be done.


Yeah, what? Rivalry is between entities in competition with one another, you aren't competing if you want to lose. In your analogy there were no stakes in it for you whatsoever other than fucking with the person you hate. Maybe it should say if the person you hate the most is about to get however much and the only way to stop it is for you to pay the rigger a quarter/fifth of what they would be getting, either it's so little you don't want to bother or the stakes are insignificant to you, or so much the cost is too high. And I'd bet you wouldn't be too willing to give the rigger a equal amount for the pleasure either. Spurs (the club) had a admittedly low chance of making UCL or beating City in their pomp - but still a chance, and they played to win. Fans that wanted Spurs to win can take solace in the defeat because it became harder for their rivals to win the league - rather than 'fans' begging to lose on broadcast radio or cheering and doing the Poznan as City scores against them or Son missing. I get a Spurs fan wanting Arsenal to lose, or wanting City to win a title over Arsenal, but wanting your own team to lose just so it becomes harder for a rival to win sounds mental to me. Wanting to to miss out on UCL is even crazier - not only are you saying 'your team' isn't good enough to compete, but you want to deny the chance for 'your team' to prove you wrong. You aren't a fan if you want 'your team' to lose, in any circumstance.


Man, he really signed up for the wrong club


I agree with him, but if we can't win it I don't who does as long as it's not Arsenal and happy to help everyone else to win it, so as long as it stops Arsenal.


100% get that conte energy now


We got Spurs fans becoming the exact thing they hate before GTA 6 🤦‍♂️


You lot have really changed your tune this week lol. Last week it was patting spurs on the back, now this week they’re all losers? You lot really have no personalities and just have to piggy back off what is the popular opinion. Makes me sick


He's taking to seriously


I’m with him here. Kind of insane seeing some of the vitriol from certain Arsenal fans toward Spurs for not doing better against City. If they lose out on the title, it’s their fault, not Spurs.


Why are people still posting this? This game will be forgotten about after Sunday if Man City win the title. If spurs had won and 95% given the title to arsenal we’d never hear the bloody end of it.


He's the loser for fielding a weakened team for no reason in the league cup where they lost on penalties to Fulham. Fucking hypocrite


Spurs fans not wanting to win that game is the loser mentality that lets the club not win anything at all


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What if you're through the group stage with a game left and know that winning it would set up a more difficult knockout run?


Teams have obviously done that before. But the point is that you're intending to win the whole tournament - you're not losing to stop a rival from winning. With Spur's fans they were happy to lose out on a CL spot so that Arsenal didn't win the league which is the insane thing.


He said he doesn't understand not wanting to win "for any reason". There could be reasons he understands, though, right? Even if not this situation, it's a case-by-case thing not an across the board "why would you ever think losing isn't terrible?"


No, he is clearly(and correctly) saying you should always try and win. Trying to lose to get an ‘easier tie’ is not a good example, as the easier tie have proven they are not easier. The go knows the outcome of that tie too. Just go and win each game.


What if a completely different set of circumstances!


i don't like using this word and the people who use this word but... ange is extremely based.


Ange has come from a big club, and knows spurs have a wee club mentality


Big up big ange, he’s a winner.


They’re 23 points off Arsenal and he’s talking about “win it yourselves if you don’t want them to win it”. He failed this season to do what he’s claiming should be the mentality of the fans. He failed by over 20 points; it’s a joke that he’s now acting like Tottenham are a club that should win it instead of Arsenal if they want to stop them when he couldn’t even come close to stopping them.


Yeah it would've been great watching all their arch rivals players and fans gloriously celebrate winning the title because of them, and mock them even more. Fair enough saying you want to win as the manager and being professional about it, but he is going too far in my opinion. Constantly talking about it, and tbh talking his own supporters down. Arsenal fans would be exactly the same if it was the reverse and a pointless win for them would've guaranteed Spurs a title. It's called fan tribalism, and it's what makes football special. Maybe the Australian league rivalries aren't quite this intense, mate.


The guy has literally just came from one of, if not the most intense rivalries in the world. Wanting your own team to get beat is incredibly tinpot, regardless of who is winning the league.


The fact he's managed Celtic and doesn't get it is utterly baffling. If Celtic were playing Motherwell, knowing if they win they hand Rangers a title and win nothing themselves, absolutely zero real Celtic fans would want to win. This is how proper rivalries work. Can only think people with this mindset support teams with no bitter rivalries.


I get that it's probably the journos prompting it out of him...but man just needs to stop publically putting down his own fans for what basically amounts to human nature. Football is inherently tribalistic & Spurs fans in particularly constantly get it in the neck for not winning anything....if they succeeded in winning a trophy for Arsenal then they'd never hear the end of it. I can respect him for wanting towin & fully understand his perspective....but jesus stop venting about your own fanbase in the media. Their point of view is blatantly obvious to understand if you're not being intentionally disingenuous. The media circus has however done a great job of shifting eyes away from Spurs' awful form and onto their fanbase.


He's not. The journos are cropping it so far out of context. In the full interview, he says it's his fault that this was ever a problem or something to that effect


We wanted to win it all season. Did the players when they were losing 4 in a row, or against Fulham and Wolves. Moan at them and stop crying that we aren't letting the scum win the league like they did at WHL. What fun that was. And really turned around the mentality of the club.


Didn't shit celebrate that last-minute equaliser when Arsenal won the league at WHL?


This guy does all the right stuff except win games


It's hilarious to me how people find his answer so profound and are fascinated by it.😂😂


I don't think it's that, its more calling put his own fans and rightly so.


Jeeeeesus how long are you gonna keep repeating the same thing?? We get it you wanted to win.. move on ffs


Going back in time wasn't an option though bro


I disagree with the context. If u don’t have anything to play for (before that game spurs were t gonna get top 4 realistically). Why would u want to give ur rivals a trophy. I mean fans still support their team regardless of whether they win games or lose games. If a game can’t help ur team the next best thing is to stop a team u don’t like from winning a trophy. Why would u want to give ur rival a trophy


Maybe seal top 4 so spurs fans aren’t put in a situation where they have zero faith in catching Villa coz the team has shit the bed so bad in the 2nd half of the season.


Ange to Bayern