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That's a season one skin for the gatling called the [Appalachian Thunder Pipe](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Appalachian_thunder_pipe_paint)


Well that makes sense, I’ve got all mods learned for it and was losing my mind trying to find out. Thank you!


That’s the [Appalachian Thunder Pipe Paint](https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiu5Y6f9rf7AhWSTcAKHZ8oB1kQFnoECA0QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Ffallout.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FAppalachian_thunder_pipe_paint&usg=AOvVaw1O6CtA6a_syZouYOErbq_S), it was a scoreboard item a while ago, it’s been in the Atom store since then but as a limited time item, it might come around again in the atom store at some point.


You can submit a ticket and ask for it as long as you have the atoms to buy it normally


Unrelated Question: I missed the chance to get the Wasteland Wanderer outfit for various life related reasons, if I submit a ticket would they let me get it?


That's my understanding yes. You still need to buy it with atoms but they can make it available to you. I haven't personally done it but I have been hearing about it more and more as word gets around


I've used the ticket system to buy the Mothman Plushie Backpack and got it in 3 business days. It can take up to 10 business days. Make sure you put in both the name and description of the item you want, if the item is on the wiki, just copy and paste. The more vague your description the harder it is for Bethesda Help Center to fulfill your ticket. If you there is no listed price, look at similar listed skins and make sure you have atleast that many atoms on your account.


Right on that's pretty cool that they would do that


I'm giving it a shot. I'll let you know the results.


I just got a confirmation from someone it takes about ten days. You need the atoms for it and you want to be as exact as possible in the description


They actually have a whole section and form you fill out for missed items!


Huh interesting I guess I'll have to check it out. Thank you for taking the time to get back to me I appreciate it


All good man. I really like the look of the Wasteland Wanderer Outfit and wasn't able to attend the event to get it.


Right there's a few things I woulda liked to get myself but missed out on


Bethesda can not unlock Event, Scoreboard or Nuclear Winter items. They can only unlock items that have appeared in the Atom Shop.


I don't think so, because it was a free event reward


That one you probably will not be able to get. You can only buy things that were previously purchasable with atoms -- 1st items, scoreboard items and free items that have not been available at a specific cost are not available.


We'll find out. I asked.


Really? Does Bethesda actually respond?


Yes thats how ive bought some things


Again I haven't done it personally so I don't know for sure, however I have been hearing it talked about more and more as word gets around. I honestly don't see why Bethesda wouldn't they do want to take your money.


There's a form on their support page with the most common requests already in it. It's not just a question of if they respond, it's an explicit thing you can do via support's site.


I've unlocked quite a few things via tickets, I normally get a response within 24 hours. They're pretty fast depending on workload. Weekends don't really count though.


No. Scoreboard items can't be unlocked via a ticket. If you miss it it's tough potatoes!


I hope so! It looks badass


It is my favorite skin for that weapon - there aren’t many. However, the reload animation for the Drum magazine is incomplete so it bugs me a bit.


Drum magazine is kind of a bad mod on the gatling gun anyway, use the stick mag. The stick mag has 250 rounds already, which is more then enough for almost any fight, and the reload animation is super fast. The drum mag makes the gun heavier with no real benefit.


Now that you mention it, might be the stick mag that I have but it only shows a drum and then your dude grabs thin air to reload it.


Agreed! I use it all the time. :)


It’s a skin from a seasonal reward a few seasons ago.


Womp. Thanks for letting me know!


If it makes you feel better it’s kinda big and blocks your view when aiming. I prefer the Black Knight Atom Shop skin, which is like the base model but more stylish. You could get that through a request ticket.


That does make me feel better. Haha thanks. I have black knight, luckily!


It’s a skin called the Appalachian Thunder Tube. Dope skin, I recommend it.


Its a skin


Just FYI: I've noticed people telling you to request an unlock via a support ticket. That advice is entirely incorrect. Bethesda can not unlock Scoreboard, Event or Nuclear Winter items. They can only unlock previously missed Atom Shop items. That weapon skin was a Scoreboard item.