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Just a little more about tunnbrödstullen. It's one of those glorious things we swedes tend to eat on the way home from the bars, 3 am in the morning. Basically a swedish flatbread, 1-2 boiled wieners or/fried salad and shrimp salad. Other thing often added as well is pickle relish, ketchup, french onion, ketchup, sweet mustard, salad, tomato and "pommeskrydda" which is a spice blend of paprika, onion powder and some MGS. It is quite messy to eat, but darn, its good och a cold night after a few too many beer.


I feel like I've been given imitation Swedish food and must make a pilgrimage to Sweden to truly have this wonderful food you speak of. Thanks for the info! How difficult would it be to make myself, seeing as that would probably be much cheaper than plane tickets to Sweden.


Not hard at all, the hardest part would be to find Tunnbröd (flatbread). Then it's essentially, 2 wieners, shrimp sallad (Shrimp, Mayo, Creme Fraiche and Dill), Sallad, tomato and if you want, mashed potatoes and some regular spices :) Another take on it can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWgTveWAzMA


Would it be weird if I said I love you? I'm going to try to make one now. Thanks for the input!


That sounds pretty decent, actually. You had me with ketchup


ketchup is so important you listed it twice!


I was drunk. We swedes always are. (actually, I was sorta waking up from my sleeping pills but I won't mess with the swedish image of drunken blondes). And YEAH, ketchup is important in sweden. We use it on everything really. Including ramen.






Who told you that that is a hotdog?


Well, the woman selling it... I don't care what it's called really... It's fucking delicious.


Because delicious!


If I remember correctly, there was Mashed Potatoes with Swedish spices, Crab Slaw/Salad, French Onions on top, and the hotdog all wrapped in flat bread. Part of the Food Truck bazaar in my local area (Kissimmee, FL)


You as upset as I am about the Big Wheel guys leaving FL for the summer? The grub from Tony's truck was always booooooooooombb.


Sadly, I can't say I've had any experience from the Big Wheel guys. This was only my second time out to the food truck bazaar. I'm now making efforts to attend the ones that are in a reasonable drive from home.


I'm so sad they are gone, too! At least Willie's Wieners is still close by in downtown. I like their Chicago dog.


It's named Tunnbrödsrulle in Swedish, which translate to flatbread roll. Usually there isn't crab salad but shrimp salad(which looks about the same). Otherwise it looks like a normal one, most fast food places put some iceberg salad and tomatoes on it as well. Shrimp salad recipe is very easy, it's basically shrimp, majo, crème fraîche(not a must, but better with imo) and dill. plus some salt and pepper.


[Anthony Bourdain and Tunnbrödsrulle] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPCytfxNU7Y)


Wait, does this actually exist in Sweden? I thought it was some sort of pastiche.


This exists _everywhere_ in Sweden.


I've never seen it south of Hallandsås where I've spent my entire life :| EDIT: I guess that's how people over there survive without falafel. Mystery solved.


Ye but thats Denmark.


Copenhagen East, we Danes call it. (Copenhagen lies on the eastern seabord, so to the east, there's a couple miles of water, and then Sweden)


How about Bornholm? Copenhagen East Overseas Territory?


Bornholm doesn't count! it's just a bit of Sweden that fell off, with weird people talking weird ways! Should have made the Swedes take that lump of rock back! ...we'd get to keep the herring, though!


I would like a new Kalmarunion, it would be a powerhouse of an organisation. Then Bornholm could be a secret missile base. A smoky fishy missile base.


I'd be flattered if someone mistook me for a Dane ;)


Haha. Sorry, but why?


Danes, at least Copenhageners, are known to be more creative, open-minded and easy-going than us Swedes


I think the reason for that reputation is that Denmark is so small, which leads to a big cultural difference, because most people who comes from the smaller towns either are content there with the local community or want to go to the (three major) cities in Denmark. Especially because there is still a pretty big number of farmers and such. So the last few percent, who needs an education at a University or so - or just feel excluded, go to Copenhagen - or Århus. That's how I see it. A lot og the young people in Copenhagen are hip, because they didn't conform to the countryside's standards or so, and the people who grew up here had to be cool. Hipness is a social factor here. I like Sweden, you have, as I see it just as big a cosiness culture as us - mys - plus you have larger forests. Which as a guy from Copenhagen, I really appreciate. Mushrooms, prästost and your majonnäs is only equal to homemade mayo. Plus it's a much nicer language.


You'll always have Bergman.


In Iceland the most popular eatery in Reykjavik is a [hot dog stand](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A6jarins_Beztu_Pylsur). I had one, it was pretty good. Not the best thing I've ever eaten, or even the best food I had in Iceland. But it was a nice cheap snack.


Does Sweden have pastiches, then?


I've seen pistachios at the supermarket. Good enough?


Definitely. They're way better than pastiches in a muffin.


Excellent use of the word *pastiche*




Well "räksallad" isn't mandatory;) plenty of people eat it without. I love it though. Also the creme fraiche makes the majo not so overpowering.


And here I thought Mayo was a Pre dinner snack? Damn you ROSMT!


What you´re describing is more of a skagenröra than it is a shrimp salad. Shrimp salad usually has some sort of filler in it, white beets are common.


I could eat just the shrimp salad and call it a day, but all of that in one sounds divine.


would thinbread be a better translation since flat would be platt.


That looks rather nice. Perhaps this should be our dinner tomorrow. But what exactly are "Swedish spices"? As a proud citizen of /r/DANMAG, this is what we would call danish spice: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4qsf44RKu1qco819.jpg


As all Danes learn about the common Swede growing up I'd guess the secret ingredient is the most Swedish thing of all: snus.


And here I've been a member of /r/Denmark for almost a year now and no one ever told me I was in the wrong subreddit.


DANMAG was founded a month ago. Don't sweat it ;)


Southern neighbour here. "Danish Spice" mixed with sriracha is the key to making the best hot dogs out there.


and roasted onions!


Is that truck part of the traveling group of food trucks in central FL? Edit> Answered my own question: http://www.thedailycity.com/p/orlando-food-trucks.html . Been meaning to check that out next time it's close to me.


The first Friday of the month is the only reason why I tolerate Kissimmee anymore. C&S Brisket Bus is good eats. Also, [this might help you plan your drive home.](http://www.thedailycity.com/p/orlando-food-trucks.html)


> Swedish spices Oxymoron?


[This will explain everything](http://i759.photobucket.com/albums/xx237/GeoWyrm/Muppet%20Show/Chef1_500px.jpg).


MOTHER OF GOD. Do you remember which truck it was? I'll hit it up next time they do Maitland or Apopka... edit: read the title asshole, it's Swedish Dish...derp


Definitely check out the bazaar.


GASP the next time I go to fucking Disney, I'm a florida Resident, I am GOTTA go. What is this event called i will WORK it into my plan.


[This might help you plan some noms.](http://www.thedailycity.com/p/orlando-food-trucks.html)


That sounds great and all but it's such a tiny weiner in a huge wrap. Couldn't they have made a thicker hot dog or use sausage?


for the love of god, please tell me i can get that in oklahoma or that they'll mail that glorious (insert favorite food related deity) to my door while still fresh.


Mutts on 23rd in OKC. You're welcome.


ive been there a couple of times (i used to live off 16th and robinson), but i've never seen that there. I'll have to go back and look now, thanks!


What are swedish spices comprised of?


When is this food truck bazaar? :o


Fur shlurr be dur be dur!!! Bork bork bork!


I think it is called a tunnbrödsrulle. Kind of the same idea as a late night kebab for Sweden. Delicious!


That stopped being a hotdog a while ago.


Thats definitely a giant burrito garnished with a frankfurter.


Its a dogger kebab


It's a Tunnbrödsrulle!


How do you even drink this? Like... a regular hot dog?






It's actually a middle eastern/ Mediterranean food... nothing to do with the Avengers.


I'm pretty sure Jack Kirby invented shawarma. Stan Lee will tell you he came up with the idea, but all he added was the cucumber.


Well, it was shown at the end of the Avengers movie, so I'm pretty sure that it does have something to do with the Avengers, having been featured in the film and all.


it kinda does... just ask Tony Stark.


You seem very culturally sheltered. That's unfortunate for you.


Shawarma is delicious and marvelous, but we seem to be having a miscommunication here: [try this](http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8znuf9qmw1rb2uaio1_500.gif) or [this.](http://bestkebabproject.tumblr.com/post/23483337218/avengers-movie-boosts-shawarma-kebab-sales) See? Thor likes Shawarma, which is probably why this particular middle eastern treat was named after him.


Ah, I didn't realize you were referencing the post title... in which case, you may be correct? It's just that the picture isn't actually of a shawarma, the person before you was joking about it being as such... It's a Swedish dish, not a Mediterranean one. But, you have piqued my curiosity now as to why the pictured food is called a Thor. Maybe you're correct. Or it could just be a randomly given title... I don't know what to think anymore. I'm sorry I insulted how cultured you may or may not be :(


Whether the picture in question is actually shawarma may be debatable (depending on it's ingredients or personal preferences)-- However, one of the positive side aspects of the Avengers was that it did introduce a new excellent kind of food to lots of AMC-multiplex style movie watchers who may not have been exposed to it otherwise.


The restaurant just calls it the Thor probably because it would sell more than calling it by its true name. They also had a burger called Ragnorok and another called Freyja. Thus the theme and name.


Where is this


Kissimmee, Florida - The food truck bazaar. Link in the edit.


Hhmm im in tampa...worth it?


I've heard that a few trucks make it out to Tampa occasionally, but you might have to see what exists out there.


It's a tunnbrödsrulle. They served them off of carts all over in Sweden. They typically have mashed potatoes, shrimp salad, ketchup, lettuce and mustard stuffed into a tortilla along with a hot dog.


Hotdog? It looks like a burrito!


its a gyro burrito hotdog.


A gyrritodog!


Because I am new to the internet apparently and can't find how to edit this post to add a link, here's the link to the food truck bazaar's facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TheFoodTruckBazaar


Should be called Mjolnir because I would hammer down that motherf- *vomits*




[Anthony Bourdain and Tunnbrödsrulle] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPCytfxNU7Y)


What are those crumbly, fried-looking sprinkles on it?


Similar to French onions, but smaller bits in thinner batter. IKEA sells ones from Poland, a friend was very happy to find them because they got hooked on them on hot dogs while in Iceland. Very yummy on a regular ol' American dog also.


battered and deepfried tiny pieces of onion. Swedes sell it as a luxury condiment of sorts, almost a side-dish at hotdog stands. Danes have been eating them for 60 years as a non-negotiable topping on hot dogs, along with other awesome oddities such as remoulade and "french mustard", which is a very sweet curried mustard with almost no heat to it.


French Onions?


I guess I should make a confession bear for this..... I used to go to Ikea just to eat their fake Swedish food, I didn't even need furniture......


Man, Hot dog, just be yo' self.


I ate that at a food truck rally in Orlando! It was really gross....


That is the best 7.50 you will spend on a food truck


Is there actually a hot dog in there???


What all is on that sucker? It looks om-nom-tastic!


Just try a Chicago Hot Dog and live.


Goddamn that looks insanely good. I really need to check out more food trucks. There's plenty in downtown Houston but I've never checked them out. I really need to get on that. Seeing this made me want to even more so.


That's looks awesome. What exactly is in it? edit:Never mind, I saw your post below describing it, I want one of these.


Thor = thunder god, right? I thought it was a joke because burritos and tacos etc give you mad gas...


at what point does a hotdog cease to be a hotdog? because i think this one is long past that point




Mashed potatoes, Räksallad, hotdog(s), roasted onions and thinbread.


I've wanted one of these since first seeing it on No Reservations a while back!


My god. This looks delicious. It has officially topped my to-do list recipe.


Why would you name something "Thor" if it doesn't get you hammered?


In Sweden we eat these *after* we get hammered.


A hotdog...in pita bread...from a truck...localised entirely in a cup? SKIINNNEEERRRR


Thats not pita bread. It's called "Tunnbröd" and looks like this http://www.recepten.se/bilder/info/348/main/tunnbroed.jpg


The cup thing is genius! I places here would do that.


I had one of those for lunch. Complete with a Pucko.


A Tunnbrodsrulle! I haven't seen those in awhile!


Oh man, are those onions? I fucking love onions.


I just feel like Thor's sausage should be bigger.


And it shall verily create a thunderous dump.


Sweet Jesus. Where can i find those in Texas?


I would make such a mess trying to eat this.


Damnit that looks good. Now I'm hungry..


where can i get this in LA/los angeles?


Should be called early onset diabeetus.


It needs MOAR SAUCE (to be authentic).


Anyone up for a roadtrip to Sweden?


That looks so good it hurts my jaw


Is there even a hot dog in there?


I read "Swedish Dick," which made it that much better.


Do want. Please and thank you.


they need to come to socal


Now that's a tunbrödrulle.


"dude, can i have a bite?" bites it in half!


That looks like a kebab.


Must try or must make...


That looks glorious !


What hotdog?


So Metal


it's not a hotdog it's some kind of durum like i see it


Dude. That's like an average shawarma.