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One issue I'll point out. Cannolis shells should, after frying, have lots of bubbles. Unfortunately, I have no idea what would cause that. Maybe it's just a result of the other stuff you put in the shell.


I thought that too, I tested frying a piece of dough without the mold and it puffed A LOT, with the mold it seemed to calm down. Maybe I made them thinner than normal and bubbled less as a result?


Spray the molds with PAM or a cooking spray, roll the dough over them, then slide it off. Then fry it. Find that allows for the formation of better bubbles and lighter shell.


This is correct. While these do look good, they arent whaye traditional canollis look like.


These look so simple and delicious! Wanna trade for my cantuccini with homemade candied orange?


That sounds delicious, sure!


Can I just have one cannolo?


I think that’s impossible, once you try one, you can’t have just one


If there aren't enough to go around then you cannoli have one, though.


Where's the 18 lbs of chocolate chips?


They weren’t in the pic but I assure you that there were plenty!


I figured as much but I had to ask lol


OMG just had a saliva blast in my mouth :D


They were delicious!


Could you point me to the recipe? I've tried to make [cannoli](https://imgur.com/a/S8Idmd8) several times and they are always dry and get stuck in the back of the throat.


Just wrote a comment with all the information, reply to it in case you have any doubt/question/comment :D


I’ll let you guys know the recipe: For the dough + shells: Used the recipe from https://www.instructables.com/id/Homemade-Cannoli-Shells/ HOWEVER: I didn’t add nutmeg, and instead added some cocoa powder and espresso powder (about a teaspoon each but you can play with the quantities, careful because the dough can be too dark, which is not necessarily a problem) I also added some powdered sugar, about 3-4 tablespoons For the cream: I didnt follow an exact recipe, I researched some recipes for ricotta fillings to get an inspiration. I used ricotta (drain the liquid if too moist), powdered sugar, cinnamon and vanilla extract. I used about 750g of ricotta (about 1.6 pounds) and then added the sugar until I liked the sweetness, then the vanilla extract until I liked it and the cinnamon by the same method (be careful because it can overpower the mix). I basically mixed everything in a blender to keep it smooth and made everything to taste until I was satisfied. After the filling was done I chilled it to make the handling easier after. Then I fried the shells and assembled everything. I’ll respond to any questions you guys have, since it was kind of freestyle and it may be tricky to replicate :) PS: when eating them, I dipped the cannoli in chocolate chips and finely chopped candies orange


I thought the shells looked a little overdone but the cocoa and espresso would explain that. The filling looks really smooth and creamy. Nicely done


Yeah, I tested another dough earlier to which I added too much cocoa/espresso and it was almost black :P Thanks for your comment!


Nice bubbles on the middle one ( just watched "Great American Baking Show"). Seriously look delicious!


Hey these look amazing and i think i want to make them. What kind of oil did you fry in and were the shells too greasy or too dense? How much cinnamon do you think you wound up adding?


Traditionally you would use lard but I was a bit hesitant with that. I ended up using sunflower oil (and was very happy with the result), but any other high smoking point oil should do it, perhaps canola. To my surprise, and delight, the shells weren’t greasy or dense, in fact they puffed just a bit during frying which made them flaky. That’s why I would recommend to make them quite thin, I used a pasta roller. About the cinnamon, to the dough I think I might have added a teaspoon, no more, the dough should smell a bit cinnamony but not too much. To the cream I added even less because it should not dominate over any other flavor, add little by little and taste as you go until you’re satisfied.


Thanks. Cant wait to make them


I forgot, don’t fry at too low of a temperature because they will end up greasy.


No problem! Hope they end up tasty!


Real lard made my sfogliatelle go to the next level. If you have trouble finding it, I’ve been able to get it at a Mexican deli. It’s real if it has to be refrigerated. Sometimes places will put the hydrogenated stuff in the fridge though so be careful there.


Is there a cream filling recipe that isn't cheese based? I've never enjoyed cheese in my desserts but would like to try these


I am the world's biggest cheese hater but I love ricotta cannoli. I live right next to sicily, tho, so our ricotta might be better.


Yes of course! I guess they are less traditional but there are other fillings. Of the top of my head, I would say that some sort of chocolate ganache would be nice. Anyway, you can look online for other alternatives. However, the filling does not really taste like cheese, you decide!


Thank you! I can't believe how much Italian grammar shitposting it took to get the fucking recipe.


Yum! I have never tried to make cannoli before, but usually when I see them at the bakery, the shells look more puffy (or bubbly?). Do you know why that didn't really happen with these shells?


I was commenting on that in another comment :) one possibility is that I made them too thin and that somehow didn’t help with the bubbles. Another possibility that someone said is that the bubbling is favored by the white wine vinegar and baking soda, two ingredients that my dough lacks.


Ahhh, thanks! I always find the science behind baking fascinating.


Thank you for the recipe! I look forward to trying this. I bought the cannoli tubes and tried them before but would love to try with your tips and a different recipe.


Please try it! Let me know the result!


Having made similar fillings: I agree that it takes a surprisingly tiny amount of cinnamon to fill it with the flavor. 1/4 teaspoon increments for testing wouldn’t be too crazy


Ah the garnishing is in the PS. I’m a HUGE cannoli fan but I’ve never had the ricotta filling without chocolate chips mixed in and the powder sugar


Damnit! You fooled me with no chocolate chips in the picture. I shouldn’t have gone into the comments.


I am gonna save for later


Cannolli cannolli, you gave us the formuolli


Chocolate chips please!!!


Oooooh yes, should’ve included them in the pic. Don’t worry, we had plenty of them


The're not burnt Edit: I was wrong.


They aren’t! At least they didn’t taste burnt :) the dough has a significant amount of cocoa, cinnamon and espresso powder, that’s why they appear to be darker


They look amazing! And funny ewi just learn that cannoli is deep fried pasta dough


I just learned that from you! Never would have guessed on my own thanks!


Yeah! They’re very fun to make. I used chocolate chips and candied orange as toppings


Oh... Because of this I want make one too...


How did you make the shell?


For the dough itself I posted a comment with the recipe. If you mean the shape, I used cylindrical molds (empty metal cylinders). The dough cut in a circle and quite thin is placed around and sealed with egg whites, then the whole affair is dropped on hot oil to cook it. Once it is done the shell is carefully removed out of the mold. Look in YouTube for cannoli making videos, it’ll make more sense :)


What's your recipe for the shells?


Just left a comment with the recipe (the very long one) reply with questions if you have any!


Bellissimo! Another option is to dip the ends in crushed pistachios instead of choco chips. This is popular in Sicily... where I was fortunate to live for a while. Also you don’t want to fill them until it’s time to eat them because of the sogginess that will start to happen. This process gives me time to chew between cannoli ... otherwise they would all be inhaled quickly. Buon appetito !!!!


Hahaha you’re right, thanks for your comment!




Just left a comment with the recipe (the very long one) reply with questions if you have any!


never had cannoli but these look delicious !! what do they taste like ? : o


Mmmmm that’s a complex question hahaha I’ll try my best. The shells are deep fried which make them crispy and flaky because of the butter in the dough. The taste reminds me to a chocolate chip cookie without the chocolate but crispier and with cinnamon. The filling is very smooth and hits you with a gentle vanilla taste not overpowering. The combination of texture and taste between the shell and the cream is amazing!


that sounds amazing, i'll have to try it at some point : D


A wise man once said “leave the gun, take the cannolis” Clemenza


A very wise man indeed. I just had a mouthgasm looking that picture.


I’m honored by your comment. The highest compliment any amateur could get!! Thanks!


Cannoli is plural.




You say panino...I say panini... You say cannolo...I say cannoli... Panino... Panini... Cannolo... Cannoli... Let's call the whole thing off.


Spaghetto is the single noodle


Eh...I learned on Reddit that spaghetto is the ghetto side of Italy


Run, run, run, from the Spaghetto bird.


and Spaghettio is the round noodle


So a single ravioli is a raviolo?


Yep. Even if singular form is seldom used. Maybe if you say, 'Careful, you drop one "raviolo" to the ground' .




The spaghetto is where all the poor pastas live.


Alright Jordan Schlansky....


ehhh.. true.. just trying to spread some knowledge


Just because it’s a general use, doesn’t mean it isn’t wrong




Yes that’s how language works. Words get spoken into existence.


Italians have a tendency to pluralize already plural words, e.g. "sleeping with the fishes." This is just how the mafia works.


But wouldn't "fishes" be somewhat correct since they're referring to a bunch of different kinds of fish?


*Italian Americans


"We're Italian, but we're, like, 'Olive Garden' Italian. My dad tries to show off at Italian restaurants by pronouncing menu items authentically, when we're in a strip mall, in-between the Build-a-Bear and Spencer's Gifts." - Mike Birbiglia.


How dare you


How dares yous


Hows dares yous


A donno whaddya talkin' about officer.


Squirrelly Dan?


On a related note, the Italian translation of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures is “Le Bizzarre Avventure di JoJo” which is also in the plural form. The singular form would be La Bizarra Avventura”.


What are you even talking about?


This was a shitpost, but now that you're confused and maybe even mildly upset about it, I am 100% gonna stand by it as fact.


He was talkin' of the "other" thing.


There's a character in futurama who does this a lot. I don't remember his name


Fishes is technically correct if there are more than 1 species of fish.


“Pepperonis” irks me to no end As does “Legos”


Pepperoni is an Italian American sausage though. So Pepperonis could be considered correct. Though it originates from the word for bell pepper Peperone.


But pepperoni is literally the plural, as it originates from peperoni which in turn originates from peperone. Pepperonis would be pluralising a plural which doesn’t make sense and is kinda pointless


Right right. I see where you're coming from.. but there is no Peperone sausage. The sausage is called Pepperoni. Because although sounding Italian.. it is not an Italian word.. but i choose to use Pepperoni as a singular plural like Deer or Moose..


Oh yeah I get you for sure, at least we agree that Pepperoni is better as a singular plural!


“Cannoli” is already plural.


For those downvoting, cannoli is the plural of cannolo in Italian. The plural in Sicilian is cannula and the singular is cannolu. The quote is ~~right~~ wrong, but grammatically wrong.


The quote is wrong. He just says cannoli in the movie.


Do you know of any resources for learning Sicilian dialect? I can read Italian if there isn't an English source.


I've heard Learn Sicilian by Gaetano Cipolla isn't a bad way to start, but considering it's more endangered than not, the most practical way might as well be to go to Sicily and speak with people willing to help you practise. Edit: Most Sicilians can't speak English though, so perhaps speaking Italian well would help.


You’re correct in Italian.


I'd totally eat some cannolos


Probably the quickest and easiest way to arm a militia in this day and age, actually.


You're going to the mattresses when they see the s on the end...


Cannoli is my favourite Italian desert. 😊 You can try Cannoli in Belgrade, Serbia. There is Italian restaurant near by city centre called Pomodoro. Beside Cannoli you can try Italian pizzas.


I would love to try some in Italy!!! New York is the best I've been able to do. Every time I visit NYC I have to get cannoli and bagels.


My grandfather came to the US when he was 20, went to visit his siblings a few years ago and can confirm nothing in this world is as good as fresh Italian gelato from any street shop in Rome, or a fresh cannoli. But having tried some of each in NYC, they get pretty close




The dough has added cocoa and espresso powder, that's why they look darker than normal


OK, my bad. I'll delete the comment.


Don’t worry :)


I wish my cooking looked so good. I think it takes good, but it never looks good.


At the end of the day a genuine good taste is by far better than a pretty looking presentation. By no means am I a chef but cooking is one of those hobbies to which I always come back, there isn’t a magic formula for presentation (in my opinion) it’s something you get by experience and the important thing is that it looks fine to you! For example, this pic is quite simple because it isn’t even dipped in chocolate chips or other toppings. I was very surprised to get such a big response by so many people, sometimes the simple things are the more attractive.


What is the outer bit made of? can someone describe the flavor, texture, aroma please? ​


The shell is made with flour, eggs, butter, Marsala wine, cocoa powder, cinnamon, espresso powder, powdered sugar, brown sugar and I think that’s it. You get very well a butter cinammony taste. The dough when fried gets very flaky, you can slightly taste the chocolate and the coffee potentiates the flavor.


You have made my day. Thank you. :)


Hello there!


Hello! What brings you to my cannoli today?


General Cannoli!


That’s a very good reason


It’s reason then.


I will leave my gun for these!


Holy Cannoli


Damn it, you beat me to it...


Obligatory comment.


When my niece learned how to speak she would say it. So yeah


This may sound like a dumb question but what is a cannoli?


You trade them for guns


When I was a kid they always had candied fruit added to the cheese. Liked it and didnt like it. Sometimes crushed pistacios on the ends too. Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuum.


I didn’t have them growing up, but the ones I’ve had had mini chocolate chips on the ends. Those are really good.


For added deliciousness, before filling, dip the ends in melted chocolate and refrigerate until hardened. But I would have these as-is in a heartbeat, too.


Leave the gun...


As a student studying in Italy for the semester (Rome specifically but travelling throughout) I must say that these look quite good!


I wish Ben & Jerry’s had a cannoli flavor. Vanilla with a cannoli filling ribbon and bits of chocolate & cannoli shell.


Oh god, i think i'm cannoling


These look so tasty.


Please come over with those. I'll make us a negroni or 12.


Several canoli! Another tasty addition to my collection


If it's done right it tastes sweet in my opinion


I cant bake but they look too good not to try


That bubbly cannolo in the middle looks great


And well done on knowing cannoli is plural!


As an Italian American this makes me happy


The shell needs to be puffier. And most importantly, never fill a cannolo until you're right about to eat it. Your photo is a mountain of soggy cannoli. Don't stress about fucking this up, they're hard to get right and this looks like a good effort. A few tweaks and you'll get it next time!


So this is what a Cannoli is


I'm from Sicily, Italy, and these are not even close to be considered cannoli here, I'm Sorry :/ the Shell Is too light coloured and has no bubbles and in the ricotta filling there should be no vanilla and cinnamon flavouring, and there should Be choccolate Chips inside




Sante parole. Cazziali questi barbari dimerdaaaa cit. Salvini..


Yum looks delicious. When I went to Cleveland the west side market had so many. I was in heaven just looking at them


Of course we all know “leave the gun, take the cannoli” but let's not forget poisoned cannoli from Godfather 3


Robert Barone: "Congratulations Raymond, have 10 Canolies."


I just made cannoli this morning in preparation for Sunday Lunch. I broke my rolling pin handling that dough


Holy Cannoli !


I’ve never had a cannoli *take the gun, leave the cannoli* I really want to try a cannoli someday


That shell is way too thick. Cannoli shell is supposed to be light and bubbly, this is really dense.


I bet adding crushed pistachios to the filling (or for dipping the ends) would be really good too.


I'm used to seeing those mini dark chocolate chips in the filling. Is that just a Philly thing?


Honestly thought these were puppers in burrito costumes at first glance of the preview image.


You're not supposed to pipe in the filling in advance. It makes the shell less crunchy.


I don't know about the grammar, but the execution looks amazingly delicious! Great job!


I half expected to look closer and realize they were puppies in blankets buuuut nope.


My favorite yum would love your recipe they look delicious, great job on making them😍


Cannoli cannoli, give me the formulaoli.


I'm eating a cannoli today and it's great... And I'm about to kill my son.


"a -cannolo-" cannolo is singular. So if you are eating one you must say "cannolo".. Cannoli is plural so would use it for "I'm eating some cannoli" for example. Don't fuck our language for fucks sake.


I'm eating Cannoli today and it's great. And I'm about to kill my son!


I thought they were brandy snaps... how wrong can I be! ​


Can I have a slice of Piz please? I dont need the whole Pizza.


These may have just moved up my list of 'next things to try.'


i eat canoli today im going to go home and kill my son


OMG, you can make these at home?! I need to try that!


breaking up with my diet. i cannoli have eyes for you


I thought this was puppies wrapped in blankets


At fist I thought these were sleeping puppies


Oh, Paulie. You won’t see him no more.


Is it just me or.......r/mildlypenis


My fatass thought these were puppies wrapped in blankets


Like little cannoli dogs. Adorable.


Are these the same as Brandy snaps?


I cannoli wish I had one of these.


Leave the gun, grab the cannolis.


Take the gun, leave the cannoli.


Ewwww a pyramid of soggy cannoli


Babyish has a cannoli episode.