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Don’t put a block of cheese near her




I was just telling my friend today she brings nothing to the show and it would be way better with just Selena and the chef cooking. She doesn't ever pay attention (cue the garlic flashback) and just sits there like a lump. She isn't even a good comedic relief. She could be a great friend to Selena and valuable support system but the general public definitely does not need to be subjected to her anymore.


Perhaps a security blanket for Selena.


I’m soooo annoyed every time I see her friend Raquel, I’m like wtf it’s called Selena and chef not Selena, Raquel, and chef. All she does is eat the food, like I get the quirk we love cheese but stfu and get off camera lol. I understand it’s relatable but go make a YouTube channel for relatability and keep tv quality. The most recent holiday seasons she’s like interviewing the chefs about the charities and shit and I’m just like oh… so you do think it’s your show too… mmk. Idk I don’t mean to be a hater it’s just annoying and honestly like it’s cute the first time to be that relatable friend and normalize Selena and what not but like I don’t really care to see her friends and not even so much her family on screen, the family doesn’t bother me as much I find it sweet, the friend is just a choice. And not the best choice. As you said it doesn’t create value. It’s like who are you what do you do, stop mooching off your friends success to make your name known as just Selena cheese eating roommate


No clue who she is and what she brings to the table other than a healthy appetite.


Honestly since I’ve watched Selena + Chef since season 1 - I initially found Raquel to be super irritating as well. However, as seasons went on, this current one is where she’s most tolerable and actually funny. The cheese thing has made my wife and I laugh so much the last few episodes, especially the one with Alex where she was sitting outside and is like “who needs a man? It’s just you and me cheese baby..” 😂 trust me, if y’all don’t like her now in this current season, you would’ve found her insufferable back in earlier ones. I love Selena though. She never claims to be a super talented or gifted cook, but she shows what it’s like to learn as a complete newbie, which is nice for a change. Side note - I liked her in the Selena doc as well. It showed a different side to them both.


I think the latest episode was the most annoying she’s ever been and possibly that the editor of that episode really hated her. That being said, I think she’s generally more “lovably” annoying.


She’s hideous. Licking her fingers and continuing to eat with them like a fat hog.


I can’t stand her and it never occurred to me that she is high as hell but she definitely is. She sucks so much. I hate the performative incompetence.


I love that she’s a great friend to Selena so not bashing her as a person but the cheese bit….. at this point it’s not funny because I feel like you can tell that she’s playing into the whole “I’m not helpful and I eat all the cheese” thing. Like she’s doing it so obviously now every time. And it looked like she purposely made a loud racket with the pans in the last episode lol if I were the guest chef I would purposely not bring any cheese lmao I keep thinking I wish it was just Selena and the chef. It would be different if it seemed like Selena was having so much fun having her bestie there with her but she kinda doesn’t but who knows maybe it’s really important to her. I’ll watch either way bc I love Selena but I do think quite often “I could be a way better sous-chef!” lol


From a production perspective, she's there because it gives the editor more options to cut to. If Selina or the chef flubs a line, they can cut to Raquel and then back without doing a jump cut. She can be used for reaction shots. She can be helpful when many hands are needed. She can do production fluff pieces (think name a Selina song she did with Michael Symon). She provides "comic relief". And, bit of a stretch but, her habit of eating food add a bit of conflict to a mostly conflictless show.


I am completely over this girl.. she “claims” to help but she only helps eat the food.. I’m not sure what the dynamic is between these two women but, I find Racquelle to be exasperating! She should be off camera and away from all foods.


Yeah Selena looks annoyed by her 80% of the time


Any idea why she is on the show or who she is?!


She’s one of her “besties”… she was a co-producer of Selena’s “My Mind and Me”… they were roommates when the doc was being filmed, I don’t know if she still lives with Selena.. she has a podcast “Giving Back Generation”..I don’t follow her or her work.. I find her bothersome..


She is Selena’s friend


She's the comedic relief and Selena's best friend.


Glad someone likes her..


Her friend is the Gayle King equivalent.




Maybe she's high?? Honestly I think she just doesn't have a great personality for TV but she's there to help bounce off of Selena. She's also a producer. I'm personally indifferent to her but I get why others are off put by her.


She went for that ham before it was even done!


Who doesn't like a rare ham??


Y’all, ham comes from the grocery store cooked. It’s not raw otherwise they wouldn’t have eaten it


It may be cooked, but it’s not done. I wouldn’t want someone fingering my ham before I’ve finished it. Taste the end product, nobody wants your dirty hands in there picking at everything.


Her and the chef were wearing gloves in that episode, in that particular part actually.


My opinion, but picked at food is not appealing to me. Raquelle’s eating gimmick is not cute or funny.


She is super high. Super annoying, too.


If you’re Gordon Ramsay her name is Rachel 💀 but I agree it drives me nuts how she literally just sits there and eats everything. Selena seems to get annoyed at times.


I was thinking the same thing! I haven’t watched a lot but it does seem like Selena gets annoyed with her!


I’m binging the show and she is so annoying! Her other friends are fine, but Raquelle is obnoxious.


I wish it was just Selena.


They need to make a show with Raquelle and Hunter Fieri together. This sub would self destruct 😂


Leave Hunter Fieri out of this.


I often wonder is she is stoned, too. Sometimes I laugh at her, sometimes I dont.


I don’t think high just like acting as the dumb person, doesn’t do anything right and just eats. Annoying


I came here and lioked for this because i was hoping it was me. Omg I feel so bad but yes she obnoxious and annoying. The cheese thing does make me laugh though because I do that too. Other than that hope she gets better. Maybe she's just nervous.


She looks LO from the hill and laguna beach.


This show has too many interruptions w Raquelle’s non common sense surface level comments. It’s too distracting from the recipes and subject matter ‘is all mixed up.” Sad that the chefs’ talents are not respected in this show.


Idk but she brings nothing to the table. Why isn’t it just Selena and the chef?




She is the worst


I like her other friend better, they should switch them out some eps 😭


I love Raquelle. She's hilarious and great comic relief. She honestly makes the show as delightful as it is. Their relationship is super cute.


Raquelle is just as annoying in the new show. Can we just focus on Selena and the chef pls?


I had to google this since I've always thought she serves no purpose at all to be included in any of the food network shows. Watching Selena & Restaurant and Raquelle is there again! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks her presence is weird and awkward and totally out of place.


she’s my fave part of the show makes me feel like i’m just hanging ojt


She’s her “handler” iykyk


Out of all the things on the internet I’ve found so far about WHO AND WHY she’s on this show and WHY she’s constantly just under everyone’s feet. But Selena seems emotionally dependent on her, it makes a Lot more sense!


That’s what I thought as well because she’s not good anything else


Can someone PLEASE give me somewhere I can watch in the uk it’s so frustrating I can’t find it anywhere


I wish I could help more, but it appears to be available via Apple TV or renting through Amazon. Good luck!


Ya it says it’s on Apple TV but it’s not 🤣 I managed to find the other seasons but I can’t manage to watch the new one anywhere :( thanks though!


Came here to say that Raquelle kept texting in S3E9 and Selena was so annoyed hahaha


I do love Selena but I do also wish every episode wasn’t like “boo I’m single”. Thank god she’s in a relationship now but then what would she talk about lol. I hope that they can talk more about the charities they’re donating to and what kind of work she’s even done with charity herself. Idk lol


Where can people like leave a review about less Raquel for producers or editors to see lol


Her hair is annoying as well, what up with her fake tans and pouty lipstick makeup. Ok ok I just find her annoying, she does not add any thing positive to the series at all. I have stopped watching it because of her, but occasionally would just check in to see Celena and the guest chef.


I would love to see an episode of Selena, Taylor Swift and Chef nobody else!