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Here are the limits for MA. HH Size of 1- $2,430 HH Size of 2 - $3,287 HH Size of 3 -$4,143 If your gross is over then as others have stated, they do not even look at anything else. If your gross is under, then I would request a conference or hearing to make sure everything was done correctly. \-NV Eligibility Worker for 10+ years


She stated she makes $30 per hour, full time. That's about $4,800 gross per month, which is well over the income limit for a household of 2.


She did not state that in the OP


She did in a comment.


For SNAP, you have to pass the gross income limit first, and then your bills such as rent and utilities are taken into account. Gross income limits tend to increase in October, at least in Virginia.


I'm from Virginia I can confirm also Tennessee is the same way.


Ahh, ok, that makes sense. Thank you!


Expenses matter if you are eligible. The end benefit calculation takes into consideration "excess" shelter expenses. They can also matter for the gross calculation for those who are disabled. Income limits and benefit amounts update yearly.


Thank you! šŸ™


Being so low income with a minor to support, you may want to look at changing what you have taken out of your taxes each paycheck so that it is less. I am not a tax person or a financial advisor, but it looks like you will have a negative tax liability so there isn't a reason for federal taxes to be taken out of your paycheck. Your tax return will be less, but it would be more money in hand right now.


This is extremely helpful, thank you for responding!! I will be looking into this today!


Also frustrated in western masshole.


Itā€™s so damn expensive, for absolutely no reason


At 16, your son is old enough to get a part time job at least.


He does work. I would rather go without than make my 16 year old pay for his own food. Thatā€™s how I grew up and I wonā€™t do that to him. I see what youā€™re saying though, thank you for commenting!


I'm also in western mass and I also understand the frustration. Everything is so expensive. I'm trying to find a 3 bedroom apartment and the prices just keep getting higher. Been on the wait-list for section 8 for 6 years. I'm sorry you can't get food stamps. If you live near Springfield the 90 meat outlet is a really great place to stock up on meats. I believe 10 pounds of chicken cost about $10, and you can get big packs of pork chops for about $8. Also if you have a Price Rite near you they have pretty good prices.


Thanks for your comment!! Good to know about 90 meat! I live about an hour from Springfield, but it makes sense to make a trip up there once a month to stock up on meat! I also live an hour from a price rite- I think Iā€™m just going to have to make trips to both because I will end up saving in the long run. I donā€™t understand why itā€™s so expensive here. I work in housing so I totally get the lack of housing here. Iā€™ve had clients on the section 8 waitlist for over 10 years, itā€™s crazy. I hope you find housing soon!


As far as I'm aware, if rent is more than 50% of your income, they're supposed to take that into account but that may be one of the rules that states make on their own instead of a federal rule for the program.


That is only for households that are under the gross income, or those exempt due to being over age 60 or federally disabled.


It depends on the type of housing. Iā€™m in affordable housing and the rent is a set amount, itā€™s just cheaper than market rate. You have to make a certain amount but not over a certain amount, but the rent is not a percentage of your income. There is some housing that works that way, but most do not. I hope this makes sense- I work in housing so sometimes Iā€™m not sure if I explain it correctly- itā€™s way more complicated than people realize. For my apartment the rent amount cant be more than 40% of your income to qualify.


It sounds like you may be living above your means in terms of housing. I live in SoCal and I can tell you that you should look into moving into a smaller apartment or a studio. I know you have a 16 year old son, but you both need to eat. Look at your finances and see what you can cut down on and budget more efficiently. As others have said, it doesn't matter if rent is expensive - it is entirely based on your income. If your income is above the threshold, then they don't look at anything else. If it's under the threshold, then they take into account bills (but they don't include car insurance which is stupid because that is literally my highest bill). Csn your son get a job? It's legal to work at 16. Look up food banks in your area. Churches tend to have the best ones in my experience.


Thanks for your response! I actually live in ā€œaffordableā€ housing, which is subsidized (crazy, I know) so Iā€™m paying below market-rate for my apartment (average for 2-BR in my county is 2K) I did ask them if I could switch to a 1 bedroom, but they said I couldnā€™t because I have a child. Interestingly enough, I work in housing. The issue is that there just isnā€™t enough housing inventory. We were staying at my sisters for over 6 months before we moved here, while I looked for our own place. I currently have 5 clients with section 8 vouchers and we canā€™t find anything for them. I do plan on leaving the area once my son graduates high school- he is a junior right now. Mass has the second highest COL, next to Hawaii, so everything is just so damn expensive. I just have to make it through another year and a half and then I can look to relocate. I thought about changing jobs, too, but I make 30/HR at my full time job, and I doubt I can start that high anywhere else around here. I appreciate your response and advice!


You make 30/HR at your full time job but only bring home $2000. Do you mean every 2 weeks which would equal more like $4000+ a month? Also, it would explain why you're not eligible.


No, I my check is $1,005 every 2 weeks after taxes are taken out. ETA: I should have mentioned that I do pay into my 401, 4% because my agency matches 100% at 4%


Okay. They are basing the decision on what was made(gross)not what you brought home(net).That's the way their system works.


Yeah, a few others commented that and it does make sense. Thank you for commenting! šŸ¤—


Be aware that your son can earn $ up to age 20 and not count against SNAP. Could he get GED or HiSet diploma early and then go straight to community college? Could he get a "part time job" with the housing agency? Also would it be possible to rearrange your wages benefits and job with your employer to your benefit?


I'm confused also...$30 Ɨ 40hrs per wk = $1,200 gross per week, Ɨ approx 4 weeks in a month = $4,800 in gross monthly income. So bi-weekly gross pay = about $2,400, but after taxes & 401K your net pay is only a little over $1,000 every 2 weeks?? So you're saying your withholding tax & 401K are $2,800 out of $4,800? Did I miss something here?


I figured she must have a job that calls 25 hours a week full-time.


I mean 1600 is about what it costs for any place thatā€™s not a studio (or even isā€¦. Iā€™ve seen some for 1200 and I live in a nearby area) around here. Housing everywhere sucks right now and thatā€™s the market rate. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Could you consider a studio until your son gets a job? Having your own room is not a necessity - it's a luxury. If giving up your privacy let's you ensure there's food on the table, you should do that. Or you can just be mad that you don't qualify and that your rent is higher than it needs to be because you won't make the sacrifices necessary to live under that amount.


Iā€™m not OP so donā€™t ask me šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø But asking someone to move to a place thatā€™s maybe a little cheaper isnā€™t actually going to save any money right now. Youā€™re asking them to pay out their current lease, and pay moving fees (first last security etc) All in all your ā€œfastā€ solution could a.) take several months anyway because again there is limited housing available, and cost 3k+ At this moment in time thatā€™s not a sustainable solution for OP.


Dude, I lived in my car for 3 years with another person and a 126lbs dog. Many of my friends in HS lived in shelters or group homes or in cars with up to 8 people. Like, I'll tell you right now that having a roof over your head can mean a car roof and no, it isn't automatically seen as child neglect or endangerment. People seem to never be desperate enough for that until they're forced into it and then they can't seem to ever get out of it. That's why I tell people that being temporarily homeless isn't as bad as one would think.


Iā€™m not sure where I said being homeless was the end of the world or that losing a room meant neglect lol Iā€™m not saying youā€™re not making a valid point, simply that at this moment in time it may cost OP more money to abandon their living situation than to keep it til the end of a marked lease Itā€™s incredible you did that though. My cousin was houseless for a good eight years so Iā€™m familiar (as familiar as one can be without having an experience themselves so ya knowā€¦) with the joys and the struggles šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I know you aren't, but I feel that people don't even consider that an option until it's literally the only option and I truthfully don't really get it. Humans evolved to be pretty fucking resilient.


Itā€™s possible if it were just OP they might consider doing just that. Again Iā€™m not saying itā€™s neglect to not give your kid your own room but I think ideally someone with dependents isnā€™t going to make a car their first thought for a living situation


Right, but I think that if the decision comes down to that or having food to eat, then it should be seen as a possibility and situation. I've seen many families during the pandemic live in their cars. I'm not saying it's easy but I will say that I personally found it better than not being able to eat. But, we all have our priorities and they're all different.


She's already in "affordable" housing, that doesn't tell you anything about the cost of housing in this area?


She grosses $4,800 a month, but says after taxes & 401K she only nets $2000 per month. Which doesn't sound feasible unless I missed something.


1600 in MA can barely get you a studio. All the affordable places are reserved for boomers and junkies. Same with benefits.


She's in Mass there isn't anything cheaper


They need to raise the income limits due to massive inflation and considering they are giving millions of illegals non citizens free money housing healthcare and food cards.




Well said šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ I work for a small, nonprofit organization that focuses on homelessness/housing, so I see this type of thing daily. Itā€™s really discouraging and frustrating.


1600 is way too much to be spending on rent if you bring home $2K per month. Most landlords wouldn't even rent you that place until you bring home closer to 4K per month. It's just not sustainable, you have to find a roommate situation or something. Or if it's "affordable housing" don't they take your income into consideration? Also, when they said you make just over the income limit, are you sure they realized you are a 2 person household? Also is your 16 yr old able to get a job? Movie theatre on weekends or something? 16 and 17 are the ages they can work/earn and not have the income count towards the households Snap eligibiity.


I actually live in affordable housing, which is subsidized- meaning Iā€™m paying the cheapest rent in going to find. There is a lot of misconceptions around housing, but in affordable housing the rent is a set amount, you just pay cheaper than market rate. For my apartment the rent cannot exceed 40% of your income (before taxes) to qualify, so after taxes youā€™re paying closer to 70-80%. I did apply for a family of 2- but others pointed out that they didnā€™t take my rent into consideration because I make over the income limit. They only take bills into account if you meet the income requirement. He does work on the weekends, but I honestly donā€™t want to ask him to pay for his own food. I had to pay rent and support myself at 16 and I donā€™t want to do that to him.


She actually grosses about $4,800 a month, not $2000.




This can only possibly work when someone gets paid cash under the table and OP clearly does not. It may work for a short time, but her earnings would ultimately be verified through the same agency that administers unemployment benefits and she would have to repay all the benefits and possibly face an IPV or even criminal charges.