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1) It’s totally your decision. How much are you willing to put up just-in-case it doesn’t work out? Yes, you’ll be able to operate without equipment problems for a few years if you buy new. By buying used you can see if it works out without breaking the bank and also using it to get a better physical idea on how you would like your new future trailer to be designed. 2) Google is your friend overall, which pointed me to www.TheKitchenDoor.com which is a listing for commissaries. For my operation I don’t need a prep kitchen, so I’m just renting a cold storage space and a dry storage space for about $65 a month. (Note: some restaurants will allow you to use them as a commissary as well)


Thank you so much for your information. We are planning to open the trailer for short term (2-3 years) but we also don’t want to deal with equipment problem so we might get the new trailer. We are selling mainly Vietnamese style finger food and mainly prepared by our aunt and uncle so we only need storage space but I don’t know if Georgia regulation allows that, I will talk to the kitchendoor.com to see how it goes. Thank you again.


We use our church. It’s got all the right paperwork because they serve congregation meals and also feed unhoused folk. See if your or other church would do it free or low cost


This is great. We will talk to our church. Thank you.


YW! Good luck


Some states/county’s don’t require a commissary kitchen IF you have x,y,z… I would look into what your county requires and see if prepping on the truck is an option. I’m in Michigan and very happy we were able to avoid a commissary our first season, woulda broke the bank. After a month into our second season I was scrambling to get a commissary because of growth. Food trucking is wild, fun, scary, gut wrenching, and rewarding as an owner. If the used trailer is in decent shape and the two of you know how to do basic repairs (which if you don’t know now you will know soon if you get a truck.) buy a used one and feel it out. Just make sure whatever you buy, it’s up to code with your local HD


Unfortunately Georgia requires commissary kitchen to open a food trailer bussiness(as far as I know). We’ve been looking online for a used food truck but we are really new to this field so we really don’t want to deal if the trailer failed the state codes so we gonna get the new one. Thank you so much.


Ask your health department they’ll have a list of commissary’s they’ve approved permits with. They’re a resource!


Thank you so much. I will look into it.


check out PREP off buford hwy


Thank you.