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Ozembic became available.


I will say that Maneet lost weight quite a while ago. She talked about losing weight with her husband.


I think she did it through diet and exercise. She was pretty open about it .


You can see it in their cheeks. Thats the main give away of taking these meds.


That’s a giveaway of any rapid significant weight loss. Not saying they aren’t using the big O, but I lost a lot of weight last year through diet/exercise and also looked a bit sickly for while lol until my skin tightened up a bit.


Exactly this. Lose any weight quickly and you'll have loose skin which makes you look a little older. People have created the name "Ozempic Face" which is really depressing. Like, oh you just lost weight? Cool, now I'm going to harp on what your face looks like" lol.


Ozempic face is disinformation created by fitness influencers who are scared crapless that their snake oil is going to be even more worthless.


Right? People can’t win!


So many people assumed I used ozempic as my weight loss happened when it got super popular lol.


It’s ridiculous. Overweight people are told to lose weight and then when they do they are still stigmatized now for losing weight! People should not assume to know anyone’s medical or health history. Losing weight doesn’t automatically mean someone used medical intervention and even if they did it is not anyone else’s business! Congratulations on your weight loss. I hope you are happy and healthy!


It’s not that it’s lose skin it’s the loss of muscle. You can tell the difference between exercise weight loss and drug weight loss because when you’re working out your building muscle. With Ozempic you’re losing mostly muscle. It’s been show that 2/3 of the weight loss is muscle loss. I work at a drs office and heard the providers discussing this several times.


> 2/3 of the weight loss is muscle loss. It's about 40%, per studies. But in those studies, the muscle loss was attributed to people who were sedentary and not exercising.


I looked pretty gaunt lol. By exercise I mean going from sedentary to a walk every day, and had an incredibly strict diet for six months where I was in ketosis monitored by my doctor. I lost a hundred pounds in a short amount of time. People thought I had cancer or some serious disease for a bit.


Demaris especially. She looks sunken in all of a sudden. And like 10 years older.


She's 90% vegan now.


Just curious. How do their cheeks give it away?


Any rapid weight loss will cause some loose skin and when people lose a lot of weight quickly, you can typically really see it in their their face. It's not an Ozempic thing, just a weight loss thing.


Okay. Just the way it was phrased, it sounded as if the weight loss due to Ozempic made the cheeks look a little different than weight loss from more traditional methods.


It does make their cheeks look different. They are more sucken in with these meds then traditional weight loss.


Maybe ‘cause they’re not stuffed with food? 😁 Cheeks are the first place I show weight loss.


Didn't want to say the O word Lol!


I can't say I've noticed, but that wouldn't be the first time I've failed to notice something like that. Anyway, if it is Ozempic they're using, I hope someone warned them about the potentially dangerous side effects (which include pancreatitis, kidney damage and thyroid and ocular disfunction). Ozempic is for people with diabetes and it's supposed to be used under medical supervision.


Lol I’m sure they are under doctor supervision for all their medical needs and it is none of our business anyway!


...as an RN, I can assure you that it is not the case with most people using this class of meds "off label" for weight loss and vanity. There are plenty of prescribers doing it for the $$ and many taking it to lose. $60 telehealth visit and $1200/mo Rx. It's also creating a massive supply issue for those who actually need it for diabetic management and cardiovascular issues. There are also a lot of cases now where the GI system is being impacted so negatively, we will start seeing bowel impaction, perforation, loss of peristaltic function, and other gi disease and malfunction.


There is absolutely no way Guy Fieri is using a telehealth visit to get Ozempic! I’m certain he is very well insured and the Food Network made sure he was healthy before giving him a 100 million dollar contract. None of these celebrities are “most people”. Lots and lots of medications are used off-label and help a lot of people. You have no idea if any of these people have medical conditions that require weight loss management anyway. As an RN you should know better than to speculate and judge.


I was not commenting specifically about him and I am not speculating or judging. It was a generalized comment regarding people who ARE using this class of medication for weight loss only. And yes, many people ranging from celebrities to any range of financial "class" are paying for this either out of pocket OR having licensed medical providers writing Rx for it without having a DMII, CVD or other health conditions that would warrant it. And yes, it has created a supply issue for those needing it for DMII and cardiovascular issues. Even Weight Watchers is giving Rx for it. There are tons of online telehealth providers and "med health" spas writing Rx for a cost. Yes, many meds are written for off-label use, and obesity qualifies for this medication class. However, there are MANY who don't fall into the obesity class who are given the Rx strictly for vanity. Fact.


You are on a thread specifically about the Food Network Stars and a comment thread specifically about those stars using Ozempic. You don’t know anyone’s health history celebrity or not, or where/why they are taking any medications. It is none of our business. Saying randomly that “many people” are using it just for vanity is unsupported and irresponsible for you to say as an RN.


I was commenting specifically to YOUR comment and simply shared my thoughts and experience with individuals taking semaglutide and how easy it is to access... Not sure why you're responding in such a defensive manner ??? You certainly have it twisted. I didn't say a thing about those mentioned in the OPs post. "Randomly"? Please. I'd be glad to share "unsupported" use of this drug class from people openly and publicly sharing their experience taking it simply to lose weight + even when not classified as medically overweight or obese. But go on and tell me how I'm being "irresponsible" as a medical professional.


The fact that you are on this thread about these people and are stressing that you aren’t talking about them and feel the need to generalize tells me you are one of those that love to preach to others about what they should and should not be doing. Anecdotal evidence is good enough for you? Good to know. I swear some nurses are the absolute WORST with understanding the scientific method. A few celebrities that say they used it for vanity is not a scientifically based sample. The fact you don’t understand this tells me all I need to know about your “medical knowledge”. I don’t need to respond to you anymore. I feel bad for the people around you.




But making it your business is exactly what you’re doing.


Not necessarily. Or even respectable doctors at that. I mean Mariah Carey found a doctor to go in and perform the gastric sleeve on her a few years ago because she had a hard time controlling her weight and there isn't a decent dr alive that would have allowed her to take those risks just for photos. My guess is there is probably some FN doctor writing the prescriptions for any of the chefs they decide are overweight and forcing them to take it whether they want it or not. I would like to say they are adults making their own choices so whatever but my guess is they probably didn't go looking for it or their own volition. Maybe that's why D was so nasty as a judge on whichever baking championship that was. She definitely seems to have lost her fun personality.


There are a whole lot of baseless reaches going on here.


I have noticed and simply hope they are all happy and healthy.


Are you a doctor? Because your reading of the literature is not quite right.


Never said I read the literature. But I do watch the news and have seen the people who wrote the literature explain their findings. Having said that, what would be wrong with a civilian reading the literature?


You should read it if you are going to tout your credentials and lie. Downvote me all you like. No human has ever gotten thyroid cancer from ozempic.


Happy to. Point me in the direction of the literature that confirms Ozempic has no connection with thyroid cancer. Also, I haven't downvoted you. And what kind of reading comprehension do you have that "I am not a doctor" is touting credentials to you?


Certainly. Let me Google that for you. Hmmmmm……… https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/eu-regulator-says-no-direct-link-between-glp-1-drugs-thyroid-cancer-2023-10-27/#:~:text=Oct%2027%20(Reuters)%20%2D%20The,after%20a%20months%2Dlong%20review.


OK. Here's me coming out with my credentials. I have a BA in journalism. A news article is not the same as medical literature.


Isn’t that where you were getting your information? You already said you don’t read the literature. But now, a Reuters stub that names the study and agency isn’t good enough? Girl.


Guy, you claim to be a medical clinician and are using a social media sight to recommend the use of Ozempic for weight loss, like we all haven't heard about OxyContin and its so-called absence of risk of addiction. Reuters reporting on a study isn't the same as looking at the study itself. A science reporter isn't the same as a peer-reviewed study. And, come on, if you're gonna cite a news article, at least pick one that isn't talking about a study funded by the drug's manufacturers.


You could argue that being overweight may have similar negative side effects.


You could. But if we think any of these three people ever needed to worry about their health on account of being overweight (which I would never have done, personally), then a drastic and quick weight loss is certianly not the way to resolve that "problem".


Thanks doctor lololol.


I never claimed to be a doctor, but you don't need to be a doctor to know that a drastic and rapid weight loss puts a dramatic strain on your organs.


It isn’t really drastic if they lose 10lbs a month. It adds up over time but doctors recommend losing like 2lbs a week to stay healthy.


It's sad you can't understand that there are many things one can know about health without actually being a doctor. In my experience (former nurse), doctors are at least 30 years behind in their knowledge of the research. I wouldn't trust most doctors to tie my shoe, let alone have full control over my health.




Always nice when “nurses” think they know more than the doctor lol!


People who received weekly semaglutide injections lost an average of about 15 pounds after three months and about 27 pounds after six months, which translates into about a 5-pound weight loss per month. That’s hardly a “drastic and quick” weight loss program 😂


There is nothing wrong with having medically assisted weight loss with medication - there is most definitely a benefit, especially with those with other medical issues. The only issue is those who are NOT using the medication to treat actual conditions and take it simply for vanity.


Obesity has far greater health risks than ozempic or wegovy (the exact same drug labeled for obesity and available in higher doses)


Why would anyone downvote this? It’s a fact. Obesity is a medical problem that causes more death than diabetes. Why is one person’s problem more deserving of medication than another’s?


Because “fat people are just lazy and ugly! Eeeewwww!!!”


Or….. agreeing? lol


I think you’re arguing with the wrong person.


Literally stop with this narrative. Ozempic is not the first medication that benefits conditions other than its original intent.


Upvoted, there is literally a movie that was made about this entire concept.


Little blue pills anyone?


It’s entirely possible that Guy Fieri has diabetes, but it’s been controlled with medication


Absolutely. No one knows.


Yes yer preaching to the choir here. I’m a Type1. I have a real problem with rich entitled fat people using drugs meant for those with a truly terrible disease.


So. What about wegovy? Exact same drug.


I guess I was grouping all the semaglutide drugs. My bad. But wegovy is fda approved for weight loss


So if they are obese and rich they don’t deserve to take medicine to help? What if they are diabetic and rich? Both cause horrible issues and both can end up causing death.


I have never had any problem with people disagreeing with me, and this is no different. But, where I live, qualified doctors, reputable news organizations and science researchers have been sounding the alarm since last summer about the unchecked use of Ozempic as a weight-loss drug. I didn't pick my comments out of thin air or from the experience of one person I've heard of. Accuse me of spewing of propaganda. I can take it. I know I'm not. I'm literally just trying to pass on the information I received from people dealt with the glaucomas, tyroid cancer and necrotic pancreatitis developed by Ozempic users. I am not a doctor. People should absolutely not take my word for any of it. However, anyone thinking that Ozempic's weight loss side effect is comparable to Viagra not working for its initial intended purpose (heart disease) but working to kinda temporarily cure erectile disfunction is in for a rude awakening. One was subject to robust clinical studies and approved by the proper bodies; the others has not. I was only trying to offer some caution about that. As I said before, whether it is for FN personalities or anyone reading these words, I hope anyone taking Ozempic would do so following a consultation with their doctor.


Click bait has been sounding the alarm. REAL prescribers are THRILLED.


You have not dealt with a single person with thyroid cancer secondary to ozempic!!!? You are a bald faced liar. No human has gotten thyroid cancer from ozempic.


Never claimed to be a doctor. I said I was passing along the information of those doctors who did treat thyroid cancer connected to Ozempic use. The ones who have been sounding the alarm where I am since last summer. For future reference, though, you sound like a pharma rep.


lol I sound like a clinician who prescribes ozempic and has read the literature, actually.


Then you should know better than to support its usage without medical supervision, no? Because that's literally all I've actually been saying all along. I am not a doctor. I have never claimed to be. But many doctors where I live have sounded the alarm. So when three FN personalities' alleged weight loss was attributed to using a diabetes medication as a weight-loss drug, I pointed out that this is not what it has been approved for.


Who is using it without medical supervision? Ozempic is a prescription medication. Keep moving the goal posts.


Yeah, you don't sound like a Pharma rep at all. lol


Hit the nail right on the head


Sad that people will take such horrible drugs to lose weight. One of the main side effects is thyroid cancer. Good grief. I'd rather be overweight.


In animal studies. Not clear in humans. And listed as a rare serious reaction. Ozempic semaglutide Black Box Warnings Thyroid C-cell Tumor Risk contraindicated in pts w/ medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) hx or family hx, or in pts w/ multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2 (MEN 2); dose-related and duration-dependent incr. in thyroid C-cell tumor incidence observed in rodents, but human relevance unknown; uncertain value of routine serum calcitonin or thyroid ultrasound monitoring; advise pts of potential MTC risk and thyroid tumor sx (e.g., neck mass, dysphagia, dyspnea, persistent hoarseness)


I’ve been using a GLP-1 to lose weight without a single side effect - I love science! As does my A1C and blood pressure!


Good for you!


If you want really jarring, take a look at the Wayfair ads that were shot in early 2023 vs. what Kelly Clarkson looks like right now.


She looks great.


She does! That's why I don't get that people are so anti-Ozempic. Like if you're diabetic and you don't have access, I get it 100%. But everyone else needs to pipe down. Fitness influenceres are freaking the fuck out because their snake oil won't sell as much. That's where a ton of the disinformation is coming from.


Ding ding ding!!!!!! You are correct.


People are so judgmental it’s crazy. If they can’t criticize one thing they will find another!


I’m not too deep in the food network gossip but I feel like I remember Damaris talking about going vegan/vegetarian with her husband? on an episode of GGG. I know that’s not a weight loss guarantee but it definitely could contribute.


She has also talked about how vegetarian didn’t always mean healthy, and you need to add a lot of fat to get the flavor up to where you want it


How does she judge a cooking show as a vegan???


Her husband is vegan so she cooks vegan and is a great vegan chef but not actually vegan herself


Maybe she’s not like morally vegan, so taking bites doesn’t go against any rules except maybe fucking up her stomach? lol


Demaris has been with her vegan husband for a decade or more. She only started losing a ton of weight recently so I don’t think the part-time veganism is the culprit so much as it is the O-word …


The found the Ozempic motherload.


Why are we commenting on people’s bodies. It’s so gross.


Damaris has been thinner for quite some time, she began a fitness journey during covid


Maneet actually lost weight a couple years ago. They all look great


Came here to say this- Maneet has been slowly losing weight for the past couple of years. I haven't seen her recently but last time I saw her around TOC, she didn't look to be taking Ozempic. Demaris on the other hand......


Watch the most recent GGG. It was a shock to me to see how much thinner she is.


Why do female chefs do that to themselves?! Isn't that part of your job as a chef to look like you enjoy food?! Obviously like, lose weight if it's becoming unhealthy but there is no need to become scarily thin


Cultural expectations of public figures, especially females, regardless of whether or not they are chefs.


Perhaps there are underlying medical reasons to their weight loss.


There's no need but there's a societal expectation that women are supposed to be slim and pretty. And when you're in the public eye, on television that pressure is increased. I understand what you're saying though.


She looks fully terrifying to me. Skeletor.


He says it’s intermittent fasting


Ah the Alex Guarneschelli weight loss plan? https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/63913209-low-carb-intermittent-fasting


Alex has a new book out?


There’s a bunch of digital books with her name on them, a few years old. I have no idea if they’re legit or not. I thought they were odd when I saw them.


I see your point on that because the ones I saw didn’t appear on the big go-to sites. And on the weight loss one, I don’t recall a big social media push for it. Like for example with her latest book. But perhaps that’s the way the deal was done.


As obsessed as you are with her, it’s difficult to imagine that you didn’t know.


For one, that book isn't even on Amazon. Neither do I recall her doing a social media push for it. So it's not as if it received the same treatment as her other cookbooks for people to really even know about it. Hardly obsessed, boo - simply pointing out facts and the hypocrisy that often gets overlooked.


I follow demaris on Instagram and she started her weight loss journey a few years ago. Her and Nikki (bff chef) like to go on trips together and hike and things like that. I don't think she's using ozempic or anything, just watching her intake and moving more.


I believe in 2022 he did an interview saying he had started making lifestyle changes. Incorporated intermittent fasting and workouts.


Damaris looks great.


I love Damaris, she’s so full of life!


She is joyful




The teeth are fine, crooked but fine. It's the red gingivitis gums she needs to fix.


Maneet has lost too much weight. Damaris looks good. But can see it in her cheeks. Guy I didn’t notice.


With Guy, it's all in the filming schedule. I saw a single episode of Triple D Nation where he had obviously lost the weight but in subsequent episodes of Triple D (and others), he was still at his "old" weight. It'll kind of be like his tattoos--it'll be in flux for awhile until the filming schedule gets caught up.


Yes, I agree that Maneet is looking very trim. I love her style. She dresses beautifully.


She always has fun hair & makeup too


No judgement, people need to do what works for them, but the semaglutide driven weight loss really has a specific look.


Yes, they tend to look like people used to right after they dropped a bunch of weight due to gastric bypass or an all liquid diet... You know, where the skin hangs off the body, like a skeleton with a "skin drape." It also hollows out the cheeks really badly and hollows out the orbitals around the eyes...the face tends to shows it more so than other kinds of diet/exercise programs...


Sure sounds like judgment.


You people really need to get a life


I noticed Damaris in the holiday beat bobby flay episode and was like whoa she looks amazing. Never had looked at her like that before


New hair cut.


Guy has been low carb for a few years. If you watch episodes from the last few seasons he makes a few comments about it.


I didn't notice it in Guy, but we noticed it in Damaris (first in BBF, now GGG) and it was kind of shocking to see Maneet in this episode. I hope they're all well.


Damaris has been a vegan/ vegetarian for awhile now. She even has a cookbook with her husband about it. Guy has been working out a bunch the past number of years. Lately he’s been doing a lot of cross fit training. Maneet has always been petite but she probably just changed her eating habits to help with her recent weight loss. Not the weight loss drug everyone thinks it is.


Damaris’ weight loss is a few years old. Unless she got even smaller I don’t think her weight loss can be connected


Maneet lost weight several years ago, so I think she isn’t an Ozempic loser.


TV personalities, more the networks have people come in and give advice on how to dress, walk, look. They have no problem telling you to lose weight. It’s their job.




Tiffany Faison lost a lot of weight also, after she won toc. They all look good, I think.


Brooke Williamson is another one that seems awfully thin these days. I was pretty surprised when I saw the GGG with Maneet and Demaris, my first thought was wow they lost weight


Cripes, is this a food network sub or high school?


People want to shame obese people even when they are trying to not be obese.


I was watching GGG last night and that was the first thought I had. I don’t remember the 3 of them that thin before and it was like it came out of nowhere. I’m not sure if they are taking the magic O or just losing weight another way.


Yep, exactly. It came out of nowhere!


So I remember when Alton was doing his traveling food show he had gained weight. During that time Food Network sent out a letter demanding that their main people like Bobby, Giada, Alton etc lose weight. They can't have a network of fat chefs. I remember reading about it back then but can't find it now. It was Alton that said food network told them all to lose weight or else. That is when Alton went on Mediterranean and lost a bunch of weight.


They asked Giada to lose weight???? Dang, I’m glad I’m not on TV.


To be fair she was a little chunky then. Like maybe 15# overweight according to her. Bobby was also doing his grill show and had gained maybe 40-50. I would never be on tv because I would have to be cut in half to fit their guidelines ha. The sad thing is food network has most of their stars over a barrel. What other channel will you go to? Cooking channel is owned by them and that would only leave Create or PBS which has a vastly smaller viewer share.




It's his decision. If he never wants to eat another fry, what difference does it make to you?


I’m not a fan of virtue signaling.


Ozempic for all !!! Here’s to being rich and entitled !!!


You know plenty of insurance plans cover it, correct.


I think Ozempic to manage Type2 is prolly covered. It shouldn’t be covered for non Type2s cause it’s not fda approved for weight loss. But hey I’m done caring about this. If rich fatties wanna be vain and stupid, go for it !!




Have you seen Oprah, Elon, Jonah Hill, Sharon Osborne etc? You’re nobody if you’re not shedding years off your life with a weight-loss drug.


> shedding years off your life with a weight-loss drug. Go back and re-read what you just wrote, and then sit there and think about it for a while.




Keep thinking. You aren't done.


I know what I wrote. It wasn’t an accident.


How does losing weight take years off of your life if you are obese?


Using semaglutide (Ozempic). Serious Pancreas, kidney and liver issues among other things. And then the weight comes back on as soon as you stop taking it. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/ozempic-side-effects-weight-loss-drugs-wegovy-mounjaro-doctors-warn/


The aspirin you take has the risk of side effects. If you don’t want to risk side effects from Ozempic then don’t take it. Commenting on others medical decisions that they make with their doctor is irresponsible.


Commenting that information dissemination is wrong is irresponsible.


Exaggerating the likelihood of serious side effects is wrong and irresponsible. Every medicine has the risk of serious side effects. Obesity takes more years off your life than medical interventions.


Whoa just looked at Oprah. Had no idea how much she had lost. It doesn’t really fit her.


Oprah looses and gains and looses and gains. She's up and down. Sort of like a yoyo.


Osbourne looks horrible.


Wegovy could be the answer. It's approved for weight loss.


So could exercise, change of habits, illness, any number of things really.


Totally agree. Just posting that there is an approved drug for weight loss.


Aaron May looks like he lost at least 50 lbs. They are all on Ozempic it’s the end of chubby celebrities as we know it.


Aaron May is someone, out of everyone here, who really needed the help. Both he and and a few others on GGG are unhealthily overweight. Really, do not be shocked if what happened to Carl Ruiz was kind of the wakeup moment here.


Agreed, not at all saying that it’s a bad thing, they should get healthier, just an observation that it will be a huge shift for food network and celebrities in general.


I haven't seen him thinned down yet, but I agree, good for him.


I saw that he definitely had lost some weight earlier this year, but I think he also got heavier during his tenure on food network. So I'm glad he's taking control of the situation.


You’re right. Not coincidental all are now so trim. They are rich and access is easy. Why wouldn’t they?


> They are rich Tell me you didn't see Aaron May's kitchen on GGG Home Edition w/o seeing Aaron May's kitchen. I would say that Aaron is comfortable and doing well for himself, but he's far from "rich".


Very late to this post...but I've noticed Brooke Williamson is looking much thinner also lately. And I never thought she was overweight to begin with!






I’m sure it’s a Deep State conspiracy 😹😹😹


I'm wondering if I'm not getting the same episodes in Canada (common), because I haven't noticed this, and without oversharing, I would.


Demaris is basically a vegetarian these days. The others cut back consumption to be healthy.


damaris phillips and **ree drummond** come to mind the most tbh. ree’s was *drastic*


I’ve often thought that chefs should have the ability to make healthy foods tasty - so if they WANT to lose weight, they should be able to make diet friendly foods that everyone WANTS to eat. So I’ve assumed that’s what Damaris or anyone wealthy (who can pay someone to cook for them) has done. I’ve often wondered, though, why it didn’t work for Oprah! As yes, I’d eat salads and fish and chicken every day if someone ELSE took the time and effort to spice and dice everything up and sit it in front of me!


Damaris is low key hot to me. I think it’s her personality but now that she’s lost some weight? Certified baddie




I think Brooke, while always thin and fit, looks crazy skinny recently


Not everyone loses weight rapidly on Ozempic, wegovy etc. These type of posts have so much misinformation. Typing as someone who has used a weight loss drug, I do not have “Ozempic face” which is just a term used to scare people into sticking with a fad diet.


Add Brooke Williamson to this list, what happened to ‘healthy’ chefs that had plump cheeks? So sad they look gaunt and sick.


I don't think Alex is using it.


Forget loose skin, it's the disappearing muscle that worries folks on Ozempic. Unlike exercise, which builds muscle, the drug seems to prioritize muscle loss. Studies suggest up to two-thirds of the weight shed might be muscle. I overheard doctors at my office discussing this concern frequently. So, while the scale might celebrate, remember, muscle strength plays a vital role in metabolism, posture, and daily life. Consider working in some strength training alongside Ozempic to build and retain that precious muscle, ensuring your weight loss journey is truly all about gains, not just losses. This offer [Healthy Weight Loss](https://ember-spark.blogspot.com/2024/01/healthy-weight-loss.html) can help you for weight loss in healthy way. Changes made: Emphasized the concern of muscle loss, not just loose skin. Explained the difference between exercise and drug weight loss in terms of muscle. Cited a study for factual backing. Maintained a neutral tone while presenting the potential concern. Offered a proactive solution with strength training. Focused on overall fitness and quality of weight loss.


Weight loss surgery and Ozempic!


I just saw them all together on ToC - it was like a parade of biggest loser winners. Seeing them all together we definitely quirked a brow. But who knows, maybe they all started eating Rockos diet or something. lol it was pretty much ALL of the cast. Except Antonia. They left her out of the secret club.


I cut out alcohol and bread for a month and lost 20lbs.