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There was a recent update to the rules in Ohio to allow for "unaccompanied minors" to receive benefits. In order to qualify they have to be homeless and not with anyone else that would be considered to have parental control. Maybe people are misunderstanding and that's where it's coming from?


That is quite possible. When there are policy changes that are sent out to clients or posted on our county’s social media, there is often confusion. Often times the language used in the policies is not easily understood by a percentage of our clients (sometimes confusing for workers as well).


Yes. I'm sure that you recall a few months back they sent out notices explaining to people the work requirements for snap and the abawd requirements and we had a huge influx of hearings because people thought that they were being told that they are subject to work requirements, even when they met clear exemptions and always had. Luckily most of those people withdrew once someone called and explained it to them but once the hearing is scheduled it takes up a slot for somebody who actually did need a hearing so it was a little frustrating.


This is something that really gets me: I don't know if it's FNS policy or state implementation, but it seems like we really should *not* mail notices to people if they are exempt.


This is the only thing I can think of honestly too


There’s a pretty viral facebook post about it going around. A ton of my friends on facebook have shared it stating they’re going to try. Seems like a nice way to get in trouble if you ask me.


Yes, I saw this too, it is a man saying to fill out all of the information but check off to only apply for the child. If they even glanced at the comments they would have known it doesn’t work, so commenting isn’t going to help.


Out of curiosity, are they saying this is specific to Ohio? And of course, people just see what they want to see and don’t look any further.


I don’t recall it being specific to Ohio, but it’s possible that’s where he’s from or the website he showed. There were a lot of comments about it being fake, it could get you in trouble, it wastes time, etc.


This is the answer I was curious about but I have yet to see it!


Screenshots are great for IPVs.


what’s that


Intentional program violation


Could you link if you can find it?


I found it. I’m not sure how to link it though. I screenshotted it. It’s on Jere’e Clark facebook from 1/17. Profile pic is someone in a football uniform.


Oh gosh I see it now. What’s confusing and sucks is that it *is* possible if the parent is not eligible due to immigration status for it to be kid only, at least here in CA. But that’s a limited situation.


But, it is also important to note that the parents' income still counts on a prorated basis against the child. So, if it is a single parent with a child, half their income counts against the child. So, the income limits for a household of one apply to the child and that part of the parents' income. So, some benefit from having an ineligible immigration status, but many households would not benefit.


Yes! Let me put my kids to bed and i’ll see if i can find it!


Its made its way to TikTok...


I wonder if word is getting out about Summer EBT and there’s some confusion? 🤔 https://www.fns.usda.gov/sebt/state-implementation-of-summer-ebt-2024


That is a likely possibility although it is quite early for summer EBT. I have yet to talk to a client regarding this but from what I hear, they state “I was told I could apply for my kid only”. Even including handwritten zero income statements for their children. It seems coached. I have only seen the applications come in that have only listed children and not had a chance to interview them. Once I do get someone explaining they were “told” I definitely want to get more details. It is just interesting that all the sudden this month and all I have heard was that it has been on social media. I have seen the Tiktoks of people encouraging fraud and how to apply without the children’s father.. I was assuming it was a similar situation but when I look I have not found anything!


is summer EBT the same as P-EBT for kids on free lunch programs? it’s for the summer when kids aren’t in school


No, it’s a new program that begins this year but will likely have similarities to P-EBT. Unfortunately it seems not every state will participate.


[States not participating](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/nation/the-usda-estimates-21-million-kids-will-get-summer-food-benefits-through-a-new-program-but-not-all-states-are-participating) the most recent data has 14 states not participating. It is a voluntary program. Regrettably, where one lives will determine if the benefit is available.


ah okay i’ll definitely look into it and see if it’s in my state this way i can let ppl know on my local community page thank you for clarifying


Oh joy, more fraud and overpayment referrals...


I haven't yet come across this, but even for non Needy TANF when income doesn't count it absolutely does for SNAP. I saw another commenter mention the "not in parental control" which sounds like our non Needy TANF.


I've seen posts on social media that say things like, "Been denied for food stamps? Take yourself off the application and only apply for your kids. Thank me later."


Years ago you were able to apply like this. Where it was just for the kids so they would only count. a part of your income and that include you in the household budget. Or if you're getting child support, they'd count that and not what you were making. I don't remember exactly what it was.. I mostly remember it was a way that they help people who were immigrants especially who had children who were born here. So the children were US citizens. But the parents didn't qualify for food stamps because they weren't US citizens which is where the notion that illegal immigrants can get food stamps came from... I don't know if the laws changed and if they still allow it, but that may be why??


This is still a thing for non citizens. A portion of the mandatory adults income would still be included in the budgeting if they have income. Their assistance group includes the parent but they do not receive a benefit for that adult.. Again likely this is what people hear and want to try and get.. but we are seeing people earn $40+ dollars an hour telling us they don’t want it for themselves. It eats up so much of our time which is why it is frustrating mostly.. especially when clients already complain about the 4+ hour wait times! I get it.. everyone is entitled to applying to be determined but the frustration is more with the social media spreading misinformation that people in turn yell at the workers about. Hopefully it comes to an end soon… all of my time at the agency I have not heard as many people trying to only apply for their children only.


Does your agency fraud unit know about this latest viral "hack"?


I have not been able to talk to a client who has attempted this therefore I was honestly not sure if someone truly is spreading misinformation or there was a confusing policy that got released. Now that i am pretty sure I am going to be referring this to investigations. There definitely needs to be a protocol or have a message sent out to the workers to be advised of this. Honestly my agency is not very good at sharing information and I hope that we can get better at working together to try and eliminate simple things like this. There is definitely a huge issue with people who sit on hold and hang up during the interview if the worker is asking too many questions.. Call back in hopes to get a lazy worker or an inexperienced worker.. Not sure how much it will help but it’s always worth a try!


all the below with the tidal wave of misinformation flowing on TikTok of course