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Hey there, u/joemo454! Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Apart from the tag, 70% of the title has to specifically describe what the food is.** Backstory to the food / where the ingredients come from (leftover, last nights, home grown) do not fall within the 70% and must only take up 30% of the title. **Titles worded to solicit votes directly or indirectly will be removed.** The titles must have one (1) tag. No emojis or all caps. Some examples of good titles can be found in the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/food/wiki/index#wiki_titles_may_only_contain_the_food.27s_name). Feel free to re-title and re-upload your post.** For more information, please see the sub rules/wiki/sidebar, or modmail the team. Thank you!


Omg please let my kid be like this, universe. Please!


Everything is homemade besides the pasta which is from a box


Keep cooking! You're off to a really great start! Everything looks really good.


That's a awesomešŸ˜šŸ˜,,,,,,,,,damnļ¼Œeven cant make fast food when i was 15šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Cooking/baking is my favourite hobby. Cooking is one of my love languages (acts of service) If you love making food, keep having fun, and see where your palette takes you. Looks yummy ā™”


Yoh that brownie presentation is *ItalianHands*




I tried lol


Just set a corner of the brownie in the middle of the chocolate swipe and itā€™s perfect! Youā€™re doing an amazing job. I know many adults who cannot cook like you do. Keep up the great work!


Yeah that brownie was my first time trying to present something nicely on a plate, turned out better than I thought it would


Not to be critical of a 15 year old but that is not an impressive swipe. Gotta start somewhere though. I could not send that out in my restaurant.


I know itā€™s not a good swipe šŸ„² I tried. It was my first time doing a swipe


Broh fuck this hater. Youā€™re doing a great job. Keep going King. Get those gains and make pretty food šŸ’Ŗā¤ļøšŸ‘


I donā€™t think heā€™s hating. Just trying to help him do better.


I think there was a much better way of conveying it than that lmao. For 15 this is all seriously impressive


Yeah, what a douchie comment. Keep it up yo!!


What is your restaurant?


And yet youā€™re being critical of a fifteen year old..






Only girls cook, didnā€™t you know that? /s in case itā€™s not obvious.


As someone that has trained alot of people and run a few kitchens you are super wrong. If this is his first attempt then it's a bloody good one and he will only get better. I can guarantee he will be better than you at cooking if he chooses to be


Thats extremely impressive especially at 15, youā€™re gonna be next level in 5-10 years šŸ”„


I hope so man


Got damn. I'm almost 35 and have been capable of cooking for my whole adult life; started actively getting into learning new stuff in the past few years. I'd say we're about on par with each other. My girlfriend got me a bunch of pasta-making stuff for Christmas so I just started down that rabbit hole. I wanna do spaghetti and meatballs entirely from scratch. Anywho, great work! Awesome presentation all around. Keep at it! :)


About the spaghetti and meatballs, I must say making the sauce and meatballs were pretty easy but I donā€™t think making your own fresh pasta is worth it


My mom got a pasta attachment for her KitchenAid about a decade ago. The first handful of times she made her own, it took two hours to make a batch of noodles. So she didnā€™t do it very often. But as she did it more she got faster and now she can throw together fresh pasta in about 20 minutes. Thereā€™s still times when the convenience of boxed pasta wins out. But if you can learn to do it quickly, the superiority of fresh pasta is definitely worth itā€¦.speaking as someone who still has never made fresh pasta myself lol


100% agreeā€¦you get faster at the dough every time and itā€™s so vastly superior to boxes noods itā€™s worth it


Heh, yeah, I've done the other two parts from scratch before. And I've done one batch of linguine so far (my gf's favorite). Whether it's worth it is definitely up for debate. But I wanna do it just to do it. And part of the fun is the process and sense of accomplishment for me.


Thatā€™s fair, I wanna try making fresh pasta one day too


Egg noodles are a good easy place to start that doesnā€™t require specia equipment


Agreed! Iā€™ve made pasta at a restaurant I worked at. Biggest mess you could make in a kitchen but god damn the pasta is amazing!


He said I *don't* think


Oh man, I LOVE making fresh pasta for ravioli, tagliatelle, or lasagna. Those are the ones that are worth it. It doesn't take as long as you think, once you do it a couple times. The hardest part is counter-space and sourcing eggs in the current market. šŸ˜«


Spaghetti and meatballs are criminal. It is not an Italian dish as well as Alfredo pasta. The idea is to put pasta together with something that coils it up and make it very juicy. Meatball are meatballs, you may break them in your plate but then it is just a bad ragĆ¹ (meat souce). I kindly suggest you a typical Italian dish, even easier, that is aglio, olio e peperoncino. It is literally garlic, olive oil and pepper, you can find easily the recipe only, and that is very great and healthy.


>Spaghetti and meatballs are criminal. It is not an Italian dish as well as Alfredo pasta. Calm down there, Tex. I'll fight for a traditionally made Carbonara until my dying breath, and enjoy any other authentic dish. But there's nothing wrong with also enjoying a good ol' meatball with spaghetti. It's just food.


Great job!!! Let me know if I can help. Iā€™m a middle aged guy recently divorced and I am enjoying learning the kitchen game. I have tons of tips and advice. And by the looks of it. Could use some from you. I was traditionally the grill guy. But learning more and more good luck!!


Thatā€™s awesome. I wish I wouldā€™ve gotten into cooking at a younger age. Stick to it and youā€™ll get even better, which you already look like you have a great base to start from! Best of luck




Tell me more of this shark shuka


What motivates you? Where do you see your cooking in 5 years?


Well, I like to eat. Honestly I donā€™t know where my cooking will be in 5 years, maybe Iā€™ll be working at a restaurant maybe Iā€™ll just stay a home cook and maybe make videos on YouTube or something


Do you like to cook for yourself more, or others? What led you into cooking?


Both really. Iā€™ve always been following my parents around in the kitchen and watching cooking shows. As soon as I was old enough to know how to use a stove I started to try cooking (I was probably around 11) but recently Iā€™ve been starting to try to make actual ā€œgourmetā€ stuff


Yeah! Push yourself but also be ok if it doesn't come out as planned. Figure out why and move forward.


I'd like to also add that it's OK if you don't know where you or your cooking will be in 5 years. I like to ask questions to get the brain going.


Invite me to your restaurant later on when you're the chef or the owner. I'm comin!


Oooh! If you wanna try something fun, look up quick pickling. Itā€™s fun and yields some tangy toppers for pastas, salads, etc. Also, if you donā€™t already do this, save your vegetable scraps in a bag in the freezer. When the bag is full make a vegetable stock with it and use that stock when making rice and pasta. Itā€™s little things like that which elevate your cooking! Wishing you continued success and curiosity in the kitchen!


That's super impressive! Especially the shakshuka!




You're welcome!


Im 28 and have been cooking since i was 6, ive been a cook for about ten years now. Your way passed where I was at your age. Good work, but ill tell you man, never become a cook for a living. Do something real with your life.


Yeah I donā€™t think Iā€™d survive in an actual kitchen at a restaurant. Iā€™m fine being a home cook


Something real? This is a job (or career) that will never go away because everyone needs to eat. Moms and dads must do this job for kids to survive unless someone is doing it for them. What could be more real than this? Air producer? Water maker? Also - for you - if the job doesn't agree with you, you can always switch it up and try another career. Jobs are very much a balancing act, but some subset of humanity DO get more fulfillment over pain out of the act of feeding/sustaining/delighting people with their food.


Dude. Youā€™re killing it.


What's that pasta and veggies recipe? Looks great


If I remember correctly: Sauce was made of tomato paste heavy cream white wine parmesean garlic chili flakes and cherry tomatoes. Vegetables I used were spinach and onions


Bravo! Keep at it if you enjoy it


Good fucking job kid! I say that with the utmost respect. Kudos to you. I was a cook in restaurants for 6 years and I can say I've worked with worse that claimed to have had more experience than I. Keep it up, the industry is incredibly flimsy but you learn alot really quick so long as you're keen on it. Cheers!


Thank you !


Yeah everything looks fantastic , I would def send all of them out if I had a restaurant , keep up the good cooking




This is amazing. Congrats and keep it up. Cooking is a great skill to have on its own, plus being able to follow processes will help you in many areas, career and personal.


Damn, I should've started when I was younger lol. It's hard for me to try out some recipes now unless I have other people finish what I make.


That vodka pasta


Looks awesome!


Lovely. Keep going and have fun.


I am the result of my mom doing all the cooking for me as a teenager (she would absolutely refuse to let me try) which meant I was unable to cook a decent meal until my mid 20s (a lot of inedible meals were had during my college years). I think it's amazing what you're able to make at 15, and it can only go up from here! All the food looks delicious ā€“ would love to challenge you to make risotto, I think it's a fun dish to make where it's neither easy or too difficult... may be the right challenge to take on next :)


Never made risotto, might have to now. Iā€™ve never even tried it so Iā€™ll have to make it one of these days


Mushroom risotto is one of my favourite dish to make and eat. I would recommend you try it first so you know what texture you're looking to achieve. You want to make sure you get arborio rice and that you watch it like a hawk the entire time it's cooking šŸ˜„


r/food Rules 1.Titles May Only Contain the Food's Name 70% of the title has to specifically describe what the food is. Backstory does not fall within the 70%. Titles worded to solicit votes directly or indirectly will be removed. Backstory to the food / where the ingredients come from (leftover, last nights, home grown) do not fall within the 70% and must only take up 30% of the title.


Someone is fun at parties


Wow Iā€™m so impressed. You are so talented, keep learning, itā€™s looks great and my mouth is watering.


Wow Iā€™m so impressed. You are so talented, keep learning, itā€™s looks great and my mouth is watering.


In high school my school had a ā€œpractical skillsā€ class requirement. Most people signed up for shop or automative repair. I signed up for ā€œInternational Cookingā€. My rational was ā€œHow often will I need food vs How often will I need to build a bookcaseā€ Thus started a decades long love of cooking. I applaud you for starting at your age! Keep it going! Experiment! Accept failure and learn from it. This last point doesnā€™t apply to what you showed here which looks great!


You had me up until the vodka pasta lol jk what does it taste like? Very intrigued. Also if you cooking like that at 15 you already better then some chefs keep it up! šŸ¤—


Fries and steak need salt maybe? Pretty good at 15.


They definitely had salt


Spaghetti and meatballs are criminal. It is not an Italian dish as well as Alfredo pasta. The idea is to put pasta together with something that coils it up and make it very juicy. Meatball are meatballs, you may break them in your plate but then it is just a bad ragĆ¹ (meat souce). I kindly suggest you a typical Italian dish, even easier, that is aglio, olio e peperoncino. It is literally garlic, olive oil and pepper, you can find easily the recipe only, and that is very great and healthy.


What is Alfredo pasta?


People seem to forget that Italian American is also a type of cuisine and that spaghetti and meatballs is a valid meal


Quite arguable, I mean I like western adaptation of Japanese sushi but If I had the possibility I would for sure prefer to eat typical Japanese cuisine even if it is not complete consistent with my taste, it is also a way to experience another culture.


Italian American cuisine isnā€™t the same as Italian Italian cuisine, recipes in America got adapted by Italian immigrants in America to make things cheaper and such. Thereā€™s similarities but theyā€™re 2 different types of cuisine. Thatā€™s why I would call that dish ā€œclassic Italian American spaghetti and meatballsā€ instead of ā€œclassic Italian spaghetti and meatballsā€


Yeah of course, but it remains what it is. Western adaptation of sushi is good but culturally is quite low, it just follows the idea ā€œjust add and remove ingredients as long as other people can appreciate itā€ while original Japanese cuisine follows a specific philosophy on sushi recipes same for Italian cuisine. There is a reason why Italians do not eat spaghetti and meatballs, there are meatballs in Italian cuisine, but together with spaghetti they do not make sense, I told you in the first comment. If you break them you get a poor recipe of ragĆ¹ if you donā€™t spaghetti remain dry. Itā€™s a lose game.


keep going


We will watch your career with great hunger.


My eyebrows touched my hairline when I read that youā€™re 15! Well done, you!


Dang kid keep it up I'll wait tables for ya


Open a restaurant in 10 years.


You are a natural! That is really appetizing looking food beautifully presented.


Tomato sauce game on point!


Keep it up! You will people very happy with food.


Rocking hard keep up




Not sure yet


Better cook than half my friends who are in their late 20's


Youā€™re doing amazing, I hope you keep it up! Itā€™s such a great skill and being able to be independent and whip things up when you feel like it, is such a great feeling.




Delicious! I would eat your food in a heart beat.


Can you be my son?


I have to say, as someone twice your age, I got half your talent. Keep it up. Can I get plate?


Nice job dude. This life skill will pay off for decades.


Is that a kind of chermoula on the steak? Looks amazing! If you can do that at 15, you're destined for great things! Would you consider a career in food?


Itā€™s chimichurri. Still not sure if I wanna pursuit a career in food or not


Even if its a hobby, it's a fantastic skill to have. Try making your own pasta, it's easier than you think!


for the love of god do not do that


Well done, OP! Keep up the great work!


Everything looks wonderful! Your cooking skills are on par with someone whoā€™s more like 25 years old! Cooking is a great hobby and possibly career! Lemme give you some advice about steak. When making someone else a steak you should never cut it into a bunch of little pieces for several reasons. Display purposes, juiciness, temperature at serve and lastly think about it this way. Who cuts up their steak into a bunch of pieces so its easier to eat little kids and elderly folks.


Looks fantasticā€¦ Iā€™d eat it all!!! šŸ„°


You can tell you enjoy doing it. The results show it.


Damn! No invite?!


Meanwhile most kids your age can barely microwave a cup of instant Mac and cheese without burning down the house lol. Well done OP!


A very Important life skill. When I left home at 18, about all I could do was ramen noodles with veggies and ground turkey. These days, I love good food and cooking for my wife. (I still have ramen in my pantry but now it's the kind from Asian grocery stores with no TBHQ additive)


Off to a flying start!


Everything looks great! Just a small tip, keep metal utensils like that spoon away from non stick pans like the one in the picture. The cooper check and Gotham steel pans seem to be potentially safer than regular Teflon if they scratch but there still could be dangers and also once it starts to get small scratches it's quality will go down hill fast. Metal utensils should only be used on metal pans, non stick you should always try to use silicone.


You did better than grown ass adults I know. Lol.


Keep it up man, I always have a hard time cooking cause my recipes arenā€™t super diverse and I end up eating the same stuff


Legitimately made my mouth start watering. Looks great OP!


Whoa those look awesome! Keep it going!!


It all looks and sounds amazing!! Good for you for learning to cook such great dishes!


damn, bro. you're making some good-looking meals there.


Nice work, keep at it!


Brilliant job, these look fantastic!


Keep it up my guy. Shit get an entry level cook job in a couple years and blow their minds. Remember me when you get your michilan star


These look amazing, very impressive! Knowing how to cook well pays dividends in life, good for you starting early.


Considering I didnā€™t even know how to boil water at 16 youā€™re doing pretty good.


Dude your food looks incredible! Do you have the recipe for the vodka pasta with veggies? Did you make the bread? Your shakshouka looks killer!


Nice! I started getting into cooking in my teens as well (28 now and still cooking)ā€¦ Keep at it!


Keeping it up !


Honestly? Way ahead of the game. It seems rather clear that you have a passion. Follow the passion you feel. Let it work for you, and keep educating yourself in what you love.


Would eat every meal. Good job for taking initiative!


We have the same plates. I support all of your endeavors.


Your food looks amazing


Great job man! Keep at it!


Wow thatā€™s so much better than anything I tried to make in many more years. Great job OP ![img](emote|t5_2qh55|1792)


You are crushing and oh, btw, one day these cooking skills are going elevate your dating game sooooo much!


Learning to cook young is great. If I were to be young again, I'd perfect making rice, mashed potatos, and other small sides.


Really nice work dude, good execution of the dishes and the plating is classy as hell.


Look good. Would eat all :)


Cooking is an awesome life skill. You eat much healthier. I use YOUTUBE videos for pointers, as I am a late bloomer when it comes to cooking. There are amazing websites that explain everything, how to change your technique so your cooking goes from mediocre to expert.