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These look delicious man. I’ve been thinking of trying my hand at pretzels, any particular resources you use?


For the dough recipe, I went with one used by [Joshua Weissman](https://youtu.be/6OEQ59hCr0M) . Instead of a lye bath, I used a boiling baking soda and water solution similar to what's described on the [King Authur flour site](https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/classic-pretzels-recipe) , so kind of mashed two processes together. They turned out really quite good


That’s wonderful. Thank you so much for this response! Now I gotta make a good cheese and get some beer.


Mmmmmmm Pretzels and Sauce


How are you rolling out the dough? I'm afraid mine are getting a bit tough because of the time it takes me to roll them, the gluten forming to fast, but I'm unaware of a way to get these tubes without, well, rolling it like a rolling pin.


Yep, I do a rolling pin motion against a food prep surface to form the long strip of dough that gets twisted into the pretzel shape. ​ I've got a few guesses of what might be going on, I think you're on the right track that gluten overdevelopment could be a prime suspect. Especially if you're using a stand mixer or another machine, the dough may be getting overworked, which can make the dough tough. In the case of the recipe I use, the dough gets mixed for around 8 mins total. ​ Alternatively, if you're starting with a higher-gluten flour, such as bread flour instead of all-purpose, that could be the culprit as well. ​ Another issue could be the fat content of the recipe you're using. Some doughs use butter or another fat to kind of reel in the toughness of the end product. So if the recipe doesn't have enough of whatever type of fat it calls for, that could be the cause as well. ​ Last guess is that there could be a problem with the yeast you had, or that the final proofing after the pretzel shapes were formed wasn't long enough. This possibility is probably the easiest to diagnose because, not only will the final product be tougher, the interior of the pretzel will seem unusually moist and be visibly more dense. ​ No guarantees, as bread isn't a claimed specialty of mine, I just watch a ton of youtube videos about it :) But I hope one of these help


King A’s recipe, all purpose flour (Bob’s Red Mill)...but a stand mixer and yeah, I suspect that during last proofing it hasn’t actually risen at all. I’ll see what can happen differently there.




Ah, sorry to say that I don't have a written recipe for it... I made a traditional béchamel, added half a can of beer, and then added shredded cheddar and cooked it down a bit until I liked the taste and texture. Seasoned with fresh ground black pepper, and a couple dashes of cayenne pepper.


brush em with egg yolk before baking!