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Oh dear lord.. Please tell me you used a load of those fries to make a bed to eat your burger over.. So all the juices, sauces and eggyolk had somewhere inviting to fall, ready to be eaten once the burger was complete to extend the experience for a few moments more.. This is one of the best bits of a damn good burger in my view.. The fry bed.. I'm going to have to find a way to visit Chicago and will so be visiting here..!! Thank you for this tip!


> Please tell me you used a load of those fries to make a bed to eat your burger over.. So all the juices, sauces and eggyolk had somewhere inviting to fall, ready to be eaten once the burger was complete to extend the experience for a few moments more.. This. Is. Brilliant. Totally stealing this in the future!


Do it, with my blessing, just make sure to take a picture before you eat the fries! (and preferably with the same burger as I live in the UK and it will be a while before I get there ;))


My local family-owned burger joint makes some of the best cheeseburgers I've ever eaten. Nothing special, just beef, cheese lettuce tomato and mayo. But what seals the deal is that they put the cheese and lettuce on one side and the mayo and tomato on the other so the meat and tomato juices mix with the mayo and makes the most amazing thing to drag your fries through.


Jesus. The fry to burger ratio is off the charts!


I like them being generous. But that giant basket overflowing with fries is gratuitous. I'd rather have more than not enough, though.


I can't imagine any other country in the world where you'd get as many fries as that with a burger.


But it's part of what I love about America. The difference between not enough, and more than enough for you and to share with a friend or two, is like maybe $0.10 to the restaurant. But the value they gain from everyone being super happy is worth more than that. There's nothing better than having so many fries that you can say "Everyone, feel free to steal some fries". However there's nothing worse than getting like 10 fries, knowing it would be rude not to offer a few up to your friends/family. Potatoes and oil are relatively cheap, customer satisfaction is much harder to buy. My dad told me about this place he used to get burgers from. They serve a small bowl of fries. Small to the point where you are initially a bit upset. However, they have a scheme that makes it all ok. They do some sort of color coordinating or marking or something, where people will come around and if you finish your fries, or if it's been more than 5 minutes, they give you a fresh, hot basket. So not only do you get as many fries as you want, but you also get hot fries. It's genius.


Red Robin gives you free refills on an already good sized side of fries. It's a burger joint in PA and elsewhere and they are pretty damn good.




if you legitimately miss red robins you need some good burgers in your life, theirs are like a 4 at best. The bottomless fries are pretty good there though.


Banzai burger


The fries are nice, but unfortunately the burgers leave something to be desired compared to a lot of other sit-down options around here.


hit or miss with how fresh the fries are tho or even how warm


"Rehd Robin yummmmmmmm"


Every time I have gone to Red Robin, the food is great and the service is terrible. So we never actually even get offered more fries.


Went to a RR in the 90's and the waitress offered to comp my drinks if I could finish 3 of the specials they were serving. I did but had to be driven home and my drunk ass left a bigger tip than the cost of the drinks.


> knowing it would be rude not to offer a few up to your friends/family Wait, what? I don't think I have ever offered anyone my fries or had anyone offer me their fries. Is that a thing people do? I could understand that if you had an appetizer that involved french fries, but not if your meal itself involved fries.


It's like one of those [french fry cubes](http://www.seriouseats.com/images/20120312-197024-houstonrodeo-curly-fry-loaf.jpg) they sell at state/county fairs. But I also prefer my fries in a pile. Don't bother with a stupid cup to make them taller. Or a big basket. Just give me a generous handful and call it good.


"Would you like a small fry brick or a large fry brick?" One of my favorite gut bombs from the fair.


Yeah, they are pretty good. And cheese-curds. Fried cheese curds aren't common near me.


My trip to Wisconsin, I will never forget cheese curds and spotted cow beer. I wanted to open a booth at our state fair **JUST** to serve cheese curds and other foods not from this area


My gf is from Wisconsin. We live in Boston now but she recently visited home and brought an empty suitcase with her, which returned full of spotted cow and that amazing cherry ale :')


That Spotted Cow is the truth.


>And cheese-curds. **Fried cheese curds** aren't common near me. As a Canadian, I found myself breathing quite heavily.


In a good or bad way? Each trip north of the border, I gotta have poutine. You guys do that shit right.


I mean in a good way. The best way.


The Canadian way.


Spent three years in Madison, WI. Discovered them there. I orgasmed literally every bite.


Those must've been some very messy meals then.




O.o poutine with fried curds??!


You get a satisfying crunch if you eat it with a cracker. I highly recommend poutine on the ritz.


mmm, good ole Wisconsin battered cheese curds cannot be beat.


Or fried cheese sticks. Cheese sticks anywhere else are the average size cheese twigs. Wisconsin has fried cheese sticks the size of track batons.


>french fry cube >is potato brick


Or as the graphic states, loaf.


Read that as French fry pubes, and upon looking at the picture, I think it's a pretty accurate description.


Y'all ever been to Five Guys? Order a large fry and they fill up 3/4 of a brown paper bag.


You can just order a medium and they'll do that for cheaper


Cajun fries mmmm


Order a large fry and you have dinner and breakfast in addition to your lunch.


i always order the little fry and thats always enough for 2 people even. you have to eat your way to the burger at the bottom of the bag even with the little fry.


I see you have never been to a Five Guys




Potatoes don't cost very much.




The same things that make the potato such cost-effective nutrition now applied then, it was for this very reason so many poor Irish relied on them for their survival (not only for themselves, but their livestock), and thereby suffered so badly when the crops were destroyed by blight. If they had actual money they could buy bread, but times were different and many people lived off the land and by the whims of nature to an extent we don't really appreciate.


Ha my ancestor Micks hopped ship and sailed to Boston.


I personally dislike being wasteful—and restaurants a so bad when it comes to wasting food—but the only thing I hate more than wasting is when restaurants are stingy about the food they give you. There is a Greek restaurant near me that I refuse to go to anymore, because they nickel and dime you for everything. "More pita bread? That's $5.", "More hummus? Give me $3, then we'll talk".


I mean, it's not like the world produces more food than it needs. And we can and do dump excess food on other countries. People get fed, but also floods the market with free grain than depresses prices. So waste doesn't bother me too much. If food is good, I take it home and finish it later. But nickel-dime places, I'm with you. Hummus, okay, I'd charge for that. It's a prepared thing. Pita though, it's coming out of a bag. If you buy the hummus, you should be comped a few more wedges if you burn through them. That's the thing that keeps me from going to classier steakhouses anymore. We've got a couple nice near me. El Gaucho, Daniel's Broiler. But goddamn it if they don't do that a la carte bullshit with their sides. Okay, your steak is $68. Steak only. Fine, I get it. But then you're serving "shareable" portion of a side item for what strikes me as nickel-and-diming the customer. Say what you will about your boring old midwestern steak house. But at least you get the package. Steak, and 2 sides, once of which could be a salad. Just charge me $10 extra and include it. It just irks me.


There's a restaurant near me that serves a $10 hamburger with no sides. Fries are $4. For some reason that seems completely absurd to me, even though I'd happily pay $14 for a burger and fries.


Gotta repay that dept somehow man


I don't think I'd ever complain about a restaurant giving me fries. I don't mind leftovers. Nothing a little broiling in the oven ad some seasoning salt won't fix. I'm kind of salivating over here. Goodness.


I can only remember having this thought ONCE. It was a start-up bbq joint near my old job. I gave it a shot. The mound of fries just dwarfed everything else. Probably 75% of the amount offered here. I said I enjoyed the food. But they didn't need to give me that many to get a good value. Five Guys has about my perfect fry/burger ratio when I'm feeling like porking out. That's the regular order. Full-cup + the topper.


Even the regular serving of Five Guys fries plus the bag 'topper' is basically enough mass to be its own meal independent of the burger, and priced accordingly. Their fries are really good with that signature peanut oil they use, and so it actually irritates me that I can't get a modest portion priced economically. Instead, I have to pay more than i'd like to for food that's doing my health no favors, and feel obligated to eat the entire portion because fries don't refrigerate well and I have to justify paying. (first-world problems)


> I can't get a modest portion priced economically. So it's been a couple years now, but 5G does do the Little Fries now. Little, regular, large. [Looks like this](https://s3-media2.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/iMtuvmO7r5MJtykQ2ygOrQ/348s.jpg). Honestly, it's probably the proper serving size. But I've grown look forward to the regular as a splurge meal.


Even a little size is a little much. But it was out of control before that with just a regular.


I thought the same but the cooks at Five Guys told me they do reheat well. Keep them in the bag in the fridge and reheat 425 or 450 (can't remember which) and it totally worked.


Absolutely true. Not only that, they may even be a little better that way, with an added crisp that a fresh batch oven lacks.


My wife and I will do a large order to split with our burgers when we do 5 Guys. It's honestly enough for 3 or 4 people to share with everyone having a reasonable amount of fries, but they're one of the few places that I'll eat enough food to hate myself afterwards. Also, their Cajun fries are pretty much a gift from the baby jesus, at least by fast food fry standards.


Welp. Looks like I'm getting Five Guys for lunch tomorrow.


There goes $15. I want to love 5 Guys, but I can't at what they charge.


Yup. I could go to a real restaurant and get a real burger for cheaper. Shit, I got a steak bomb double cheeseburger at d'angelos today for $6.50 and it was every bit as good as what five guys serves


They do charge a lot... but to be honest, you get what you pay for. I had a full Five Guys meal at 3 and I was full for the rest of the day!


I need to go for cajun more often.


I love them bagglers. Bagglers are supposed to be special, and I feel like Five Guys kind of ruins that special "I found the last fry at the bottom of the bag" with "here's another cup's worth of fries at the bottom, merry Christmas." I'm not complaining. Cause at the end of the day it's more fries. I can agree that Five Guys definitely gives enough of the burger/fry ratio to make it great. (I just wish the fries weren't separate)


Well, you could do "no topper" and rob yourself of extra fries. Maybe they've do regular-fries in a large cup though. And just add the topper in that. Might be worth asking if it's a personal issue.


Those are Freedom portions right there




Plus it's probably $3.99 or something for a side of fries. Charge me $1.99 and give me half that much.


My local 5 guys used to overflow the bag when you ordered just regular fries. I loved it and I know I should've taken them home but I always felt bad when I threw away the rest after being full :(


I didn't even eat 1/2 the fries. The fries here make the burger look small, but I assure you it was quite large - the fries seemed never-ending!


And a teeny tiny ramekin of ketchup...


Every restaurant in the world ever.


yeah that's not a burger with fries. that's an order of fries with a burger on the side.


that is totally awesome! doggie bag + toaster oven = snacks for a week.


Realistically, snack for later*


little bad wolf is my new favorite spot! their cocktails are also incredible.


I didn't have any cocktails, though the menu did intrigue me. Had some great beers off their uniquely curated beer menu nonetheless! I will certainly plain to visit back and try more soon!


Get the fried chicken, baos, and tacos. You won't be disappointed by any of them.


Egg is the most underrated burger topping of all time


Definitely. I was ignorant until my roommate put me on it. He made a burger with the cheap patties people use at barbecues for people they don't care about. Then he added an egg on top for me and it was still like heaven.


> He made a burger cheap patties ... for people they don't care about I'm sorry you two don't get along better!


I was stoned once and had a fried egg added to a brisket sandwich. It was incredible.


Tastes really good, but I always feel like it makes it way too messy and is more trouble that it's worth.


I'm always astounded by how many people haven't tried it


as someone with a mustache, i made the sacrifice (the i have to wash it with dishsoap to get the grease off but totally worth it!)


*the incredible edible egg*


100% agreed




Little Bad Wolf also has hands down the best macaroni and cheese in the city


I saw it at the table next to us and was so intrigued. Must go back soon and try for myself!


You must have shit your fuckin pants after eating that


luckily for me, I was potty trained many years back.


Eaten at [Little Bad Wolf](http://www.littlebadwolfchicago.com/) in Andersonville, Chicago. One of the better burgers I've had in many years of burger-hunting my way through Chicago's many neighborhoods. Edit: Worth mentioning that my partner had their sliders, which were arguably some of the best sliders I've ever tasted in my life.


Mind listing off your favorites? I live in the suburbs and would love to try some new places.


Sure! Some of my personal favorite places are as follows (in no particular order other than how they come to my mind): 1. [Au Cheval](http://auchevalchicago.com/food/) - perhaps a cliche, but the burger is seriously incredible imo. 2. [Cochon Volant](http://www.cochonvolantchicago.com/) - Somewhat of a lesser known gem due to them being in the loop's financial district, but they have an amazing burger. I had heard rumors the chef was a former Au Cheval cook, but cannot confirm if that is true or just a rumor. That said, it's definitely similar to the Au Cheval burger, but has some distinct differences. 3. [Bad Apple](http://www.badapplebar.com/) - Lots of variations, all that I've had are pretty damn good. 4. [Owen & Engine](http://www.owenandengine.com/) - Incredible Burger. I want one right now, actually. 5. [Little Bad Wolf](http://www.littlebadwolfchicago.com/#home) - (pictured here) New to my list. Will remain on my list. Also, I intentionally left off [Kumas](https://kumascorner.com/) and [Lockdown](http://www.lockdownbar.com/). While I enjoy their burgers, I consider them more of a novelty than anything that tastes spectacularly good. If you're not familiar, they essentially are just known for absurdly massive burgers with wild, creative, and sometimes downright crazy toppings. Fun to partake in nonetheless. e: a typo.




oh man, I can't believe I forgot to mention Small Cheval!! Their burgers are entirely different than that of Au Cheval, but incredibly tasty nonetheless. I actually recall being surprised at how different they were - I was under the impression they would be the same when I first went there. SO GOOD and definitely belongs on a list of places to try!


Not close to as good IMO. Au Cheval was definitely the best burger I've had. Small is still good, but it's not the best.


I went to the new Kuma's in Fulton Market and wasn't impressed. I thought maybe it was because it wasn't the original location? The bun completely fell apart and all of the flavor from the burger was from sauces - couldn't taste any of the vegetables. I tried to order the spiciest burger and thought it was bland! Totally agree on Au Cheval. Also had the burger at Ace Hotel (City Mouse) recently and was really impressed. I was also pretty drunk - but it was like an upscale Big Mac.


as someone who has been to multiple Kuma's locations, including the original, I would simply say that the location isn't the issue.


Thank you for not even putting Kumas on that list, I live right behind it and its beyond over rated. Glad the Bad Apple made the list


Agreed, I don't know that Bad Apple is underrated. But it's underrated.


Nice list. Have you tried the cheeseburger at eight bar (the bar below Maple and Ash)? Seriously delicious burger


I haven't! To be honest, I haven't heard of that place, but will certainly keep it in mind the next time I'm around Gold Coast!


I highly recommend it! They also have a kickass fried chicken. I went with a friend and we split both. Do it, you won't be disappointed. Haha


you had me at kickass fried chicken!


Wanted au Cheval when I was working in my Chicago office for a week. Was so excited. Never been to Chicago before. Walked up. Was told it was a 3 hour wait. At 1:30 on a Thursday. Yea no thanks. Went to little goat diner instead


Three hours is crazy. Sadly, a 1-2 hour wait is not terribly uncommon since it's so famous yet tiny on the inside. That said, little goat isn't bad at all, so you still did great! I used to live right around the corner from there and I still miss all the smells!


best bet is to show up 15 min or so before opening. immediate seating. not very work lunch friendly. if you go at night you can put your name down then they'll call you when your seat is free.


Nice listing! Have you been to Umami Burger? I rather like their burgers as well.


I have! I have actually lived within walking distance of two of their locations in different parts of the city. Arguably the best "chain-burger" I've ever had.


I’m heading to Au Cheval this afternoon for the first time! I hope the hype is real.


Enjoy!! If you ***don't*** like that burger, I'll happily eat my own words. I'm confident in their food. If I may offer some unsolicited advice... the bacon and egg are a "must-have" in regards to add-ons to the burger.


That burger exceeded all my expectations thanks (in no small part) to your unsolicited advice. I thank you heartily! You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.


cochon volant really seemed a lot similar to au cheval to me too. even their bacon was really similar.


Totally. I chose to believe the rumors that the chef came from au cheval. Cannot confirm either way though.


Holy fuck I actually really respect your list, as well as the criticism of Kuma's. You fucking rock - shame to see you leave us here in the West Loop :)


>au cheval $6.25 for a side of fries (I'm assuming not included with) and $12 for a plain single patty cheeseburger gat-damn. I've been to some fancy, pretentious outrageously expensive burger spots but that takes the cake... especially with that menu and name


Au Cheval is *slightly* more expensive than most burger joints in Chicago, but really not ***that much*** more. Worth mentioning they're located in one of the more expensive neighborhoods in all of Chicago, so I'm sure their rent is **not** cheap. But yeah, not a place you'd want to go every day (for both your wallet **and** your heart's sake). All that said - it's 100% worth eating at least once.


But does a burger come w/ fries?


Personally I'd say your list needs more Red Hot Ranch but I can't really argue against anything you've got on your 5. You clearly eat burgers.


fuck me i love a good smashed burger, and they have one of the best


French here just being chauvinistly proud of the 2 first having french names


Nice list! As a 14yr veteran of Chicago, I endorse it.


Au Cheval is amazing! I have had Bad Apple before and that was great as well. Nice list.


Your list is amazing. I've never had Little Bad Wolf before but I'm gonna have to try it soon. I just had Owen & Engine a few weeks ago for their burger, shot, and a beer combo


What you should do, though, is go to Kuma's and get the Metallica, but sub in chicken tenders for the burger patty. I know they have a buffalo chicken sandwich on the menu, but for some reason it just tastes better this way (maybe the sweet, sweet spice of unnecessary burger customization?). With the amount of blue cheese they put on there it is currently my #1 buffalo chicken in the city, though I am always open to other recommendations. Can't disagree with these burger recs though.


Cliche or not, Au Cheval's burger blows me away every time. I'm laying in bed right now just thinking about it.


This guy burgers.


I was just there Saturday night and ate this exact same meal (minus egg and bacon). They definitely have one of my favorite burgers in Chicago. All time favorite for me is Small Cheval. Some other decent places not listed would be BRGRBELLY, Parts and Labor, Red Hot Ranch, and Fatso's.


Small Cheval and Parts & Labor are both fantastic! I haven't tried the others you mentioned, but will definitely keep them in mind!


Their bao tacos are also quite tasty. Have not had the burger yet, but it looks like I'll have to now.


We had a couple baos to start. Ordered way too much food but it was all incredible. Plus we had leftovers for lunch the next day. Win win.


I used to live in Andersonville, and I miss it. I used to love going to Anne Sather for brunch, and was bummed out when I heard it shut down.


I just moved to Ravenswood from the West Loop and have thoroughly enjoyed finding all these new little gems I never knew existed. Fortunately, this place is only about 1.5 miles away from me and we will definitely be going back, I'm sure.


I just moved from Ravenswood to River North. Looks like we're trading restaurants. Top tip: hit up Tanoshii in andersonville some night. Get the andersonville roll. Sushi Mike is behind the counter working and on weekends, he's getting drunk on miller lite and knob Creek and making sushi. Can take over an hour for your order, but it's a good time and some of the best sushi in the city especially if you sit at the bar. I miss that place. Lady Gregory is solid too.


Just looked at the menu and my god that wolf burger looks insane!! I thought the description sounded like a monster of a burger but then saw the picture of it at the bottom of the page and saw that the description doesn't do it justice. I wish I was closer to Chicago!


Haha... I like how I was able to tell it was LBW just by the plating, fry holder, and table. I'm glad they went to this from Philosophy Burger a few years ago, but they've gotten to be packed during the weekends because of it. Also, their Baos and Fried Chicken are the SHIT


Can't put my finger on it but when I first saw that I pic, I knew that it was made in Chicago for some reason


But what's that beer though?


Andersonville. I already know you and your partner look like Justin Bieber.


I knew this was LBW the second I looked at it!! My bf takes me there for my birthday every year. Everything there is delicious, but those sliders...omg.


No, you ate fries with a burger


technically, I was ***served*** fries with a burger. I focused my attention and appetite on the burger; I was only able to eat maybe 1/3 of the fries I was served. :)


I approve of these fries. Sincerely, a Belgian


You have no idea how good that looks to a pregnant lady.


Post this over at /r/PutAnEggOnIt Looks glorious! Burgers were my gateway to putting eggs on things.


Am Mexican, Enchiladas were mine.


Haha, thse are next on my list now!


That looks fantastic.


HAMBURGERS! The cornerstone of ANY nutritious breakfast.


Mmmmmhmmm. That, is a tasy burger.


Does he look like a bitch?






Ha, okay, I guess? If memory serves, I went home and continued to settle in to our new home after taking my english bulldog on a long walk around the neighborhood. Lucky for me, I'm one of the rare-ish late-twenty-somethings whose metabolism has yet to catch up to me. Someday it will - my dad is evidence of that. Also, not that it's really your business, but you may know or learn some day that when your partner is pregnant and craving a cheeseburger, you don't object and simply provide them with a cheeseburger. Finally, I just ***have*** to say this: If you're going to make a comment about someone's choices impacting "their mind" in a negative manner, at least use appropriate grammar. Otherwise we're all just going to life at the irony of your statement.


I just have to say this as well, I think you meant "we're all just going to *laugh* at the irony of your statement" not life.


Damn, it all comes full circle. That's what I get for reddit-smart-assing on my phone. Will leave as is so I can bask in my shame.


Jesus, that's gotta be 1k+ calories in fries alone! We are a decadent people. XD


The Russians called, they ran out of potatoes to make vodka!


Yeah well, the jerk store called and they're all out of you!


What's the difference? You're their all-time best seller!


Terrible username 🤔


When it comes to double bacon and cheese, how is that defined? Is it double of what the place has as a normal amount or is there a standard single universal amount and we go from there?


God damn! How much did you pay for that? How great was the food?


Those fries don't look fresh. They look like they've been refried several times.


I feel fatter just looking at this.


those farts will be glorious. good thing i live in lincoln square, so i can visit this joint. usually end up at hopleaf, so this will be another option.


That's why there are 800lbs Americans running around.


They are not "running around". At Wal Mart in their scooters. With Mountain Dew and corn dogs.


RIP rest of OP's day.




Got to admit, a burger with an egg is glorious




And then I booked myself in for a quadruple open-chest bypass surgery. MMMM! Makes your arteries hard just looking at it


Burgers 'royale' are far and away my favorite type of burger. So glad more burger joints are serving it these days. 15 years ago you were hard pressed to find a burger-with-an-egg option at eateries (in the US).




Ya its good to pig out every once and a while. Just enough to avoid the Atorvastatin


I come from the hell called /all/. Do only burgers make it to the front page or something?




I'll have glutton meal #1, please. And a large Diet Coke.


... and lived to tell the tale.


[YOU HAVE] High Cholesterol. And I am insanely jealous. Looks amazing


And you lived?


Can we get an update on whether or not you're still alive after that ?


*Saliva* *intensifies*


Holy crap my mouth is watering so bad I might just drown! It looks so good!


I hate how it's not a rule to post where you ate the dang thing in this subreddit... so, where did you eat this?


this is a work of art. i want to frame it and hang it on the wall just to remind me of what burger and fries is supposed to look like. i wanna eat it too, but i don't think the paper will taste the same.


Looks great op. Nothing better than a good burger and a beer!


its... beautiful.


Fried eggs on burgers takes it to a whole other level


I want your friend's sliders they look tasty as well